What 2019 games you are expecting a Masterpiece?

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
SckizoBoy said:
None whatsoever, 'cos 2019 looks kinda shit on all fronts...

That said, OP... have you considered working as a video game critic...?
Each critique would look like this:

Game has a female protagonist: 0 stars
Game isn't about manly men shooting things: 0 stars
Game IS about manly men shooting things: 5 stars

I'm absolutely looking forward to some games this year, but I'm not sure any of them are gonna be considered genre defining or a "masterpiece"

Zombie Proof

New member
Nov 28, 2015
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
B-Cell said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
B-Cell said:
It not a Zombie game. it immersive sim/first person melee action game. and thats why im excited for this. i hated original game
The main enemy are zombies, it's a zombie game.
certainly not according to developers

Nowhere does it say it's not a zombie game.

That's like saying Telltales The Walking Dead isn't a zombie game because it's more about the people and the relationships you have with them.
I can't wait to watch Brain Cell avoid this completely logical and accurate response.

Zombie Proof

New member
Nov 28, 2015
Elvis Starburst said:
SckizoBoy said:
None whatsoever, 'cos 2019 looks kinda shit on all fronts...

That said, OP... have you considered working as a video game critic...?
Each critique would look like this:

Game has a female protagonist: 0 stars
Game isn't about manly men shooting things: 0 stars
Game IS about manly men shooting things: 5 stars

I'm absolutely looking forward to some games this year, but I'm not sure any of them are gonna be considered genre defining or a "masterpiece"
10/10. Would subsribe.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
B-Cell said:
its because it looks like worst remedy game ever.
You're only saying that because the protagonist is female. Too bad you'll miss out on one of the best games of 2019 because of your prejudice.

B-Cell said:
remember how amazing Max Payne 1 was.
No, I remember how good it was, and how 100% better at literally every single thing Max Payne 2 was.

B-Cell said:
even Alan wake was also great. but control looks meh.
From gameplay perspective, Alan Wake was an exercise in mediocrity. It's an average game, uplifted only by its good, yet kinda cliche story line. It was supposed to be a much better game, a unique open world horror/thriller built primarily for the PC, but it was dumbed down so it could work on the Xbox 360.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Elvis Starburst said:
SckizoBoy said:
None whatsoever, 'cos 2019 looks kinda shit on all fronts...

That said, OP... have you considered working as a video game critic...?
Each critique would look like this:

Game has a female protagonist: 0 stars
Game isn't about manly men shooting things: 0 stars
Game IS about manly men shooting things: 5 stars

I'm absolutely looking forward to some games this year, but I'm not sure any of them are gonna be considered genre defining or a "masterpiece"
You forgot that it must also be first-person. Otherwise it's still 0 stars.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
its because it looks like worst remedy game ever.
You're only saying that because the protagonist is female. Too bad you'll miss out on one of the best games of 2019 because of your prejudice.

B-Cell said:
remember how amazing Max Payne 1 was.
No, I remember how good it was, and how 100% better at literally every single thing Max Payne 2 was.

B-Cell said:
even Alan wake was also great. but control looks meh.
From gameplay perspective, Alan Wake was an exercise in mediocrity. It's an average game, uplifted only by its good, yet kinda cliche story line. It was supposed to be a much better game, a unique open world horror/thriller built primarily for the PC, but it was dumbed down so it could work on the Xbox 360.
there is no way Max payne 2 is better than original. Max payne 1 was masterpiece and easily 10/10 game. it was short around 6-8 hours but those hours are so so much better than todays 100 hours open world RPG.

MP2 was disappointed sequel imo. even MP3 was better. MP2 was incredibly easy, and less atmospheric compare to original game.

also Alan wake was better than any of third person RE game. if it was open world, it would have been boring.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Doom Eternal for me, even if I said I fear for the Demon Invasion Mode...


New member
Feb 9, 2016
ZombieProof said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
B-Cell said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
B-Cell said:
It not a Zombie game. it immersive sim/first person melee action game. and thats why im excited for this. i hated original game
The main enemy are zombies, it's a zombie game.
certainly not according to developers

Nowhere does it say it's not a zombie game.

That's like saying Telltales The Walking Dead isn't a zombie game because it's more about the people and the relationships you have with them.
I can't wait to watch Brain Cell avoid this completely logical and accurate response.
glad to see you are back my friend, missed you.

also i just leave this here

One is generic zombie game we have seen 1000 times before. other is deep narrative driven immersive sim set in one of the most unique setting that is modern dark ages.

see the difference. Dying Light 2 is not zombie game. not in any shape or form.

Its like saying Half life 2 is zombie game because there are zombie headcrabs.

Zombie Proof

New member
Nov 28, 2015
B-Cell said:
ZombieProof said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
B-Cell said:
BabyfartsMcgeezaks said:
B-Cell said:
It not a Zombie game. it immersive sim/first person melee action game. and thats why im excited for this. i hated original game
The main enemy are zombies, it's a zombie game.
certainly not according to developers

Nowhere does it say it's not a zombie game.

That's like saying Telltales The Walking Dead isn't a zombie game because it's more about the people and the relationships you have with them.
I can't wait to watch Brain Cell avoid this completely logical and accurate response.
glad to see you are back my friend, missed you.

also i just leave this here

One is generic zombie game we have seen 1000 times before. other is deep narrative driven immersive sim set in one of the most unique setting that is modern dark ages.

see the difference. Dying Light 2 is not zombie game. not in any shape or form.

Its like saying Half life 2 is zombie game because there are zombie headcrabs.
Good to be back B Cell lol. Yeah, I get what you mean within the context of that video but you seem to ignore the end where they talk about the night and the zombies that are going to come along with it.

Techland hasn't revealed any of the zombie stuff yet but the devs have confirmed that there will be a serious focus on zombies during the night and even some during the day. That being the case, I'd have to hang the zombie moniker on this baby. Saying that "Dying Light 2 is not zombie game. not in any shape or form" is about as wrong as you can get. Or in other words, as B Cell as you can get.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
B-Cell said:
there is no way Max payne 2 is better than original. Max payne 1 was masterpiece and easily 10/10 game. it was short around 6-8 hours but those hours are so so much better than todays 100 hours open world RPG.

MP2 was disappointed sequel imo. even MP3 was better. MP2 was incredibly easy, and less atmospheric compare to original game.
Well, it was better than MP1. Too bad, so sad. You just don't like it because of that one level where you get to play as Mona Sax.

You blew it when you said that MP1 is more atmospheric. It absolutely isn't and it never was. I know people who have different opinions on which game is better, but you're literally the only one who's ever said that MP1 is more atmospheric than MP2. It absolutely, objectively isn't and it wasn't designed to be very atmospheric. Max Payne 2 literally was.

B-Cell said:
also Alan wake was better than any of third person RE game. if it was open world, it would have been boring.
Wrong again. And that's why both Max Payne 2 and third person Resident Evil games are remembered as much, much better games than Alan Wake and Max Payne 1 by pretty much everyone who knows anything about games.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Batou667 said:
I'm afraid that's objectively incorrect. It was a seminal piece of action-platforming that nimbly and deftly trod the knife-edge separating style and substance, narrative and gameplay. It was accessible, intuitive, good looking for the time and not shabby even now, and innovative as all hell. Was it flawless? Of course not. Will everybody enjoy it? No. But in terms of the critical reception and its influence on gaming, it's indisputably more than "an alright platformer game".
What influence did SoT have aside from Assassin's Creed?

The original PoP seems to be more influential as far as kickstarting cinematic platformers go, but I can't think of much influence SoT had, even if it seems to be the more fondly remembered game.

Elvis Starburst said:
Satan and kryptonite combined
Superman fighting Satan?

Heh, awesome.

Adam Jensen said:
Wrong again. And that's why both Max Payne 2 and third person Resident Evil games are remembered as much, much better games than Alan Wake and Max Payne 1 by pretty much everyone who knows anything about games.
Isn't part of the reason that Resident Evil and Max Payne are established IPs, while Alan Wake is really just confined to a single game and DLC?

Never played Alan Wake or Max Payne, but I can appreciate the worth of brand recognition.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Literally the only game on the horizon I am pumped for is Bannerlord, and the chances of that releasing in 2019 is just... well...


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Some people in this thread have raised a good example; Sekiro.

B-Cell, what did you think of Sekiro? Given that it's designed to appeal to the 'hardest of core' gamers (ie: not 'casuals') I imagine it'd be right at the top of your list?


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Speaking of Sekiro while I enjoyed it I would't call it a masterpiece imo, it has potential but it feels like the "Demon Souls" of the franchise


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I never expect any game to be a masterpiece, let alone something brand new. This is the kind of thing that can only be decided in retrospect.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
there is no way Max payne 2 is better than original. Max payne 1 was masterpiece and easily 10/10 game. it was short around 6-8 hours but those hours are so so much better than todays 100 hours open world RPG.

MP2 was disappointed sequel imo. even MP3 was better. MP2 was incredibly easy, and less atmospheric compare to original game.
Well, it was better than MP1. Too bad, so sad. You just don't like it because of that one level where you get to play as Mona Sax.

You blew it when you said that MP1 is more atmospheric. It absolutely isn't and it never was. I know people who have different opinions on which game is better, but you're literally the only one who's ever said that MP1 is more atmospheric than MP2. It absolutely, objectively isn't and it wasn't designed to be very atmospheric. Max Payne 2 literally was.

B-Cell said:
also Alan wake was better than any of third person RE game. if it was open world, it would have been boring.
Wrong again. And that's why both Max Payne 2 and third person Resident Evil games are remembered as much, much better games than Alan Wake and Max Payne 1 by pretty much everyone who knows anything about games.
Max Character model played by Sam lake was much better and cooler than one in max payne 2 wearing a tie.

To me This is Real Max

This looks like some ramp walk model. i was so disappointed when they replace sam lake with this guy. but atleast they didnot change voice actor who is cool.

Max Payne 1 have incredible nightmare sequence that pretty much destroy the entire MP2. come on. atmosphere wise MP1 is much better. I couldnot remember anything about MP2 but MP1 i remember every thing.

theres the reason why MP1 was huge success and MP2 was commercial failure leading remedy to sold max payne ip to rockstar.

take a look at this. jack lupino is best max payne villain ever and that scene was incredibly atmospheric. when i was kid, i was scared of this scene.


New member
Dec 11, 2011
B-Cell said:
Max Payne 1 have incredible nightmare sequence that pretty much destroy the entire MP2. come on.

What the hell game were you playing? The nightmare sequences were the absolute worst part of that game.

Those parts were godawful; extremely unintuitive, controlled like shit (height and distance while jumping was all messed up, for instance), they were an assault on the senses (endless screaming crying babies anyone?), and despite your apparent disdain for linear game levels, being stuck in a labyrinthine maze of identical-looking corridors is not fun nor good game design.

And don't even get me started on how apparently 'dying in a dream' = 'dying in real life' (something that they fixed in the 2nd game; you can't actually die in 2's dream sequences).


New member
Dec 14, 2011
New Zealand
two questions.

1)Do you ever get sick of making the exact same thread

2)How much are you being paid to shill these, frankly mediocre at best, games