What 2019 games you are expecting a Masterpiece?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Samos205 said:
two questions.

1)Do you ever get sick of making the exact same thread

2)How much are you being paid to shill these, frankly mediocre at best, games
I have a third question to add: Why does anyone bother with B-Cell at all? He's boring.
Feb 26, 2014
None? If we're talking about AAA games here, they don't take risks to make things that are truly different or innovative. All they do is repackage their own games in a new skin or follow trends to their inevitable downfall. As far as I'm concerned the year has already peaked and it's basically all downhill from here.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
KingsGambit said:
You believe a AA zombie game is going to be amongst the best video games ever made, spoken of for years to come and defining its genre across the industry? That's not going to happen.
B-Cell said:
It not a Zombie game. it immersive sim/first person melee action game.
... in which you kill zombies.

Red Sentinel

New member
May 20, 2014
Why do I keep seeing that picture of a Halo helmet whenever I open a B-Cell thread? Does B-Cell really like Halo or something?


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Red Sentinel said:
Why do I keep seeing that picture of a Halo helmet whenever I open a B-Cell thread? Does B-Cell really like Halo or something?
Uhh, that's not a..... oh, I see what you did there.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
IceForce said:
B-Cell, what did you think of Sekiro? Given that it's designed to appeal to the 'hardest of core' gamers (ie: not 'casuals') I imagine it'd be right at the top of your list?
I'm still interested in receiving an answer btw.

OP, you did play Sekiro, right?

Here Comes Tomorrow

New member
Jan 7, 2009
IceForce said:
IceForce said:
B-Cell, what did you think of Sekiro? Given that it's designed to appeal to the 'hardest of core' gamers (ie: not 'casuals') I imagine it'd be right at the top of your list?
I'm still interested in receiving an answer btw.

OP, you did play Sekiro, right?
Non-FPS games can't be hardcore. What are you? Stupid?


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Fewer video games are masterpieces than any other medium of art because the medium is still very young. There very few good writers present along with video games overall sticking to simplistic and poor game design. Just look at Sekiro and it sticking to Souls mechanics for no reason other than that's what From knows vs it being good for the actual game itself. And Sekiro is a game that's not overbloated with elements like the majority of other AAA releases are.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
IceForce said:
IceForce said:
B-Cell, what did you think of Sekiro? Given that it's designed to appeal to the 'hardest of core' gamers (ie: not 'casuals') I imagine it'd be right at the top of your list?
I'm still interested in receiving an answer btw.

OP, you did play Sekiro, right?
Non-FPS games can't be hardcore. What are you? Stupid?
Well, he's trying to argue that Max Payne 1 was a masterpiece, so it seems occasionally he ventures outside his very narrow scope of FPS games. (Although you're right, he doesn't seem to venture very far...)


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I mean, Animal Crossing is going to destroy lives. In, like, a good way.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
B-Cell said:
Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
there is no way Max payne 2 is better than original. Max payne 1 was masterpiece and easily 10/10 game. it was short around 6-8 hours but those hours are so so much better than todays 100 hours open world RPG.

MP2 was disappointed sequel imo. even MP3 was better. MP2 was incredibly easy, and less atmospheric compare to original game.
Well, it was better than MP1. Too bad, so sad. You just don't like it because of that one level where you get to play as Mona Sax.

You blew it when you said that MP1 is more atmospheric. It absolutely isn't and it never was. I know people who have different opinions on which game is better, but you're literally the only one who's ever said that MP1 is more atmospheric than MP2. It absolutely, objectively isn't and it wasn't designed to be very atmospheric. Max Payne 2 literally was.

B-Cell said:
also Alan wake was better than any of third person RE game. if it was open world, it would have been boring.
Wrong again. And that's why both Max Payne 2 and third person Resident Evil games are remembered as much, much better games than Alan Wake and Max Payne 1 by pretty much everyone who knows anything about games.
Max Character model played by Sam lake was much better and cooler than one in max payne 2 wearing a tie.

To me This is Real Max

This looks like some ramp walk model. i was so disappointed when they replace sam lake with this guy. but atleast they didnot change voice actor who is cool.

Max Payne 1 have incredible nightmare sequence that pretty much destroy the entire MP2. come on. atmosphere wise MP1 is much better. I couldnot remember anything about MP2 but MP1 i remember every thing.

theres the reason why MP1 was huge success and MP2 was commercial failure leading remedy to sold max payne ip to rockstar.

take a look at this. jack lupino is best max payne villain ever and that scene was incredibly atmospheric. when i was kid, i was scared of this scene.
I don't know if you've ever seen a detective while they're working, but the vast majority of them are dressed very much how Max is in Max Payne 2. Suit, tie, and overcoat. Although that tie is gaudy as fuck.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
DeliveryGodNoah said:
I haven't been on here in like 4 days, but I could smell another bs BCell thread.
Samos205 said:
1)Do you ever get sick of making the exact same thread

2)How much are you being paid to shill these, frankly mediocre at best, games
I have a proposal. We take away his ability to make new threads, and when he wants to make a new one, he has to appeal to the mods to necro one of his old ones. But, only if it has new and otherwise discussion promoting content to be added


New member
Aug 28, 2008
It is not often that I feel I am missing something when replying to a topic lol.

I guess I never noticed this TC if he had made similarly unremarkable topics but I DO remember that "halo helm" image in a few topics now that I think about it, I just never connected them all together XD.

But yeah, if someone's making hollow topics like these, the imo best approach to it is to purify them by making them actually be about something substantial instead of what they were intended to be, so I stumbled to the right approach without meaning to I guess lol.

So yeah, the more I play Sekiro the less I see other games being able to dethrone it. Going past the semantics about what it is to be a "masterpiece" and whatnot, Sekiro is the kind of game that a younger me dreamed of when getting into anime and Japanese themed stories and so on. It's the perfect Ninja game, dethroning things like Ninja Gaiden who had a good decade and a half of being the best ninja game in my heart. It also is kind of the spiritual successor to Tenchu, which met an untimely end with some REALLY bad games that nobody remembers (and for the better...that wii one...yeesh).

I get why someone who's into BB and on a greater degree DS might not necessarily enjoy it due to being more focused on skills rather than equipment and being much more of an action game than an rpg (I'd actually say it's about as much an rpg as DMC is, since you find items to increase your hp and you beat enemies to obtain currency used to learn new moves, hell, dmc has more core weapons than sekiro lol), but as someone coming into it first and foremost looking for a ninja game and NOT a "japanese-themed DS experience" which is what I see a lot of people expect out of the game, it's beyond gratifying.


New member
Jan 23, 2013
CoCage said:
Samos205 said:
two questions.

1)Do you ever get sick of making the exact same thread

2)How much are you being paid to shill these, frankly mediocre at best, games
I have a third question to add: Why does anyone bother with B-Cell at all? He's boring.
B-Cells threads are honestly more about having an interesting conversation despite the OP rather than with them. They raise interesting questions, they just have predictable answers to their own questions.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Adam Jensen said:
B-Cell said:
its because it looks like worst remedy game ever.
You're only saying that because the protagonist is female. Too bad you'll miss out on one of the best games of 2019 because of your prejudice.

B-Cell said:
remember how amazing Max Payne 1 was.
No, I remember how good it was, and how 100% better at literally every single thing Max Payne 2 was.

B-Cell said:
even Alan wake was also great. but control looks meh.
From gameplay perspective, Alan Wake was an exercise in mediocrity. It's an average game, uplifted only by its good, yet kinda cliche story line. It was supposed to be a much better game, a unique open world horror/thriller built primarily for the PC, but it was dumbed down so it could work on the Xbox 360.

Because it was starving for unique ?exclusives?, even back then. Now...hell, it?s almost like Microsoft is just punching the time card in the console market and sitting back to eat sandwiches.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
IceForce said:
Some people in this thread have raised a good example; Sekiro.

B-Cell, what did you think of Sekiro? Given that it's designed to appeal to the 'hardest of core' gamers (ie: not 'casuals') I imagine it'd be right at the top of your list?
No guns
No ?manly man? aka DOOM guy


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Phoenixmgs said:
Fewer video games are masterpieces than any other medium of art because the medium is still very young. There very few good writers present along with video games overall sticking to simplistic and poor game design. Just look at Sekiro and it sticking to Souls mechanics for no reason other than that's what From knows vs it being good for the actual game itself. And Sekiro is a game that's not overbloated with elements like the majority of other AAA releases are.
A lot of people would argue that MGS4?s mechanics are also archaic, bloated and badly implemented, regardless of how many functions it managed to stuff into one control scheme. Yet from what I?ve noticed you?ve never complained about that and have said numerous times of how MGO2 is your gold standard IIRC. So, not sure how or why you?re cherry picking subjectives here.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
IceForce said:
IceForce said:
B-Cell, what did you think of Sekiro? Given that it's designed to appeal to the 'hardest of core' gamers (ie: not 'casuals') I imagine it'd be right at the top of your list?
I'm still interested in receiving an answer btw.

OP, you did play Sekiro, right?
I played it. its too hard i admit but overall its ok.

I dont hate it.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
hanselthecaretaker said:
Phoenixmgs said:
Fewer video games are masterpieces than any other medium of art because the medium is still very young. There very few good writers present along with video games overall sticking to simplistic and poor game design. Just look at Sekiro and it sticking to Souls mechanics for no reason other than that's what From knows vs it being good for the actual game itself. And Sekiro is a game that's not overbloated with elements like the majority of other AAA releases are.
A lot of people would argue that MGS4?s mechanics are also archaic, bloated and badly implemented, regardless of how many functions it managed to stuff into one control scheme. Yet from what I?ve noticed you?ve never complained about that and have said numerous times of how MGO2 is your gold standard IIRC. So, not sure how or why you?re cherry picking subjectives here.
I was talking much more about a macro-level than just say controls like kitchen-sink design (open world design, RPGs, etc.). Also, most video games are mainly just combat and combat is simple to do, that's why so many games have combat as the core game element. That's what I meant with poor game design and simplicity. I was talking about Sekiro with regards to the Souls elements like respawning enemies, bonfires, death punishments, etc. that really don't make much sense for Sekiro because it's not a Souls game, and thus even a more focused game still has major game design issues. I wasn't talking about say Souls archaic lock-on system. MGS4 is still the best controlling TPS that's ever been made, it even has better shield controls than a Souls game as well. Unintuitive controls don't equal archaic, they just take time to learn and you can do things in MGS4 faster than you can in other shooters (like say MGS5) once you learn the controls.