What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I thought of this question because of what I said the other day. Someone said something a bit insulting towards me (inadvertantly) and apolgised. I just brushed it off and pointed out that I have very thick skin... but I don't. Or at least, I don't in some cases, somethings always manage to get past my defenses and make me very angry/seriously offend me/genuinally upset me.

The first thing that springs to mind is the use of the word "fag". That instantly pushes my rage button, I'm damn quick to jump on anyone that uses it (as an insult to gay people of course, in case your thinking of cigarettes). I don't even care if someone says gay or queer or whatever as an insult, it's just fag, something about it makes me spit metaphorical blood.

Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.

So, what upsets/angers you Escapist? What always manages to slip past your carefully constructed emotional defences?


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Ninjas. Those bastards are damn sneaky and get passed even my ridiculous defences.

But seriously, I can't really think of anything.

Purple Shrimp

New member
Oct 7, 2008
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Two main things; people who strongly support the death penalty, or who legitimately think a lot of people should be killed when it's not necessary. As someone who values human life to a high degree the death penalty really bothers me, and as a result people who defend it strongly do as well.

Also anyone who makes a comment along the lines of "90% of people are idiots. Not me though
" instantly earn my hatred, mainly because they remind me of myself from 4 years ago and I'm ashamed.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Internet Kraken said:
Two main things; people who strongly support the death penalty, or who legitimately think a lot of people should be killed when it's not necessary. As someone who values human life to a high degree the death penalty really bothers me, and as a result people who defend it strongly do as well.

Also anyone who makes a comment along the lines of "90% of people are idiots. Not me though
" instantly earn my hatred, mainly because they remind me of myself from 4 years ago and I'm ashamed.
Ah yes, the death penalty thing, that tends to get at me.
Also that 90% of people are idiots thing only applied to a bigger scale (see objectivism).


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I get enraged inside whenever I overhear anyone yelling at customer service reps. Be it my mother, one of my friends, or a guy a few days ago yelling at the convenient store clerk about the price of a case of Monster Drinks, I just hate it. I want to scream "THESE PEOPLE CAN"T CONTROL WHAT CORPORATE DOES, GIVE THEM A BREAK!" (Yes, as you've probably figured out, I work in a customer service position and am tired of putting up with this crap).

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
Internet Kraken said:
Two main things; people who strongly support the death penalty, or who legitimately think a lot of people should be killed when it's not necessary. As someone who values human life to a high degree the death penalty really bothers me, and as a result people who defend it strongly do as well.

Also anyone who makes a comment along the lines of "90% of people are idiots. Not me though
" instantly earn my hatred, mainly because they remind me of myself from 4 years ago and I'm ashamed.
I think the death penalty should be relevant ONLY in the event of treason...Just my input...

What makes me angry?
Being made fun of for having all the stuff i need in my room and never leaving it...I sound like a complete loser but hear me out. Primarily I have my electric guitar and bass guitar aswell as my xbox and computer. So I take a dislike to it when people call me a loser for not leaving my room :(. (damn am I glad this is not a youtube comments section trolls would be on this is seconds) :/


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Somewhat related to this quote: People who refuse to admit that religion has caused at least some Human suffering in the world.
When people who when trying to mock someone who disagrees with them they misquote them and will say it in a silly sounding voice or purposely misspell words in attempt to make the other person seem stupid instead of actually addressing their argument and giving a counter argument.
...And people who are passive aggressive in their posts. [sub]Hypocrisy ftw?[/sub]


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
Naix99 said:
People who makes noise when eating.

/end thread
Personally if I had the power to, I would give this thread to you and consider it over, because I couldn't agree more.

I can't stand those loud slurping noises some people make, not to mention chewing with your mouth open is something I find to be very annoying.


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2009
One thing that gets me personally is when people assume I'm getting angry and tell me to 'chill out' when I begin to talk with a bit of an edge in my voice. Yes, I had rage issues when I was younger, and I would lose my temper all the time. That changed around the time I hit my late teens. But there's a difference between intensity and anger - and a sizable one at that. Hell, in my books there's a pretty big gap between annoyance and anger as well. If I was legitimately angry, you'd know it, because you would cease to find me an enjoyable person to be around. If anything, telling me to 'chill out' when I'm not angry will only serve to make me even more irritated.

Snake Plissken

New member
Jul 30, 2010
I get pissed when people (I'm especially looking at you, Europeans) pretend to know a lot about beer. I can guarantee that you probably don't.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
People who believe the terms hardcore gamer and casual gamer are inherently value judgments when by all rights they should be just statements of catagory, completely innocuous. We don't take the terms hardcore and casual to be value judgments when they're applied outside of gaming, there's no reason for this to suddenly change.

Also people who hate on english anime dubs, especially when it comes to voice acting. At some point this stops being subjective. Voice acting in english dubs, of its own merits, is fine and your wrong if you believe otherwise.

Hmm...both the things I listed are quite nerdy. I should probably find something more important to get upset about.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
people of power abusing it. There's been many an instance I've walked into a situation I had no business being in and end up starting a fight with a guy who was abusing someone smaller/weaker then them, and fewer instances of talking to a girl who was doing the same (I dont fight girls).


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.
OT: People who hate things just because they don't understand it.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
orangeban said:
I thought of this question because of what I said the other day. Someone said something a bit insulting towards me (inadvertantly) and apolgised. I just brushed it off and pointed out that I have very thick skin... but I don't. Or at least, I don't in some cases, somethings always manage to get past my defenses and make me very angry/seriously offend me/genuinally upset me.

The first thing that springs to mind is the use of the word "fag". That instantly pushes my rage button, I'm damn quick to jump on anyone that uses it (as an insult to gay people of course, in case your thinking of cigarettes). I don't even care if someone says gay or queer or whatever as an insult, it's just fag, something about it makes me spit metaphorical blood.

Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.

So, what upsets/angers you Escapist? What always manages to slip past your carefully constructed emotional defences?
Incidentally, "fag" is an abreviation of the word '******'. Which is a bundle of sticks for burning. So, yeah. That's pretty offensive.

For me, I'd have to say big men beating women and children and being accused of theft. I see that red mist every time.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
People telling me that I'm just confused when I tell them that I'm bisexual, people dismissing metal fans as being a glorified bunch of knuckle-dragging idiots, and people using language that's derogatory towards LGBTQ people. No, I don't care that you aren't using it to mean actual gay people. You're giving a negative connotation to someone's sexuality, which is fucking lame.