What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
May 31, 2011
When people abuse other people's trust, especially in relationships. I heard about a situation where a friend cheated on his girlfriend and didn't even care that he'd hurt her. I had to restrain myself from hurting him, people like that are scum.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Well, I'm a total bleeding heart for animals. Also, ya know when someone drives by late at night with the bass in their car cranked aaaaall the way up? That incites me to something dangerously close to homicidal rage.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Ultra-Chronic Monstah said:
maxmanrules said:
Grammar. And pronunciation. And spelling.
AAAARGH WHY CAN'T PEOPLE REALIZE IT'S so and so and I, not me and so and so!!!
Grammar is a blanket term, and it includes spelling. Saying grammar and spelling is a tad redundant.

I'll stop being a dick now D:


New member
Feb 14, 2011
1. I also do not like the usage of the word "fag."

2. I have this odd aversion to people staring at me while I am eating. I do not mind people staring in general, and observing me while I eat is not terribly bothersome. But flat out STARING just bothers me. A girl friend of mine is enthralled by this to no end. How vexing.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Stupidity and arrogance.
Every time someone says something they don't know anything about really, it just makes me think sometimes the idiots of the world would serve us better if we blended them all up and used them as an alternate fuel source (if that were physically possible).

That and I always have to hit myself when I say something stupid too - or just completely forget what I was on about in the first place.

Purple Shrimp

New member
Oct 7, 2008
JacobShaftoe said:
Purple Shrimp said:
JacobShaftoe said:
Purple Shrimp said:
feel free to give me an example of a number of genocides, wars, etc. at the hands of religion that wouldn't have occurred with a different pretext, that sum to the death of millions of people.

good luck
The crusades? THE CRUSADES???


What other pretext could there be for the fucking crusades?

Shit, even the pope apologised for the crusades.

Oh, and if it hasn't sunk in yet, how about the crusades?

Oh, and as a side note, I'd like to put foreward all forms of circumcision, religios fasting, strenuous rituals etc and see what you have to say to that?
lol, this is the one example that I ALWAYS get given but it's literally the easiest one to disprove. I actually did so in my post above, but I'll copy it for you in case you missed it (which is probably reasonable)

(for example, the Crusades don't count, as I strongly doubt that the diametrically opposed European and Middle Eastern cultures who were both warlike, were largely founded upon racism and had different skin colours would have otherwise had a beautiful, friendly relationship even if the war wasn't justified through religion)
Yes and I'm sure many western European nobles felt like starving to death in large numbers while marching thousands of peasents off to their deaths so many miles from anywhere they knew of or gived a hoot about... Racism is a fine reason for war, as is competition for local resources, but all those wars were easy to find a lot closer to home. Next?
I would hope that the flaw in your analysis here is obvious. The nobles didn't decide to march thousands of peasants off to their death regardless of how well they thought it would go, which is made evident by the fact that they only started in 1096 and not hundreds of years earlier (which would logically follow if recapturing the Holy Land was truly their biggest priority). They started the Crusades primarily because they thought they would gain more than they lost - whether or not they were right is a different story, but it's not a case of "because of this one religious factor we will start a war that is extremely costly and will lead to a large loss of life" as much as "we can probably benefit from this war, let's use religion as the pretext"


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Tdc2182 said:
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.
That's actually completely untrue. The studies that claimed that HPV and other such sexually transmitted diseases were associated with a lack of circumcision were disproved almost a decade ago. Just for the record, I'm circumcised.

What annoys me? People who use 'equality' to push for discrimination and restriction of fundamental rights such as freedom of speech. Furthermore, people who think that speech/expression/media causes violence. Seriously, read a frickin' A-Level psychology book. I recommend anything with Eysenck as the lead author.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
People who are racist, sexist or homophobic. Yes, that is a lot. So yes, I am angry quite a lot.

Maybe that counts as not thick skinned?


New member
Dec 17, 2009
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
A small child losing a balloon makes me sad. I don't know why.
I agree with that, because of the pure sadness that can come from the tiniest lapse in attention or grip.