What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?

Keith Reedy

New member
Jan 10, 2011
Rule Britannia said:
Internet Kraken said:
Two main things; people who strongly support the death penalty, or who legitimately think a lot of people should be killed when it's not necessary. As someone who values human life to a high degree the death penalty really bothers me, and as a result people who defend it strongly do as well.

Also anyone who makes a comment along the lines of "90% of people are idiots. Not me though
" instantly earn my hatred, mainly because they remind me of myself from 4 years ago and I'm ashamed.
I think the death penalty should be relevant ONLY in the event of treason...Just my input...

What makes me angry?
Being made fun of for having all the stuff i need in my room and never leaving it...I sound like a complete loser but hear me out. Primarily I have my electric guitar and bass guitar aswell as my xbox and computer. So I take a dislike to it when people call me a loser for not leaving my room :(. (damn am I glad this is not a youtube comments section trolls would be on this is seconds) :/
Yeah, I don't stay in my room long or anything like that. I love camping and hiking. I'm an eagle scout matter of fact. Easy before you go oh they gots ME AHH TROLLS ON TEH ESCAPIST. I respect that if you are perfectly happy to chill in your room for long periods thats cool with me.

Anyway I don't have any buttons when in contact with most people. However If My friends or family do certain things, just pet peve kinda thing, leave the milk out, don't flush, leave SUNFLOWER SEEDS ON MY FLOOR, or cans full of dip spit lyin around, yeah I get pissed.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
some good points, for some reason steriotypes annoy me, eg all americans are fat and stupid, all british people are posh and drink tea all day, french people ride a bike with a string of onions around their neck and a baguette under their arm etc.. it especially annoys me when people use this as the basis for a joke.. its just lazy and unoriginal..

people holding a country eternally responsible for something that happened a long time ago, for instance a lot of my fellow british citizens still go on about Germany and the 2nd world war.. if we go down that road isnt britain equally guilty? - invading other countries and calling them their own, slave trading, arms dealing etc etc

oh yes, and greed.. a lot of suffering could be avoided if people werent so greedy and selfish..


New member
May 28, 2011
Judgement101 said:
I'm okay with everything (except MLP) as long as they don't hate Nyan Cat!
i've been watching that for 15k seconds so far and still going.
nothing really bothers me that much that i can't really brush off though


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
People have a righ to belive what thy want to belive but anyway...

People who dismiss the Idea of basic human empathy, who have veiws that could pretty much be on "super villan" levels

who HONESTLY belive that all people are evil at heart...you know what? at worst most of us are apathetic...not evil

who would prefer to be evil or be dicks, or belive that mass genocide is ok "because peopel are evil"

this is jsut me..I used to see the world in VERY black and white terms, when highschool came around it was actually difficult...because as far a I knew and had been taught

Drinking= bad
breaking the rules=bad

I couldnt see it any other way and so when all your freind and everyone around you are doing "bad" things its difficult to work out whats right and wrong

I have since relaxed a bit..though given the option Ill always go whiter than white (as show in how I play games)


New member
Sep 6, 2009
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.


Aug 24, 2009
When my family (who are all varying forms of Christian) constantly belittle my firm, yet respectful atheism as "just a phase." I try, to the best of my ability, to be supportive of their choice of religion and not be condescending, yet they never give me the same courtesy. It makes my blood boil every time.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
Whenever somebody starts singing a song and doesn't know who sings it...

Yes not many people look it up but I just find it annoying, especially when my brother does it on purpose >=(


New member
May 11, 2011
The things that piss me off to no end... well, I can only think of two at the moment. Those would be rape (real or fictional. Always pisses me off to the point of punching a friend or something.)and violence against those that cannot defend themselves (kids, women that are being beaten by a man in a clear case of 1-sidedness lest anyone think I'm generalizing that all women are defenseless, and animals).

There are more but I cannot be asked to think too much in my current state. Fighting off a rather bad ear infection and a fever. Also, apologies for any atrocious punctuation/grammar.


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
People who can't merge into traffic, people with an over-inflated sense of entitlement, people who talk during movies, and people use the tired, "It's only the internet, I'm not getting graded!" as an excuse for their lack of communication skills.


New member
May 21, 2009
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.

OT: I still have a very soft spot for religion. I don't practice anything to more, and I don't even know what I believe in, but people who do that whole "logic is power routine" tend to get under my skin. Maybe because of their cocky attitude, but none of them seem to be able to do it without a pretentious attitude.

But then again, I also hate religious folk that do that. But in my 3-4 years here on the Escapists I have yet to see one person be preachy in that manner.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
^ this
oh and people who hate on soldiers for no other reason than they don't support war or violence, sorry but i don't like war or violence either but i have VERY high regard for soldiers, marines in particular.

Tdc2182 said:
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.

OT: I still have a very soft spot for religion. I don't practice anything to more, and I don't even know what I believe in, but people who do that whole "logic is power routine" tend to get under my skin. Maybe because of their cocky attitude, but none of them seem to be able to do it without a pretentious attitude.

But then again, I also hate religious folk that do that. But in my 3-4 years here on the Escapists I have yet to see one person be preachy in that manner.
also very much this here too, i agree with everything about preachyness know what i believe in but i hate preachy a holes on either side, but i see it more and more against religion than for it so some reason....oh a i tell preachy dicks of my religion to shut up beacons e it makes me and my religion look bad it;s not what we stands for.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
People who refuse to admit they're wrong. Even if you completely smash whatever argument they had they'll be like "Nope, you lose." and then if you try to retort they just keep cutting you off. It's so damn infuriating.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Nothing really gets past my emotional barriers, I am usually very good at not getting angry at other people for their beliefs or opinions no matter how much I personally disagree with them. That said I do die a little inside whenever I see someone say "Religion is evil, it must be destroyed" that makes me sad but I never really get angry at them just disappointed.

Other then that nothing really gets on my nerves I have pretty much just learned to take whatever someone says with a grain of salt and forget it because they aren't worth my time to debate.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Politicians. I just think that today's politicians have made a total mockery of positions that were created to serve the people of our nation, and twisted them to making more money and a bigger name for themselves. It's disgusting and makes me grind my teeth whenever I hear of another dishonest politician.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
believer258 said:
Rule Britannia said:
What makes me angry?
Being made fun of for having all the stuff i need in my room and never leaving it...I sound like a complete loser but hear me out. Primarily I have my electric guitar and bass guitar aswell as my xbox and computer. So I take a dislike to it when people call me a loser for not leaving my room :(. (damn am I glad this is not a youtube comments section trolls would be on this is seconds) :/
My dad constantly tells me I need to "get a life", apparently forgetting that he himself never leaves the house except for work and to get things and never brings friends over, whereas I had a friend over here Friday evening. That pisses me off...

OP: Ignorance in the news is annoying. It's OK to be ignorant of something in a normal situation, but any newscaster should have at the very least a base understanding of the facts behind the things that he/she is reporting. Like Fox News's campaign against video games.

I also don't
orangeban said:
Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.
Ah, welfare and benefits. What a corrupt evil...

Now, I know that might make your blood boil a bit, and that's fine. There are plenty of people that get welfare that need it. But there are tons of people, at least here in America, that haven't lifted a single fucking finger in their entire lives because they can just live off of welfare for life. Everything they need, from food to cellphones, to houses and cars, can be gotten, or mostly paid for, courtesy of welfare.

I am most certainly not saying that the idea of welfare is bad, but it is badly managed and absolutely horribly done so far. Yes, poor people need help, but welfare is chock full of people who are utterly lazy. This is why so many people are against it.

Also, how do I know this? My mom works for the government, in an office where people come in with a holier-than-thou attitude and demand things all the time. Sometimes people come in asking for help with sincerity, but mostly it's pure unbridled laziness.
Well, I'm not too pissed at you, since you accept that some people do need benefits.
But I will raise your mother working in the government with my mother who is on benefits (I live in Scotland by the way.)
She is constantly trying to prove that she is not in fact fit to work to the holier-than-thou DWP (Department of Welfare and Pentions (I think that's it)) who are constantly trying to catch benefit thieves with enough zeal that you might mistake them for middle-age crusaders. Now, I know she isn't well enough to work (she has Borderline Personality Disorder), and so does her GP and psychologist. But will the DWP let her use evidence from her GP that she is unwell? Noooo, they have to get in some doctor who doesn't know her at all (know that Borderline Personality Disorder can be very mood-swingy stuff) and if they catch her on a good day? Bam, she's fucked without any benefits.

My point here is that it's all very well trying to catch benefits thieves but currently it's a system where catching 1 benefit thief is worth 10 people who need benefits losing them when it should be the other way round. And then you have the Daily Mail complaining about the billions lost to the thieves. Not good at all.