What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


Nov 24, 2009
United States
LightspeedJack said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
So thousands of people haven't died at the hands of religion? Kthanxbai.
yeah because we all know people don't fight over racial issues or have civil wars because they can't live with an oppressive government in fact if we didn't have religion we would have absolutely have no reason to fight.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
kortin said:
RaNDM G said:
Being talked down to in person. Some people can shrug it off, but I go emotionally ballistic.

I'm talking going from the opposite ends of the upset to anger spectrum in seconds. It's not a pretty sight.
This as well. I hate it when people talk like I'm an idiot (which I'm not, I consider myself very intelligent, and when they do that, it drives me to the point of hulkrage)
kortin said:
RaNDM G said:
Being talked down to in person. Some people can shrug it off, but I go emotionally ballistic.

I'm talking going from the opposite ends of the upset to anger spectrum in seconds. It's not a pretty sight.
This as well. I hate it when people talk like I'm an idiot (which I'm not, I consider myself very intelligent, and when they do that, it drives me to the point of hulkrage)
^ this, very much, i have a 12 year old sister who does this to me, I'm 18 and have good grades, and if i ask a question i get talked down to like I'm a retard, Jesus I'd like to see her take a look at some of my class work, she's be crying in frustration...


New member
Sep 26, 2010
stereotyping of ppl due to country/race
idiots on stream who think im a prepubescent male who lies about his age (because there is no way in hell I could be a lady who likes violent games like l4d and Tf2)


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Romidude said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.

And no, I've thought about it. The world would be way worse off.

OT: Poe's Law. This isn't universal (I find the epic trolling of every atheist who ever posts on Landover to be hilarious), but usually I cry bloody tears when people miss incredibly obvious satire or take obvious trolls seriously.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
People who use dumb generalizations.

People who think up rediculous lies to impress people.

People who wear shutter shades.

People who take pictures of themselves with guido lips.

Touristy assholes who take a picture of a bridge and eat a sausauge and then talk about it for 3 days and then think they're well traveled.

People who wear flanel jackets when its 90 degrees outside and theres 80% humidity.

WHORES!!! Not actual whores, I have nothing but respect for the world's oldest proffesion. More like the kind of people who when you ask them about themselves they tell you what brand names and celebrities they like.

There's more but it's all really silly things that don't make sense.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
JacobShaftoe said:
Oh, and as a side note, I'd like to put foreward all forms of circumcision, religios fasting, strenuous rituals etc and see what you have to say to that?
...So what's the issue?

Seriously, I don't have issues with any of those (and fasting can actually be beneficial).

EDIT: Except female circumcision. That's screwed up and serves no benefit.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
JacobShaftoe said:
lacktheknack said:
JacobShaftoe said:
Oh, and as a side note, I'd like to put foreward all forms of circumcision, religios fasting, strenuous rituals etc and see what you have to say to that?
...So what's the issue?

Seriously, I don't have issues with any of those (and fasting can actually be beneficial).

EDIT: Except female circumcision. That's screwed up and serves no benefit.
Ah okay, so now we pick BETWEEN unnessicary religious genital mutilation by sex then? If you get no say in an operation and yo can't even speak yet then really, hows about not taking a knife to a childs private parts?

As for fasting, it's a choice like any other, one that informed adults can maybe make for themselves?

As for the many religious rituals that take up many an hour that a kid could use for fun, learning, exploration of their world as opposed to lectures on what people thought before they knew what lightening was...
I find it amusing how men circumcised at birth (for instance, me) don't find male circumcision to be a big deal, only uncircumcised guys do (in general).

And from a Christian perspective: No one asks children to fast. No one asks children to do involved rituals either, beyond going to Church for a couple hours a week. There, I provided evidence supporting my statements, better than what you've done.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
A) 9/11, Spanish inquisition(and all others), all holy wars*, the crusades, witch trials, execution of homosexuals, beheading and stoning of women in Saudi Arabia, Hamas, Taliban, Al-queda, Divine right of kings, Adolf Hitler, George Bush, republicans, and every COD game fighting against Muslim terrorists.
B) What meaning? Feeling good just because you won't "Burn forever"? I honestly don't see how people can like God. I shall summarize God for you now "I shall not prove I exist, the only way to know of my existance is to be told by violent, hateful people who only worship me because they fear my punishment of eternal fire, but I love them."

*Like the Protestants vs. Catholics conflicts in 17th century Europe.
Catholics fighting the Orthodox.
Catholics fighting Muslims.
Catholics fighting....catholics.

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
I wish that you didn't reply in this way, now this entire thread will derail into yet another religious debate. Also, if you think that there are no genocides caused by religion, you have an educational problem.

And I still don't like animal-mistreatment.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
JacobShaftoe said:
Purple Shrimp said:
feel free to give me an example of a number of genocides, wars, etc. at the hands of religion that wouldn't have occurred with a different pretext, that sum to the death of millions of people.

good luck
The crusades? THE CRUSADES???


What other pretext could there be for the fucking crusades?

Shit, even the pope apologised for the crusades.

Oh, and if it hasn't sunk in yet, how about the crusades?

Oh, and as a side note, I'd like to put foreward all forms of circumcision, religios fasting, strenuous rituals etc and see what you have to say to that?
LOL! crusades? you really think they where fought for religion? LOL no. there where times during the crusades when Christians where happy chums with the muslims and killed other Christians. the crusades were fought for the reasons any other war was fought. power, money and land.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
deserteagleeye said:
RamirezDoEverything said:
Youtube comments.

They always manage to make me pissed off, whether it be about Justin Bieber or x people disliked.

Especially RWJ comments...
co za asy... I know what you mean -_-#
Even just reading co za asy, made me cringe


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Apr 6, 2004
Abuse of language in genral. L33T speak and misuse of terms such as "rape" and "gay" as examples. A more personal one is being called a nazi. Yes, I have German relatives (grandparents on my mother's side are German) and yes, I'm what's labelled as a typical German (blond hair, blue eyes) but that does not mean I'm racist, bigoted or stand to salute and scream "Mein Fuhrer!" all the time. In fact, I'm generally polite and courteous to other people regardless of their ethnicity, if I even regard it at all.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
mic1402 said:
JacobShaftoe said:
Purple Shrimp said:
feel free to give me an example of a number of genocides, wars, etc. at the hands of religion that wouldn't have occurred with a different pretext, that sum to the death of millions of people.

good luck
The crusades? THE CRUSADES???


What other pretext could there be for the fucking crusades?

Shit, even the pope apologised for the crusades.

Oh, and if it hasn't sunk in yet, how about the crusades?

Oh, and as a side note, I'd like to put foreward all forms of circumcision, religios fasting, strenuous rituals etc and see what you have to say to that?
LOL! crusades? you really think they where fought for religion? LOL no. there where times during the crusades when Christians where happy chums with the muslims and killed other Christians. the crusades were fought for the reasons any other war was fought. power, money and land.
It's pretty ignorant to believe that the Crusades weren't fought for primarily religious reasons, it's not like getting to the Holy Land was easy or cheap for any King wanting to go over there, and it feeds into the whole idea of plenary indulgence that was rampant during the period.

Getting to the Holy Land took a long time, and it was expensive to supply any kind of force over that kind of distance - and all that to fight in a place where there were hundreds of different ways to die outside of battle, adding in the fact that you could die horribly in battle as well.

That doesn't even cover the later crusades - admittedly the Crusade that sacked Constantinople was done primarily for power and money, but later crusades pretty much went off and killed anyone who wasn't Catholic, particularly in Eastern Europe and what is now Russia, happily rampaging amongst the orthodox church there.

Purple Shrimp

New member
Oct 7, 2008
JacobShaftoe said:
Purple Shrimp said:
feel free to give me an example of a number of genocides, wars, etc. at the hands of religion that wouldn't have occurred with a different pretext, that sum to the death of millions of people.

good luck
The crusades? THE CRUSADES???


What other pretext could there be for the fucking crusades?

Shit, even the pope apologised for the crusades.

Oh, and if it hasn't sunk in yet, how about the crusades?

Oh, and as a side note, I'd like to put foreward all forms of circumcision, religios fasting, strenuous rituals etc and see what you have to say to that?
lol, this is the one example that I ALWAYS get given but it's literally the easiest one to disprove. I actually did so in my post above, but I'll copy it for you in case you missed it (which is probably reasonable)

(for example, the Crusades don't count, as I strongly doubt that the diametrically opposed European and Middle Eastern cultures who were both warlike, were largely founded upon racism and had different skin colours would have otherwise had a beautiful, friendly relationship even if the war wasn't justified through religion)


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I'll link to my previous post on the subject here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.285238-Small-things-that-annoy-the-crap-out-of-you?page=6#11388196

And here I will add to it:

- When people act as if everything is truly black and white and that there is no in-between.

- When people act rude for no proper reason and still expect you to be polite back.

- The comments left here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4z6DhaDBvE
Not that I particularly agree or disagree with this video or anything, but the comments being left are just hypocritical and really, really retarded. They are no better than the terrorists they fight.

- "I am a beacon of truth. I stand for all. If you try to kill me, I will kill you and your whole family. I will hunt you down and slaughter them all. But I am in no way dangerous."

- When people get far too upset over the words "retard" and "gay" being used in a derogatory manner. While I admire the fact that they are fighting for a more utopian world, what they apparently don't seem to realize is that trying to dictate the words that come out of the mouths of the populace is more of a dystopian move than a utopian one.

- In WoW, when my guild members spam "welcome" whenever someone new joins.

- In WoW, when my guild members spam "gratz" every time I get an "achievement" for something so easy that I wasn't responsible for it... in fact, the only reason I got it was because one team member half-way across the map got it for me by killing someone.

- When people here on the Escapist get so incredibly upset over something so minor that they talk down to you for no apparent reason. For example, a year or so back, I suggested that the developers of Bioshock are capable of making a Bioshock 3 that would be very good even if it was set somewhere other than Rapture as long as they retained their competence, and some guy leapt upon this and very condescendingly told me that it was simply impossible. And yet now, Bioshock Infinite is set in a city in the sky. So I imagine he must have been raging about it for a good while.

- When sequels to very, VERY good games are dumbed down. I realize it's a good thing to make your games more accessible, but there's a huge difference between making a game more accessible and making it easier.

- I absolutely abhor all 80s and 90s New Zealand music. Stop it.

- Having any of my "cultural heritage" shoved in front of me.

- Having my past shoved in front of me.

- Alpha douche-bags who check you out to make sure you're not a threat and then try to steal your girl, as well as those who treat girls as nothing but "spank-meat". You're half the reason I've never had a chance with girls and I'm sure as hell not turning to guys.

- Porn trailers on YouTube. Totally not a place for it.

- Parents, wannabe-parents and morally-righteous idiots who gasp in shock and judge and throw unwarranted parenting advice and blame the wrong people when some female celebrity gets outed for taking naked photos of themselves in their spare time.

Yes, I think it was morally objectionable that Vanessa Hudgens apparently sent naked photos of herself to her then-boytoy at the age she was back then, but that's their business and if you find it utterly disgusting because you think she's supposed to be some sort of role model then you need to take that stick out of your bum and look at the fact that this is something a disturbingly high amount of girls in their teens do anyway (not that I condone it, but still) and if you're letting your little girl take her moral lessons from someone other than YOU, THE BLOODY PARENT, let alone someone on screen, then you need to come down from your pedestal you stupid ice queen and start raising your kids PROPERLY.

- The phrase "Real women have curves". You're just as bad as the ones saying, "Real Women Are Really Thin Even If They Have To Force Themselves To Vomit To Attain Skeletal Visibility". If you had any sense of logic, you'd not be trying to attach some sort of physical standard to what women should apparently be like.

- Loudly announcing your sexuality. Yes, we know you're bisexual/lesbian/whatever. Nobody cares. Don't expect people to jump up and give you kudos for "standing up for the right to NOT be heterosexual", because that's NOT what you're doing. That includes taking photos of yourself kissing your significant other (same-sex or otherwise) and posting it on your Facebook wall for all to see.

- Parents who let their kid use the internet unsupervised so they can take a nap for a few hours, then come back later to find their kid on a porn site.

- Parents who let their kid use the internet unsupervised so they can take a nap for a few hours, then come back later to find their kid on a site a lot of people might find objectionable, such as 4chan or The Best Page In The Universe, then attempt to do whatever they can to get the site in question shut down. Because porn sites everywhere pose little to no threat compared to 4chan whatsoever, and parents these days are far too busy reading romance novels and watching Dr Phil to be tied down by actual parenting.

- Anyone who finds the phrases "I'm not as think as you drunk I am" and/or "Good afterble Constanoon" to be hilarious.

- Anyone who seriously expects me to listen to Kurt Cobain and worship him as a musical god just because he killed himself.

- Parents who try to take control over and determine their children's futures and careers.

- People, including parents, who blame games and gaming for their son's addiction to World of Warcraft and expect people to feel sorry for them because for some reason it's very hard to even come up with the incredibly obvious idea of just TAKING THE COMPUTER AWAY FROM THEM. Be a parent for goodness sake, and stop blaming anything other than yourself.

- Carla Espinosa.

- Girls who want to kiss me without any regard whatsoever to the fact that I'm trying to preserve my "lipginity".

- People who tell other people to "go out and make friends". It's a lot more complicated than that. I've nothing against going out and making friends but I'd appreciate it if people stopped being so stupid by telling others to "go out and make friends" as if it requires literally no effort.

- People who say that porn features women having degrading things done to them, but never say the same thing for the men involved in it. Because somehow, the men are incapable of being degraded. Somehow, it's the men who are always degrading the women, and never the other way around.

- Record company executives who pull out the old "this is a starving record artist, if you don't buy his CDs he'll have to eat dog food this week" card, then go and ruthlessly castrate some poor guy in court just because they think he downloaded a few songs. Then they go home and lie in their gigantic piles of money and make cash angels. Then they go and sue more people purely for the purposes of intimidation.

- Pointless arguments about religion. Also, saying that getting rid of religion would totally rid the whole world of any and all bad stuff like violence and needless death.


- The fact that they no longer sell Wave Iced Coffee here. :(

I could go on but I've wasted enough time as it is.