What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Pretty much those who try to manipulate or control my life and those who question my social life. E.g. when my parent keep nagging me to take another Uni course to improve my chance on getting a job (I know doing that is pointless since it's the job experiences that matter) and when my bro telling me to socialize more.
I say no! no one control my life but me so only I'm the only one who get the say on this and no I don't give a danm that people think I'm anti social. At least I do got real friends who liked me for the way I am!


New member
Jun 21, 2010
ApeShapeDeity said:
orangeban said:
I thought of this question because of what I said the other day. Someone said something a bit insulting towards me (inadvertantly) and apolgised. I just brushed it off and pointed out that I have very thick skin... but I don't. Or at least, I don't in some cases, somethings always manage to get past my defenses and make me very angry/seriously offend me/genuinally upset me.

The first thing that springs to mind is the use of the word "fag". That instantly pushes my rage button, I'm damn quick to jump on anyone that uses it (as an insult to gay people of course, in case your thinking of cigarettes). I don't even care if someone says gay or queer or whatever as an insult, it's just fag, something about it makes me spit metaphorical blood.

Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.

So, what upsets/angers you Escapist? What always manages to slip past your carefully constructed emotional defences?
Incidentally, "fag" is an abreviation of the word '******'. Which is a bundle of sticks for burning. So, yeah. That's pretty offensive.
or ****** is a meat pie made of pigs liver (i think its liver) in English at least.
as for my annoyance's, people who think they are better than everyone, people who cant eat with their mouth closed, people who think they are smart by doing something like saying "i know eating with my mouth open is rude but so is pointing it out (hurr-durr)", people who declare something completely stupid as fact (an idiot in my class tried to pass it as fact that shouting surprise means its not rape and i nearly punched him in the face), people who say some things crap without even trying it, and yet when people attack me i feel fine, like i dont care at all. weird. (and i do have a thick skin, and am not a masochist/sadist)


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I can take almost any insult or problem against myself without getting more than a passing irritation which I forget about after awhile.. sometimes I react as if I'm angry but its more a spur of the moment thing I get past for a long time.

Upset or wrong my wife, however, and someone has pissed me off for all eternity until they applogise while groveling in the dirt.


New member
Sep 13, 2009
I'm sure there are others, but for the most part whenever someone tries to second guess my actions, what I'm saying or generally try and put words into my mouth as if it's the gospel truth annoys me. I like to be in control of what people think of me by controlling my actions and words, when someone manipulates either of these to show them as something they're not that relinquishes some of the only really control I have in this world, and really gets to me.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
To add two more:
- People who will not listen (or more accurately process information) when you are speaking for them, especially if it is in their benefit and even moreso if they asked you something.
- People who look at things from a perfect world pespective, there are real restrictions on what happens in this world. To use an example from this thread. Whether or not you believe in the Death Penalty or not, you can't make the argument that you can't know for sure if someone is guilty. It is fundamentally flawed in the way that you could apply it to all punishments.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
1) People who look down on others and demand respect because of height, strength,etc. It literally makes me rage whenever I see some people try to act superior or pick on people because of this. I sometimes snap whenever this happens.

2) People that state their opinions as facts annoy me.

3) People that hate on other peoples beliefs, whether its an atheist belief or a religious belief.
Jun 23, 2008
Trolldor said:
Uriel-238 said:
*snipped lulz worthy nonsense*
Really. Lulz worthy nonsense? Should I regard this as an indicator of the quality (or lack thereof) of actual debate that I can expect from you?

Trolldor said:
...A child's sexuality has to do with 'informed consent' of which they are not capable of giving until around 16 years of age at the earliest, which is information easily obtained by anyone who does adolescent psychology in a tertiary institution.
First off, the legal age of consent is not an accurate marker for the activities in which minors engage[footnote]Here in the US, about 50% of minors have sexual intercourse for the first time before legal age of consent (by far, fewer boys than girls, who seek out college-aged men as boyfriends). A significant number of them remain sexually active once they start. (An equally significant number only experience sparse, intermittant encounters, or none at all.)[/footnote], nor for the state of their knowledge about their own sexuality and their ability to make informed decisions.[footnote]Abstinence-only education remains quite alive and well within the States, leaving many children on their own when confronted by their own sexual feelings or sexual attention by others (wanted or otherwise). As I mentioned before, the end result has not been a decrease of sexual activity, but a reduction in the use of protection, an increase in the spread of STIs and an increase in the rate of (usually unwanted) teenage pregnancy. Especially worrisome are the number of women who enter college freshman-level health courses still believing the old myths, such as vertical sexual positions will prevent pregnancy.[/footnote] That is to say, many teens below the age of legal consent willingly participate in their own statutory rape (most of which goes unreported). And many adults above the legal age of consent are not educated enough to be informed, despite their legal status.

Second off, the legal age of consent has not been a barrier to those who have chosen to take advantage of legal loopholes, such as within those states in which underaged children may marry with parental permission. Usually, it is only within specific religious communes that this sort of thing takes place, but it does in soul-rending numbers. To be sure, children as young as thirteen (as young as seven in the '90s) that are married into polygynous households and sexually exploited (what would often be determined to be child sexual abuse, were the child not automatically emancipated with the wedding) are not capable of making an informed decision at the point they are saying I do let alone giving informed consent to marital relations.

Thirdly, as I indicated above, the legal age of consent has been used as a barrier to keep children from gaining the information they need and deserve to be able to give informed consent, once they are capable of giving legal consent. Our dubious sex-ed offerings are only the beginnings of this, but a stronger indicator is the contrast between the amount of violence exposure in media we allow our kids, compared to the amount of sexual exposure in media. Think about it: Exploding head = PG-13. Pubic Hair = NC-17.

The age of consent set around 16-18 years of age is actually quite strongly 'magically aligned' with the physical and biological development of an adolescent.
Goodness, Trolldor, you are so misinformed.[footnote]I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, Trolldor, assuming you've only been miseducated, and are not, as your shot would indicate, being willfully stupid [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attitude_polarization], nor outright maliciously clinging to some poor kid's innocence by locking them in a cage somewhere, lest they actually grow up.[/footnote] Here. Start reading.


Note, that these are places to begin. I'll leave it to you to find additional resources. And if you're supervising a kid somewhere, please for his or her sake, read this stuff.

In short, sexual development is neither a rapid process (takes years), nor homogenous between individuals (different for everybody, and seldom peaking at 16-18 years), which are both presumptions you appear to make. These are also presumptions that much of the US media and its consumers make as well.


theultimateend said:
Thank you, theultimateend. That was awesome!

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
In 3 levels:

Get under my skin: Whenever people *coughPCGamerscough* ***** about games being "dumbed down" and how things were sooooo much better back then. You think those games were so great? GO PLAY THEM.

Make my blood boil: The general stupidity of groups like Fox News/Daily Mail/Whatever. What bothers me isn't their stupid messages, but the fact that many people still take them seriously. It breeds ignorance, scapegoating, and general stupidity.

Tear my hair out: When something malfunctions. Internet die? RAAAGE! Laptop charger fizzle out? RAAAAGE! Some jackass gets a virus on my laptop? RAAAAAGE! No signal for my phone when I reeeealy need it? RAAAAAGE!

Purple Shrimp

New member
Oct 7, 2008
firstly: I've got 18 replies to my previous post in this thread in my inbox and I tried to go through methodically (ignoring the people who agreed), but I apologise if I forget to respond to someone.
secondly: this is gonna be long
thirdly: I am not religious

Feralcentaur said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Somewhat related to this quote: People who refuse to admit that religion has caused at least some Human suffering in the world.
When people who when trying to mock someone who disagrees with them they misquote them and will say it in a silly sounding voice or purposely misspell words in attempt to make the other person seem stupid instead of actually addressing their argument and giving a counter argument.
...And people who are passive aggressive in their posts. [sub]Hypocrisy ftw?[/sub]
I accept that religion has caused at least some Human suffering in this world, but I don't think that it's religion itself rather than people using it as a pretext to take control of something or cause suffering, which isn't the fault of religion. also I acknowledge that I probably should have made my argument in a less inflammatory way but the passive aggression, misspelling etc was just a (bad?) attempt at humour

Romidude said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.
OT: People who hate things just because they don't understand it.
nope, unless
a) you can give me an example of a single bad religion-related thing that wouldn't have just occured with a different pretext if religion didn't exist
b) you can prove to me that it's not true that millions of people have used religion to their benefit by gaining a meaning to their lives
(you can't; you can't)

UmJammerSully said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
I've been here about an hour and this is my...4th? Maybe 5th post in total? I have seen literally about 7 or 8 posts just like yours and no sign of this character you have made up that types in all caps with bad grammar.
you should check out the religion and politics section then, if you're willing to ignore the spelling errors and capitalisation then every opinion there is just that

Trolldor said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list

I find the inability to spell or punctuate quite horrifying.
It just makes me weep how little people appreciate the power of punctuation.

do what you want

Do what? You want...

Do what you want?

Do what you want!

Do what you want!?

The only other thing that grates my cheese are people who try to normalise pedophilia or its derivatives.
I'm aware that punctuation can be important in clearing up ambiguities in sentences (although yours is a pretty terrible example), and if you can give me an example part of my post that is ambiguous without punctuation I'll be happy to correct it. :)

Uriel-238 said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
1. People who use revealed scripture to justify hate or oppression on gays, women, other religions and just about every race on planet Earth.

2. People who push legislation that breaches the wall of separation implied in the US Constitution. People who push legislation in defiance of the Lemon test [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_test#Lemon_test].

3. People who use revealed scripture to justify the suppression of scientific truth.

4. People who use revealed scripture to justify warfare.

5. Pope Ratzinger reinforcing Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extra_Ecclesiam_nulla_salus], even to include all Protestant faiths.

6. Christians who don't recognize other Christians as Christian (Evangelist Sects and the Southern Baptist Convention are often guilty of this in regards to everyone else. Members of LDS, Jehovah's Witnesses and Unitarians are often the victims, according to everyone else.)

7. People who think Satanists, Neopagans, New-Age Spiritualists or other heathen groups should have their children taken from them as if practicing a non-Abrahamic religion automatically makes them bad parents. CPS workers who enforce this supposition.

8. Muslims who believe Jihad bil Saif [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehad#Warfare_.28Jihad_bil_Saif.29] is the most noble of all jihads, or that it justifies terrorism (e.g. the mass murder of civilians).

9. Muslims who fatwa or otherwise threaten artists who they feel have blasphemed Islam, Muhammad or Allah. Heck, anyone who threatens violence on anyone else for self expression or just being who they are.
(i added the numbers to make your post more easy to respond to)

1. I've met far more atheists who claim to hate religious people than religious people who claim to hate other religious people. Would you consider them to be "people who use [the] revealed scripture [believed in by the targets of their hate or oppression] to justify hate or oppression on gays, women, other religions and just about every race on planet Earth."?

2. ok fair enough

3. keep in mind that that hasn't happened on a state-sanctioned level since like 500 years ago (a time in which the advances in science, technology and art were largely funded by the wealth of the church anyway)

4. I hear this argument made a lot, but I'm wondering if you can give me an example of warfare for which religion was the "cause" in which it's not true that the war would likely have occured without religion anyway. (for example, the Crusades don't count, as I strongly doubt that the diametrically opposed European and Middle Eastern cultures who were both warlike and had different skin colours would have otherwise had a beautiful, friendly relationship even if the war wasn't justified through religion)

5. isn't that the point?

6. so... you're saying that people under a very loose umbrella of beliefs that nonetheless have completely different specific beliefs don't respect one another? isn't this true for anything else?

7. ok, I acknowledge that this is pretty dumb

8. so extremists? if you judge every group by its extremists it doesn't surprise me that you hate everyone

9. assuming you're referring to that Danish cartoonist guy (I don't know of any other examples of what you're talking about), I don't have a problem with his work being condemned. as for the actual violence, I don't condone it but see 8

The Human Torch said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Funny, I have the same feeling about religious people who won't stop adding "God bless you." to every post they make.
I have yet to see a single example of such a person on the entire internet who wasn't a passive-aggressive atheist satire of religion (eg Landover Baptist Church)

No_Remainders said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
People who complain and claim that all atheists are similarly idiotic when there are even more idiots on the internet who say "ATHEISTS R THE DEVIL!"
as I alluded to above, by my estimates about 80% of the people on the internet who say "ATHEISTS R THE DEVIL!" are atheist parodies

Woodsey said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
What if they give perfectly logical justifications for that opinion?
If they give logical justifications for that opinion I'll give logical justifications for my counter-opinion, but that doesn't seem to occur as frequently as I would like. Only one person out of the 18 who responded to me has actually gone into detail about these logical justifications, and I replied accordingly (see above).

Lynoxus said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Oh, and this. No, not the actual belief, but the way it is quoted in an obviously incorrect manner, attempting to use petty tactics to demean the person holding the view.
Would you like me to find some quotes on this site from atheists similarly "quoting" the religious beliefs of others to try to demean them?

Kriptonite said:
Purple Shrimp said:
Internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that, "THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT RELIGION," are high on the list
There ya go buddy, I fixed some issues with your post. By the way, capitalizing everything and including several misspellings (whether they were intentional or not remains a mystery to me...) does not make the other arguments wrong, it just makes you look like a douche. So, if you'd like to be civil and explain your point like a human being, then feel free.

The world would not be a better place without religion, because

a) there are a very small number of conflicts or negative effects caused by religion that would not have occurred on a different pretext if religion had never existted
b) religion gives meaning to the lives of millions of people

LightspeedJack said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
So thousands of people haven't died at the hands of religion? Kthanxbai.
feel free to give me an example of a number of genocides, wars, etc. at the hands of religion that wouldn't have occurred with a different pretext, that sum to the death of millions of people.

good luck

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Anything involving the justification of treating someone as a lesser being.
Anything involving the justification of treating children as crap to be mind controlled(see above).
Anything generally involving one believing they have superior morals.

I can go on, but I am tired. (=_=)

Flaming Narwhal

New member
May 6, 2011
Whenever a house guest uses something, like say the kitchen, and makes a big mess and doesn't clean it up. Or just a mess in general. A guy's been living at my house for nearly three months and he still does that. IT IS INFURIATING!!!


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Anybody who uses the term 'Jew' as an insult or a verb, or tries to deny the Holocaust. I'm not Jewish, but on the [thankfully rare] occasions that I witness this, I feel an all-consuming urge to knock the perpetrator the fuck out and break their fingers individually as they're coming to.
The same goes for people who torture animals. I would love to hunt poachers with a tranquilizer gun someday. Ditto illegal loggers. Don't care about economics or poverty; if you fuck the planet up, you deserve to be hurt. Badly.
Sep 8, 2010
Slangeveld said:
In all seriousness, I took bets with a friend on how long it would take. :p
Yeah, it was pretty obvious. But I've never let the obviousness of a set up stop me from a lame joke before :D


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Naix99 said:
People who makes noise when eating.

/end thread
Omg this drives me crazy. I can't stand when people do that, Then i tell them to shut up and they chew louder thinking its hilarious.


New member
May 30, 2011
People who advocate world peace/hipsters. As much as war sucks, there is no end.

Hipsters who vainly seek their place in life while alienating anybody who isn't them.

People who use the internet as a tool to manifest their personality flaws. Facebook in particular degrades acceptable social conduct.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Anybody who insults anybody's faith or lack thereof. I guess you'd call me agnostic, I neither believe in nor deny the existence of a god. I'm extraordinarily hard to anger, but when people devalue others purely for their belief, which really shouldn't come up in the first place, it makes my blood boil. Who the hell are you to talk down to someone because they believe differently from you?

Racism. I know that prejudice is part of the human condition and that it will never be fully erased, but that still doesn't justify why racism even exists. How. Dare. You. How dare you think less of a person because of their skin color or where they came from? Judge people on an individual basis, please, rather than through generalizations.

Besides those two points, I believe that humanity has goodness in it. It may never happen, but I hope sometime in the future, even if long after I'm dead, humanity can finally accept each other and look past differences.