What are some "bad" movies that you like?


New member
Nov 1, 2011
A lot of movies that, while they're not my favorites, I found entertaining have been called "bad" by critics and... a lot of internet people. Examples include:

Transformers 1 & 3 (2 suuucked!)
The Star Wars prequels (not crazy about Episode 1, but Liam Neeson.)
The Expendables
Green Lantern was ok
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
and more that I can't recall right now...

And don't go telling me that I suck at watching movies or that the ones listed above are all just flashy pieces of crap that were made for the sole purpose of getting me to waste my money, I've heard it all.

What I do want to know is, what "bad" movies do you think weren't as awful as people think?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I dont liek any movies you coudl really consider "bad" (even kingdom of the crystal skull I wouldnt go that far..)

however I was pleasantly surprised with demoliton man, alot of fun and I really liked it

Instant K4rma

Aug 29, 2008
The Blade movies have always had a special place in my heart. Yes, they're corny. Yes, they're cheesy, but I still have an undying love for Wesley Snipes killing vampires.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
I enjoyed Indiana Jones 4 and the first and third Transformers movies. Green Lantern was by no means good, but it wasn't THAT bad.

I'm sure there's more.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I love making fun of this movie:

I have much more fun making fun of it than actually watching it:

Makarov is the bad guy
The Locust Queen is the bad guys wife
Bill from Left 4 dead (personality wise) is on the good guys side
two governments of owls kill each other, not good guys and bad guys
Great animation, with many moments that are sure to make sure you know that they have badass animation
Fun bad guys, not the joker fun but the Orcs from Lord of the Rings/Nazi fun

What it doesn't have:
Decent good guys
A protagonist who isn't annoying
plot holes
odd moments....


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Instant K4rma said:
The Blade movies have always had a special place in my heart. Yes, they're corny. Yes, they're cheesy, but I still have an undying love for Wesley Snipes killing vampires.
The Blade movies were awesome, in that they are so cheesy and bad that they are awesome. I was really watching the movies just for Wesley Snipes being a badass.

OT: Do the Resident Evil movies count as bad? I love those movies, and I know exactly what I'm getting into and I'm totally fine with it. It's fun watching Milla Jovovich defying all sorts of gravity and murdering zombies as she goes.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Donnie Darko. For the most part, the movie does suck, but for some reason, I really enjoy it.

See Spot Run

New member
Nov 4, 2011
Regnes said:
Doesn't count because though the critics didn't care for it, the internet community in general has a hard-on for this piece of trash cinema.
Uhh, Donnie Darko was pretty well received critically. 85% on rotten tomatoes, 88% on Metacritic.


New member
May 9, 2010
Terminate421 said:
I love making fun of this movie:

I have much more fun making fun of it than actually watching it:

Makarov is the bad guy
The Locust Queen is the bad guys wife
Bill from Left 4 dead (personality wise) is on the good guys side
two governments of owls kill each other, not good guys and bad guys
Great animation, with many moments that are sure to make sure you know that they have badass animation
Fun bad guys, not the joker fun but the Orcs from Lord of the Rings/Nazi fun

What it doesn't have:
Decent good guys
A protagonist who isn't annoying
plot holes
odd moments....
That movie based on some really badass kids books. Got me into owls as a kid. Shame the movie wasn't super great, though.

OT: Streets of Fire. I've talked about this before.
It's a really stupid movie, but it's stylistically awesome.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
smearyllama said:
Terminate421 said:
I love making fun of this movie:

I have much more fun making fun of it than actually watching it:

Makarov is the bad guy
The Locust Queen is the bad guys wife
Bill from Left 4 dead (personality wise) is on the good guys side
two governments of owls kill each other, not good guys and bad guys
Great animation, with many moments that are sure to make sure you know that they have badass animation
Fun bad guys, not the joker fun but the Orcs from Lord of the Rings/Nazi fun

What it doesn't have:
Decent good guys
A protagonist who isn't annoying
plot holes
odd moments....
That movie based on some really badass kids books. Got me into owls as a kid. Shame the movie wasn't super great, though.

OT: Streets of Fire. I've talked about this before.
It's a really stupid movie, but it's stylistically awesome.
I read the books as a kid, the movie was like if they hollowed away at every little detail in the book.

Besides, there are some scenes which are just unneeded and could have been used for those details.

Either way, the Pure ones are the only reason to watch this movie, its like if Dr. Evil became serious and not funny. (But yet still entertaining)

Besides, whenever they are on screen I would play the Locust Queen's voice from Gears of war (SHES ONE OF THE BAD GUYS, thats actually cool)

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Obligatory Starship Troopers mention. Greatest satire of original source materiel ever. Has some damn cool action scenes too.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
If I like it it can't be all bad. Is They Live! a bad movie? Is Big Trouble in Little China? Is Escape from New York? Assault on Precinct 13? (seeing a pattern here) Is The Warriors? I think the closest thing to a "bad" movie that I still like would be Plan Nine from Outer Space.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Definitely Starship Troopers. It's a great satire and it proves that Paul Verhoeven is a time-traveler! [http://www.cracked.com/article_19259_6-mind-blowing-ways-starship-troopers-predicted-future.html]

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Nouw said:
Definitely Starship Troopers. It's a great satire and it proves that Paul Verhoeven is a time-traveler! [http://www.cracked.com/article_19259_6-mind-blowing-ways-starship-troopers-predicted-future.html]
It's odd how what essentially is a B-movie can become so relevant. Nobody does satirical future better than Paul Verhoeven. The entire film is basically a propaganda movie from a future time. But then I don't consider it a bad film at all; Everything that people might consider bad about it is simply part of the joke.

Also, Rambo 4.

Definately a very bad movie, but it still felt like a fond farewell to the hardcore action flicks of the 80's.


New member
May 5, 2011
The Village...I can see why it gets some hate, but the amount it does get isn't justified at all. Oh, and as others have mentioned, Starship Troopers, but I don't think that really counts as a bad movie.

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
The Room. Literally the worst movie of all times. And it's glorious! It's so bad that I can't help but love it.