What are some underappreciated Gems?


New member
Apr 29, 2012
So for those who don't know(which is all of you I'm sure), I have a channel on Youtube where I have recently been uploading LP's and what I like to call Let's Game episodes. LP nothing knew yada yada, Let's Game is more what I need help with. See Let's Game is more where I do a LP of the first 20-30 minutes of a game, in an attempt to kinda do like Unskippable, except gameplay is included, and not as funny(Modesty or Truth? Truth, probably truth). Now I kinda want to go more in the bringing attention to old games, or games that were really good but weren't really advertised, so I ask you, what is a good game, that just practically slipped under the radar except in select circles of people. The only requirements are that they need to be for PC, and preferably not an RTS, just not a huge fan of them. Actually cancel that, include em anyway. Just cause I like to contradict myself.
Also, because I know someone is going ask, here you go. [http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSWJS0YRL-HhgByX9Xcayag/videos?flow=grid&view=0] Don't bother telling me how bad I am(though constructive criticism is welcome), because I already know.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I think 'God Hand' deserves a LOT more love then it normally gets.

The same goes for 'wait, what?' game called 'SkyGunner' for the PS2.

Captcha: spick and span

^Tas racist!


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Dark Void. Bad story with half of it missing. Terrible cut scene animations--it looks like Toy Story. Decent gameplay, but as soon as you get the fully upgraded jet pack it's awesome.


New member
Nov 24, 2011
King of dragon pass, it's incredibly fun and easy to pick up and play. Granted you might not be any good on the first few tries, but it's still good fun regardless.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
de Blob and de Blob 2, both criminally ignored games. Colourful, simple and fun, I amazed that in this time when people are complaining about games for being grey and brown and pretty generic to play and then these come along and people don't buy them. For shame gamers, for shame.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Since I actually read the OP and knows he wants PC only...

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy is rather unappreciated. By myself as well, since I haven't installed it, even though I own it. Jim Sterling loved it, though.

2008 Prince of Persia is on PC, and a really good game. I don't know why everyone hates it.

Serious Sam 3: BFE is a great shooter if you like them old school, and really isn't talked about much.

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division is a classic PC FPS with one nice gimmick: You're a transforming mech. That should speak volumes.

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone was a fun hack n slash that was on PS2, Xbox, and PC.

Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator is a western-made, PC exclusive jRPG, and a pretty good one at that.

Every game I listed is on either Steam or GOG.com


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Evochron Mercenary. Behind the (very) steep learning curve is a hell of a rewarding space sim.

That's all I've got for now. I'll edit this post if I think of more.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Extermination is a survival horror that isn't a part of RE at all. It was created in the early PS2 days with cheesy dialogue and a fair deal of research into its mechanics (especially in gun use and the movements of a military specialist). As I said, the acting is terrible, but the plot is wicked and the atmosphere creepy.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
kyosai7 said:
2008 Prince of Persia is on PC, and a really good game. I don't know why everyone hates it.
Because it's the worst of the lot, i.e. they know how to make excellent games but that time they just decided to make some shit instead.
And OP I suggest you play and other PoP game so you don't waste time/money.

OT: Cortex Command is probably a really good one for LP because it will drive you mad, oh an it's a Worms like RTS.


New member
May 8, 2009
Catfood220 said:
de Blob and de Blob 2, both criminally ignored games. Colourful, simple and fun, I amazed that in this time when people are complaining about games for being grey and brown and pretty generic to play and then these come along and people don't buy them. For shame gamers, for shame.
It's funny, I vowed never to buy those games due to the annoying advertisements they had on the Escapist.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Solium Infernum. Awesome turn based strategy where the main aim is to become the new king of Hell.

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
I thought Neir was good, if somewhat baffling. The graphics were pretty awful but the music was awesome. The story was bizarre but I couldn't stop playing until I had finished it.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Web of Shadows is probably the best Spider-man (yeah I said it) in terms of playing as Spider-man by focusing on midair combat that tied the swinging (best part of any pre-Beenox Spider-man game) more closely to the combat (arguably most boring part of any Spider-man game).


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Damn it. What was the name of that 8 bit survival horror game that came out a while ago? Because I remember playing it and it being awesome.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Two Worlds 2 was rather decent, pretty looking game, and I've had my share of fun with it. Except for the final boss, screw that fight.

Shadowstar38 said:
Damn it. What was the name of that 8 bit survival horror game that came out a while ago? Because I remember playing it and it being awesome.
Lone Survivor?


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
Blinx: The Time Sweeper on the original XBox. This is the only game ever to do time control better and more fun than Time Splitters. It's also an excellent paltformer set in a gorgeous world and has a totally lovable but kickass main character.

Seriously wish this game had gotten more attention back in its time, not many people seem to even know it existed. It did get a sequel but it was pretty meh compared to the original. I'm pretty certain you can get the full, original game off of XBox live these days.

I might just have to look that game up again.

I just realized you specified PC and since I can't delete my post I'll just say sorry about that and maybe you could do the original Fable. It seems to get shunned alongside its less than stellar sequels and I know a lot of people didn't know what Fable was until Fable 2 happened.

charge52 said:
in an attempt to kinda do like Unskippable, except gameplay is included, and not as funny(Modesty or Truth? Truth, probably truth).
Going by their Atelier Meruru video that I was unfortunate enough to click on, that's probably not difficult. I did like their older stuff way back when they first started, maybe they're just bad with JRPGs.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Ok, if we're ignoring the rule about it being a PC game;

Gotcha Force

Just because I want to watch you squirm as you learn about it and try to find it and find out the lowest price online for a 9 year old Gamecube game is about 22 quid, and near 100 at the highest.



This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Might and Magic - 6,7,8.

Nik: Have you tried might and magic?
Internetguy: oh that game by Ubisoft?
Nik *rageface* WHYyyyyyyyy 3do.. whwyyyyyy

WeaponisedCookie said:
King of dragon pass, it's incredibly fun and easy to pick up and play. Granted you might not be any good on the first few tries, but it's still good fun regardless.
Our definitions of underappreciated is probably different, after it appeared on GoG it got a massive rebirth, selling pretty much more than it did at its original release (I believe)

But yea, brilliant game that. Every single person I've recommended it to has fallen in love with it for at least a month before cutting down again to play other things.


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
Destroy All Humans!

You get to play as an alien and wreak shenangians during the 1950's!

Totally awesome


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Gatx said:
Web of Shadows is probably the best Spider-man (yeah I said it) in terms of playing as Spider-man by focusing on midair combat that tied the swinging (best part of any pre-Beenox Spider-man game) more closely to the combat (arguably most boring part of any Spider-man game).
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar, with "amazing" (get it?) taste in Spider-Man games.

The only bad parts of that game for me were the evil spidey voice, and that part where you had to answer Spider-Man trivia whilst fighting Wolverine.

Another good Spidey game that came out that not many people acknowledge is Ultimate Spiderman, which, while bullshit hard at some points, was really enjoyable.

Then there was also a Spiderman game on the PC (not the one based on the movie) called Spider-Man. It was linear and not open world but I thought it was really fun. I miss my copy of it :(