What are you currently playing?

Sep 30, 2010
I'm almost done with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. I've been trying to take it slow as I don't want it to end. I go into withdrawal after finishing an Ace Attorney game.
I'm also playing No More Heroes on and off, it's nice and easy to enjoy when I feel like it.
Oh yeah and some Frozen Synapse, bought it in the Humble Indie Bundle a while back and now I'm finally getting around to playing it.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Right now I'm playing Skyrim. Breton with a melee focus FTW! I also played some demos today, namely Syndicate and Asura's Wrath. Syndicate one sucked in my opinion(really stiff aiming) and Asura's Wrath was pretty awesome even though it was a QTE fest.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
The Last Nomad said:
JesterRaiin said:
Dragon Age : Origins.
I must say i'm deeply disappointed. I expected spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate Saga and all i got was one big, predictable, cliched remake of NWN2. I'm still shocked. :|
A remake of NWN2? that statement makes no sense to me. I honestly can't see how you could feel that way. I do agree that neither are as like Baldur's Gate that I'd hoped, but they were different in different ways.
Well, both games share too many similarities for my taste. Scenario, course of action, classes, micromanagement... IMHO DA should be called NWN3. :)


New member
Jun 29, 2010
I'm finally forcing myself to focus on one game instead of sporadically jumping between several of them. I'm also kind of on a "stealth" kick at the moment. I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum (which was awesome), and since I don't have Arkham City yet, I've moved on to Assassin's Creed (which is also awesome). I'm also working on Zelda: Spirit Tracks when I'm on away from the console.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Pokemon White
and Champions Online (though playing isn't quite the right word, more like obsessed with the character creation)


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Alice:Madness Returns.
Highly underrated game.Gorgeous graphics and smooth gameplay.Baffled as to why it got such mediocre reviews.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
What's been in my console lately...

Dead Island: I'm enjoying this but it's clear they never balanced it for single player, so I get the occasional random difficulty spike and I just wanna punch something.

Skyrim: A lot more fum than I had expected. I was never a huge fan of the series but I had some extra cash so I figured what the heck. Just beat the College of Winterhold questline last night.
Argonian battlemage for the record

Kingdoms of Amalur: Just got this today and I'm already drooling. doubt I'll be playing much else for a while. lol


New member
Feb 24, 2008
Skyrim...still. Just finished the Dark Brotherhood questline with my second player character. If I can plow through the Daedric quests by this Saturday, I can call it quits at exactly 3 months (ca. 250 hrs).

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Been switching between three games recently

Final Fantasy XIII-2
MGS HD Collection
The Last Remnant

There are more uses of the word "paradox" in the first two than you would expect.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Deus Ex: Human Revolutions - friend got it for 360 and Steam, so he let me borrow the 360 copy. I'm enjoying it so far, just got to China.

Farouk Alshahab

New member
Jun 14, 2011
Tribes Ascend beta (awesome stuff)[god knows]
Batman Arkham city (just finished)[2 days]
Bayonetta (juuuust finished on normal)[6hours]
Skyrim (on and off)[200hours]
the last remnant( recently back into)[30hours]
and the Syndicate demo...(unstable multiplayer :/ pre-ordered it anyway)

mainly a PC gamer but recently bought an Xbox
And Tribes is pretty awesome... well i've played the tribes 2 and i've been a fan since then so, i might be biased


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Final Fantasy: Crisis Core for the PSP.

I actually rather enjoy the combat system. It doesn't distract from the fact that I'm mostly playing it for the backstory to FF7, and so it's not too hard but at boss battles gives the appropriate level of challenge to not feel like it's a waste of time.

Afterward I'll be playing through FF7, which I plan on downloading to my PSP. And then after that I'll watch Advent Children that I got on UMD.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Setrus said:
Zhukov said:
Currently getting in one last playthrough of Mass Effect 2 before the next one comes out. Gotta get my save files all nice and ready to be imported.
This, wanted another Shepard beyond the two and a half I have now (one male who I played ME2 through twice with different ends, one female Shepard) so I've been doing an engineer run that finished ME1 recently and am now diving her into ME2 for a save file where I've pursued a romance with Liara (mostly out of curiousity, the male Shepard's are with Tali and the other female still single due to the Virmire nuke...but I want to see if I can come to care about the blueberry.)
("Blueberry", heh, that's cute.)

In that case I strongly recommend picking up the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC if you haven't already.

It's the blueberry's finest moment and there are some surprisingly well written extra scenes if you play it with a Shepard that hooked up with her in the first game.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
lordlillen said:
trying to beat the final boss in dark souls and my god he is hard, started playin DOW retrubution after sitting in my library four about half a year.
If you're still having some trouble, and you're decent with parrying, I've found that when he swings once, half of the time, the sword will be to YOUR right, and he'll raise his other hand for a 2-handed swing. If you press RT/R2 as soon as his other left hand touches the hilt, you should parry the attack. It still takes a while to kill him, though. I had a Black Knight Sword +5, and it still took me 6 or 7 riptoses to kill him.

For me, I'm playing Skyrim again. Started a new character, and am on my way to Whiterun. After playing Dark Souls for every second in my spare time, the combat in Skyrim feel so... I'm not sure of the word I'm looking for. The weapons don't really have weight like they do in Dark Souls. Still fun, though.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2010
I just got my computer back after a month in the shop, so I've been playing a lot of Minecraft. Found myself a village out in a desert on my third or fourth day, so I got set up and went from there. Currently, I've managed to dig a 14x14 hole down to level 25, build a little pyramid temple where I'm likely going to put an enchanting room, make a snow farm, build a guard (gourd?) tower parameter manned by snow golems, build a ranch with pigs, cows, sheep, and a bunch of chickens, and acquire a dozen slime balls. Also, I made a super-flat world to play with redstone on. Built myself an automated model minecart station, an automatic cobblestone generator with an on/off switch, and a big aquarium...thing.

So yeah. Minecraft.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Zhukov said:
Setrus said:
Zhukov said:
Currently getting in one last playthrough of Mass Effect 2 before the next one comes out. Gotta get my save files all nice and ready to be imported.
This, wanted another Shepard beyond the two and a half I have now (one male who I played ME2 through twice with different ends, one female Shepard) so I've been doing an engineer run that finished ME1 recently and am now diving her into ME2 for a save file where I've pursued a romance with Liara (mostly out of curiousity, the male Shepard's are with Tali and the other female still single due to the Virmire nuke...but I want to see if I can come to care about the blueberry.)
("Blueberry", heh, that's cute.)

In that case I strongly recommend picking up the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC if you haven't already.

It's the blueberry's finest moment and there are some surprisingly well written extra scenes if you play it with a Shepard that hooked up with her in the first game.
Used the term in a fanfiction, Ashley got a little jealous for no reason...kind of like the term. :p

Oh I have it, I have nearly all the DLC's, and that one is without a doubt my favourite, it really makes Liara come out more...hmmm...human, I suppose.

I agree, and the fact that it's such a well-made DLC gives me a good feeling about Mass effect 3. :)