What are you currently playing?


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Did a marathon replay of South Park: The Stick of Truth to pick up remaining trophies for the platinum, something I been wanting to do for a while. What a silly game.

Started the Ghost of Tsushima story expansion Iki Island. Love it, but yes that is because, as I've frequently seen it described- "just more of the game." Well that's what I think expansions should be. The story and mechanical add-ons are great. For the story, they connect it to the past actions of Jin's father. For the mechanics, there's a suit of armor that takes away regular parries but gives you hit streaks for executing perfect parries and dodges. So it basically encourages/reward aggressive risky fighting, and it is so damn cool. Also you can serenade a monkey.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Love it, but yes that is because, as I've frequently seen it described- "just more of the game." Well that's what I think expansions should be.
Back in the day before the 7th generation really took off, those were called Expansion Packs/Mission Pack Sequels.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Which game should I play after NieR: Automata?

The Walking Dead
Final Fantasy X
Arkham Asylum (Only played a little of Arkham City)
Disco Elysium
Beyond Good and Evil
Ghost of Tsushima
Ocarina of Time


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Which game should I play after NieR: Automata?
Arkham Asylum (Only played a little of Arkham City)
Ghost of Tsushima
Either of these 3. My top pick being Tsushima. As for Spider-Man. I am assuming you mean the PS4 version or the PS5 port.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Was greeted by my PS Plus lapsing last night when I woke up my PS4. Knowing it’s $80 to renew now, I just shut it off. Went on PC to try the indie game Immortality. Basically a mystery game where you’re reviewing lost film footage of an actress with different options to manipulate the tape by normal playback functions, but also stuff like jumping to different clips through objects in others. It’s intriguing but kinda unclear what I’m supposed to be doing. I wasn’t really in the mood to spend much time figuring it out, so jumped over to some more Witcher 3.

I’d played since the “next gen” patch and thought I sorta fixed what makes the mouse act like a coked up drunk slipping on ice, but apparently not. I’m still in DX11 since I don’t have an RTX card anyways, and have the same settings as before the patch but it is nearly unplayable with how unresponsive the camera feels. Figured I’ll tweak some things later, then finished the night by installing Windows on my SSD that’s been sitting dormant on my rig, along with Steam and the latest Nvidia driver. Running a dual boot setup now to see what’s different. I'll probably download Witcher 3 first to see if a fresh install changes things but I’m really just waiting for MK1.
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Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I will be starting to play "Red Dead Redemption 2" this evening.
I wanted to play another modern, new, high-profile game. (Yeah, yeah apparently it's nearly 5 years old? What the hell... why is the time running so fast?) And people seem to have fun with this.

So i shelled out the 20 Euros yesterday... And deleted four games to make space for this (120GB Holy Hell). I hope this will give me temporary joy...


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So I completed xenologue 5. By itself, that isn't worth noting, even if it's nice to see Thrasir and Lif again, but I bring this up because as far as I can tell, this is the last xenologue in the game. All the remaining paralogues are, well, paralogues, and most, if not all of the paralogues are bereft of any real story, and usually themed around everything from Christmas to...sigh, swimsuits.

It's honestly such a waste in my mind. I'm not going to bemoan developers having fun, but there's so much you could do with this stuff. Maybe have missions that flesh out the characters and/or setting. Maybe thread narratives along numerous paralogues. That too much to ask? I get the liberty in doing fluff-based stories that aren't part of a larger narrative (you can see my FFN oneshots/poems as an example of this), but even so, it's such a wasted opportunity. And while I won't harp on Awakening, what I will do is point out that the last FE game I played was Path of Radiance (a continent-wide war with plenty of political intrigue, themes, loss, military tactics, however basic), while Heroes has...sign, swimsuits. Yes, I know, the main storyline of Heroes has done well in some areas, as I've laid out on this thread, but I'm left to ask what the hell happened to this IP. I don't know, but far as I can tell, the kiddification made it more popular, so yay, or something.
Bringing this up because I unlocked Illari. This is less a "what are you playing?" entry and more "my thoughts on Illari," so on that note:

-Gameplay: Mixed. While a support, Illari really strikes me as a jack of all trades. What's irriating for me is that the left mouse key is attack, the right mouse key is heal, but as a healer, my mind defaults to it being the other way round. I mean, this is true for Lifeweaver for instance, but I keep healing when I'm supposed to be firing, and vice versa. Overall, I think she's okay, but I don't think I'm going to spend much time with her. Like I said, jack of all trades, master of none, whereas most healers tend to occupy niches that are easier to play around, and those that don't, I have far more practice with.

-Aesthetic: I absolutely love Illari's design. I...no, not like that, you degenerates, I mean the aesthetics. "Mesoamerican Peruvian warrior in late 21st century" sounds idiotic on paper, but as a design? I love it.

-Lore: Illari's lore is really lacking right now. You might be saying "she was just released, of course she's got little lore," but even by that standard, I'd point you to Lifeweaver. Now, I don't really have much interest in Lifeweaver as a character (gameplay is another story), but the amount of lore released for him at release was still comprehensive. Illari, by contrast, is a cipher. Oh sure, we know the generalities (last surviving member of the Inti Warriors, something went wrong with the solar threading ritual), but we know next to nothing about what the Inti actually did, or how the city she comes from operates, or what she's actually done since the accident. I dunno, maybe Blizzard was too busy mucking around with the character ages.

(FFS, get a timeline and stick to it!)

-In other news, the Flashpoint mode is still kickass, though I prefer Junker Town to Suravassa for various reasons.
Nearly at the end of Act V by now. There's no way I can cover every little thing that happened (so, for instance, that rules out most of the side quests), so I'm going to keep to the broad sweep of things:

-Throughout my posts on the game, I've mentioned the unwavering sense of despair and whatnot. Suffice to say, Hawezar keeps up with that, as early as Zarbinzet. Not only is the city rundown, not only are there reminders of past glories, but the Crusaders who've made the city their base of operations are clearly in the twilight years of their order.

-Speaking of the Crusaders, I don't know why they underwent an apparent redesign, making them look more like paladins. You could say it's intentional, that the downgrading in armour represents the downfall of their order. Maybe. But at the least, reinforces just how much Sanctuary is apparently in its twilight years.

-Same broadly applies to Wejinhani. Won't harp on things, but again, same sense of abject despair, misery, etc.

-I commented awhile back about Taisa being a cipher, both in the game's third and fourth acts. Act V, suffice to say, rectifies that, given that her backstory is more fleshed out, and she's presented in a way that makes it clear she's pursuing her own interests. So, still a cipher, but in a better way than before. By extension, the questline with her and Donan is well done. Did get me in "the feels" when Donan sees Yorin's appirition and whatnot.

-Similarly with the section in the mindscape of Travincal, again, won't repeat myself, but it's well done in the same way that the Tristram and Sescheron mindscapes were well done. Mephy's clearly scared that Lilith might win, and while certain things have been spoilt to me by this point, it certainly hits home. Not just in the sense of dread from the midscape, but the stakes as a whole. Both Lilith and Mephisto are threats, but the group's so far only focusing on Lilith - not without reason, but even so...

-Having finished the Donan questline, now back to Lorath and Neyrelle. I'm going to take time out for a bit and address the Serpent Cult stuff (since this is part of the primary questline rather than a side quest). Again, this will really require wiki stuff to piece together, but my take on things is that the Serpent Cult was reasonably benign until bandits started attacking them, hence, a response in turn. It's a small plot point, one that you might not notice if you're not paying attention (so...quite a few players, from what I can tell), but I love this. Not only is Sanctuary deteriorating further, but the people fighting over the scraps are making things even worse. So much so that in Hawezar, the Crusaders can barely even take on the Cult.

-Segway aside, reunite with Lorath and Neyrelle, and yes, dad!Lorath is still dad!Lorath in regards to their interactions.

-The entire section of finding the Tree of Voices is absolutely excellent. Real sense of otherworldly magic and whatnot. The Tree itself, however, isn't explained very well. I mean, I know how it functions, but things are vague here, maybe it'll be explained better later in the game.

-What's also excellent is making it to the coast. Now, most of what I've said so far is me saying what I'm certain was intentional (e.g. the constant despair that's hung over the game has been too consistent to attribute it to anything other than authorial intent), but this might be a case of me reading too much into things, but regardless, I'm going to bring it up. Here we are, on the east coast of Estunar. Beyond that is endless ocean that leads to...well, that's way off topic. Here, even on the edge of the world, there's numerous wrecked ships that you have to make your way through. My take on this is that it really reinforces just how screwed the world is, that even at the fringes of the land, there's nothing but death and decay awaiting you. There's also the atmosphere and land design - grey skies, grey sands, etc. It's dark, it's grim, I love it.

-So, things go awry when the Drowned attack, poisoning Neyrelle, forcing Lorath to amputate her arm. Gotta admit, I winced at this sequence. Don't have much to say on the Drowned themselves - yes, I kinda bypassed the coastal areas of Scosglen, so chances are I would have encountered them there based on what I saw in previews, but as a monster family? Can't say much.

-The Temple of the Deathspeaker is a bit of a letdown. I like the idea of it - the idea that Elias's ritual was so profane, you find echoes of him - but there's not enough 'meat' for the buildup. I already know that Elias is immortal at this point, finding out how, while interesting, isn't enough. It's even more of a jip when the temple starts flooding at the end, you start sprinting, the screen fades to black...and you find yourself on the shore. I mean, really? I don't even get an escape sequence?

-On said shore, things get better in that we have a nice interaction between Neyrelle and Lorath. Poor girl's lost her mother, now her arm, but dad!Lorath is here. I jest, but the interaction is nice.

So, yeah. Lots more I can say, just don't have the time. After a comparative dip in the fourth act, the fifth act returned with guns (bows?) blazing. Oh, and the mount is still tedious to control, but it has its uses.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Which game should I play after NieR: Automata?

The Walking Dead
Final Fantasy X
Arkham Asylum (Only played a little of Arkham City)
Disco Elysium
Beyond Good and Evil
Ghost of Tsushima
Ocarina of Time
Ocarina, then FF10.

Can't comment on the rest.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Started the Ghost of Tsushima story expansion Iki Island. Love it, but yes that is because, as I've frequently seen it described- "just more of the game." Well that's what I think expansions should be. The story and mechanical add-ons are great. For the story, they connect it to the past actions of Jin's father
So does that mean they explained what happened to daddy Sakai? I assumed they were going to cover it for the sequel. If they did that in a paid DLC, that's incredibly uncool.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
I will be starting to play "Red Dead Redemption 2" this evening.
I wanted to play another modern, new, high-profile game. (Yeah, yeah apparently it's nearly 5 years old? What the hell... why is the time running so fast?) And people seem to have fun with this.

So i shelled out the 20 Euros yesterday... And deleted four games to make space for this (120GB Holy Hell). I hope this will give me temporary joy...
Some things to know going in -

- It’s a slow burn type of game. If you go in just looking for another game to beat, it’ll probably get frustrating quickly. The first chapter is basically the “tutorial”, getting your bearings for basic things, including the controls which can be cumbersome at first.

- Make a point to adjust the settings to your liking. Turn off the dead zone setting for aiming and crank camera/sim sensitivity up for more responsiveness.

- If you’re choosing to play honorably (at least relatively speaking for an outlaw), make a habit of holstering your weapon around NPCs until they give you a reason not to, because the button used for prompting conversation is the same as drawing your weapon. This can cause unwanted attention.

- Keep your cores topped off. Once you start hunting bigger game this will be easier to do. Also cooking meat with seasonings like thyme, oregano or mint will give you food that turns cores yellow for added mileage.

Some other hidden tips and tricks -

In case you’re on PC, this may help -


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
So does that mean they explained what happened to daddy Sakai? I assumed they were going to cover it for the sequel. If they did that in a paid DLC, that's incredibly uncool.
I haven't finished the story but it looks like, yes, they are explaining that.
But I don't see what's wrong with that. Jin Sakai's father's death has nothing to do with the plot of the main game other than background character motivation- which is fully realized in the game (Jin's feeling of childhood guilt)- and any sequel would be a new story that takes place after. Also we can't just assume there's going to be a sequel.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Also we can't just assume there's going to be a sequel.
You do know that Mongolians come back a few years later, right? A sequel is going to happen. Until then, we play Team Ninja's open world samurai ninja game. Whenever that releases next year.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I haven't finished the story but it looks like, yes, they are explaining that.
But I don't see what's wrong with that. Jin Sakai's father's death has nothing to do with the plot of the main game other than background character motivation- which is fully realized in the game (Jin's feeling of childhood guilt)- and any sequel would be a new story that takes place after. Also we can't just assume there's going to be a sequel.
I rewatched the cutscene again, and I could have sworn that there was more to it than just that... In my head his father was killed by a ninja or something, not just some regular bandit. Like it was some sort of conspiracy, rather than just war. So yeah, fair play to explore that in a DLC rather than the sequel.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
You do know that Mongolians come back a few years later, right? A sequel is going to happen. Until then, we play Team Ninja's open world samurai ninja game. Whenever that releases next year.
If I were to put money on it, yes, I would be on the existence of a sequel. But that doesn't mean it's going to happen- hence my statement we can't assume it WILL. It's not as if the video games industry is the most reliable. AFAIK they didn't formally announce one.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
If I were to put money on it, yes, I would be on the existence of a sequel. But that doesn't mean it's going to happen- hence my statement we can't assume it WILL. It's not as if the video games industry is the most reliable. AFAIK they didn't formally announce one.
There's more or less some minor sequel baiting in the ending of the base game. And while I am happy and encourage the attitude, Sucker Punch ain't going to leave this game alone. Neither is Sony. They are going to make a sequel. It's only a matter of when and not if.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I'm at Route C. I made it from seeing the Commander to the part with A2 where you control Pascal in a mech to fight Engels, but I died there and had to go back to the part where A2 tries to protect Pascal's village.

Still, made a lot of progress.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Which game should I play after NieR: Automata?

The Walking Dead
Final Fantasy X
Arkham Asylum (Only played a little of Arkham City)
Disco Elysium
Beyond Good and Evil
Ghost of Tsushima
Ocarina of Time
Disco Elysium, then Ocarina of Time.

Is it just me, or is the music in the Bunker in NieR: Automata really relaxing?
The music is probably the best part of NieR: Automata.
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