What are you currently playing?


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I'm watching a playthrough of REm4ke Seperate Ways and something that struck me compared to the original is that Wesker keeps appearing randomly in person to badger Ada and tell her she's not doing the job right or fast enough and then buggering off. Why doesn't he just help her complete the mission since he's already there? Or is he just supposed to be the worst kind of middle manager that doesn't actually know anything and will stand over your shoulder telling you to hurry up anyway?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm watching a playthrough of REm4ke Seperate Ways and something that struck me compared to the original is that Wesker keeps appearing randomly in person to badger Ada and tell her she's not doing the job right or fast enough and then buggering off. Why doesn't he just help her complete the mission since he's already there? Or is he just supposed to be the worst kind of middle manager that doesn't actually know anything and will stand over your shoulder telling you to hurry up anyway?
Wesker is a known narcissistic jackass. He likes to surround himself with "competent and smart" people. But with caveat being that he's the one in charge and they do whatever he says. Failure is using met with death or a fate worse than death. Ada he considers "competent enough", so Wesker has some distanced respect for her. Dude still is an egomaniac, so it doesn't mean much. I know this version of Wesker is not as cool headed and reserved as the original. I think what they're trying to do is transition his character a bit more properly for RE5 Remake.

Plus, he wants to stay hidden in the shadows.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
There's a new Rusty Lake and people are asking what I am playing ?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm watching a playthrough of REm4ke Seperate Ways and something that struck me compared to the original is that Wesker keeps appearing randomly in person to badger Ada and tell her she's not doing the job right or fast enough and then buggering off. Why doesn't he just help her complete the mission since he's already there? Or is he just supposed to be the worst kind of middle manager that doesn't actually know anything and will stand over your shoulder telling you to hurry up anyway?
Yeah, it's really dumb. Considering how OP the guy is you'd think he'd just do it himself in a matter of minutes. It's framed initially that he's in his little control centre doing/monitoring other important shit, but no, he apparentlly was just there the whole time.

Wesker makes every RE game he's in worse, even when it's DLC.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Finished Halo 3.

I think I get why people hyped this series up so much now. I didn't see it for the first or the second games, but this one was The Good Shit.
Played some more of 2 and 4 yesterday. I think I found 1 (CE) the most over-all satisfying but by 3, you got that many more toys to play with. Two was a huge step up from 1 as well. The campaign in 3 seemed a little short but very good. Takes some getting used to vs. CoD controls. My son always preferred, by a lot, CoD, particularly up to CoD 5, World at War. One day he walked in while I was playing online and I handed him the controller as I had to do something and he later said he was getting ready to shoot an opponent when the opponent flew away. He was like, "oh yeah, this is Halo, not CoD".

ITMT: I never finished 4. Even on easy, I got stuck on a difficult level with no ammo left. I think I should have run and gun: get to the objective regardless. I did that on a level last night, ignoring the bad guy while running to press a button in one place, throw a lever in another and then all heck broke loose and was glorious... lots of enemies floating into space through the wreckage. Lot of people thought 4 a disappointment, 5 really not good and Infinity the end of the affair. We'll see. Back to it.

Skip to 22 min. for the best part

Jun 11, 2023
United States
Getting deeper into Invasions, and it’s definitely a step up from the old Krypt stuff IMHO. I like the art style of these mesas as they’re called; almost feel like those Tilt Shift miniature game worlds seen on YouTube.

As an aside, damn does this game hand out Achievements like candy. Racked up 18 last night in less than three hours of playtime lol, and 25 overall in 15.2 hrs according to Steam so far just playing the game naturally.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I finished up Propagation: Paradise Hotel and promptly uninstalled it. It's definitely a one-and-done affair, and it ran out of steam towards the end, basically just loading the player down with ammo and then unleashing a bull-rush final boss. I guess it's meant as a draw-in for their free-to-play game, which is a wave-based zombie arena shooter.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I've had Timespinner on my backlog for a while and started it up today. I've barely done anything but had to stop and say THANK YOU GOD ALMIGHTY more people that know how to do color balancing RIGHT for dark skin tones. Why the hell is this somehow such a hard thing for people to get right?! Music is also pretty good, feels very nostalgic.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Finished Halo 3.

I think I get why people hyped this series up so much now. I didn't see it for the first or the second games, but this one was The Good Shit.
By playing it now you are missing one key aspect that made it so amazing back in the day. It was the first console fps that played really really well. There were other good ones, but none that felt as good as Halo:CE. The techniques they used in Halo would find their way into every console fps and were probably partially responsible for the PC getting such shit ports of a lot of games for awhile since FPS on consoles really pushed units.

Still playing Cyberpunk 2077, not sure if I'll be going back to Balders Gate 3 for awhile, its just too stressful.

Also beat Alltynex Second on normal, really really good top down shoot em up. Its got such a great feel of speed that very few other shoot em ups manage for more then even a level, let alone the whole game. Plus the sword your ship gets is really fun and powerful to use, I can see myself trying to 1cc clear it, probably wont make it, but fun to try.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I decided to a NG+ Run of RE4R again. Separate Ways put me in the mood for another playthrough. Did some more Mercenaries with Qipao Ada and Krauser.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
By playing it now you are missing one key aspect that made it so amazing back in the day. It was the first console fps that played really really well. There were other good ones, but none that felt as good as Halo:CE. The techniques they used in Halo would find their way into every console fps and were probably partially responsible for the PC getting such shit ports of a lot of games for awhile since FPS on consoles really pushed units.
You might be right, but my own perspective is all that I have to work with. And since the people who played the Halo trilogy back in the day already have their opinions carved into granite, I can only offer recommendations to the people like myself who came decades late to the party. That being said, while I do think Halo 3 is the first one of the MCC that I'd ever replay, it is worth playing Combat Evolved and 2 to lead into 3, to really understand how it got to the point where it went beyond an innovator in its time to an enduring good game [at least from my view].

I'm also going to play through the rest of the Collection, but probably not until after I get back from an overseas trip.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So, Iz gots opinionz:


I've already said everything I need to at this point, the only thing of note is that I'm now about 50% through the paralogues, though only out of sheer obligation at this point.


So I completed the game (you can see the related thread for my concluding thoughts), and started Season of the Malignant. And I'll be frank, I'm really disliking it so far. I get that this is mainly a "it's not you, it's me" situation, but on those notes:

-I get that previous games' seasons had you start a character from ground zero, I just wish I didn't have to do so. I don't care about seasonal journeys, or leaderboards, or anything like that, I just want to play through the narrative.

-The narrative itself, so far at least, is threadbare. I get that this is a constraint of the game in a sense - a season can only deliver so much story compared to the base game or an expansion - but even so, it's a letdown. The Malignant have come into being because of Lilith, but very little has actually changed in the overworld, just some Malignant growths popping up everywhere, yet there's hardly any acknowledgement of it by anyone, since by the season's end, it'll be resolved.

-Cormond is boring. I know that could change, but he just doesn't do anything interesting as a character.

-What really grinds my gears is the seasonal journey stuff. Basically, in regards to the questline, you need to complete chapters of the seasonal journey to progress, starting off simple (e.g. salvage ten normal items), to progressively more difficult stuff (e.g. clear 3 dungeons in the Fractured Peaks). I wouldn't mind this if the main questline wasn't locked behind it. The people who truly care about seasonal progress and leaderboards and what have you are going to do all this stuff regardless, so as someone who's only here for the main questline, why should I be forced to jump through these hula hoops?

So, yeah. Base game? Great. Season 1? Tedious.


Not playing Halo, but since people are discussing it, all I can say is that if you've played 1-3, you owe it to yourself to play Reach as well to close out the original era. 343's games? Eh...


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Trying to get trough the newest genshin impact quest. At this point I'm almost certain the writer is just trying to get fired and giving them his worst work possible but the company just keep accepting it, and so every patch he try something worse.
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~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Cocoon. Ok is a bit special to be fair. Wordless narrative, smooth gameplay and animation, very strong affective art direction, there's unique bosses, surprisingly cute moments, the journey is somewhat chill yet maintains a unique dopamine drip of intrigue being fed with discovery of teeny alien surprises in a completely alien journey amongst a wordless alien landscape with its own implied ecosystems. I think it's in all the platforms too.



Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
It's actually genuinely annoying how much more I enjoy Fallen Order now that I'm not held back by the PS4. Which, in some Ouroborus situation, that the experience is so much smoother makes all the still present jank even MORE annoying.

This game is just in an unacceptable state in my opinion. And maybe the game is fun and the story well written enough for many to overlook it's flaws, but that I barely caught of whiff of all this bullshit from reviewers is infuriating.

Anyway, while I am enjoying this overall, I can't help but think how much more I would enjoy this if it wasn't so Dark Souls. This game as just a regular old action adventure game where the focus is on the lightsaber combat and not on annoying puzzles and meaningless backtracking would have been AMAZING. But no, we needed to be baby's first Dark Souls and add all this pointless bullshit. I haven't even been to Dathomir yet and I'm already tired of all the switching between planets.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Got back into Baldur's Gate 3, and I think I just defeated one of the more prominent bosses in the stupidest way possible. It was this rotund Cenobite-looking guy in a hood, who I guess wanted me to get him into some inner sanctum place, which I did (unknowingly). Anyway, the fight against him was so fucking tough I just transformed him into a sheep and kicked him over the side to his death. A strategy I didn't think was going to work, but did. I'm sure by doing this I lost some good loot, but the manner of his defeat was reward in and of itself.


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Well, I finally did it and broke free of Baldur's gate 3's yoke, uninstalled it, and reinstalled Total Warhammer 2 in its place. And I'm probably going to uninstall that too, because it's really not good for me.

It's the kind of game I think I could play for 12 hours straight without even realizing it, because I did play it for like 15 hours in 2 days. Once you get over the high learning curve, it's a bottomless pit of a timesink. There's so much to do, the victory conditions for each campaign take astronomically long to complete, but it never feels boring or repetitive. Even if the Mortal Empires campaign ultimately has you running around basically the same map regardless of what faction you play, their playstyles are so decidedly different that it feels fresh each time. You always feel like you're inching towards a greater goal. There's so many layers and approaches you can take, and I haven't even touched on the real time battles yet, which can turn into nail-biting chases of snatching victory out of the jaws of defeat.

So yeah, a phenomenal, preposterously huge game, but I'd like to have a life as well, thanks.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Well, I finally did it and broke free of Baldur's gate 3's yoke, uninstalled it, and reinstalled Total Warhammer 2 in its place. And I'm probably going to uninstall that too, because it's really not good for me.

It's the kind of game I think I could play for 12 hours straight without even realizing it, because I did play it for like 15 hours in 2 days. Once you get over the high learning curve, it's a bottomless pit of a timesink. There's so much to do, the victory conditions for each campaign take astronomically long to complete, but it never feels boring or repetitive. Even if the Mortal Empires campaign ultimately has you running around basically the same map regardless of what faction you play, their playstyles are so decidedly different that it feels fresh each time. You always feel like you're inching towards a greater goal. There's so many layers and approaches you can take, and I haven't even touched on the real time battles yet, which can turn into nail-biting chases of snatching victory out of the jaws of defeat.

So yeah, a phenomenal, preposterously huge game, but I'd like to have a life as well, thanks.
Yeah, I put about 1300 hours into TW2 before I got to the point where I was done with it, plus 300 odd in TW1. On the one hand, it is potentially a very good value proposition in terms of hours of entertainment per buck, but on the other there are much better things I should be doing with my time. They might take a bit more effort to do but certainly feel a lot more rewarding.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Yeah, I put about 1300 hours into TW2 before I got to the point where I was done with it, plus 300 odd in TW1. On the one hand, it is potentially a very good value proposition in terms of hours of entertainment per buck, but on the other there are much better things I should be doing with my time. They might take a bit more effort to do but certainly feel a lot more rewarding.

Or, you know, 1,300 hours could be just an hour a day. If you play for three and a half years…