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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Got Live a eviL(Live a Live?) remake for my birthday so I decided to go through it since it's pretty short. Tackling the stories one by one in the order I feel like doing them. I played the SNES version a LONG time ago on an emulator so I kinda know how this all goes down but I'm enjoying going through it again with the updated visuals and added Voice Acting. I guess there's some Quality of Life improvements too but honestly I don't remember enough of the original game to compare.

Far Future chapter: Basically a blend of Alien and 2001: A Space Oddity, played from the POV of a cute little robot on a spaceship coming back to earth with a dangerous creature and then shit starts going wrong almost immediately. So I like this chapter for it's pure "You're stuck on a spacecraft and everything is falling apart around you" vibe and also the lack of combat, but the main character doesn't really drive much of the action. You're just told to go from one place to another for about 60-90 minutes until the end and everyone else is driving the story, and as cool as the ship is, there's little to do on it other then go to the next plot point. The other issue is that despite only being 90 min long, it feels like shit happens way too fast. There's very little time to really get to know anyone on the crew and it's almost all frontloaded and after that it's just one problem after another in a cascading fashion with little room to breathe and it feels like it could have benefited from being like 30 minutes longer and have stuff more spaced out.

Western chapter: Bandits are going to invade a small town, you've been asked to help the townspeople fight the bandits. Everyone has seen this plot like 10 million times by now. With that said, it's nicely done and well paced and has a cool gimmick where instead of risking the townspeople directly, you have until dawn(about 8 minutes of real time) to search the town for useful supplies and then give them to people for them to set traps to thin out the invaders, so there's a puzzle element involved and if you pull it off, you only fight the boss instead of the boss and his entire gang(and it's quite amusing to watch the entire invasion fall flat from all your booby traps). This chapter feels a bit light hearted much of the time, with some the booby traps feeling comical, such as a setting a nudie poster to distract one of the bandits and a slingshot because....why not? There's a wierd twist near the end of the chapter too that I remember really well because of how WTF it comes across.

Marital Arts chapter: Set in Imperial China(not sure when that is), you're a martial arts master living on top of a mountain who decides to train some students to pass on his skills before he gets too old to do so. This chapter has a whole 3 act structure, where you go out and find 3 students, train them up and finally confront the nearby gang at their imposing fortress nearby to deal with them once and for all. Interestingly, the way you train your students is by fighting them, which makes them stronger, both via stats and experience, with each fight. However, there's no way to train them all equally and only one of them can be your student at the end, the one you paid the most attention too, so really it makes the most sense to pick one and spend all the training sessions beating them up over and over again to give them to maximum stat and level gains for the finale. And while after a while they do feel like they're getting tougher and more of a threat, it also feels like you're basically picking on them.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Marital Arts chapter: Set in Imperial China(not sure when that is), you're a martial arts master living on top of a mountain who decides to train some students to pass on his skills before he gets too old to do so. This chapter has a whole 3 act structure, where you go out and find 3 students, train them up and finally confront the nearby gang at their imposing fortress nearby to deal with them once and for all. Interestingly, the way you train your students is by fighting them, which makes them stronger, both via stats and experience, with each fight. However, there's no way to train them all equally and only one of them can be your student at the end, the one you paid the most attention too, so really it makes the most sense to pick one and spend all the training sessions beating them up over and over again to give them to maximum stat and level gains for the finale. And while after a while they do feel like they're getting tougher and more of a threat, it also feels like you're basically picking on them.
This one is a new chapter they added for the remake, but it seems to follow the spirit of the game quite well.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I started Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and I'm about 3 hours in, but the whole start of this game feels extremely low in energy. It's similar to the start of TLoU2 where you can just feel the hours you need to get through to get to the game proper. Or like Kingdom Hearts 2 I guess.

I guess that's the result from taking what was initially one game and dividing it into multiple games. The beginning of Remake was stupendous and expertly propeled you along with these characters into this world. Rebirth on the otherhand feels like it's trying very hard to get its ass out of bed.

The game also suffers a bit from what a lot of AAA games suffer from, which is that the improved graphics make the visuals look slightly fuzzier than how the remaster of the previous game looked.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So I have been released into what I guess is the open-world portion of FF7 Rebirth, and I don't know what to think. First of all I'm kind of tired of open-world games in general. Secondly, FF7 Rebirth falls significantly short of the open-world standard that Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3, and Elden Ring have set. And thirdly, the traversal controls are incredibly dull for an open-world game. And from the looks of the map this will be the majority of the game, or at least a huge chuck.

Maybe I'm being too paranoid, but I can already feel my enthusiasm for this game draining quickly.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
So I have been released into what I guess is the open-world portion of FF7 Rebirth, and I don't know what to think. First of all I'm kind of tired of open-world games in general. Secondly, FF7 Rebirth falls significantly short of the open-world standard that Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3, and Elden Ring have set. And thirdly, the traversal controls are incredibly dull for an open-world game. And from the looks of the map this will be the majority of the game, or at least a huge chuck.

Maybe I'm being too paranoid, but I can already feel my enthusiasm for this game draining quickly.
It's apparently 150-200 hours to Plat, too.

Not saying I would even try to but that should give you an idea of the sheer width of the content in there.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I think when I beat persona 3, I'm gonna sit down and try to play Monster Hunter World. It's weird to think it's practically a retro game at this point. It's weird how time flies. Like when I was a kid we were still playing Mario Bros like 5-6 years after it came if not later. Today streamers "I'm gonna go back to the stone age and play Dark Souls II".
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
@Worgen I am going to play Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem. Waiting for the install to finish.
Woot, prepare to be blown away, again.

Wrath Aeons of Ruin finally launched so I've been playing that between Helldivers 2 and Pacific Drive. It starts off rough, really rough. The game gives you a hub and you choose one of 5 zones to go into and then you get a really long level. Looks like the game will have 3 or 4 of these hubs, each with a different primary theme. I would give this game a tentative recommendation, but you have to get through some bad levels and quake engine jank. I've never encountered a game where the enjoyment varies so much level by level. A lot of the levels of the first hub are from the early access and they really feel like it, enemy encounters are just kinda thrown together without much thought, stages tend to be annoying to navigate, ammo tends to be annoyingly limited and you don't really have the best tools for the big guys you encounter. Of the first hub there is one good stage, 1 meh stage and 3 bad ones that should have just been removed. Once you get past those meh stages it becomes pretty good, but man, those stages suck. Also, for Quake jank, the quake engine doesn't like angled surfaces and Wrath has a lot of them, so you will find yourself skidding more then you expect.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I gave in to the hype and got Helldivers 2, and it is surprisingly soloable if you're careful and decently equipped; I've done a handful of Medium difficulty solo missions against Terminids without any serious problems (well, aside from the first run, where I underestimated how deadly Bile Spewers are). I may go up against the Automatons by myself soon, though I know they're much more difficult.

I also picked up Monster Hunter: World on a ridiculously steep discount on Steam so I'll play around with that this weekend maybe.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I gave in to the hype and got Helldivers 2, and it is surprisingly soloable if you're careful and decently equipped; I've done a handful of Medium difficulty solo missions against Terminids without any serious problems (well, aside from the first run, where I underestimated how deadly Bile Spewers are). I may go up against the Automatons by myself soon, though I know they're much more difficult.
The automatons aren't really harder, just different and you need to be ready for a more accurate aim or some armor piercing. Really the automatons rep is from the escort mission that just dumps hordes of them on you, the rest of the missions against them are fine.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Woot, prepare to be blown away, again.
Loving the game, but there's still some jank from the base game. Also, the game crashed on me twice. Once in the enemy profile on Stage 2, and again before getting to the Church in Chapter 3. This is part of the reason why I save scum.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Loving the game, but there's still some jank from the base game. Also, the game crashed on me twice. Once in the enemy profile on Stage 2, and again before getting to the Church in Chapter 3. This is part of the reason why I save scum.
Hmm, weird, in all the time I played SS4/SM I only had it crash on me once. And I've put like 60 hours into them both and will put more into them.


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
I started doing an "intended path" playthrough in Elden Ring. Further playthroughs in that game can very easily feel scattershot and too easy especially if you're aiming for a specific build. It also deducts a lot from the open world feel when you're spending the first few hours just running from place to place gathering different things. Hence I set a loose ruleset for myself to go through the game in the "intended" order:
  1. No skipping Stormveil Castle through the side path
  2. Order of the world map sharbearers is roughly: Godrick, Rennala, Radahn, and then Rykard or Morgott in either order.
  3. No going for early high smithing stones
  4. No early high-tier items like Radagon's Soreseal
  5. No early-game rune farming strats like killing Greyoll
It's been surprisingly absorbing. It actually brings back a bit of the feeling of going through the game for the first time, because you're gaining resources and going through the world in a way that feels more organic and better paced. I actually farmed a bit of smithing stone 1s at the bonfire near which you usually get torrent. I even used the smithing table in the Church of Elleh multiple times, which I don't know if I did even on my first playthrough. Even Margit, who I've usually just blasted through on my playthroughs, gave a decent challenge when the best weapon you have is a +2.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I''m pretty sure I remember it being in the original unless you're thinking of a different chapter.
huh you're right, weird I have literally 0 memory of it despite remembering all the other timeline, or maybe the rom I played it on didn't have it?
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
So I have been released into what I guess is the open-world portion of FF7 Rebirth, and I don't know what to think. First of all I'm kind of tired of open-world games in general. Secondly, FF7 Rebirth falls significantly short of the open-world standard that Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3, and Elden Ring have set. And thirdly, the traversal controls are incredibly dull for an open-world game. And from the looks of the map this will be the majority of the game, or at least a huge chuck.

Maybe I'm being too paranoid, but I can already feel my enthusiasm for this game draining quickly.
I'm appreciating this rare perspective of the game from an actual gameplay perspective rather than the nostalgia-ridden lovefest from games media. Thanks.

I also appreciate u/Johnny Novgorod using the term "width" of content. I'm seeing what you're doing there.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@Worgen, Siberian Mayhem, Chapter 4 - Roadside Picnic may be my favorite level in the entire game. The Side Mission in the bunker is practically a level within a level. And the XR Ray Gun? Microwaves bad guys; I love it! Especially when you can dual wield them!

Me, when I'm in an open field with powerful weapons!

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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
@Worgen, Siberian Mayhem, Chapter 4 - Roadside Panic may be my favorite level in the entire game. The Side Mission in the bunker is practically a level within a level. And the XR Ray Gun? Microwaves bad guys; I love it! Especially when you can dual wield them!
Yeah, thats one of my favs also. I love the vehicle so much, its even better then the mechs.

Still slogging my way through Wrath. At the boss of the second hub, 3 of its missions were pretty good, one totally sucked and one kinda sucked. The suck levels in it are so bad cause they take forever.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm clicking a bit more with FF7 Rebirth, but man, does Square need to learn to render their open-worlds better.
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