What are you currently playing?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
My rental days pretty much ended a quarter way into the 6th generation. I can't even remember what was the last game I ever rented. Some parts of the rental days, but not much anymore. As far as Switch, I just go games that are not graphical powerhouses or are stylistic in presentation. That's all I really care about.
I think my last rental game would have had to have been from the ps2 or xbox, maybe 360...
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I think it is a rather direct sequel, like I know that a bunch of the supporting characters in 2 are also in 1. But you can enjoy the story 2 in plenty without having played 1. Also the graphical style is pretty different, like its kinda the super deformed chibi in MS1 but in MS2 its more of just a cartoon style. I know that I ended up getting into the story for 2 without having played 1 at all and if you know monster hunter stories then you know how much that says since they are always just throw away.
You do realize that 1 is a port of a 3ds game right? Like I don't think you can make a 3DS game look much better. The sequel is a ps4 game, so yeah obviously the graphical style will jump a generation or two. You do have to kinda keep that in mind as you go in I feel to judge the game fairly.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
You do realize that 1 is a port of a 3ds game right? Like I don't think you can make a 3DS game look much better. The sequel is a ps4 game, so yeah obviously the graphical style will jump a generation or two. You do have to kinda keep that in mind as you go in I feel to judge the game fairly.
Yes, but I like the graphical difference since 1 is also when these characters are younger and it works. I intend to get Monster Hunter stories 1 since I really really liked 2, but its got the unfortunate luck of releasing just days before the Elden Ring expansion, along with a Shin Megami Tensei game.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Yes, but I like the graphical difference since 1 is also when these characters are younger and it works. I intend to get Monster Hunter stories 1 since I really really liked 2, but its got the unfortunate luck of releasing just days before the Elden Ring expansion, along with a Shin Megami Tensei game.
Yeah and next month there's a new trails game, and after that we got episode Aigis and Metaphor. This year has been insane for atlus lol.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Sackboy: A Big Adventure

Isn't it nice to play a couch co-op game that isn't a relationship ender? The levels are breezy and keep coming up with fun new gimmicks. You can solo most levels, and the ones that require team effort require minimal coordination. None too challenging unless you're trying to 100% every level. Fun game! Brings back good memories of playing co-op LBP 2 & 3.

Also the OST has no right being this good. The music for the LBP games is always ridiculously good.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Still wakes the deep. It's very Scottish, the scriptures don't lie. Appropriate levels of swearing also, impressively authentic compared to any other game to the point they used terms I'd almost forgotten completely about like "leccy" - not even seen it spelt before as basically was just slang a lot of older family used for "the electric meter" when yapping amongst their own. the Devs seem to be slowly edging away from their walking sim roots with leaning more towards an Outlast tactile style of gameplay. The only downside is the creeping controller stick drift I've failed to fix has grown too annoying to ignore,, making first person games an unsightly hassle no matter how the sensitivity options are tuned. Will attempt 2nd dismantle-clean to see if a full replacement is required before returning to any first person camera lock such as this. Scots getting some justice here though either way!



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Jitsu Squad - I love it! This game is like a cross between Tiny Toons and AVP Capcom! I am on Stage 2 right now.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Elden Ring Shadows of Erd Tree. Its trixy.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States

That's right, embracing my bad taste in gaming to play a critically and fanbase derided handholdy, map-with-icons poi clearing, dumb babbie action combat, open-world fatigue-inducing power fantasy.
It's pretty, I'm entertained.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Elden Sherdtree.

Only played about an hour but got the first map fragment which revealed what looks like the first swamp lol. Lots of verticality with two-three layers visible beneath. There are “crosses” of Miquella at grace sites on the open field which presumably double as path guidance, and a new compatriot or two has been present to clue me in about that stuff. Happened upon a village and the first dungeon, but didn’t get too far into it.

Also surprised to find the first new weapon type so early, like within about ten minutes after harvesting eagle talons for my arrows. It will likely result in my first respec for the dlc since I haven’t gone with DEX in quite a while. I made sure to spend all the runes from Mogh on upgrade stones so I basically have enough to get one of each new weapon type to 9/24 at least.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Still wakes the deep. It's very Scottish, the scriptures don't lie. Appropriate levels of swearing also, impressively authentic compared to any other game to the point they used terms I'd almost forgotten completely about like "leccy" - not even seen it spelt before as basically was just slang a lot of older family used for "the electric meter" when yapping amongst their own. the Devs seem to be slowly edging away from their walking sim roots with leaning more towards an Outlast tactile style of gameplay. The only downside is the creeping controller stick drift I've failed to fix has grown too annoying to ignore,, making first person games an unsightly hassle no matter how the sensitivity options are tuned. Will attempt 2nd dismantle-clean to see if a full replacement is required before returning to any first person camera lock such as this. Scots getting some justice here though either way!

Just found out what I'm playing this weekend.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Elden Sherdtree.

Only played about an hour but got the first map fragment which revealed what looks like the first swamp lol. Lots of verticality with two-three layers visible beneath. There are “crosses” of Miquella at grace sites on the open field which presumably double as path guidance, and a new compatriot or two has been present to clue me in about that stuff. Happened upon a village and the first dungeon, but didn’t get too far into it.

Also surprised to find the first new weapon type so early, like within about ten minutes after harvesting eagle talons for my arrows. It will likely result in my first respec for the dlc since I haven’t gone with DEX in quite a while. I made sure to spend all the runes from Mogh on upgrade stones so I basically have enough to get one of each new weapon type to 9/24 at least.
Yeah I am around 3 hours in. And so far, I think I can say this is my favorite expansion of a game, and would even dare say one of the greatest. I haven't felt this amount of content and love for an expansion since Wticher 3's Blood and Wine.

So far I've beaten one legacy dungeon boss (the dancing lion), two catacomb dungeon, and two open-field bosses. All of them kicked my ass HARD, despite my INT build being super OP in the base game. Then again, my main strat with this build revolves around one-shoting, and quite the glass cannon. The bosses are not designed to be taken out such way, so I gotta appreciate this DLC for re-awakening my skill with dodging, stamina management, and learning the boss patterns.

I was curious on what new stuff is available for INT build like me, and the bad news is that there are only two new glintstone staves, and they have terrible scaling with INT. The good news is that there are many new spells, and they all look awesome.

The map of the new region is also quite big; I think Miyazaki blindsided everyone when he said the dlc is around the size of Limgrave. Umm, no, this is way bigger than that region.

Kinda feel bad about abandoning KH1 Final Mix, but I don't care, this expansion is way too awesome
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Yeah I am around 3 hours in. And so far, I think I can say this is my favorite expansion of a game, and would even dare say one of the greatest. I haven't felt this amount of content and love for an expansion since Wticher 3's Blood and Wine.

So far I've beaten one legacy dungeon boss (the dancing lion), two catacomb dungeon, and two open-field bosses. All of them kicked my ass HARD, despite my INT build being super OP in the base game. Then again, my main strat with this build revolves around one-shoting, and quite the glass cannon. The bosses are not designed to be taken out such way, so I gotta appreciate this DLC for re-awakening my skill with dodging, stamina management, and learning the boss patterns.

I was curious on what new stuff is available for INT build like me, and the bad news is that there are only two new glintstone staves, and they have terrible scaling with INT. The good news is that there are many new spells, and they all look awesome.

The map of the new region is also quite big; I think Miyazaki blindsided everyone when he said the dlc is around the size of Limgrave. Umm, no, this is way bigger than that region.

Kinda feel bad about abandoning KH1 Final Mix, but I don't care, this expansion is way too awesome
I peeked at the Fextra and it looks like those staves are hybrid with FTH or ARC depending on which one. Not sure how well they scale fully upgraded but yeah probably max B or something considering this. I think I’ll be swapping my quality knight build to something like a backhand/beast setup with the new paired blades and beastial incants. They’re more effective for ranged offense including crowd control anyways.

*edit* speaking of The Witcher -

Also PSA, the new inventory features need to be turned on in the Display tab -
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010

That's right, embracing my bad taste in gaming to play a critically and fanbase derided handholdy, map-with-icons poi clearing, dumb babbie action combat, open-world fatigue-inducing power fantasy.
It's pretty, I'm entertained.
Its hovering just below okay initially, you need to finish it to get the "who the fuck though this was a good idea?!"


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
While I wouldn't say Im taking a break from Far Cry Primal, I will admit Ive drifted away from it, having not played in a week.

While it was initially exciting to master this more primitive battlescape I have to admit the criticisms were not without merit. It lacks both in story and atmosphere.

Firstly theres not much of a sense of progression or urgency to the game. You start the game being impressed upon to help a failing tribe overcome a larger more menacing tribe, but the pace is more CIV than FEAR, with you ponderously exploring the map, overtaking territory. Theres no back and forth, no fear of losing ground. At this point in the game its starting to feel like a chore really.

More problematically, the antagonists are not really villains deserving my righteous fury.

At least to the point Im at one tribe is neanderthal cannibals. For some strange reason the game chooses to tell you its not by choice but by necessity, so it doesn't even feel good killing them the way killing mongols feels in Ghost of Tsushima. Its just like "I guess I gotta kill these guys who are struggling in their own way". The other villains are, I think, proto aztecs. They worship the sun, do sacrifice, that sort of thing. Same problem though, I just don't really care that much.

The other problem is that everything can and will try to kill you, day or night. Unlike other Far Cry games where an odd thing may stroll up to murder you here and there, in this game, albeit possibly realistically, the forest is teaming with critters who only dream of murder. You MUST keep an alpha pet around at all times, never more than 5ft away to scare off predators or you will be accosted every 5 seconds. Even then if your pet so much as blinks while you're gathering logs a cave lion will be on your back in a heartbeat. Its ok when you're just roaming around but they don't pause for missions Ive literally died during ingame cut scenes. Its funny the first 50 times you die literally just standing there looking at your map, but after that it gets old real quick. It only helps to add colour to that feeling of "chore".

The game is very pretty. It definitely feels pre-procedurally generated environment era Ubisoft is now infamous for. The landscape feels hand crafted and looks beautiful on the 57" Oddesessy which is fully supported in super ultra widescreen.

Unfortunately though being pretty can only take you so far. The game lacks the cunning of a Yugoslavian model turned foreign bride to a real estate mogul, but holds the same depth of character.

If a game existed that symbolized 7/10 its Far Cry Primal.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Finished up Half-Life 2 Episode 1.

Brisker pacing, and Alyx being a constant companion, results in a much-improved experience over the base game.

So far, this is the first Half-Life game that I am actually somewhat positive about.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Its hovering just below okay initially, you need to finish it to get the "who the fuck though this was a good idea?!"
Do you mean story or gameplay? Because I just got past all the initial stuff I think and I'm about to venture into the open world proper. Story is butt- typical video game bullshit. But that's fine, it's what I expected and was in the mood for. The video game equivalent of my recent watching of the Reach TV show.