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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Started thr Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Literally about 5 minutes so far, but after playing Elden Ring nigh exclusively for over a year and a half, it just feels good to have something new in it.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Do you mean story or gameplay? Because I just got past all the initial stuff I think and I'm about to venture into the open world proper. Story is butt- typical video game bullshit. But that's fine, it's what I expected and was in the mood for. The video game equivalent of my recent watching of the Reach TV show.

Story just become complete non sense and the main character just gets worse and worse. The open world aspect become even more empty, I think they ran out of time or something cause there's massive portion of the map that are just floor texture and nothing.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
I've been playing Shadow of the Erdtree, and good golly the first real boss sucks. It's like a greatest hits of shitty Fromsoft boss design: interminable combos where you get maybe one attack opportunity for every 5 the boss does, jerky movement that spazzes the camera out, the boss design is an incomprehensible mess of flailing parts making it basically impossible to read if you get close, and it's only made worse by the cornucopia of flashy effects in the second half, blinding the player almost completely. There's the trademark heat seeking missile tracking where the boss rotates on a turnstile, the boss having a host of gap closer moves, meaning you spend a lot of the fight just chasing the damn thing down... it honestly blows. At least it has the decency of not having a "fuck you, I win" super-move like Malenia. But it's basically a more frustrating version of Maliketh, which is just really really bad. I have a feeling this boss is gonna get patched some, because fighting it just hasn't been fun. Playing it has made me miss Sekiro and Lies of P, because compared to them, Elden Ring's boss fights feel really passive: it's basically a turn based game except in real time. In Sekiro and LoP you always have the option to parry, giving the player more agency.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
More Elden Sherdtree. Covered most ground of the main level of the first map. The backhand blades have a sweet moveset. Really feels like a more mobil, useful upgrade to the quickstep skill with a jutting attack on enemy’s flank. Also the Blackgaol knight dropped what will be my next load out for a STR build.

I've been playing Shadow of the Erdtree, and good golly the first real boss sucks. It's like a greatest hits of shitty Fromsoft boss design: interminable combos where you get maybe one attack opportunity for every 5 the boss does, jerky movement that spazzes the camera out, the boss design is an incomprehensible mess of flailing parts making it basically impossible to read if you get close, and it's only made worse by the cornucopia of flashy effects in the second half, blinding the player almost completely. There's the trademark heat seeking missile tracking where the boss rotates on a turnstile, the boss having a host of gap closer moves, meaning you spend a lot of the fight just chasing the damn thing down... it honestly blows. At least it has the decency of not having a "fuck you, I win" super-move like Malenia. But it's basically a more frustrating version of Maliketh, which is just really really bad. I have a feeling this boss is gonna get patched some, because fighting it just hasn't been fun. Playing it has made me miss Sekiro and Lies of P, because compared to them, Elden Ring's boss fights feel really passive: it's basically a turn based game except in real time. In Sekiro and LoP you always have the option to parry, giving the player more agency.

I’m pretty convinced they designed some of these main bosses to be more spectacle than anything else. I mean, I beat the dancing lion thing on my second attempt last night but can see someone under leveled struggling for sure. There was probably some luck involved since I clearly didn’t learn its moveset, but I also have 60 vigor and used the NPC summon, plus a level 10 Oleg spirit ash during his second phase. It does have an opening after all the jumping and whatnot. Managed to posture break it three times. One of those fights where lock-on is probably better off since it’s big enough to melee without. Casters might need to toggle it often, idk.

To contrast, the more normal duel style Blackgaol knight fight was on point, but ironically took me at least a dozen tries. He hits harder than the lion more often than not, but the fight certainly felt fair after learning his attacks. It was fun since my heavy attacks with the backhand blades have good reach that could reliably interrupt him, and stuff like his crossbow flurry is easily avoidable just by running.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Pleasantly animated brawler-crawler (the internet says it a dungeon crawler but it more like small-town narrative brawler to me) take on Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a sort of Dexter's Lab/Powerpuff Girls art style. Some awkwardness in movement going through doors at points, but otherwise a surprise gd game. A few of the enemies and bosses especially have that quivering wobbly quality of Cuphead to their movement animations too. Loved the early-ish lovecraftian goat boss as tricksy as it was! Is best to see in motion instead of screenshot though. The protag's dodge roll is nice n nifty...a nifty dodge roll can carry games through even average tiresome combat systems. It carried my grandad through world war trenches too I tells ya! Don't ask which war.

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Pleasantly animated brawler-crawler (the internet says it a dungeon crawler but it more like small-town narrative brawler to me) take on Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a sort of Dexter's Lab/Powerpuff Girls art style. Some awkwardness in movement going through doors at points, but otherwise a surprise gd game. A few of the enemies and bosses especially have that quivering wobbly quality of Cuphead to their movement animations too. Loved the early-ish lovecraftian goat boss as tricksy as it was! Is best to see in motion instead of screenshot though. The protag's dodge roll is nice n nifty...a nifty dodge roll can carry games through even average tiresome combat systems. It carried my grandad through world war trenches too I tells ya! Don't ask which war.

I was curious, but now you have my erection attention. This games looks like a cross between a late 90s CN show (as you mentioned) crossed over with a little bit of Fairly Odd Parents. The main character in pinks has the same bucktooth design as Timmy Turner. She even does Dee Dee's dance animation from that one episode in Dexter's Lab. I might check this out on a sale.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Hi Fi Rush isn't very good.

Sighed and kind of thew my hands when I got to the upgrade screen. All the same, always the same. Poured all currency into life gauge, because couldn't be bothered to read descriptions of unlocks again. Practically every game. Would say health upgrades should just be in the world, but I wouldn't upgrade the player's health at all and give them all abilities from the start (or only give abilities through story progression, not currency and tedious screens) if I made a game.

Music is not good enough. No one would snap their finger and walk in such a swagger to these lame beats.

Think I'm gonna quit now that parry plays a role. Really annoying tutorials, by the way. Fail the tutorial and you have to start the area over again and tap/wait through all the messages again.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
I was curious, but now you have my erection attention. This games looks like a cross between a late 90s CN show (as you mentioned) crossed over with a little bit of Fairly Odd Parents. The main character in pinks has the same bucktooth design as Timmy Turner. She even does Dee Dee's dance animation from that one episode in Dexter's Lab. I might check this out on a sale.
Almost passed on it while browsing cause there's a lot of phone/low-key-scam-type games with similar-at-a-glance aesthetics in store screenshots being added weekly or daily even, but before doubt fully took the wheel, noticed unread phone messages had "pat stares at #blud" from some ongoing livestream within them, so basically just got real-time won over watching a hugely coincidencally-timed stream right there and then with the store page still open and teetering on edge of dismissal lol
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
More Elden Sherdtree. Covered most ground of the main level of the first map. The backhand blades have a sweet moveset. Really feels like a more mobil, useful upgrade to the quickstep skill with a jutting attack on enemy’s flank. Also the Blackgaol knight dropped what will be my next load out for a STR build.
I'm quite liking the back hand blades also. Along with Milady and the perfume bottles. I feel like the perfume bottles will get nerfed since their run heavy attack easily does 2k+ damage to larger enemies/bosses.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I’m pretty convinced they designed some of these main bosses to be more spectacle than anything else. I mean, I beat the dancing lion thing on my second attempt last night but can see someone under leveled struggling for sure. There was probably some luck involved since I clearly didn’t learn its moveset, but I also have 60 vigor and used the NPC summon, plus a level 10 Oleg spirit ash during his second phase. It does have an opening after all the jumping and whatnot. Managed to posture break it three times. One of those fights where lock-on is probably better off since it’s big enough to melee without. Casters might need to toggle it often, idk.
It took me a bit to beat the lion, but I also don't use summons or ashes. Perfume bottle did great against it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hi Fi Rush isn't very good.

Sighed and kind of thew my hands when I got to the upgrade screen. All the same, always the same.
The upgrade system is fine, practical, and works. You can even get refunds if you don't like move or want to grab it later. I'll take a standard upgrade screen/system over lame "skill trees" any day of the week.

Would say health upgrades should just be in the world,
They are in the world. Collect 4 pieces each to extend Chai's life bar. Not all of his health upgrades can't be bought. Same thing for the Reverb Gauge. You need collect 3 in whatever levels to extend it.

Music is not good enough.
Music great. You're literally at the beginning still.

No one would snap their finger and walk in such a swagger to these lame beats.
Then you don't know people much and I question your tastes in music, if these beats are "lame". I know musical tastes are always YMMV and that jazz, but yeah, no. You're wrong that one. The dynamic helps carries HF and a big part of its identity. No different from Metal Gear Rising, Streets of Rage 4, Devil May Cry 5, and even DmC.

Think I'm gonna quit now that parry plays a role. Really annoying tutorials, by the way. Fail the tutorial and you have to start the area over again and tap/wait through all the messages again.
That one you do have a point though. The parry introduction could've been done so much better and not be a forced tutorial. Honestly, parry should've been introduced before facing Rekka, or at the very least given after the first two combat introductions.

I played BPM EX Mode in HF Rush, and it is much more difficult than BPM on Normal. Me playing this in a tired/heat exhausted state didn't help much, but I will give it another shot later today. I am much more energized. Right now I am playing Wild Guns.
"pat stares at #blud" from some ongoing livestream within them, so basically just got real-time won over watching a hugely coincidencally-timed stream right there and then with the store page still open and teetering on edge of dismissal lol
Great job Pat, and thank you @XsjadoBlayde!

I tried the Night Slashers Remake Demo. I like the how they improved the combat, moves have directional inputs, and the animations that have for this remake are great, but can't top the original. My only problems are that dashing doesn't always consistently work (which I am sure they will fix), and the default controls suck. I am glad I looked and changed them before starting the game. The game definitely has a fairer difficulty balance than the arcade, but that is expected. I just wish the original was never removed from the eShop. I still have my digital download on Switch, and I have the rom on MAME, but that versions should have never been removed.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Some more Shadow of the Erdtree, and I have a feeling this is where the limits of Fromsoft's combat design have reached their limits. So far I've beaten the Dancing Lion, and reached Rellana the Twin Moon Knight and Bayle the Dread I'm beginning to see a worrying pattern emerging: the only way Fromsoft can seemingly up the difficulty anymore is
  1. Giving every major boss a metric fuckton of health
  2. Giving every phase 2 its completely own moveset, forcing you to learn how to fight basically two bosses back to back.
  3. Making every boss a Manus or a Gwyn. Ie. bosses have endlessly long attack chains with no window for attack, and the damage is turned so high that trading damage or blocking isn't really viable either. Which, like I mentioned previously, makes most of the fights completely reactive for the majority of their duration as you dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge and only then get to attack safely.
Now, obviously all Fromsoft fights can be described like point #3 to some degree, but in Dark Souls the attack chains were rarely more than 3 attacks. I think even the Fume Knight, objectively the hardest boss in DS2, does at most 4 attacks in succession, and even that's quite rarely. In Shadow of the Erdtree it seems the minimum amount of attacks is like 5. In conjunction with the inordinately high HP and their tendency to bounce around the area forcing you to catch them, it drags out every fight.

On a sidenote, Fromsoft have possibly created the single best boss design of their entire catalogue with Bayle the Dread. My god, what a design. I'd never imagined a chunky dragon with ram horns could create such an instantly striking visual, but here we are. Even getting to him in the first place takes like 10 minutes of pure traversal, so it's genuinely amazing that they managed to create a boss fight that matches that amount of buildup.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Anyone tried Gal Guardians Demon Purge? I hear it's a great Castlevania style game with more emphasis on Classicvania than Metroidvania. You can still go back to previous levels as you wish though. There's a sale on Steam, but I am thinking of get a physical version on consoles if I like it enough. The only complaints I've heard is that the game is too easy for a Castlevania title, but that's a non-issue for me. Especially when you can unlock harder modes.

EDIT: Looking more into the game, it's basically an easier and more streamlined version of Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2. I can live with that. Much less frustrating and is GGDP is basically Curse of the Moon 3.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Some more Shadow of the Erdtree, and I have a feeling this is where the limits of Fromsoft's combat design have reached their limits. So far I've beaten the Dancing Lion, and reached Rellana the Twin Moon Knight and Bayle the Dread I'm beginning to see a worrying pattern emerging: the only way Fromsoft can seemingly up the difficulty anymore is
  1. Giving every major boss a metric fuckton of health
  2. Giving every phase 2 its completely own moveset, forcing you to learn how to fight basically two bosses back to back.
  3. Making every boss a Manus or a Gwyn. Ie. bosses have endlessly long attack chains with no window for attack, and the damage is turned so high that trading damage or blocking isn't really viable either. Which, like I mentioned previously, makes most of the fights completely reactive for the majority of their duration as you dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge and only then get to attack safely.
Now, obviously all Fromsoft fights can be described like point #3 to some degree, but in Dark Souls the attack chains were rarely more than 3 attacks. I think even the Fume Knight, objectively the hardest boss in DS2, does at most 4 attacks in succession, and even that's quite rarely. In Shadow of the Erdtree it seems the minimum amount of attacks is like 5. In conjunction with the inordinately high HP and their tendency to bounce around the area forcing you to catch them, it drags out every fight.

On a sidenote, Fromsoft have possibly created the single best boss design of their entire catalogue with Bayle the Dread. My god, what a design. I'd never imagined a chunky dragon with ram horns could create such an instantly striking visual, but here we are. Even getting to him in the first place takes like 10 minutes of pure traversal, so it's genuinely amazing that they managed to create a boss fight that matches that amount of buildup.
It’s what happens when it’s like the 6th or 7th game in a string of them. More stuff, bigger levels, harder bosses, etc. To scale back or change the formula, it’d need to be significantly different game type without people complaining about getting less by way of content or challenge. Sekiro was somewhat of a departure, but not enough to change the general trend of things.

That said, I’ve heard a lot of people generally say Elden Ring can be the easiest or hardest game FROM’s made. Agreed if played like the old Souls games, but using all the new stuff makes it much easier to deal with. It’s why they had to change the difficulty system for the DLC so NG+ high leveled players wouldn’t just steamroll it.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States

The upgrade system is fine, practical, and works. You can even get refunds if you don't like move or want to grab it later. I'll take a standard upgrade screen/system over lame "skill trees" any day of the week.

They are in the world. Collect 4 pieces each to extend Chai's life bar. Not all of his health upgrades can't be bought. Same thing for the Reverb Gauge. You need collect 3 in whatever levels to extend it.

Music great. You're literally at the beginning still.

Then you don't know people much and I question your tastes in music, if these beats are "lame". I know musical tastes are always YMMV and that jazz, but yeah, no. You're wrong that one. The dynamic helps carries HF and a big part of its identity. No different from Metal Gear Rising, Streets of Rage 4, Devil May Cry 5, and even DmC.

That one you do have a point though. The parry introduction could've been done so much better and not be a forced tutorial. Honestly, parry should've been introduced before facing Rekka, or at the very least given after the first two combat introductions.

I played BPM EX Mode in HF Rush, and it is much more difficult than BPM on Normal. Me playing this in a tired/heat exhausted state didn't help much, but I will give it another shot later today. I am much more energized. Right now I am playing Wild Guns.
Poisoned the well with repetition, upgrades always suspect now. Never can tell if added because they thought it would enhance the game or because it's expected. Can't help but think of my learning the upward and downward attacks in Streets of Rage years after I started playing. Satisfaction in finding them by accident. But if made now, would have to probably unlock with tedious menus full of stats and written descriptions.

I think I wouldn't even put health upgrades in the world of my action game. Because if the player doesn't find them, the game can become almost unplayable or too easy later.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Poisoned the well with repetition, upgrades always suspect now.
That's a you problem on that one. What would you want exactly? Because any other method wouldn't be ideal or worse.

Never can tell if added because they thought it would enhance the game or because it's expected.
It's called read, watch, and pay attention. You can get through the game fine on minimal upgrades. This isn't an RPG or game with "RPG elements". Seraphim17 pretty much proved you can get through the game on the hardest difficulty and barely have to upgrade anything. You can through the entire game with Chai's basic super move, Power Chord. There is practice mode where you can play around with your combos as much as you want. You can even try moves before you buy them. So you have no excuses on that. That's all on you and not the game.

I think I wouldn't even put health upgrades in the world of my action game.
Then you might as well be mad/complain at nearly any action game modeled after Devil May Cry, because nearly all of them do that. That's why you have health upgrades you can buy, or heart/health containiers you find in 3 or 4 pieces to upgrade health, your super meter, etc.

Because if the player doesn't find them, the game can become almost unplayable later.
That rarely ever happens and are fringe extreme cases.

Can't help but think of my learning the upward and downward attacks in Streets of Rage years after I started playing. Satisfaction in finding them by accident. But if made now, would have to probably unlock with tedious menus full of stats and written descriptions.
You do realize SOR4 came out in 2020 and doesn't do that. Now it does have new and alternative moves you can unlock by playing Mr. X's Nightmare (when it released in 2021). That one is a grind, but as long as you make it to floor 25-30, most alternative moves will be unlocked per character. Though you do have to pay for the DLC to even play the mode and unlock those moves, and the 3 characters that come with it.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Played Signalis, a survive horror game with a retro PS1 aesthetic. Really good looking, but kinda lacking in everything else, the gameplay is pretty basic, puzzle are simple, enemy can be walked past easily and the biggest thing slowing you down is that inventory is tiny and you need to constantly go back to storage chest to get keys and supply.

Story start out interesting, its some sort of future space soviet like empire that use replica of human as its main workforce. Buuuuuuut its also a symbolism game where nothing is real and things just change out at random. A positive description would be calling it like in the style of David Lynch, but honestly it just felt like nothing mattered.

Ultimately the game has this section with a long time before a new save point can be found and I died because apparently the game doesn't stop when you pause, I just didn't really feel like going trough the section again.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Don't kid yourself. If the first Streets of Rage were made now, even the rear attack would be locked off. Streets 4 doesn't do that because it has to live up to prior games.