What are you currently playing?


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
I have been playing "Shadows of Doubt" on my last two weekends:

It is quite good. Get's me real in my puzzle+ocd+cyber-detective noir vibes. And is a real shining example of "gaming technology" gone the right way for me.

It is what people would call an "immersive sim"-type game, but in a procedurally generated world. (Also Voxel-Style)

So it creates a map for you, fills it with buildings (with convoluted airducts to crawl around in), businesses and apartments and then creates the people inhabiting it. Those people have spouses (No children), a job with working hours, schedules and different characteristics (build, ethnicity, fingerprints, hair, glasses, hobbies, voice, income etc.) (Important point for the detective work)

You play a cyber-noir detective doing a handful of jobs (Mostly identifying and finding people and then either trashing their place, steeling secrets back, following them, or finding out if they have an affair with someone) and then getting evidence back to your employers.

The big thing are the murder-investigations though. Usually the game makes someone a serial-killer, which you have to find before he kills again (to get paid).

This is being done by:
1. Building profiles for the inhabitants of the city by connecting clues and documents to them. (For example just talking to them might give you their name and how they look and how their voice sounds. Then after finding their employee-records you connect them with name/photo and learn their income, position in a business and date of birth. Then scanning their hand when they sleep (don't ask) you have their fingerprints. Rifling thourgh there own documents you find their birth-certificate... and so on and so on.

2. Finding clues at the crime scene or from witnesses (For example an unknown set of fingerprints, a vague description by someone in the area, or a deliberate left note by the killer), or security-footage by a cam (Yes there a cams in the world which save up when people where passing through their field of vision for a day)

3. Connecting the information on a case-board. (And finally it allows for wrong conclusions)

Overall this is impressive technology, and i would love to have something similar made by a huge team with more complexity. That, sadly is my problem with the game. While a great idea, the cases itself are either very easy to solve or nearly impossible unless you already lucked/worked you way into having the perp already fully profiled.
(For example if the job is "Find me this skinny, tall man with AB+ blood type and a income of 42.000 as a bookkeeper - Well, you better have all Businesses already "visited" and know all bookkeepers or it will be a LOOONG night)

But luckily you can have several cases on backburner and sometimes they pretty much solve themselves.

There are some other mechanics:
Some "cyberware/DNA" implants to give you some powers - sadly many are just "you get money if" -types which are not important, but others make you better in combat (knocking people out) or negating falling damage (Jumping from a skyscraper when chased by enraged folks who found you in their bedroom rifling through their computer while they slept, hehe) or just straight up being more beautiful, so people give their names to you more freely.

Buying your own apartment and decorating it: Not needed, but fun to relax and lose a bit of that earned cash.


While their are already some mods to have the game have more content, this is the one thing which needs to be expanded: More difficult/convoluted cases, red herrings, more lines for npc's. Fully ramping up the logic behind the alertness-system of npc's ("Must have been the wind"-syndrome). More communication between the npc (Mail and speech). Well i would say this game scratches an itch though. It is atmospheric, clever and technical impressive. But it could be so much more. But well if you flaw is: "I wish there was more" or "man this could even be better when..." you have done something right.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Main campaign of Forspoken done. It is shockingly short. But I liked it! The plot is like a spec script written by a teenage girl for a CW superhero show, which is kind of charming in its simplicity and perfectly fine for a video game. Also explains why Teh Gamurs hate it so much- it's the video game equivalent of a Taylor Swift hit.

Now there's a TON of end-game grinding if I want to get the platinum so I'll embark on that journey until I complete it or get tired/bored. I'm gonna be away all next week so if I don't get the platinum by then I for sure won't bother coming back and caring about it because my next living room game (by which I mean a game I play in the living room, couch + TV + PS5) came in the mail: Cyberpunk 2077. Finally gonna get around to that in July.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Beat the
and the
in the Shadow of the Erdtree. They were tricky, but mainly just learning their move sets and not making dumb mistakes. Although, I am getting tired of the solution to all issues being the perfume bottles. They are so powerful against large enemies.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Just beaten Messmer in Elden Ring DLC. Definitely hard, and I died a lot, but I definitely didn't struggle as much as I did with Malenia.

This boss actually made me strategize, and I gotta commend fromsoft for that. Before it was the simple timed-dodge-then-attack gameplay. But with this guy, it actually made me think about re-specing my build as well as maxing out a tanking spirit summon as I was a mage. It really wasn't a boss to out-DPS. And I managed to beat it with Black Knight Commander Andreas summon.

Co-op kinda backfired on me with this boss, because if I grabbed two additional damage builds, we're all just glass cannons and everyone got wiped out quickly. One-shot build especially was the worst, because as soon as their prep work was ruined they were panicking and didn't know what to do. But with how quickly the summon signs are being grabbed, it was hard to find someone with a tanky build.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Beat Messmer in Elden Ring, though I have fairly little idea how. For most of the second phase I was simply dodging in seemingly endless combos of the camera zipping around, effects filling the screen and not getting to attack. I used a spirit ash and the NPC summon, so I guess splitting the aggro helped a bit. I'm glad I got it after a few tries, because I have a feeling it was going to be a boss I wasn't gonna enjoy.

I've repeated myself on this already, so let's lay it to rest: the open world in Shadow of the Erdtree is fucking awful. It's at least twice the size it would need to be to remain fun, and thrice the size it needs to be for its content to be spread consistently. It's so barren, so empty, so devoid of anything that it honestly feels either procedurally generated or like a bad early access game. It feels like there's supposed to be tons of stuff to see, but there just isn't. It's like Fromsoft wanted to make the awesome vista in the Dreg Heap in DS3 fully accessible, but forgot to put anything there. It's a sightseeing tour with some dungeons and bosses on the side. Makes for pretty screenshots and vistas, and that's it. I have zero clue how people are creaming themselves over the world, it's so bad.

But it doesn't stop at just it being empty. It's also a world record for obtuseness for Fromsoft, and a nightmare to navigate. It's like they went "Hey, remember how in the base game Moonlight Altar confused a lot of people because it was always displayed on the map? What if we made the entire map like that?" It feels there are like 5 layers of elevation overlapping each other, but the map is strictly 2D, so it's actually less than useless. Entire areas are gated behind incredibly easy to miss drops in the most random of places, and because of the bloated size of the world, it's basically impossible to try to infer from the map where the roads to different areas could be. There's apparently access to entire areas in the Shadow Keep I've yet to find despite scouring it like 5 times already, because there's some hidden ladder in some corner. Much like the open world, I have to wonder what purpose Fromsoft thinks this level of obtuseness is serving. Because so far it's only padded the playtime.

My opinion on the Scadutree fragments has also soured considerably, and that's because almost nothing aside from story progress in this DLC is gated behind bosses. Almost any boss you encounter can potentially be the first one you fight, and most Scadutree fragments I've found have been available in the open world right away, it just takes a while to get to them. Which means that despite it being intended as a leveling mechanic and an exploration incentive, in practice it's nothing but a timer after which your build actually starts to do things decently. The thought of having to run across the world for like an hour gathering the fragments with other characters is not my idea of fun.

Shadow of the Erdtree is definitely feeling like an Ashes of Ariandel so far: not worth the price for the amount of content you get.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States

I've repeated myself on this already, so let's lay it to rest: the open world in Shadow of the Erdtree is fucking awful. It's at least twice the size it would need to be to remain fun, and thrice the size it needs to be for its content to be spread consistently. It's so barren, so empty, so devoid of anything that it honestly feels either procedurally generated or like a bad early access game. It feels like there's supposed to be tons of stuff to see, but there just isn't. It's like Fromsoft wanted to make the awesome vista in the Dreg Heap in DS3 fully accessible, but forgot to put anything there. It's a sightseeing tour with some dungeons and bosses on the side. Makes for pretty screenshots and vistas, and that's it. I have zero clue how people are creaming themselves over the world, it's so bad.

Funny, I just listened to the Easy Allies crew indeed creaming themselves over the world/map here. Reveling in the caves and how much you have to keep falling into lower levels. *shrug*

Well I was listening to that while checking out the Forspoken post-game screw around grind and.. yeah, no, I don't think I'm gonna continue with that. Even wanting something mindless, it's TOO mindless lol.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Even wanting something mindless, it's TOO mindless lol.
Called it!

I've been playing some DMC5SE. I never completed SoS mode, because I skipped straight to LDK and DMD mode. I might finish Hell and Hell mode for DmC, as I only did about 3 missions. I am going back into Gal Guardians in a few, and I might try out this car brawler game I never heard of. It's only $7.99.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The reviewers who have minor complaints about Gal Guardians being "too easy" are exaggerating must like being kicked in the groin. The game is challenging, but it's not old school NES Castlevania hard. I can live with that. I beat stage 3. I did lose two lives, but got them back after beating the boss.


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Oh it was going so well. It was. So well!

A Dark 'n Dingy old-school FPS - no, not like the cool popular zoomie dooms as one may first assume. And no, not like the nerdy unpopular, uhh, whatever-system-shock-esque-slow-RPG-existed-at-the-time as one may second assume when the hud and menu layout lands upon monitor screen. It's something...in - between. Not quite RPG without exhausting gear/numbers, not quite action FPS without linear stress-panic hordes - just some calm equilibrium permeating the in-between.

Is almost like a very stripped down immersive sim: there's hub, exploration snaking out different directions, secrets, more secrets, non combat NPCs allegedly going about their lives whinging about the state of things, getting up and sitting back down in mid-air whenever I try talking to them from any angle other than directly in front of their eyes.

Combat a simple mix of melee and ranged with some upgrade options, light stamina management, light puzzling, light physics, an ever-availabke kick button, a nice whoppy combo with the staff where secondary attack is quick whip from the bottom of staff upwards followed by main attack with tbe main blunt end and why not throw in a final kick for good measure?

Ah, the chemistry, the buzz, the butterflies! Seriously was going pretty smooth for like two nights progressing the campaign. Made it past the sunken lighthouse mission, upgraded couple of weapons from having saved and scraped every penny from every barrel and corpse pile finally and was pumped for whatever nonsense it had planned for me next. Ahh, What could've been.

Cause then it crashed to main menu and reset/deleted all progress on save file. No second or separate auto saves, no back-up option. All gone. Only the file name survived. Even the clock was zero. So deleted game. Cannae be having bullshit removing time wholesale from life like that, is a hard line in the sand am afraid.

(unnecessary font change initially wasn't intended, but cos after a font size edit, the 'A' wouldn't look right next to following letters, so for own sanity sake just changed the font to be able to mentally move on, lol)
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I finished up Half-Life 2 Episode 2, which means that I am done with the franchise (other than Alyx, which is still on my list).

I didn't really care much for Black Mesa, or Half-Life 2, but the superior pacing, varied locations, varied activities, and having a companion most of the time in the Episodes resulted in a much improved experience. Im still not convinced that I find the games particularly impressive or noteworthy, but im happy to have ticked the games off my backlog.

Now I'm in a bit of a Gears of War mood. I can't be bothered to drag out my Xbox, so I will just settle for the games that I have on PC. I've just started Gears Tactics, which is a bizarre but welcome idea for a Gears of War spin-off, and effectively functions as Gears of War x XCOM. I'm only three missions in at the moment, but I really like the flow of the game, in how executing an enemy (zero health, close-up takedown) gives a temporary action point to all of your squad, which results in some pretty crazy combos.

Afterwards, I think I would like to replay Gears of War 4 and 5, which I haven't played in about 5 years.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I finished playing as all the Turtles again in Hyperstone Heist. Buck Up and Drive! is a great endless runner racing game, but does get tough real quick I am playing Streets of Rage 4 on Steam and is running great. I am currently finishing up my run of DMC5SE on SoS difficulty.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Now I'm in a bit of a Gears of War mood. I can't be bothered to drag out my Xbox, so I will just settle for the games that I have on PC. I've just started Gears Tactics, which is a bizarre but welcome idea for a Gears of War spin-off, and effectively functions as Gears of War x XCOM. I'm only three missions in at the moment, but I really like the flow of the game, in how executing an enemy (zero health, close-up takedown) gives a temporary action point to all of your squad, which results in some pretty crazy combos.
I've started up gears tactics twice and gotten to pretty much the same point both times and just stopped. The game itself is good, the mechanics are solid, but it suffers from too many just random fluff missions you need to do and they aren't like the ones in Xcom, they are just kinda boring. Plus the story is pretty dull and having named characters who have to be included along with randoms is just kinda weird and makes your team feel only half yours at best.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I've started up gears tactics twice and gotten to pretty much the same point both times and just stopped. The game itself is good, the mechanics are solid, but it suffers from too many just random fluff missions you need to do and they aren't like the ones in Xcom, they are just kinda boring. Plus the story is pretty dull and having named characters who have to be included along with randoms is just kinda weird and makes your team feel only half yours at best.
Plus random team member the game will give you tend to be higher level than your troop, so you have to constantly discard your veteran for fresh recruit.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Plus random team member the game will give you tend to be higher level than your troop, so you have to constantly discard your veteran for fresh recruit.
Yeah, you don't really have the same connection to your team that you do in something like Xcom and the characters aren't good enough to compete with something like Xcom Chimera.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Still Persona 5 Royale. The Okamura boss fight SUUUUUUCKS! It's just awful and I have no idea what they were thinking when they designed it. The idea is that he sends in four of his henchmen and then you kill them all and he sends in four of the next higher rank. It's all well and good until you get to the big green guys that have a huge amount of health, a ton of resistances, and few weaknesses. It's about that time that you learn that if you don't kill them all quickly and close together they have a tendency (read: certainty) to all run away, upon which Okamura sends in four more with full health and nothing you did previously counts. This happens forever until you turn the game off. There's also a 30 minute time limit on the fight. I understand that the game up until now has been pretty trivial in terms of difficulty and I've toyed with the idea of increasing it myself, but then I remember that difficulty and JRPGs don't mix and just end up being "oh, well I got a string of bad rolls, there goes an hour of progress. Oops."

Oh well, I'm sure I'll beat it tomorrow after I take stock of my options and actually make a strategy, but it's still a bad fight. I honestly considered that the game might be bugged after they all ran away for the third time and the fight kept spinning it's wheels.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
So I'm downloading Monster Hunter World to play with girlfriend. Chunky game, taking a while to download. I decided to game a little to pass the time.

An hour later, I'm ready to sleep, and it turns out Steam paused the download for the sake of the performance of the singeplayer game I was playing.

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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
So I'm downloading Monster Hunter World to play with girlfriend. Chunky game, taking a while to download. I decided to game a little to pass the time.

An hour later, I'm ready to sleep, and it turns out Steam paused the download for the sake of the performance of the singeplayer game I was playing.

There is a setting in downloads that you need to turn on to allow downloads during gameplay. I have seen it sometimes turn itself off after a big update.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
There is a setting in downloads that you need to turn on to allow downloads during gameplay. I have seen it sometimes turn itself off after a big update.
Yeah I've changed the setting. I'm just surprised that it was on by default, most gamers would be smart enough to know that downloading a game is bound to have some kind of effect on playing online games. They'd pause the downloads themselves if it was necessary.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Yeah I've changed the setting. I'm just surprised that it was on by default, most gamers would be smart enough to know that downloading a game is bound to have some kind of effect on playing online games. They'd pause the downloads themselves if it was necessary.
One of the few things that steam handles a bit wonky is how aggressively it likes to keep games updated.