Finally finished rogue trader after 102 hours.
Overall enjoyed it, but mixed feeling. The game has a lot of problem.
Gameplay is the biggest issue, it start pretty good, but by mid game you are an absolutely unstoppable monster. There's a lot of way to give flat damage increase to individual attack, and you can pretty easily do burst shoot that hit 20+ time. You can also stack extra turn many time, and you can combine that with the ability to always act first in combat. So what end up happening for every fight is that as soon as the fight start, you give many extra turn to a character that can easily mow everything down. As a results, I'd say about half the fight are over before an enemy even as a turn. You can increase the difficulty, but then you the enemy will pretty much one shoot most character, so it only mean you have to double down on making sure they never act. And the game seems to be build with that in mind, by endgame, enemy will have thousands of hitpoint, so if you haven't been building your character well, you'll hit quite a brick wall.
Story is also not so great, there's not much of an overarching plot, its more a collection of self contained arc. Your character just react to what is happening, pretty much every big action you take was started by someone else. There's some breads crumb laid throughout that end with some big reveal, but it feel very divorced from the rest of the game. The most enjoyable part is the 40K universe, but it often deviate from it, you can ally with xeno a bunch of time and your zealous companion never really say anything about that. Its also pretty limiting in what xeno you do meet, no ork, tyrannid or T'au. The game also, wisely, refrain from having space marine everywhere, but at the same they limit them too much and the space marine that are in the game are not very space marine-ey.
The game is also pretty buggy, no big bug, but plenty of small one, corpse often T pose, ability don't always works how they're supposed to. Only crashed once so its not that bad, but it often take you out.
The game has an alignment system, roughly good, evil and religious zealot (ie lawful evil), but annoyingly if you deviate even a little bit from just taking the same choice everytime, you end up in a situation where you fall behind on your alignment and so can't pick some option, which prevent you gaining more alignement point. Its also pretty arbitrary when choice will give you point.
I kinda wish the game had been smaller in scope and more focused, I kinda was done playing at 80 hours mark and just kinda drudge along.