Dirt rally 2.0
I used to think of codemasters as the last bastion of racing publishers not willing to dive headfirst into typical nickle 'm diming practices found elsewhere in this genre. The previous game was a solid whole product with only a single pointless DLC you could earn easily in-game and ignore. This however comes with fifty fucking seven pieces of DLC and a single-player career mode that requires an internet connection just because. I'll be clicking X to confirm vehicle repair options before a race, sitting twiddling my paws wondering why it hasn't quite got the message yet, only to notice the corner of the screen bleeping "communicating with server"...wtf, seriously? You were too busy contacting your corporate overlords to confirm a shitting car repair? ...ffs! What a load of rancid toss to soil an otherwise quality series. New managements I would assume. That or newfound crack habits to fund in the boardroom. I ain't buying any of it. Game's alright outside of that though. That's it for the racing genre now I guess.
I used to think of codemasters as the last bastion of racing publishers not willing to dive headfirst into typical nickle 'm diming practices found elsewhere in this genre. The previous game was a solid whole product with only a single pointless DLC you could earn easily in-game and ignore. This however comes with fifty fucking seven pieces of DLC and a single-player career mode that requires an internet connection just because. I'll be clicking X to confirm vehicle repair options before a race, sitting twiddling my paws wondering why it hasn't quite got the message yet, only to notice the corner of the screen bleeping "communicating with server"...wtf, seriously? You were too busy contacting your corporate overlords to confirm a shitting car repair? ...ffs! What a load of rancid toss to soil an otherwise quality series. New managements I would assume. That or newfound crack habits to fund in the boardroom. I ain't buying any of it. Game's alright outside of that though. That's it for the racing genre now I guess.
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