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Aegix Drakan

♪ Megalovania is a genre ♪
Apr 30, 2020
I fell in love with Trials of Mana, as I expected. Although even on Hard Mode, I'm having to really handicap myself to make it a challenge. :s The Benedodons/God-Beasts are going down like....Ok, not chumps, I nearly died to the last two, but they're going down pretty easily all the same.

Hitting my class 3 change for Hawkeye REALLY came with an insane power spike. Having Throwing Axes for just MP is stupid powerful, as is the goddamn rocket launcher spell. XD

...And this weekend I'll be starting Xcom Chimera squad, which I'm honestly shocked to see exist. Like...They just dropped it on us out of nowhere. I didn't know it existed until this morning, and it's been out a week!


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I just started Assassin's Creed II. It starts strong, by having a very bossy woman let you out of your cell, and yell at you until you lie on a magic table. Then some guards punch you in your invincible head for a while, then you get shoved into a trunk, and meet the rest of the apparent heroes who insult you nonstop. I'm not sure why I'm helping these people, I don't think it would kill them to say please.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
It's still a lousy ending, even if it did make sense (which it really doesn't because Jason Brody is the best warrior and has just proven his allegience by killing his friends, so if anybody else needs murdering for the next 15 years until the babby is old enough she's out of luck). Besides, I really hate it when games otherwise devoid of choice suddenly let you pick from one of two endings right at the finale, and then presumably autosave over it (I don't know, I force quit out as soon as the credits started.)
Again, Citra was fucking nuts, almost as much as her brother Vaas. I doubt she was really considering any long term affects of her actions, just like nobody else(Jason, Vaas) does either. Someone who tells you to kill your friends to prove your devotion is either fucking insane or a complete sadist. Besides, it's not like there's a lack of heavily armed crazies on the island for her to recruit if she needs someone killed and most of the surviving ones seem to work for her anyway(after Jasons Murder Spree across the island)

Honestly, I was more annoyed that it gives you a choice but the game obviously wants you to pick the "Do what Citra asks of you" ending considering the other ending is just kinda there. They put a lot more effort into the evil ending which makes me wonder why they bothered letting you choose instead of letting Jason take over and make the choice for you(since that seems to be where his arc was leading him through much of the game).

I had similar issues with the end of Life is Strange, where one ending is fleshed out and the other one really isn't, so it feels like the devs really, really meant for you to pick the Chloe dies ending. Though the fact it felt really obvious that the universe wanted her dead didn't make it much of a stretch to figure that out.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
After two nights of trying, I finally beat Nameless King. Decided to go for a mix of aggressive punishment and baiting tactics. The worst part was just getting his odd timings figured out, but once that happened I seemed to be in a groove. The first phase with King of the Storm got to be so trivial I was doing it with no damage. Used a Lothric Knight GS +10 there and then switched to a Heavy Claymore +10 with Carthus Flame. Also had the Estus ring, Ring of Favor, Carthus Bloodring and Prisoner’s Chain for rings and Fallen Knight Armor which I’ve used through most of the game. For a while I stripped down to <30% burden but it didn’t feel all that worthwhile.

The best part is I even managed to stagger him, but overall my play got sloppy the last half of the fight. Still had 6 Estus left though. Now it’s off to Ashes of Ariandel.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Assassin's Creed 2 is followed up it's strong start, by refusing to exit the game forcing me to simply shut off the console. Upon reopening I found that it hadn't saved anything from the two hours I played, so I get to re-experience it all again with unskippable cutscenes. This time it prompted me to input a name for a save file upon starting a new game and is actually awarding me achievements and saving, so that's good.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Streets of Rage 4. See more of my comments and extra thoughts on my thread. SOR4 is an amazing brawler with a ton of content. The fact that a 2D brawler is getting so much recognition brings a tear to my eyes. I actually had tears of joy while booting up to the title screen.

I will be playing this for the whole week, while waiting for my physical copies to arrive.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Just finished Gravity Rush 2.

The game - a PS4 exclusive - obviously benefits from being the "bigger and better" sequel to an original that was ported and remastered from a portable console. There's more of everything in terms of scope and variety, and you get the feeling that this is what the first game was going for with its overworld. On the other hand I also feel it was the technical limitations of the Vita that kept the development of the first Gravity Rush on a tight leash. Even if the story is episodic and unfocused, gameplay is straightforward and centers on simple, fun concepts that can be applied to different scenarios. Gravity Rush 2 instead opens with a lengthy first act that has you walking across cutscenes for the sake of building up intrigue for the story, I guess, Kingdom Hearts 2 style. And once you get down to actual meat and potatoes gameplay you find yourself constantly being interrupted in the middle of every mission or side mission with cutscenes and changing instructions, complete with annoying fade in/fade out, so you wind up with 5 minute breaks of gameplay where you do the thing they told you to do or wander about aimlessly because the game can be so goddamn cryptic sometimes.

The story is and isn't more focused. Ostensibly it's about Kat getting back to Hekseville, which she does about halfway through, although nothing she does in the first half of the game furthers that goal (she winds up there entirely accidentally, again) and then you spend the rest of the game just sort of helping around town one mission at a time, like in the first game. And then you get to the final act of the game, which renews Kat's interest in her past and identity (which the first game completely forgot about after bringing it up in the first 5 minutes, and so did this until the last hour or so) and proceeds to dump a truckload of twists, new characters and exposition that could've easily filled up an entire other game on their own. It's all incredibly convoluted and gratuitous and kinda made me hate the ending. If only they doled it out throughout the game. I also hated how anime the ending gets with its unending 100-stage bosses and harem of magical girls, each with 2-3 different identities, who keep unlocking hidden level after level of TRUE POWER as they fuse and transform and die and revive and on and on. Bleh.

I liked my downtime with the overworld. The cities are beautiful and lively and I enjoyed exploring them for collectables or just for the hell of it. Traversal is even more fun with three gravity styles to choose from; combining them for more efficient movement and racing is a lot of fun and one of the few things the game doesn't tutorialize. I liked many side missions because at least you get a little story or joke out of each. I was more incentivised to do them for the stories than whatever reward I was getting. And I do like Kat and the rest of the cast (many returning from the first game), even if the story lost me by the end. Like the game, the charm and cheerfulness tends to win you over the nonsense.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Alright, finished Witcher 3 DLCs. Finally got to finish a game I intended to play after watching the show. You know, in November. I got real side tracked.

Before I talk about the DLC, I need time to ruminate. But I need to say this, just to get it off my chest. Witcher 3 is a god damn awful mess when it comes to bugs. It was even worse than Metro Exodus for the rate of bugs. I cannot believe that game got stamped as ready to ship. It was way worse than I remembered. It was utterly frustrating. I need to think clearly about the game, and this isn't helping, so maybe saying it will clear my head.

When I say Fallout 4 as pretty bug free, I think it was in response to this, because I remember playing these games close to each other. Anyway, I thought I'd rate all the Open World games I got distracted with before playing Witcher 3, based solely on their level of bugginess.

1. Far Cry 5
2. Fallout 4 (With the caveat that dialogue animations are regularly terrible, but not game breaking like the next three)
3. OuterWorlds
4. Metro Exodus
5. Witcher 3

Because I needed to.
Any idea how many hours it took you to get through it and DLC? I keep restarting the thing and then get distracted! I hear it is crazy long.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Any idea how many hours it took you to get through it and DLC? I keep restarting the thing and then get distracted! I hear it is crazy long.
about 180 hours if you 100% the game. But you can get through the main story in about 57 hours depending on how much other stuff you do and how long you explore random things.
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Regular Member
Apr 3, 2020
Finished up with replaying Red Dead Redemption for my review blog. Enjoyable for sure, and I feel like have been able to see the appeal much more than when I first played it years ago. Briefly considered meddling about in the post-game but after a short session I lost that drive - unlocking the outfits is tedious and clearing the outputs and such just means engaging more with the lacklustre gunplay, so never mind. Instead I've popped it down and I shall enjoy the time I had with it.

My discord's game of the month for May is the original Final Fantasy VII, so I picked it up on PS4 and I've been indulging in a replay of that. I've just gotten out of Midgar and into the wide world of The Planet - that opening section is still marvelous. The music and the gorgeous rendered backgrounds keep the presentation quality of the game very high and though it's not to everyone's taste I love a good turn-based battle system, so I feel very much at home.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Just finished Gravity Rush 2.

The game - a PS4 exclusive - obviously benefits from being the "bigger and better" sequel to an original that was ported and remastered from a portable console. There's more of everything in terms of scope and variety, and you get the feeling that this is what the first game was going for with its overworld. On the other hand I also feel it was the technical limitations of the Vita that kept the development of the first Gravity Rush on a tight leash. Even if the story is episodic and unfocused, gameplay is straightforward and centers on simple, fun concepts that can be applied to different scenarios. Gravity Rush 2 instead opens with a lengthy first act that has you walking across cutscenes for the sake of building up intrigue for the story, I guess, Kingdom Hearts 2 style. And once you get down to actual meat and potatoes gameplay you find yourself constantly being interrupted in the middle of every mission or side mission with cutscenes and changing instructions, complete with annoying fade in/fade out, so you wind up with 5 minute breaks of gameplay where you do the thing they told you to do or wander about aimlessly because the game can be so goddamn cryptic sometimes.

The story is and isn't more focused. Ostensibly it's about Kat getting back to Hekseville, which she does about halfway through, although nothing she does in the first half of the game furthers that goal (she winds up there entirely accidentally, again) and then you spend the rest of the game just sort of helping around town one mission at a time, like in the first game. And then you get to the final act of the game, which renews Kat's interest in her past and identity (which the first game completely forgot about after bringing it up in the first 5 minutes, and so did this until the last hour or so) and proceeds to dump a truckload of twists, new characters and exposition that could've easily filled up an entire other game on their own. It's all incredibly convoluted and gratuitous and kinda made me hate the ending. If only they doled it out throughout the game. I also hated how anime the ending gets with its unending 100-stage bosses and harem of magical girls, each with 2-3 different identities, who keep unlocking hidden level after level of TRUE POWER as they fuse and transform and die and revive and on and on. Bleh.

I liked my downtime with the overworld. The cities are beautiful and lively and I enjoyed exploring them for collectables or just for the hell of it. Traversal is even more fun with three gravity styles to choose from; combining them for more efficient movenet and racing is a lot of fun and one of the few things the game doesn't tutorialize. I liked many side missions because at least you get a little story or joke out of each. I was more incentivised to do them for the stories than whatever reward I was getting. And I do like the Kat and the rest of the cast (many returning from the first game), even if the story lost me by the end. Like the game, the charm and cheerfulness tends to win you over the nonsense.
I could never finish GR2. The game had too much padding and felt to add a forced tutorial every single time a new mechanic was introduced. I tried, but loss interests. Glad you were able to stick with it.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I could never finish GR2. The game had too much adding and felt to add a forced tutorial every single time a new mechanic was intrduced. I tried, but loss interests. Glad you were able to stick with it.

Only cause I took like a 2 month breather in between games and played a whole bunch of other stuff before coming back to it. Maybe it didn't help that I started playing it immediately after finishing the first one. The contrast between the endgame freedom of GR1 and how restrictive the first hours of GR2 are was off-putting, not to mention how disorienting the story feels. I know there's an anime out there bridging the games Chain of Memories style but I couldn't care less for it.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I just started Assassin's Creed II. It starts strong, by having a very bossy woman let you out of your cell, and yell at you until you lie on a magic table. Then some guards punch you in your invincible head for a while, then you get shoved into a trunk, and meet the rest of the apparent heroes who insult you nonstop. I'm not sure why I'm helping these people, I don't think it would kill them to say please.
It only gets more and more thankless for Desmond.


Elite Member
May 29, 2007
United States
Luigi's Mansion 3. I've never played anything like it.

Replaying Until Dawn for the first time.

I could never finish GR2. The game had too much adding and felt to add a forced tutorial every single time a new mechanic was intrduced. I tried, but loss interests. Glad you were able to stick with it.
I couldn't finish it either. Which was surprising after how much I liked the Gravity Rush remaster. Yeah, way too tedious. The original benefited from being made with less money.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Luigi's Mansion 3. I've never played anything like it.

Replaying Until Dawn for the first time.

I couldn't finish it either. Which was surprising after how much I liked the Gravity Rush remaster. Yeah, way too tedious. The original benefited from being made with less money.
Hey @Ezekiel. I'm surprised to see you here. Glad to see you back.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
More bugs from Assassin's Creed II. I was trying to kill an official to lower my notoriety, but I missed and killed 2 civvies at the same time, the game warned me not to kill civvies and guards surrounded me and then everybody just stood there. The game screen was flashing like it wanted to give me a game over, but it never did and I couldn't move. I paused and unpaused and was looking through the geometry, so I had to quit. I thought AAA releases were supposed to be polished. Isn't that why they are supposedly worth more than Indie games?

Going back to notoriety. What even is this mechanic? I lower it by removing posters that are... stuck on top of roofs and 10 feet walls? Who put these here? Who can even see them well enough that it acts as a constant reminder that Ezio is wanted? Did anybody put any thought into this mechanic?

It's also fun how the game disables certain abilities whenever using them would mess up the story. Like when a guard was gonna run away to tell some other guards so I thought I'd hit him with a throwing knife, but guess what tool was greyed out? So I had to follow him all the way to the designated story fight. I was going to say "chase" but it wasn't really a chase because I messed up and fell a couple times and he nicely waited for me to catch up.

My tolerance for open world games has changed drastically since the time I played Assassin's Creed the first when it was released. I remember doing all the boring little follow missions and whatever else, getting basically 100% completion except the scavenger hunt. But this time I cannot be bothered to do any sidequests or even climb a viewpoint to reveal the map if it isn't absolutely required by the main quest.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Any idea how many hours it took you to get through it and DLC? I keep restarting the thing and then get distracted! I hear it is crazy long.
The original game took 100 hrs. Hearts of Stone was about 20 and a Blood and Wine was about 40hrs. You can just play the DLCs without engaging with the base game and it gives you a high level character to start with. You will be in a bad position as you won’t have good weapons/ armour and the first two major battles are hard.

Also note, it seems that most people think Hearts of Stone is the best Witcher content. So I am very much in the minority, as I think it is the worst. Painted world segment was pretty fun but I did something similar in Oblivion...
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Blood and Wine

So, the wireframe is very clear to see here. The Witcher is all about showy set pieces and then writing to set these up. I sort of works for Witcher 3. Hearts of a Stone is only set pieces without much connective tissue. Blood and Wine is between the two. The characters also flip with their characterisation half way through and it very jarring. Characters are set up one way and even totally act that way, but break apart once a new set piece need to come along.

Toussiant is waaay to optimistic. As opposed to the base game being waaaay to pessimistic. There has to be some where in the middle. The sex is utterly stupid and should be avoided at all costs. Orianna was a great character but the ending was really stupid. Yep... we’ve wasted hours following her lead but now we decide to walk away and leave a monster behind? That does not make sense as you can’t track down the monster later

Stupid ‘hard choices’ rears it’s ugly head again. Guillimane being a massive example. Typical Incel behaviour who goes off the deep end of you don’t help him or win the girl if you do. So.... Incels should just be given a woman and everyone would be happy. There is a stupid mcGuffin that’s so easy to miss that gives you a ‘good ending’. I hate all endings, none of them make sense. Syanna needs to go to jail, Ana. Stop being incredibly stupid. You can forgive but still require punishment from a person.

Im sounding negative again. So... Regis. A character that I really care about, even if why he’s here is utterly ridiculous. He is THE best character of the Witcher, even better than Sigi. Equine Phantom was the best quest I’ve seen in a long time. It has some of the best content in the whole series and the final investigation part was great rounding up instead of just leaving a thread like other games. The meal between Orianna, Detlaff, Ana and Regis was almost a good as drunken Megascope shenanigans. The photographer going on safari was also pretty heart warming

Pretty good 7/10

PS. I think Far Habour and Nuka World was better DLC
Heading way from open world games, after 5 of them. Next stop Chimera Squad
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
The original game took 100 hrs. Hearts of Stone was about 20 and a Blood and Wine was about 40hrs. You can just play the DLCs without engaging with the base game and it gives you a high level character to start with. You will be in a bad position as you won’t have good weapons/ armour and the first two major battles are hard.

Also note, it seems that most people think Hearts of Stone is the best Witcher content. So I am very much in the minority, as I think it is the worst. Painted world segment was pretty fun but I did something similar in Oblivion...
Now I want to get into it even more! I enjoyed that Oblivion Painted World segment!
ITMT: Epic Games is giving this silly thing out for free and the opening scene is a lark. Dunno if I'll get further into it or not.