Anyway, all that aside, here's what I've been up to in Elden Ring lately:
-Headed into East Limgrave to grab the Flask of Wondrous Physick; on the way I met Kenneth, and having nothing better to do decided to help him with his problem. I can't use the weapon he gave me, but at least I found a Golden Seed and another Minor Erdtree during the adventure.
-Went back into Liurnia and met Thops, who told me how to get inside Raya Lucaria; before I can worry about finding a key, though, I need to get over there first.
-Then I found a magic portal leading directly to the front gate, where I also found a map hinting at where I might, hopefully, be able to find a key. What I found instead was a dragon who killed me, nullifying my Great Rune and forcing me to back off. I'm not sure whether I should go fight it right away or go somewhere else...
-Honestly, getting bigger numbers probably won't make the dragon any easier, so maybe I should just go give it another few attempts.