I'm still chipping away at Far Cry 5, but there is remarkably little to it.
The world is large, and nice to look at, and packed with wildlife to hunt, outposts to clear, quests to complete, random events to tackle, and secrets to uncover, but even so, it is still remarkably shallow.
The main problem is just that the combat is very easy, and it rarely threatens to be challenging.
Eliminating 99% of enemies is as easy as just clicking a single time on their head. The same can be said for a lot of other contemporary shooters, but unlike something like Call of Duty, which often floods you with enemies, and wraps everything up in some bombastic setpiece, Far Cry often only pits you against enemies numbered in the single digits, huddled around some static cabin in the middle of the woods, who are often blissfully (pun not intended) unaware of your presence, so you can easily pick them off one-by-one with your silenced rifle before they can raise the alarm.
So really, the only way to elicit some kind of challenge, is by artificially limiting the weapons that you can use, or purposely triggering combat, but this isn't really much of a solution, because the game is still very easy, even in open combat.
I know Far Cry New Dawn and Far Cry 6 were criticised for adding in some light RPG elements to the combat - and I haven't really seen or tried these myself - but I feel like that is probably a good step in the right direction to make this game more engaging.
As it stands, i've played the game for approximately 10 hours, and cleared the first of three regions. The idea of needing to clear two more, where I already feel like I have seen all that this game has to offer, honestly sounds really unappealing. I might drop this one.