What are your games you gush over, but you can't find anyone else that does?


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Steambot Chronicles. I may be looking back with nostalgia goggles, but I FUCKING LOVED THAT GAME TO DEATH. Oh if only I could emulate it on my PC. I've only met one other person on the internet that even remembers the game.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
uchytjes said:
Steambot Chronicles. I may be looking back with nostalgia goggles, but I FUCKING LOVED THAT GAME TO DEATH. Oh if only I could emulate it on my PC. I've only met one other person on the internet that even remembers the game.
I remember it too, and yes, it was awesome.
Volan said:
I mean, most people are fans of the Kingdom Hearts series, but I've never found someone that gushes about them as much as I do, and mention it whenever one of those "your favourite game" threads pop up. In real life most people dismiss it as a children's Disney game, but it's the best game series I've ever played. Ever.
I'm in the same boat as you. The series is on my list as some of the best I've ever played. Just because it's light-hearted and features Disney characters doesn't make it any less amazing.

OT: It's probably because I'm late to the party, but the Mass Effect trilogy is pretty damn awesome, but because of the controversial ending (which I will not go into) people just don't talk about it any more, which is a shame, because I feel it's the best trilogy of the current generation.


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
I have two: Nier (which I have finally, finally found someone to talk to about - a friend of mine isn't a huge gamer, but is now addicted to the game) and El Shaddai (such gorgeous visuals... why has no one played this?).

I've also seen very few people talking about Alan Wake, which is a shame. I'm in the middle of playing it, and I'm already willing to gush over it for hours.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Armored Core, any of the games. Despite all my gripes with V, I love all the AC games I've played. Most dedicated fans have an easier time finding an AC game they don't like than I do, but I have not met one person IRL who plays any of them, let alone has an opinion. Monster Hunter, another of my top three favourite games/series, follows close behind with two IRL players known to me. Probably didn't help that online for PSP is pretty limited unless you have a long Ethernet cable spare.

ShinyCharizard said:
Age of Mythology. Best RTS ever. Yet none of my friends ever played it.
How does one not have played Age of Mythology? I didn't really expect to know any of the games on this thread, but lo and behold, one of my favourite games as a primary school student.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Binding of Isaac and FTL, my friends are not fans of rogue-likes so my existence is truly truly sad.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Assassin's Creed, No More Heroes, and The World Ends With You. Despite them being somewhat popular games, I don't find many others with the same amount of enthusiasm.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Bastion. No matter how much I rant about how fantastic in every way this game is, none of my friends want to try it.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Oh boy, I have a few. L. A. Noire would definitely be one. I completely love this game because of how intelligent it is, the amount of thinking it asks of it's players, and the narrative is amazing. BUT! None of my friends were able to play it all the way through or played it at all. I've seen a handful of people on the internet that played it and love it, but only a few that weren't reviewers.

Another would probably be Mirror's Edge. For some reason, a lot of people dislike this game. I can't imagine why. A first person, parkour, visually good looking game? Yes please.

And lastly...
Katawa Shoujo. This game... words cannot describe how much I love this game. My friend introduced it to me and I thought the vanity, on-the-surface aspect of having sex with disabled chicks was hilarious. My friend, myself, and another friend decided to go with three different girls, Friend A (Let's call him Joe) picked the Emi story arc, my other friend (Call him John) picked the Shizune one, and I picked Hanako's path. For those of you who played the game you know these characters, for those that haven't, Hanako is a girl very badly burned on half of her body and is extremely self-conscious about it, a very shy girl that you need to be careful around otherwise she will quite literally run away in fear. Throughout the whole game, I grew to love Hanako more and more but I couldn't explain why. After playing for a bit, Hanako has a panic attack, and that hit me hard.

I grew to love the character so much that I started tearing up when this happened. I was genuinely concerned for the character and what was going to happen. After the whole game and I was at the ending, there's an entire emotional conversation that the main character Hisao and Hanako have. Hisao throughout the whole game just wanted to protect Hanako because of how fragile and shy she seemed. Hanako though, didn't want this. She wanted to be treated like an adult, not a kid that needed to be protected at every little incident. At this point, I saw why I began liking Hanako so much. I was raised by my father who was taught by his father who grew up during the 40's, 50's, and 60's; and my father was taught that women need a protector in a man. They're too fragile and need someone to always be there for them. My father taught me this and I went through life thinking this. The reason I liked Hanako so much was because I wanted to protect her like Hisao wanted to, but Hanako didn't want that. Hanako wanted somebody she could trust and rely on, yes; but not someone to treat her like a child that needs to be sheltered. The whole point of Hanako's path was that you don't need to White Knight women. Take chances, don't shelter them, and don't be their parent; be their lover.

This game hit me so hard because that was what I was raised on, and I have made significant changes because of this one game.
Sorry for the little bit of life story, but this game hit me really hard at home and that's what makes it so fantastic to me personally. I just felt like I needed to explain a bit.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Rylot said:
Mark of Kri/ Raise of the Kusai. I really enjoyed the combat, art style, and most of the mechanics. Kusai definitely had it's issues but I loved those games a ridiculous amount and they seem to be almost completely forgotten, even on the internet.
I, loved, those games, great, now I'm going to have to bust that out and play, its kinda interesting, his battle shouts sound almost like a certain Dragonborn's Thume's.

Nickthequick said:
Okami. One of my favorite games of all time, and no one I talk to has even heard of it. Makes me slightly sad to know what they're missing out on.
I think you shall find a some one that gushes over Okami here more than you.

RedDeadFred said:
Bastion. No matter how much I rant about how fantastic in every way this game is, none of my friends want to try it.
Next time they come by, just happen to be playing it. Hook line and sinker my friend.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Little Big Adventure 2....
First proper game I ever owned and played, and by jove I played it to death!
Unfortunately though it has dated a bit, and people won't even try it now! :(
Seriously... GoG it.... LBA2... France's greatest export... (except for M83 and Daft Punk of course)...NOW!!!


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Recently, Spec Ops: The Line. I realize that HERE because of the whole yahtzee thing it's gotten to the point where people are actually begging the question of whether or not it's overrated (like that's even possible for a game that didn't sell well and didn't have the brand recognition or bribe-off money to earn critical acclaim on any mainstream level) but seriously, it's a great use of gaming as a medium and the fact that it can simultaneously be open to interpretation and actually provide closier to any interpretation gives it a lot of discussion value.

Unfortunately the game wants you to go in with the expectation that it's a generic military FPS and it's kind of a hard sell without spoiling it.

But other than that, the two darkness games (especially the first one) were really fucking cool.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Fire Emblem, only one of my friends plays it and I adore it!

Might and Magic 1-9, I can talk about these games for hours, I even used 6 to get me through a particularly nasty car journey with some friends whilst hungover. Just sat and explained the entire game to a friend ha ha, and he still hasn't picked one up to play. It's gutting. I've completed each one over and over and over, I know 1 person who plays them.

Dungeon Keeper, one of my favourite games, and not exactly an unknown game, but for some reason I never meet people who have played it!


Elite Member
Sep 18, 2010

The Crackdown official forum has about 12 people on it.
Seriously, though, this is basically a proper Judge Dredd gama + Superpowers.

Magicite Spring

New member
Apr 15, 2012
00slash00 said:
final fantasy 13. its one of my favorite games in the series. not only do people not love the game as much as i do, most people seem to downright hate it. i liked the character development, i loved the combat, i found the story interesting, and the game itself just looked beautiful
MeChaNiZ3D said:
Armored Core, any of the games. Despite all my gripes with V, I love all the AC games I've played. Most dedicated fans have an easier time finding an AC game they don't like than I do, but I have not met one person IRL who plays any of them, let alone has an opinion.
These two for me. Final Fantasy 13 does have its flaws, I can recognise that. But it does such a good job of story, character development and world building. If it didn't take as long to get into it it would probably have been much better received.

As for Armored Core, I grew up on those games, namely AC1 and AC3. Those games are awesome and a big part of my childhood. Unfortunately AC4 just wasn't as good as the earlier games and from what I've heard of AC5 I'm not going to try it out. But I shall forever remember the AC series as one of the first games I really got into.


New member
Dec 20, 2012
For me it would be Conkers Bad Fur Day from the N64, I love it and rate it as my favourite game of all time but I only know a couple of people that have played it.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Cargo! The Quest for Gravity is the only reasonable choice. I still haven't been able to convince anyone to pick it up, because the English language doesn't have words for what the game is.

It's a crazy Russian post-apocalyptic brightly-coloured fever dream with vehicle-building.