What are your thoughts on Bioware?


Jan 4, 2010
United States
We got some great games out of them up to this point. I don't really see them capturing the magic of their previous work after everything that has happened though, so if they do get taken out to pasture it won't hurt my feelings too much. At least it will mean I can write off EA permanently.
Nov 28, 2007
1. It's a matter of when, not if, at this point. Dragon Age 4 is going to bomb, at least in the expectations of EA, and that will be that, I feel.

2. I still consider myself a Bioware fan, but after giving them a chance on Andromeda, and then another on Anthem, I know that the Bioware that made some of my favorite games doesn't exist anymore. At this point, I'm almost happy to see them go, because that will hopefully open up their IPs to go to devs that haven't gone downhill.

3. They had their redemption chance with Anthem. From all accounts, they completely blew it with little to no "help" doing so from EA. Even if Bioware got away from EA, they seem to have too much internal strife to make a decent game, let alone another potential classic.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Bioware died when EA bought them. All the people at Bioware who mattered aren't there anymore. Most of them are working at Beamdog reviving old Bioware RPGs like Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Adam Jensen said:
I kinda hope EA does axe them. Maybe then, just fuckin' maybe, people will finally wake up and stop buying EA products. They keep doing the same thing over and over again, and dumb fuckin' gamers keep thinking that this time it will be different, they said so, they know better now. But the cycle continues.
I don't think this will happen. Their sports games and Battlefield are just way too popular. Everything else might be sinking, but that's such a small part of the EA pie, those losses are just a blip on the chart.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite games ever, but they've been dead ever since EA got their greedy hands on them. I just wish they could take EA with them somehow.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Bioware died with Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age II. Those games cut swathes of role playing game elements and people praised them for it.

Now I'm not saying those games weren't good. Mass Effect 2 has my favourite moment of the franchise. Rather it was the moment that Bioware looked and saw that people didn't actually like the type of games they were known for, or at the very least didn't mind if they were gone.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
trunkage said:
Adam Jensen said:
I kinda hope EA does axe them. Maybe then, just fuckin' maybe, people will finally wake up and stop buying EA products. They keep doing the same thing over and over again, and dumb fuckin' gamers keep thinking that this time it will be different, they said so, they know better now. But the cycle continues.
I don't think this will happen. Their sports games and Battlefield are just way too popular. Everything else might be sinking, but that's such a small part of the EA pie, those losses are just a blip on the chart.
It's ironic since one could argue that with a perpetual money stream from BF and Sports, they could afford to let their other Devs play around and try new things, because if it turns out to be a loss it won't kill them or even hurt them much. But now it's everything has to make ALL THE MONIES or else it's gotta get axed.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Marik2 said:
They were never good to begin with.
That's a bit harsh, innit?

KotOR and ME series were good in places (some titles more than others, granted)... and DA wasn't shit (I personally think that DA:O was good).

Anyway, OT:

1. We can take it as read.
2. Nope... their output lately means their demise loses a mourner in me.
3. Yes... but an infinitesimally small one, regrettably. Breaking off from EA, and bringing back the dev/creative team from pre-2010 titles are the main steps and we can all guess how likely they are.

As previously stated, the BioWare we 'grew up' with (or 'grew old' if one is so inclined to say) loving for their narratives and (for video games) very well written characters died long ago (precisely when depends on who you ask, but we can all agree, that BioWare has long died), so there's very little that they can currently do to revive their (general) stock amongst old guard KotOR fans that it's pretty much euthanasia for EA to close them down at this point.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Specter Von Baren said:
I mean, at least with Rare you can still see that the sense of humor of the old Rare still lives on in them even if not the same employees.
The only reason Rare still has a sense of humour is because the whole company is a joke.
Apr 5, 2008
Everything that can be said about BioWare has been. A lot of it on this forum. The studio we knew pre-EA is long gone, along with the talent that created their best, most memorable games. What's left is a totally different studio long since incapable of crafting the games we used to know them for.

I was a HC BW fanboy thru the Naughties. Baldur's Gate II is a life-altering game, a genre-defining title that was created by an exceptionally talented team. It was so successful, it went on to define BioWare forevermore. The most memorable and standout thing of course, was the NPC companions. Deep, likeable characters with their own personalities who'd join the player's party, and we cannot forget the romances. So popular was this hitherto unseen aspect to games it became a mainstay of BW games thereafter.

It also set the gold standard for storytelling and worldbuilding. The chief takeaway from BG2 that would influence BW thereafter was to craft a story that was both epic in scope (Resurrect Bhaal, Starforge, Water Dragon, Blight/Archdemon, Reaper Invasion) while simultaneously deeply personal (the Bhaalspawn/Sarevok/Irenicus, Revan/Malak, Last Spirit Monk, Last Grey Warden, First Human SPECTRE/Saren). They put the player in a very special ROLE and made us central to story.

While they made the defacto best PC RPGs of the day, I can understand (even if I resent) their move to becoming console developers. While niche PC RPGs are great, the money from a wider hit is undeniable, and KotOR in 2003 was still a great game. JE was their first foray into creating a title based on their own IP, and while it was a great story, the combat was only "okay". But none of that matters, all that matters now is ME and DA....and Anthem.

Mass Effect has already been discussed to death, I shan't belabour it. ME1 was magnificent. It captured the sense of wonder and grand, sci-fi adventure easily the equal of the best examples in the genre, whatever one might say about the combat (a hold over from the pseudo-real time KotOR and earlier). ME2 sat right in the centre of the EA buyout and it's clearly visible. A formerly dialogue-heavy RPG was now a stripped down, cover shooter. Infinite clips now needed reloading without any lore explanation, only that EA wanted a third-person shooter...EA did the same thing with Dead Space..."Oh, it's survival horror? Make it a shooter pls thx.". The characters in 2 were great and much beloved, but the main story in 2 was terrible, as it was in 3. This was the beginning of the end.

Over in DA land, Origins was a dark, violent, *very* mature fantasy that morphed into some open-world, social-justice filled travesty by Inquisition. All world building was replaced with boring fetch quests to score F**kabout Points to advance a plot so disposable I can't remember a thing about it.

Andromeda was so awful, I don't think it's worth the words to discuss. It feels like a 12 year old had been asked to make a copy of ME1, and took the superficial parts that they remembered and none of the parts that mattered. Even if you ignore the bugs, the utterly awful dialogue, the horrible characters, the outright disrespect to established lore/canon, the animations, the tedious open-world gameplay, f**kabout points and so on, you're left with a terrible, nonsense story, awful villains, one new alien species about whom we learn practically nothing, some ancient alien tech, about which we learn practically nothing, multiple plot points that lead nowhere, no role-playing of any kind, boring side-quests dictated by an awful AI and the list goes on. It's such a far cry from everything that made ME1 great, it shouldn't have borne the same name.

Anthem....by all accounts is a disaster of such proportions, of such bad decision making from leadership, poor, last minute design, rushed development, bugs and engine issues that to call it a flop is being polite. An EA "live service", it can only be considered an ill-conceived idea that was executed so badly and should never have been released as was. The BioWare that used to make the best RPGs in the business has been replaced by people who make awful shooters. It is a game designed for shareholders, not for gamers and its terrible metacritic and the numerous articles detailing its issues reflect just how far BioWare has fallen.

The talented folks are long gone. David Gaider, the genius who gave us masterpieces like Baldur's Gate II and KotOR (and DA:O), Drew Karpshyn (KotOR, ME), Mike Laidlaw (Jade Empire, Dragon Age), the visionary Doctors, all gone. Mac Walters is a talentless hack who is jointly responsible, along with Casey Hudson for the ME3 ending, and I hold largely responsible for the travesty of Andromeda (obligatory f**k Mac Walters).

BioWare 1999-2007 was a company reputed for exceptional RPGs, and I loved everything these magnificent creatives made. Their games are some of my favourite, most cherished experiences. The hours I put into them and the hours of joy they returned are beyond count. From 2007-2012, the change started taking hold and the last of the creative talent was used up. Everything thereafter was created by a different company with just the name in common with the old one. They don't make story-driven RPGs any more, they make mediocre action games with cutscenes in them. No more world-building, no epic storytelling, no great roleplaying, just the shooting.

I mourn what we lost, but we have other capable companies still out there. Obsidian still make great RPGs, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a must-buy for any RPG fan, and I'm sure there are others. Maybe this live-service/open-world craze will start to settle and CP2077's inevitable success will highlight the demand for deep, single-player RPGs that still exists. We won't get them from AAA studios, they're busy regurgitating annual bollocks, mass-market shooters and live-services, but from the AA devs, there's still hope. BioWare should be allowed to rest in peace, but EA won't allow that. They'll never again make the quality RPGs they used to, but EA needs studios to make shooters.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
1. Sources I've read show Anthem sold well enough. I don't see them getting the ax anytime soon.

2. I'd feel bad for the individuals who lost their jobs, but as a consumer of games I wouldn't be too heart-broken. Andromeda and Inquisition showed that Bioware wants to make games that aren't for me.

3. Probably not, at least not under EA. Bioware's bread and butter has always been story-heavy RPGs. A genre that doesn't translate well into making absurd amounts of profits or allow for long-term monetization.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Elfgore said:
2. I'd feel bad for the individuals who lost their jobs, but as a consumer of games I wouldn't be too heart-broken. Andromeda and Inquisition showed that Bioware wants to make games that aren't for me.
Is "want" really the appropriate term? They're making them, sure.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
I bought anthem. Twice even ( not both for me). The blame lies entirely with Bioware for Dicking around for 6 years WHILE getting paid. EA didn't force Forstbite AND they gave Bioware creative freedom to make a game. I understand why EA released the game, i can't expect EA to keep funneling money to bioware after 7 years and very little to show.

At this point i hope EA fires everyone from the lead designer to the janitor of bioware.

And blacklists them from the videogame industry. Bunch of talentless shmucks.

Edit: Hell, if i was EA, I'm sell all off Biowares IPs to some chinese mobile company after shutting them down. Out of spite. Spit on their legacy. Fuck you bioware.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
I think their death throes started somewhere between Mass Effect 2 & 3. Ever since they have haemorrhaged so many of the KOTOR/Jade Empire/Dragon Age: Origins staff that they're just Bioware in name only.

Sad to see what happened to them, I guess I'll be paying more attention to iNeXile, CDProjekt, and Obsidian for my future "good" RPGs.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Abomination said:
I think their death throes started somewhere between Mass Effect 2 & 3. Ever since they have haemorrhaged so many of the KOTOR/Jade Empire/Dragon Age: Origins staff that they're just Bioware in name only.

Sad to see what happened to them, I guess I'll be paying more attention to iNeXile, CDProjekt, and Obsidian for my future "good" RPGs.
CDProjeckt have been hemorrhaging staff due to mismanagement. It might take another decade but they'll have the same problems as Bioware

Ask Addendum about Pillars to see how well Obisidan is going. Me personally, I wish for the days of Alpha Protocol when they showed they could write well. Because I've missed that type of Obsidian.

Inexile's Wasteland is utterly boring compared to even Fallout 4.

None of these companies give me hope of replacing Bioware. But, as I said, Bioware was never that great. Baulders Gate would be a side quest in most games. Looking back, its surprising how lacklustre it was
Dec 16, 2009
1. Do you think EA will axe Bioware?
A. yes, thats what EA does
2. Would you be mad if not upset if it happens?
A. No, i was upset when EA took over, DA:O and ME1 were my last great Bioware games. In my eyes, they are Bioware in name alone.
3. Is there any chance for Bioware to redeem?
A. With who?
Fans? IMO no as they will not become the Bioware I enjoyed, I'm not sure they're the ME Trilogy Bioware that other fans enjoyed.
EA? EA just sees sales numbers.