what are your "unpopular" opinions on gaming?


New member
Nov 1, 2010
Ummmm....I enjoyed Portal 2 more than Portal 1?
Super Mario Galaxy 2 was too easy? hmmmmm :/

Yeah, I'm not usually the "against-the-ideas-of-Teh-General-Public" type. :p

But I might as well mention that I enjoy playing Call of Duty, but I'm not a stupid n00bish fanboy who burns every copy of Halo he sees. Yeah, people like me exist.

Oh, and TF2 is awesome. But no-one is arguing with that.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
1: The Fable games are not shit, you just have to ignore what Molyneux says.

2: FFVII, should it be remade does NOT have to look like the tech demo to be a success.

2.5: Shit, I'd happily play a cartoony remake of FFVII.

3: For the most part I can't stand 'realistic' graphics.

4: Yes, gaming industry, you can make First Person Shooters... Can we see something else now?

5: No I don't mean survival horror...

6: Or games pertaining to Hell/Satan or hack and slash gore-fests...

7: The Pokemon games will likely never be as good as they were when they remade Gold and Silver.

Edit! Oh, here's a doozy.

8: Most gamers don't seem to understand what 'unpopular opinion' means.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Wii is a legitimate gaming platform, you just have to look for the right games.

Old games aren't better, you just played them when you were easily impressed.

I will continue to buy EA games on the computer, because I don't care about EA's stupid policies enough to stop.

Coverbased shooting isn't shit its just overdone. Variety is required.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
The only thing worse than RE 4 was RE 5. I'm fucking sick of my survival horror becoming the realm of gibbering action fans.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
1. Ashley Williams is the deepest and most likable character in Mass Effect 1.
2. I don't like FFVII as a game, though I enjoy most other JRPGS
3. I trust EA over Activision
4. I dislike all rhythm based games (DDR, Guitar Hero, that one band game, ect)
5. I hate the evil side on Moral choice games, just trying to play evil makes me sick to my stomach


New member
Nov 30, 2009
The 3DS has an appropriate library for its age. Give it a year before you start complaining. Speaking of Nintendo platforms, the Wii is a great system, and it would have been even better had the "hardcore" audience not completely ignored it causing the majority of its great games to sell terribly.

Nintendo and Capcom are the two best developers.

Retro games and the Wii were the best thing that happened to the industry this generation.

Motion controls, touch screens, and 3D all have their place. Developers just need time to figure them out. The gamepad wasn't mastered in the NES days...just give them some time.

Yahtzee is a terrible critic. He never explains his opinions, just comes up with an occasionally humorous analogy for them. The gaming community would be better off if everyone just ignored him.

If you have to use "gimmick" or "nostalgia" to argue against something, you have a terrible argument. The way people use the word gimmick is entirely subjective, and saying someone just likes something because they grew up with it is idiotic.

Unless you're playing a game that cannot possibly be bought new (including compilation and digital re-releases), piracy is wrong. It doesn't matter if you wouldn't play it anyway or if downloading it doesn't stop the company from selling their games. If you can buy this game, but haven't, then don't download it.

The quality of gaming is consistent. It wasn't better when you were a kid...you just forgot about all the bad games. It's not better now, you just haven't played all the classics. You may prefer older games or newer games more (usually depends on your favorite genres), but that's personal taste, not general quality.

Due to high levels of interactivity, a game does not necessarily need a good plot as long as it has an interesting world.

Popular franchises do not ruin the world for you. I don't play EA Sports, but it doesn't bother me that EA makes a ton of money from comparatively minimal work. They make money, their audience is happy, and I'm not being forced to play it.....what's the issue here?

Super Mario Galaxy (and SMG2) and Donkey Kong Country Returns are two of the best looking games this generation. Graphical power be damned, those are some pretty games.

Shooters don't lack variety. If a shooter is a game in which a significant portion of the gameplay (usually combat) is done through...well, shooting, then Metroid Prime, Super Mario Sunshine, Mega Man 9, BioShock, Red Dead Redemption, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Half Life 2, L.A. Noire, Halo Reach, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Team Fortress 2, Gears of War, Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Dead Space, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Lost Planet, Resident Evil 4, House of the Dead: Overkill, and Red Steel 2 (to name a few) are all shooters.
Yes, some of them are also platformers, Action-Horrors, Action-Adventures, Action-RPGs, etc, and it covers the a huge variety of linearity, but variety is kind of the point. Games aren't limited to one gameplay genre, and there's a lot more variety when you look at stuff other than linear military shooters.

I'd like to play Mega Man Legends 3 and the Operation Rainfall games, but I'd rather not have people loose their jobs because games didn't sell well. Quit taking business decisions personally.

Casual and hardcore are not descriptions of the games. They describe nothing more than how individuals play the games I play Halo online every once in a while (casually). My mom plays Farmville with a guy who uses spreadsheets to optimize his efficiency (that's pretty damn hardcore). At best, they're marketing buzzwords.

Gamers as a whole may just form the whiniest, angriest, most spoiled, self-centered, over-reacting "community" on the internet. It's a wonder any company cares about its fans.
Jan 29, 2009
Guilherme Zoldan said:
Wind Waker was the best Zelda
Heck yes! *hifive*

Well I don't care at all whatsoever in regards to Skyrim. It looks uninteresting, it's just another WRPG about the European countryside with magic and swords. It doesn't seem to bring anything new to the table, yet I keep seeing everyone on The Escapist frothing at the mouth about it.
There is a bunch of TF2 hate everytime something new shows up, like the Mac or Free to Play or Mannconomy updates. The old people hate the new people or the new ways, and then THEY do the same 5 months later when Valve does another change to it. I didn't have a problem with any of them, I really liked that they did them.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
1) Dead Space isn't horror, or scary in any sense. Stop pretending it is.
3) CoD is alright (The community isn't.)
4) Despite 3), CoD kiddies is a valid insult, as it refers to the whiny kids on CoD.
5) Valve is getting somewhat shitty.
6) The game industry IS in decline
7) SEGA is dragging The Creative Assembly down.
That's all for now, I suppose.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Fugitive Panda said:
Wind Waker was the best Zelda.

And now that I'm actually thinking about it, I think handheld games are generally more enjoyable than console games.
I can never pick between Wind Waker and Majora's Mask.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Red Faction: G was awesome fun, I wasn't aware it wasn't liked.

I hate Zelda Ocarina of Time, I think it's by far the weakest in the 3D series with unlikeable morons for towns people who aren't worth saving. The amount of love thrown at this game confuses me but I've long since given up on caring why people do like it. However Twilight Princess had a lot more to like about the people you fight for.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I dislike bioware. I think bioware is to full of itself and makes games that are boring and repetitive.

Twilight Princess for gamecube is the best zelda game.
ODST is the best halo game.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Acidwell said:
3. Obsidian cant make games.

wait... people actually think there good at making games?!after the unforgiveable pos known as kotr 2 ithard to imagine somebody even cares about the company.what about dungeon seige? raped that game too! then they had the nerve to release a uber glitchy game only to inuslt us as consumers by releasing alpha protocol.obsidian deserves to go under


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Benndak said:
1. I enjoyed Two Worlds.
Been playing for awhile now and I'd agree that it is fun.

OT: I don't mind brown and grey shooters, I don't care for Valve(Steam is cool though), and I thought Halo was boring.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Hate all the Zelda Games, never even considered liking them or being interested them in anyway, even the original on the NES was pretty bland compared some of the other uber classics.