what are your "unpopular" opinions on gaming?


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Vault101 said:
5. the Wii has absolutly nothing to offer ASIDE from the obvious nintendo franchises (metroid prime 3 was amazing)
Well, the obvious Nintendo franchises, the less-obvious Nintendo franchises, Capcom's games, Sega's games, Konami's games, No More Heroes, Red Steel 2, several "hidden gems", a ton of great games on the virtual console, and a few more on Wiiware.

Aside from that, and the positive impact it had on gaming culture and the industry, it's completely worthless.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
1)res5 is good 2)sheva alomar is hotter than jill sandvich valentine(something about a black girl that inst bitchy with a hot brit accent yells hot to me compared to a gringa with brunette hair) 3)crysis 2 was better then crysis 1 4)bioware is in every sense better then bethesda


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Nov 30, 2009
redeemer09 said:
Acidwell said:
3. Obsidian cant make games.

wait... people actually think there good at making games?!after the unforgiveable pos known as kotr 2 ithard to imagine somebody even cares about the company.what about dungeon seige? raped that game too! then they had the nerve to release a uber glitchy game only to inuslt us as consumers by releasing alpha protocol.obsidian deserves to go under
Knights of the Old Republic 2 was released unfinished because LucasArts wanted a Christmas title to cash in on the first game's popularity. Obsidian is not to blame for that one. Actually, they should be praised, since many (including me) still think it's better than the first one.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Here we go:
1. Bioshock 2 is the best game in the series so far( flame shield activated)
2. The games in the Fable series only get better as the series goes on(3>2>1)
3. Beenox's Spider-Man games are the shit
4. I prefer console gaming to PC gaming any day, and I do them both


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Now, I'm not sure how unpopular these are, so my apologies if I'm wrong and they're actually popular opinions. XD

1. I thought the first half of Final Fantasy XIII, where you were running down hallways and watching cutscenes, was better than the second half, where it opened up.

2. I think both Mass Effect games are amazing and are my personal favorite Bioware games.

3. I prefer KOTOR 2 to KOTOR 1, despite KOTOR 2's flaws (Obsidian can make games!).

4. I thought Dragon Age 2 was actually pretty good and enjoyable (though I prefer Origins).

5. I thought Origins was essentially the "ultimate" Bioware game.

6. Er... This may not be unpopular, but I don't think Valve has ever made a bad game that I've played.

7. This probably is unpopular, but I don't think Bioware has ever made a bad game that I've played. (And that's everything from KOTOR on, excluding that Sonic RPG.)

8. I think Halo is awesome and am excited for Halo 4.

9. The only Duke Nukem game I played was the first one, and so I always relate the character to that, not Duke Nukem 3D.

10. I think Madden games (and sports game in general) are a lot of fun.

11. I think Modern Warfare 2 was a great Call of Duty game that in several ways surpassed the first MW, and I think the multiplayer was better (but, granted, I didn't play as much Modern Warfare 1 multiplayer).

12. I actually enjoy the plot of the Halo games, despite its simplicity.

13. I thought Black Ops had a pretty darn good plot for being the game it was.

14. I think Bioware still has good writing, even after Dragon Age 2.

15. I think Star Wars: The Old Republic is going to be awesome (and the same for Mass Effect 3).

16. I found Phantom Hourglass to be the most enjoyable handheld Zelda game I've played, and my personal favorite. And I played Link to the Past. On my GBA. Yeah, I like Phantom Hourglass more than that. Also, Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game (is that unpopular, though? I've heard it isn't).

17. I think I have too many points. Wait, that might be a popular opinion. My bad.

Assassin Xaero

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Jul 23, 2008
WOPR said:
Assassin Xaero said:
- New Vegas also sucked. It was smaller and less open than Fallout 3 was, and the whole game was bland, especially the ending...
I felt that New Vegas was just a copy/paste of Fallout 2... only watered down to the point of it's "Hardcore" mode still being easier then Fallout 2 on "Normal" and the whole game overall being just a watered down, insanely easy version of Fallout 2 with Fallout 3's graphics

and I was actually kinda offended by how many REFERENCES it BLATANTLY makes to fallout 2, and still claims to be it's own game (also bugs me how many NV players didn't get ANY of the references)
To me, the hardcore mode looked like a failed attempted to copy STALKER. Where you have to eat, sleep, heal over time rather than instantly (think Call of Pripyat did that), bullets had weight, etc.


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Nov 30, 2009
MisterFrodo17 said:
Also, Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game (is that unpopular, though? I've heard it isn't).
It is at the moment (well...it seems to be the least popular 3D Zelda, anyway), but many people hated Majora's Mask when it first came out. Same for The Wind Waker. So, it'll probably be remembered fondly before the horrible motion-y days of Skyward Sword (which won't be loved until Zelda Wii U).


New member
Sep 23, 2009
1. Games actually reliant on button-mashing are not necessarily bad games.
2. Zombies are a plague on all media, especially games. NO MORE ZOMBIES!
3. Dragon Age 2 was an enjoyable game (spider ambushes excluded).
4. Morrowind is the most overrated entry in the Elder Scrolls franchise.
5. Majora's Mask is the best (most enjoyable) game of the Zelda franchise.
6. The good/bad ratio of casual games is no worse than the hardcore market.
7. "DLC = withheld content we deserve" is the dumbest idea in modern gaming.
8. Kingdom Hearts is impossible to take seriously. Silliest crossover ever.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

EDIT: Thought of a few more:

9. God of War's only strength is cool visuals. Everything else is terrible.
10. Point-and-click adventures need to be revived... or at least their franchises.
11. "Main" quests are completely pointless in open-world RPGs; just have "quests".
12. Being more complex/complicated does not make a game better.
13. To hell with higher difficulty; EASY MODE PLAYER AND PROUD!
14. Fun solo play should be viable for every game, even MMO games.
15. Promotional/preorder bonuses should always become DLC in time.
16. Absolutely nothing about the Witcher is enjoyable.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Assassin Xaero said:
WOPR said:
Assassin Xaero said:
- New Vegas also sucked. It was smaller and less open than Fallout 3 was, and the whole game was bland, especially the ending...
I felt that New Vegas was just a copy/paste of Fallout 2... only watered down to the point of it's "Hardcore" mode still being easier then Fallout 2 on "Normal" and the whole game overall being just a watered down, insanely easy version of Fallout 2 with Fallout 3's graphics

and I was actually kinda offended by how many REFERENCES it BLATANTLY makes to fallout 2, and still claims to be it's own game (also bugs me how many NV players didn't get ANY of the references)
To me, the hardcore mode looked like a failed attempted to copy STALKER. Where you have to eat, sleep, heal over time rather than instantly (think Call of Pripyat did that), bullets had weight, etc.
Honestly, all of that (minus the eating and drinking) were standard in Fallout games until 3 came out (but what I miss the most is in the classic fallouts you can VATS attack eyes and groin as well, and melee weapons could attack body parts and not just people)


New member
May 13, 2009
uhh, hope these goes

1. Fanservice is a nice thing to have^^
2. Grinding is okay
3. Blazblue is the best fighting game franchise(?) around
4. DoTA is terribly overrated and not very well balanced
5. League of Legends is much better

thats about it i think.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I'm not sure how unpopular this opinion is because it's not somthing I've seen gamers talk about, but Chess sucks.

It is my opinion and I stand by it. Chess is a slow, repetitive game with slippery slope that has an insanely huge entry barrier. Being turn based and lacking any hidden informtion it tests all the wrong kinds of skills and is currently stagnating. The only variation comes from diffrent opnenings but the match-ups for the openings are poorly balanced. I find no exitement in it and when the game is over I feel like it was just a waste of time.(especially if I lose)

IMO chess is the most overrated game since... Ever.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Kimarous said:
1. Games actually reliant on button-mashing are not necessarily bad games.
2. Zombies are a plague on all media, especially games. NO MORE ZOMBIES!
3. Dragon Age 2 was an enjoyable game (spider ambushes excluded).
4. Morrowind is the most overrated entry in the Elder Scrolls franchise.
5. Majora's Mask is the best (most enjoyable) game of the Zelda franchise.
6. The good/bad ratio of casual games is no worse than the hardcore market.
7. "DLC = withheld content we deserve" is the dumbest idea in modern gaming.
8. Kingdom Hearts is impossible to take seriously. Silliest crossover ever.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Agreed with for every point especially 2, and as for 8 it's silliness is why I loved the first one so much, I laughed through the whole game.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
1. Valve is overrated but I still enjoy their games very much.

2. Bioware and Naughty Dog are NOT overrated. They are awesome.


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Aug 4, 2010
Valve do not care about gamers, they care about money (they're the most profitable gaming company per employee, and make as much money as Take Two interactive but have 10% as many staff or games released).

Call of duty is much better than battlefield but they're both shallow casual games (a modern hardcore multiplayer game has to have ELO or equivalent, no exceptions). The party system and quick matchmaking/playlists have destroyed the integrity of multiplayer. Destructible environments in multiplayer is awful and so are classes like medic except when the game is fantasy ala TF2.

GTAIV is inarguably the greatest game ever in terms of production values and the complete entertainment package. Other cities don't come close in depth though most seem to prefer them for having wacky gameplay which is fine for you but not everyone wants that so stop complaining about GTAIV being more serious. It's only major flaw is a lack of significant narrative choices but those are very rare in gaming.

The Hero Killer

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Aug 9, 2010
Button commands and long stylish cutscenes should be in every action game.

All FPS and fighting games should focus on story and single player options just as much or more than multiplayer.

Graphics always matter, unless your making a cel shaded or anime style game.

JRPG main characters look cooler with their "spiky hair and big swords" and act cooler with their "emo" personalities than WRPG main characters.

Hacked or not Sony's online is just as good as Microsoft's meaning that Xbox Live should also be free.

I'm kinda torn on this one and will probably catch alot of flak but...

PC games shouldnt be allowed any extra features like mods or enhanced graphics that make it superior to console versions. Video game consoles are made for games and should be able to play them better than anything else. I'm torn because I too play PC games and love mods. I guess I'm just tired of the elitism.....and upgrading the stupid thing.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Assassin Xaero said:
Well, exploration in terms of linear and less open, yes. Did seem kinda empty, too. But the whole game felt a bit more bland to me, and like I said, especially the ending...

I took the side of the U.. uhh... actually, I forgot the name of them... the bear flag people who already had the dam? Anyway, fighting through the dam seemed really copy/pasted (maybe be realistic of a dam though).

I had the "help" of the Brotherhood of Steel, which seemed to only end up being "we are getting support from unknown soldiers" on the radio (only noticed that because of one of the Wild Wasteland things that I read about on the internet).

Help of the Boomers was nothing more than them bombing the dam, making it a bit firey and I guess I heard it reduces the number of enemies that come, too? I dunno. It was still just enemies respawning and following a simple waypoint path along the dam until the player hits a certain spot (or the next screen).

In Fallout 3 you at least got to follow Liberty Prime and saw it destroy everything on your way to the Jefferson Memorial. The New Vegas ending was just... boring... but anyway, that's just my opinion...
It's just a shame that Liberty Prime was so stupid that I disregarded it as another attempt by Bethesda to make me laugh and go "awesome!!! A giant robot!!!!"

The thing I loved about New vegas was that it focused more on politics and society than anythign else, and how human nature can greatly affect the lives of many for better or worse. Hearing people from different sides of the conflict gave great insight to the opinion people have on New vegas and Hoover Dam and what drives them.

The ending slideshow in particular was great because it showed you what happened to nearly everyone and all of the major factions, even the DLCs had endings.

The thing is, I find politics quite interesting and when games include them I like that quite a lot, Fallout 3 had none, New Vegas had a lot.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
The Hero Killer said:
PC games shouldnt be allowed any extra features like mods or enhanced graphics that make it superior to console versions. Video game consoles are made for games and should be able to play them better than anything else. I'm torn because I too play PC games and love mods. I guess I'm just tired of the elitism.....and upgrading the stupid thing.
Solution: Allow console games to have mods. There's no reason not to really. Unreal tournament 3 had them and the fallout developers said the console versions engines could technically handle mods without any hassle. I also think console games should include graphic options. 1080p60fps with lower detail, 720p30fps with higher detail. Why not give us a choice?