what are your "unpopular" opinions on gaming?


New member
Apr 14, 2009
poppabaggins said:
4. FF8 is the best in the series; FF6 is unbelievably bad.
5. Chrono Trigger is boring and mundane as hell.
Agreed. So fucking agreed.

1. I found Portal to be highly overrated
2. ME2 is not dumbed down nor less fun.
3. I love Red Faction Guerilla for everything but the story.
4. I love BioWare's games, as they have interesting enough gameplay and great writing.
5. I think Valve are decent - not god-tier, but very decent.
6. Blazblue is a boring, boring game.
7. Bulletstorm was "MEE-ooh giant robot-EEEH"
8. Ass.Creed's story is pretty alright, even if it can go snook-a-loopy.
9. Just Cause 2 was hilarious and reminded me of a 80's action movie - in the good way.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
DJDarque said:
My unpopular opinion? I think Bioware can go die in a fire and I have zero interest in any of their games.
Let's step outside...

OT: 1. The witcher 2 is a horrible mess
2. Devil may cry pails in comparison to many, many other hack n' slash games.
3. Team fortress 2 is boring. (Don't kill me)
4.Mirror's edge is horrible. The core gameplay is fun, literally every other thing about it I hate.
5. Dragon age 2 > dragon age origins

That should be enough angry mob bait for the day


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I don't know about these being unpopular in general but certainly unpopular on the escapist forums.

1.The Wii has good games and it's a good system you just have to find the good ones.
2.People who complain about Nintendo releasing sequels that are the "same game as before" probably like other developers/publishers for doing the exact same thing and quite frankly Nintendo is the best at it putting enough changes to make things interesting in each game while not changing to much of the formula (except Pokemon but that is more Gamefreak's thing then Nintendo's)and at least they wait a few years before they release the next one unlike some people in the industry.
3.You can like an old game and not be blinded by nostalgia towards it cause the game in question might simply be a good game.
4.There was never a "golden age of gaming" people just forget about about the bad games of old and if you think first person shooters are over saturated you should have seen the nineties because they were countless beat em ups shoot em ups 2d fighting games and 2d platformers with animal mascots but no one complained about that like they do with first person shooters nowadays

that is it for now I guess

*EDIT I guess I have a few more
5. The N64 controller is terrible the games are much better played on the virtual console with a Gamecube controller
6. I like Jim Sterling and The Jimquisition, I mean seriously is it really that hard to get past the pompous personality (which is not supposed to be taken seriously I might add) and listen to the point he is trying to make in each episode which are pretty good points.
7.the word overrated is one of the worst things to happen to the gaming community stop using it.

Hides His Eyes

New member
Jul 26, 2011
Portal and Portal 2 are great games, I can't understand why people would they were overrated unless such people are just in search of something else. No, of course they're not much good if you just want to blow stuff up because they don't involve blowing stuff up. They're not much good if you want a game set in the old west either, or a game where you fly an airship or explore the Amazon rainforest or make friends with a talking pie. Honestly, this is a very basic distinction: you can't hold against a game the fact that it doesn't give you what you're looking for. Judge it on its own merits. I prefer fantasy RPGs to sports games, that doesn't mean I'll criticise the latest FIFA game for not having enough magic swords.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I dont think Zelda games are as good as everyone makes out.

Same thing for Half Life, its a good game but i dont see why people like it as much as they do.

I love CoD and I will continue to buy any CoD game that is released :)

Thats about it


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Hands down 90% of Valves games are overrated, same goes for Bioware, Rockstar, Activision, Capcom.

Mortal Kombat is better then Street Fighter

Demons Souls and the Monster Hunter series are only truly enjoyed by pretentious douchbags who wish that had been born in Japan.

I hate 85% of Open World games (unless some sort of Super hero is involved)

I think 90% of Xbox live's user base should be chemically castrated to prevent further damage to the gene pool.

Wind Waker was an all around better game then Twilight Princess.

Edit: Dante's new look in the reboot doesn't bother me in the least and the people that won't let up on it need to grow the fuck up.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
The majority of games released today are actually quite bad. Pretty much everything that has come out since 2007 has been god awful.

Gaming has steadily been turned into a form of entertainment where intelligence is no longer required. (A steep learning curve for a complicated game earns that game negative points in reviews.)

Consoles aren't responsible for the "dumbing" down of games, the developers are.

A good amount of game developers really lack any tact or manners. If someone criticizes the direction a popular series is going in (constructively), the developers will pretty much come out and attack those person full on. Passive aggressive behavior as well as full out aggressive behavior is the typical response, accompanied by "Shut up, we're trying to make money.. you're going to buy it anyways." (Notch is the exception)

The more features the developers struggle to implement, the higher the chance of them screwing it up. It's truly amazing when you play a game with played up AI (Oblivion), and it's implementation is actually far different from the E3 or demo videos. Surprise! Someone is harvesting their rug and yelling about mud crabs.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
1. I don't think TF2 being F2P is a bad thing. Although that's probably less of an issue now than it was a few weeks ago.

2. I found the Halo games fun and Master Chief is awesome.

3. Half Life 2 is overrated. But not a bad game.

4. Final Fantasy 7 is given more hate than it deserves.

5. Final Fantasy 13 is given A LOT more hate than it deserves.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Psycho-Toaster said:
AyreonMaiden said:
"Art" means nothing more than "Assholes trying to tell you what you can and can't find meaning and emotional attachment in." and as such gamers should be ashamed of wanting to aspire to that worthless label.
We have a winner!

And is that a reference to not one, but two excellent bands in your username? Winner!

Seriously, I'll never understand the "Games are art" movement. You consider it art, great, why waste time and effort trying to convince people who clearly don't give a shit about the medium?
You got the reference! You're the bigger winner here! Big metal/prog-rock guy here :)

Honestly, the movement is selfish. Completely and utterly selfish. People CRIED when SCOTUS passed their verdict. As a Venezuelan, I say "GREAT, now what about the other countries all around the world that still ban not only games, but other "established forms of art" such as literature and film?" They don't count, apparently. You've won jack-for-shit with this SCOTUS thing.

"Games as art" is pure, unadulterated Grade A bullshit that serves to show how needy people are of other people's approval, and it will only further segregate the gaming community with its pretentiousness. I say make all kinds of games you want, from Duke Nukem to Zelda to Passage to One Chance, because they'll mean everything and nothing to everyone and no one, and call it all what it is, no more or less: VIDEOGAMES. This "art" bullshit will only create the snooty hipster niche, further dividing us. It's bad enough that there's Hardcore Gamers, Meathead Gamers, and Casual Gamers without adding elitist, pretentious "Arte critiqueurs" to the fucking mix.

"But the political implications! I want them to be protected from censorship!" Well, keep dreaming. Nothing will change. Not even when our generation take over the world will anything change. People will still blame games because some kids are products of their environment, and the apple won't fall too far from the tree. And so The Escapist and others will still post about it with its pro-gamer slant, the community will spout the same angry bullshit and the earth will keep spinning because THERE'S FAR TOO MANY OF US here for there to be any absolute consensus on something as nebulous as "Art." Being called "Art" protects nothing from anyone. The government can and will fuck with you whenever it wants as long as they write the right words the right way on the spiky iron dildo they shove up your ass. You just happen to be lucky if you're in the US, where they seem to take it seriously enough, and not in, say:

Australia, Brazil, China, Cuba, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Venezuela.*

So no, completely stupid movement that, to me, brings absolutely nothing positive.

*source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games


New member
Oct 2, 2010
I didn't find Ocarina of Time that enjoyable. It was ok, but I don't believe it's even the best Zelda game.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
GWarface said:
(quote of a quote)

FYI, most, if not all, of the "research" of the media is funded BY the media..
Saying that games or any other medium is not indoctrinating people and especially the young people is like saying that you dont get fat by eating at McD..

Some dont get fat and can eat McNuggets all day, everyday.. But some are most likely to put on some extra kilos if they eat there regulary, and some of them propably wont even know why.

Dont tell me that NOTHING in your life has EVER been formed by some kind of media, be it music, movies etc.
Games are just as good at putting thoughts in your head as those, if not better since they let you play out your fantasy instead of just watching or listening to it..

And before i need to put up the flame-shield; i play games.. I have been all my life.. I just recently realised how much shit it shoveled into our minds from all media fronts, and as hard as it is to accept, games are no different..
I'm glad you're such an expert that you don't even need research to prove that you're right, seeing as it's all moot anyway. If that's honestly what you think and you're not just grasping at straws to avoid cognitive dissonance, then it seems you are either paranoid or extremely ignorant. You should honestly read some of the research, read about how science works, look up the backgrounds of any authors you want, etc. Many people smarter than us have done so, and no one who claims that ALL the research is invalid/lies is taken seriously.

If you insist on using anecdotal evidence and thought experiments to prove your point, then there's not much point to using a forum, anyway.

When people eat fast food, they get fat. Maybe not those who balance their calorie intake and expenditure (the only real factor), but there are still a significant number of people who are clearly impacted by overeating such unhealthy food. It's obvious and anyone can see it, so it's not a very difficult thing to argue.
That's not the case with behavioral effects of media. There have NEVER been any cases where someone went out and committed a crime SOLELY because of a movie they watched or a game they played. Every criminal who's claimed otherwise is obviously insane, and we can hardly blame media for that. Out of the billions of people who view various media every single day of their lives, an almost negligible number even does anything suspiciously outside the realm of regular human interactions.

People have been committing crimes and killing each other throughout human history, and there's no real reason to blame it on inventions of the last couple centuries, especially when the rates those acts have generally been decreasing so much anyway. Playing sports, driving, and drug use (including alcohol and caffeine) all lead to a LOT more suffering every day, yet people like you insist that our sedentary entertainment is the root of all evil... very frustrating.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Wow is fantastic. Chris Metzen should be a household name. His writting is spot on. his Q&a sessions make the the player know he thinks things out and its not just tacked on. If you stump him with a lore question you get put in the game. What other game does this?
Horde > Alliance
civ 4 >civ5
Rise of nations is the best rts and deserves a real sequel
I think the should be making an unreal HD remake instead of Halo(I like halo but its getting 3 more games.
I think Bioware games are way too easy.
I think that glenn cook books need to be turned into games.
I've got all the Cod games and right now Im playing the first unreal and having more fun.
Spawning in black ops is horrible and game breaking for me.
I think the need to make a halo space sim.
Gritty is ok but make your game stand out.
There needs to be a dark and gritty Mario shooter
Motion controls are awesome when a hot chick is playing dance central. :p

I miss manuals and I miss learning how to play.
I miss my joystick. I tied to to my ceiling fan so when i pull on it it turns the light on and off.
There needs to be more adventure myst Zork type games.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
starkiller212 said:
GWarface said:
(quote of a quote)

FYI, most, if not all, of the "research" of the media is funded BY the media..
Saying that games or any other medium is not indoctrinating people and especially the young people is like saying that you dont get fat by eating at McD..

Some dont get fat and can eat McNuggets all day, everyday.. But some are most likely to put on some extra kilos if they eat there regulary, and some of them propably wont even know why.

Dont tell me that NOTHING in your life has EVER been formed by some kind of media, be it music, movies etc.
Games are just as good at putting thoughts in your head as those, if not better since they let you play out your fantasy instead of just watching or listening to it..

And before i need to put up the flame-shield; i play games.. I have been all my life.. I just recently realised how much shit it shoveled into our minds from all media fronts, and as hard as it is to accept, games are no different..
I'm glad you're such an expert that you don't even need research to prove that you're right, seeing as it's all moot anyway. If that's honestly what you think and you're not just grasping at straws to avoid cognitive dissonance, then it seems you are either paranoid or extremely ignorant. You should honestly read some of the research, read about how science works, look up the backgrounds of any authors you want, etc. Many people smarter than us have done so, and no one who claims that ALL the research is invalid/lies is taken seriously.

If you insist on using anecdotal evidence and thought experiments to prove your point, then there's not much point to using a forum, anyway.

When people eat fast food, they get fat. Maybe not those who balance their calorie intake and expenditure (the only real factor), but there are still a significant number of people who are clearly impacted by overeating such unhealthy food. It's obvious and anyone can see it, so it's not a very difficult thing to argue.
That's not the case with behavioral effects of media. There have NEVER been any cases where someone went out and committed a crime SOLELY because of a movie they watched or a game they played. Every criminal who's claimed otherwise is obviously insane, and we can hardly blame media for that. Out of the billions of people who view various media every single day of their lives, an almost negligible number even does anything suspiciously outside the realm of regular human interactions.

People have been committing crimes and killing each other throughout human history, and there's no real reason to blame it on inventions of the last couple centuries, especially when the rates those acts have generally been decreasing so much anyway. Playing sports, driving, and drug use (including alcohol and caffeine) all lead to a LOT more suffering every day, yet people like you insist that our sedentary entertainment is the root of all evil... very frustrating.
Look, all i was trying to say is that at some point, games can affect our way of seeing the world and its not always for the better.. There is really no need for scientific research to realise that..
Since this is a thread about unpopular opinions, i simply just stated mine.. I see no reason to discuss this any further unless you really want to..


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I still think those really dated PSX graphics are really cool. You know those super jagged pixels? Yeah, I love those for some weird reason.