What books are you reading?


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
Geamo said:
I'm in the middle of American Gods by Neil Gaiman, recently finished Neverwhere by him too.
TheEvilDuck said:
Read anything by Neil Gaiman, "Neverwhere," "Coraline," "Anansi Boys," "American Gods," "Smoke and Mirrors," "Fragile Things."
Neil Gaiman is awesome, love his stuff. I just finished The Graveyard Book, you guys should read that if you get the chance.

Next, I think I'm going to start Riddley Walker [http://www.amazon.com/Riddley-Walker-Russell-Hoban/dp/0253212340/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1238446642&sr=1-1] by Russell Hoban - sounds like a weird but interesting little post-apocalypse story, written in a made-up dialect. Heard about it from the song The Rapture of Riddley Walker [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMA2fAAFUs4] by the incredible Clutch :D

Simon Hadow

New member
Mar 12, 2009
Shelf Monkey: It's about a guy who loves books, has freinds who love books, but a talk show host named Munroe Purvis starts a book club and endorses books that are incredibly dumb, so him and his freinds get together plan his down fall... and, yes, their are Lovecraft references *hugs with blood stained Kittens*


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Bulletinmybrain said:
duchaked said:
Zukonub said:
Dubiousduke said:

I've read it 3 times before, it's addicting.
Catch-22 is a military genius. I'm also re-reading it now, too, at the bane of sum freshmen.
I need to read that book again, haha...but I need to re-read Hamlet.
My mom just brought back catch-22. After my brothers finished, I will have to give it a whirl. (Iliad, The Odyssey of Homer, and animal farm being books I will be reading in the near future.)
You know it's funny because I never actually ever finished reading The Iliad and The Odyssey in their entirety. Hmm, I should probably make it goal one day, haha

Inverse Skies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
Daye.04 said:
Yeah, I realized that. And I'm pretty sure I can find an translation for it. Otherwise Savannah is the way to go. Also I'm quite sure my father has allready read it. So I could probably just borrow it from him ...

Oh and by the way. Seems like you don't have to wait for me after all. There seems to be several other people on the forum that has read the whole series ..
Someone will want to talk to me about it. Have fun until then!

Beffudled Sheep

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Mask of 1000 Faces said:
World War Z.

I refuse to not re-read this every month or so.
That book is great. I actually finished reading it for the 9th time yesterday. Anyway, I am currently reading Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, an old Dracula book, World War Z, and something dealing with Cthulu. (sorry but i don't remember the name, my friend stole it last week and i have a terrible memory)


Proud Escaperino
Feb 9, 2009
Inverse Skies said:
Daye.04 said:
Yeah, I realized that. And I'm pretty sure I can find an translation for it. Otherwise Savannah is the way to go. Also I'm quite sure my father has allready read it. So I could probably just borrow it from him ...

Oh and by the way. Seems like you don't have to wait for me after all. There seems to be several other people on the forum that has read the whole series ..
Someone will want to talk to me about it. Have fun until then!
If that was meant like me .. Then, you are corredct, sir. And as for the having fun part. How can I not?


New member
Feb 27, 2009
gingerbreadgrl9 said:
women- charles bukowski
Good to know you don't understand yourselves, either :p

I'm splitting time between My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk and The Three Trillion Dollar war by Stiglitz and Blimes. The former is a better read.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Right now I'm reading Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov.
It's a great book, although kind of hard to read at times.

Daniel Cygnus

New member
Jan 19, 2009
I'm a bit over halfway through Player Piano right now. Next on my list is 1984, and maybe V for Vendetta again after that.

Curiosity's Cat

New member
Mar 4, 2009
I heart this thread.

There's not a book on here that I've read myself and disliked, so the ones I haven't are all good candidates for me to blow my next paycheck on at Borders. Imma make a shopping list XD

Here's what I'm reading at the moment

Killing Hitler- nonfiction about the various plots to assassinate hitler that failed.

Swann's Way (Marcel Proust)- Okay so I'm on a quest to read all the famous books I've heard of, from any author or time period (Except Dickens and Austen, who I had to study at high school and thoroughly dislike). Until this book I was doing alright. I read "fear and loathing in las vegas" "bonfire of the vanities" "the clergyman's daughter" etc etc etc. and enjoyed them all.

I HATE this book. I can't tell you what it's about because i'm two chapters in (and that took 2 agonising months) and I still don't know. I'm going to finish it out of pride and sheer bloody mindedness but it's not a read I recommend to anyone. I know it's classic but I'm finding it a brain meltingly tedious read.

If you want to read a powerful book, try "the time travellers wife". It's kind of a romance, not a genre I usually read, but someone told me it was good so I put my preconceptions aside. By the end of the book I was bawling so hard I couldn't read the last chapter.

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
I recently read:

"The Catcher in the Rye", which is an awesome book.. that they should have let me read back in high school.

Also.. "The Art of Racing in the Rain", a great book for dog lovers.... it's basically told from the mind of a dog that wants to be human.

I've been reading "Fahrenheit 451" for the past 2 months.... I know it's short, but for some reason, I'm having a hard time getting into it. I'm over half way through it and it's starting to really pick up. So I'll probably finish it soon.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
I just finished reading the Harry Potter series. Right now I'm reading Brisngr, the 3rd in the Eragon series, and afterwards I'm gonna start reading the Twilight series. Also....Big....Brother....Is....Watching....YOU!