what developer has the most soul?


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Redingold said:
Team Fortress
Left 4 Dead
Alien Swarm

So why exactly are Valve disqualified again?
well 3 or 4 of those are just popular mods valve took so creativity isn't really their own.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
I would say Platinum Games Inc. Beyonetta and Vanquish were amazing, so was Infinate Space.

ThatGameCompany is also a great one. They made Flower, Flow and are currently in development of the game Journey.


Team ICO is probably my personal Favorite. With ICO and Shadow of the Colossus and a new coming Last Guardian.

I am not saying Valve is not good, but I think they even fall short compared to these


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Thatgamecompany for sure. Whether you're into their games or not, you can't deny that they are always a new experience. (Okay I know they've only made two games so far-three if you count cloud-, but at least they're trying something different, and they clearly care about games as a medium for artistic expression.)

Edit: Damn, ninja'd by the post above :\ Oh well, TGC is still awesome.


New member
Feb 11, 2010

Yes, almost all of their games are sequels, but they've explored so many genres and put such a unique twist on each.


New member
May 6, 2010
I'm going to throw out Bungie for this. As much hate as Halo gets for being "unoriginal and derivative," it really only followed the formula it made for itself, just like most series. Why Bungie has the most soul is not only have they wilingly departed from a monstrously profitable series, that they themselves created, in order to pursue other endeavors and try out new things, but they also have a great connection to the community. They've always listened to us, they've always given back and tried to get us involved as much as they could.

I say Bungie is one of a kind, and the willingness to leave Halo in spite of its profit alone gives them more soul than most other developers out there.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
I wouldnt choose valve half life? i loved it,hl2? it was to the first game what doom 3, deus ex invislbe war and blood 2 were to the first. Imo hated it.

Now l4d, counter strike, teamfoftress, swarm, all started as mods. Gotta give em props for portal but making l4d2 and portal 2 kind jumps on the wagon of pointless sequels, which begs the questsion WHY THE NEXT HL3 IS NOT OUT YET? I guess because they dont want to risk the most sucessfull franchise.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
My vote goes for Atlus, just for bringing back the first person dungeon crawler with Etrian Odyssey. Besides, I've never been disappointed with any game that says Atlus on the cover.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Not sure about the most "soul".
but one game-maker reminding me that it does have a soul is EA, who have revealed that they are open to the idea of a Mirror's edge sequel despite the game proving to be less than stellar in terms of sales figures. Coming from a company as big as EA, which has so many shareholders to appease and which one might speculate cares the least (other than Activision), that means a lot.

Come to think of it, the developer with the most soul...
I reckon Popcap is up there somewhere as a candidate.
Maybe i just got taken in by the charming appearance of their games...

William MacKay

New member
Oct 26, 2010
Dango said:

Yes, almost all of their games are sequels, but they've explored so many genres and put such a unique twist on each.
seconded. they my be sequels, but they're sequels of great games.
Mojang possibly: MineCraft is exploring open world sandboxes perfectly, there are very few games like it plus the fact that the game is still in open beta but has over 10 million purchases with stuff constantly being added shows the care about their customers. some companies might just release bug fixes and not add new features to get the full release out sooner. and its not their only game (they made scrolls as well) which i think is an game where you get magic powers from scrolls.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Woodsey said:
"And la Noire
Which arguably created a genre."


bob-2000 said:
AntonicKnight said:
Valve, it may not fit the categories but it is the most selfless developer ever.
It cares for its fans by willing to risk its own money for the fan's enjoyment.
Yea, maybe 5 years ago, but they've gotten incredibly greedy and completely destroyed TF2 with their new products.
By doing what, making it free and allowing you to craft and find anything that you can buy? People who have bought stuff have had no advantage over me whatsoever, and I haven't bought anything.

OT: I dunno, implying you can't be creative or have a "soul" (eugh) because you don't travel outside of a genre too much seems stupid.
No, creating a thousand weapons that overpower or unbalance the game just so that people will shop in their virtual store is why their greedy. It just feels like everything that was once charming or humorous about the game has been ruthlessly exploited.

I agree with you on the last point. Just because you have a niche in the market and fill it well doesn't mean that you're not creative.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Soul =/= creativity. Valve and Bungie both have souls, but it's not related at all to creativity levels - it's because they keep in touch with their communities, do what the fans want and incorporate user-created content.

I reject your definition and substitute my own!


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Since Valve is not allowed, I'm going to second (third? fourth?) Bungie.

Bioware has lost some of its old soul, especially after ME2 and DA2, and I just don't feel the connection there anymore. Bungie, on the other hand, loves its community. Hell, they knew Reach was their going out party, they even put in a secret room just to thank their fanbase. And even within Halo, they were willing to experiment until they achieved what they wanted. It was never really a money grab for them, and that they walked away from the series is a testament to how much they don't care about the money. And did I mention they care about their fanbase? Rooster Teeth owes their existence to Bungie.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I would say "Double Fine Productions" for Psychonauts.
And "People Can Fly" for Painkiller.
Sep 17, 2009
starwarsgeek said:
rolfwesselius said:
starwarsgeek said:
A bit of a nit-pick, but no one releases "only" sequels. And you can't claim sequels to be inherently uncreative in the same post that you praise a sequel (Red Dead Redemption).

I'd say Valve, Nintendo, Capcom, and Rockstar all qualify in different ways.
Its a seguel!?
Yup. Red Dead Revolver on the PS2 kicked off the IP.

Red Dead Redemption is not the sequel of Red Dead Revolver. It is a spiritual sequel.

The best example of what I mean is Bioshock in relation to Bioshock Infinite.

OT: Mojang, Double Fine, Rockstar. Mojang for being an indie triumph, Double Fine for constantly innovating and never taking the cash out route, and Rockstar for all of their financial risks.