What do you find attractive in the gender(s) you are attracted to?


New member
May 3, 2011
Well.. breasts and a nice butt are a factor. But a woman can have the best tits and ass money can buy, but if it comes with a repugnant personality It counts for shit.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
A woman who's willing to go to massive length to take revenge.

Don't know why. Just some sort of weird fetish.

See: Medea, The Bride from Kill Bill, Robert Browning's 'The Laboratory' etc.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
CM156 said:
I look for a girl with good brains, a sense of right and wrong, deep faith, and a great sense of humor.


And a cute butt don't hurt neither
You've hit the nail on the head, mate. This is EXACTLY how I feel too.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
The face, it's all about the face.

They can have the best looking body in the world, but if they have an ugly face, forget it.
Also they can get away with a not so good body if i like the face.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
attractive? um... My girlfriend, nice smile, smooth black hair, very fit, and easy to hold^^


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Araksardet said:
Concerning the body:

The most important factor in whether I find a woman (physically) attractive or not is her face; I've seen stunning bodies with plain faces and they turn me off, but a pretty face will do it for me for any woman who isn't anorexic, hyper-muscular or morbidly obese. That said, clear skin is also important, as is a bit of body fat - I like a little softness and looseness here and there. Tight skin is a turn-off, but so is skin that begins to fold. I like naturally darker skin or skin that tans well, but I don't like white-girl-got-tanned skin. Beside that, a woman's stomach is also very attractive. A nice, round butt is also nice, of course; for whatever reason, however, legs and breasts aren't really that big of an issue for me.

Although I wouldn't actually think so, experience has shown me to be mostly successful with short, dark-haired women. I don't know if it's unconscious attraction or something else, but there you have it.

I can't stand women who wear bangs, but women who have long hair (braided or cropped or loose or whatever) are nice, as are those who've got well-made dreadlocks. I love dreadlocks on a woman. Tattoos can be really sexy if they're done well, but piercings are a major turn-off for me, except where they can easily be ignored (ears, belly button... yeah, that's about it).

Concerning the soul:

A woman who can take and dish out humor is really attractive in my book, as is one with geeky, "squee!" interests in things like science, animals, language, and pop culture. In general, I find women are sexy if they don't take themselves seriously (in everyday life - I dislike women who don't take themselves seriously in their careers or their dreams), who are playful and willing to goof around. I can't stand people who are just so straight about everything, it irritates me to no end.

I'm also attracted to women who like to think up creative solutions to philosophical or political problems, rather than repeat what people around them say; women who like to explore things with their mind and wonder "What would happen if we did this?". That kind of depth draws me in. But I like women who have the courtesy not to put people down when they correct someone who is wrong or misguided.

I also like women with broad interests that deviate from the norm. Standard barbie girls aren't my type, but neither are standard "alternative" girls - you know the ones, into obscure indie bands and hate globalization and like to sit around coffee shops and smoke. Can't stand them (though sometimes they wear their hair in dreads, and that's a big turn-on for me, so mixed feelings).

I like the girl who catches bugs and puts them in a box to look at, or plays video games (duh), or doodles funny stuff in her textbooks, or likes to watch people on the street and compare them with animals. Someone I can have fun with.
I could quote this guy and it sum up most of what I like and some of what I dislike in a woman or girl.

Though I prefer plump thighs for some reason and I can't stand belly-button rings. I don't know why, but I just don't like them, yet oddly enough, I do like the midriff...just not when there's a belly button ring on it.

I feel oddly attracted to cute faces more than sexy ones.


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Nothing really.
Better title would have been just what do you find attractive, but whatever, I'll answer as best I can.
All that matters to me is they are smart, fun to be with and interesting.
.... Good looks are always a plus of course.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Distance. Fuck am I into distance. Just thinking about people being the fuck away from me gives me the most rigid figurative erection.
Silence is also a plus.

This applies to either gender. My hateboner is indiscriminate.


New member
May 28, 2009
A girl who's smart, has the same views as me on a lot things and of course a great face paired with a great pair.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
considering what we find attractive is what it is (A mating response) most honest people should respond with physical attributes. in my case legs, curves, that little lump of fat on the belly that screams "I AM FERTILE" that women for some reason obsess about getting rid of.

What I look for in a companion is something else entirely, though not mutually exclusive. Intellegence, wit, slight insanity, and the ability to take a joke and run with it.

Kafka Torkarev

New member
May 29, 2011
I too am also a man of le face, if a girl looks like a can 'o dog food I am not going for it,
no matter how curvy she might be.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
A sense of humour is like the ultimate thing for me in a guy if he can make me giggle that's it. I like games and comic books but I am yet to find a man who is as into them as me... lol. I have a thing for bikers and pilots. I think it's the controlling powerful machinery thing but who knows lol. Cars don't do anything for me for some odd reason.

I like skinny, tall guys physically, Kind of like the 'archer' archetype. I don't mind beards. I like it when they have nice skin. A cute bum is nice too :p. I like a guy with nice and kind eyes.

I have major trust issues with men so one who is understanding of why I keep saying sorry and flinching if he waves his arm around might be nice. Not many men are and think that you dont trust them personally rather than having been ingrained to think you get a slap if you do something displeasing. It hasn't really given me a chance to get out of that mindset unfortunately.