What Do You Look For In Let's Plays/Players


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Generally I use LPs to learn about the game. So I want someone who is good at the game and is intimate with the mechanics and communicates that both in play and speech.

This is a great LP of Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 (360), as it shows you all the tricks to make getting a 1 Credit Clear much easier. Great for giving noobs insight in how to play bullet hell shmups for survival. Sadly most of his LPs are in French but some like this and Akai Katana Shin are in English.



New member
Nov 17, 2010
I've only watched a few, but as long as the players are gut-bustingly funny and their take on the game is interesting, I'll watch it. I loved the LP of pokecapn and KungfuJesus in Sonic'06 and I enjoyed reading the adventures of Jedi Jesus.

I want to find one of DMC3 now but YouTube isn't forthcoming in funny ones...


New member
Dec 31, 2012
People that are knowledgeable, funny and genuine.
Most of the time, you'd be lucky to get just one of those in a LP'er.

I often avoid people like PewDiePie, Nova and the ilk like the plague.
It just devolves into a bunch of fake screaming and trying to be as fake as possible.
Often stops being "funny" and gets to be annoying.

GameGrumps sometimes walks a fine-line, but I'll watch them over the above any day. They make funny banter, actually know some stuff about the games they play and have a legitimately good time. I don't think they act that much while playing, actually. Sounds like two nutjobs playing vidya games.

And as to blind runs...maybe.
I'd rather watch someone who has a general idea, because watching someone wind down time just walking around accomplishing nothing ain't no fun. Especially when you know what to do. I'm not a nitpicker for skill, though.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Group LPs or duos mostly. It adds a bit of chemistry to an otherwise dull and predictable formula, more so if the game supports native cooperative play.

Preferences towards both informative and entertaining. More inclined towards a Something Awful background.


New member
May 21, 2010
A decent sound talking voice, that doesn't sound like they are speaking through a low quality microphone, and just got done running a marathon, and are just speaking for the first time in their life. Keep the monotone to a minimum, witty dialogue is nice when done well, and having something at least remotely interesting, preferably related to the game is much appreciated. Clarity is also very important, and no background noises. I don't want to hear your dog barking in the background or you little brother getting his first sexual experience and moaning and you yelling at him to shut up.


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
I like groups, humor, and most importantly of all, competent editing. Also, the game interesting me helps. Most of my favorite Let's Plays possess all of the above, specifically Slowbeef's Metroid Prime LP's, though I'd argue he could have cut out more than he did.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Knowledge of the game
A non-grating voice

Mainly just can't have an annoying voice, or else I can't stand to watch no matter how interesting it might be.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
BLIND. I ONLY watch blind playthroughs, because the only reason I watch LPs is to see people react to a game's story.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
#1 Is it relevant to my interests? I only watch if it is something that I have/want/will play.

#2 How knowledgeable is this person? Only people that seem like they know what they are doing/don't ham it up suffice.

#3 Do they facecam? if they do, are they a girl? I dislike facecam with a burning passion. The only time I like it is if A: its relevant to the game or B: they are easy on the eyes.

#4 Do they vary their content or is it just same-old same-old every video? I love variety. I love randomness. I do NOT love gags that are in EVERY VIDEO.

The only two lets players I watch constantly are "the one and only Jesse Cox of OMFGcata and apostle of the great space butterfly (copyright JesseCox2013)" with whom I actually share a first name with and NerdCubed because he is actually intelligent.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Yahtzee does some hilarious let's plays of early 90's adventure games on his youtube channel with his friend Gabriel. They manage to talk about the game, facts about the publishers etc and actually talk about interesting topics, unlike many other lets players :p

apart from that I mainly watch Tobuscus' lets plays just because he is one of the only youtubers that is inherently funny imo

sooo yeah: humour, consistency and something else which I can't describe :p

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
There are only two types that I ever want to watch, honestly, those for entertainment and those for instruction. Entertainment for LP for me means an MST3K (is that still a remembered thing? I feel a little old suddenly) style observational comedy commentary over play course. Ability to follow the CS (if any) is a bonus, jokes are welcome but I do like to have an idea of what is actually going on in the game's story to keep pace with the jokes, which I prefer to be thematically in harmony with the game's flavor or genre. Ideally. Instructional - I want just that. Tell me what you're doing that's effective so I can go do it because I'm stuck enough to have gone to the Internet for the answer. Straight forward, no nonsense and for heaven's sake no spoilers, please! How many times I have heard "once you get past this is going to die, but we'll skip that to show you how to unlock X puzzle or treasure in this video" or something similarly asininely uncalled for that made me regret seeking an answer at all.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
General Twinkletoes said:
I love the Auzzie Gamer, he's the only LP'er I watch. I used to like guys like Game Grumps, but gradually got bored. If I wanted a 10 minute discussion that has nothing to do with the game, I'll listen to a podcast. TheAuzzieGamer puts a ton of work into his videos. He's always explaining what he's doing and why, while still staying funny. He's one of the best youtubers around, and deserves more vies.
To be fair, Game Grumps has never tried to be a let's play channel (Jon has even said more than once in his own vids and on Grumps that he doesn't like let's plays at all). It's more like a talk show (or sometimes a sitcom, lol) where a game plays in the background and the two hosts occasionally react to it. It's more about Jon and Arin than about whatever game they happen to be playing at the time.

As for my own preferences... it really depends on a lot of factors. I generally prefer more, serious, I guess let's players. People who take some pride in their content and don't just do one take and slap it up on youtube. I also prefer people who act like themselves. Far too many let's players try to put on an act, to be overly silly, or overly scared, or try to be more funny than they actually are, and it just ruins the vid for me. A let's player needs to play to his/her strengths. If you're naturally funny, roll with that and be funny in a natural, non-forced way. If you're more mellow and detail-oriented, be that. Do some research and pepper your LP with interesting facts and observations.

Also, no face-cams, please. I have no idea why so many of them do that. No offense, but if I'm looking for a let's play, I don't want to constantly see you in the corner of my screen, staring back at me absently. It detracts from the game, which is really what a let's play is all about.

Another bit of advice from someone who's seen too many bad let's plays. Learn to edit, even just a little. Yes, sometimes you do need to show off your deaths, but don't spend 5 minutes dying on the same part, or have half your video be you getting back to the point where you died last time. You don't have to be a super l33t gaming god or anything, but when you spend more time trying to get back to square one than you do making progress, then you're just wasting your viewers' time.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
The only Let's Play I enjoyed was AccountingNightmare's DMC games. She kicks ass, knows a lot of the game, is quite during cutscenes and doesn't try to be funny. Previously I only watched mute ones since I don't care about the guy laying it, I just want to see the game, but I liked how AN gave you tips to be a better player. There is no way I would have beaten the games on the higher difficulties on my own.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
I personally just watch Jesse Cox ,hes pretty entertaining and seems to like what he is doing and doesn't yell all the way through "scary" games like dead space just for the YT money .But secretly I know that the best LPers are ones who are also able to provide extensive knowledge of the back story and lore of the game such as Chuggaaconroy with Okami.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
The ability to make me laugh is pretty much all I need for in lets players. I mainly watch Chip & Ironicus, Helloween and The Heartless. But also Pork Lift & Wateyad, Cry, Freelance Astronauts, Agentjr and Klyka.

So a mixture of Single and Duo Commentators.

So yeah. If your funny i'll probably watch your lets play. Well If the game interests me anyway.

Always wanted to try my hand at LP's but I'm not really funny nor the most skilled gamer...


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Samurai Rabbit said:
Pretty much what the thread title says. Who are your favourites? And what do you lie about their style? Is it humour? Attention to detail?

Spill it!

I like this guy:

I've been looking for a good Hitman: Absolution Let's Play (by looking, I mean checking one out when I see one) and ill probably view this eventually. I just loath Aussie accents in media. I don't know why. Weird, considering I'm Australian WITH that accent and all my friends and family have that accent.

OT: If I find a LP-er that I think is funny, I'll watch it. I like Game Grumps, though that seems to be going down hill. I also like Kevin (YouTube channel is xNoRegretzzXz, or something). While his channel title seems a bit stupid (he's explained why a few times), he's quite funny to watch.