What do you think when you hear the word "transexual?"


New member
Jun 28, 2011
isometry said:
When I hear "transsexual" I think of someone who lives as the opposite gender from the one they were born as, usually with the assistance of hormones and surgery. Depending on the context it can include people in the process of transitioning, or it can mean people who have completed a full transition including SRS.

Visually, of course there is a whole range, but I keep in mind that some MtFs are quite passable and fit into society as normal women:

(images safe for work, fully clothed, nothing graphic)

I believe sexuality is a spectrum, and that's just as true for TS people as for non-TS people. I understand many TS people would prefer to leave their birth gender behind completely, and some effectively do, but others retain a mix of both genders; just like some non-TS people do. I think that's a good thing, because it diversifies the human experience.

I learned most of this in a philosophy course on "normality and abnormality", we had a guest speaker who was a MtF transsexual and she totally shattered whatever stereotypes I had seen in TV and movies. She explained that we rarely see examples of successful, normal, TS people, because they prefer not to out themselves once they transition, which makes sense from their point of view and explains why the stereotypes persist.
Could not of put it better myself really, only modification I would of personally done was correct their spelling of transsexual, but that's just me *grin* And maybe a little of my own experiences with being transsexual.

I hope the people reading this thread at least read your description, would do a world of good. But sadly, I think they're already tainted by stereotypes, misinformation, and the like.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
This is usually the first thing that pops into my mind:

That is one sexy banana, if you know what I mean!


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Ellen of Kitten said:
This will be a hard topic to cover. I'm looking for real responses from the whole gambit of the Escapist community. But I'm also seeking real answers- that goes for the bad impressions too. I'm a M2F transwoman, and quite successful in my transition. But something a friend of mine and me were talking about last night struck a cord with me.

So now I wonder; what is the first thing (or couple things) that come to mind when you think of transexual people?

I don't want this to turn into a flame war, nor do I want to get people banned- I want discussion without the vitriol of the internet. If you want to speak your mind fully and fear it may get mod wrath, then feel free to PM me your thoughts rather than post.
The first few thoughts that flow into my head when I think of transsexual people, are 2 of my ex girlfriends, and one ex boyfriend. Then of myself, and all the drama, and suffering I have to endure in everyday life, as well as the same, for everyone else that has to deal with this.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Batou667 said:
Maybe, but I can't remember the last time I heard about Ethiopians campaigning for trans awareness, or an Eskimo in drag, or the Native American Trans community.


Transgender people have existed throughout history and currently exist all around the world. You may not hear about it, but the history of nearly every world culture is filled with alternate expressions of gender identity and to pretend that the desire to change your gender alignment is somehow a first-world indulgence is shockingly ignorant and factually inaccurate.

Also why did it take so long for the Rocky Horror Picture show? I am disappoint.


In my hand I hold a key...
Oct 14, 2009
Hard for me to answer, tbh.

Without going into too many personal details, I've had good experiences (made friends with a few that I have known/knew for years) and bad (personality conflicts and other issues). If I have to be BRUTALLY honest, if I'm meeting someone who is trans for the first time I think "Okay...." and immediately go on the defensive until I figure out their personality.

Otherwise, I don't really think ANYTHING about transsexual people, or at least, no more than anyone else I might think about. *shrug*

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Batou667 said:
My immediate reaction is fairly negative, I'm afraid. I don't think I could ever fully support it as a lifestyle. If it's a sexual thing, why not just be gay?

To jump on the bandwagon, it screams "First World Problem".
Well, I think I read somewhere that a lot of "man trapped in a woman's body" sort of people actually have different brainwaves to "normal" people. So I don't suppose merely being gay is necessarily going to work for them.

Freaky Lou

New member
Nov 1, 2011
I think of an off-puttingly square-shouldered black woman in a blonde wig hurriedly applying makeup in a strip club bathroom with a broken stall door behind her.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I'm an open person, but with a negative view.
I don't really have a jump-to thought, so here's my thoughts on it as a whole.

Finding out somebody is transsexual may stop me from dating them.
I won't lie, part of it is the weird factor. And I'd feel that if I found my perfect partner that used to have the body of a man, that I had kind of cheated myself to happiness, since men like me are easier to find than women like me. And I'd rather have a woman who likes "men" things.
I feel some sort of pity to the idea of transsexuals, because the idea that you have to be a different gender to be happy seems stupid. I'm very agaisnt gender roles, so someone going "I feel like because I like/want to do " is rather annoying.
I'm not even sure how being, what in the eyes of the person, the wrong gender, would feel. That's the only gender you've ever been. How can you feel weird about being it? How can you rationally know you'd feel better as the other?

But do whatever. I understand that a transsexual may have a mental disorder (i.e an abnormal way of thinking), and feel sympathetic to that since I have a few and often feel very different from other people. If I felt like I should be a woman I'd probably feel bad, and wouldn't have the confidence to make such a decision as to make myself outwardly appear as the other gender.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
I think of people writing really dodgy Transformers fan-fiction. Kind of like "Kiss Players" only a squintzooplian times worse


New member
May 8, 2009
Ellen of Kitten said:
M2F transwoman
That's exactly what I imagine, when I hear the word 'transsexual'. I've never, so far, heard of, or seen, the opposite, which is kind of funny. But, I guess, in terms of feelings and overall demeanor towards transsexuals (because I am guessing that's what you're hoping to get out of us), I guess I don't mind transsexuals, at all, in fact. I find some of them to be very attractive, even though I am not a homosexual, or bi-sexual, or anything of the sort. Although, you're discussion raised a couple of questions for me, which I think ought to be explored:

The first one is, and that one got raised between me and a few acting buddies of mine, when we were attending a casting for a M2F trans. role (which I am guessing would've been pretty fun to play), and we were sort of bickering about the difference between 'transsexual' and 'transgender', and if there was any, at all. I argued that a transsexual is a person, who is currently at a certain stage in changing their sexuality, whilst transgender is the completed form. And he was arguing that transsexual is a person who just likes to dress as a woman, and transgender is the person who's changing their, well, gender. And, of course, we were both wrong, probably, I've never looked it up, till now.

And the second one, which I think could be a topic on its own is whether regarding a transsexual person attractive, make you homosexual or something of the sort? But lets take it a step further and say, that if you've slept with a transsexual person, does that make you homosexual, or should it/should it not?

I've never slept with a transsexual, but once I was hitting on one, in a club, without even realising it, until one of my buddies came along and said 'You do know we're at a tranny bar, right?', and I was like '... What the hell are we doing in a tranny-bar?!', and then he was like 'I'unno *shrugs shoulders*', and then we left. It was pretty humiliating, but f-ing hillarious.

Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention, that I normally wouldn't date a transsexual, more-or-less because I'd know that they once were a man, although, I am not really sure about that. I mean, if they're completely changed, as in, every possible aspect of their male-hood is changed, in terms of voice, facial structure, loss of body hair, and of course completely-altered genitals, then I might consider it a possibility. And, of course, if that's the case, and the person doesn't even mention it, and I am completely oblivious of that fact, well, I guess, then I don't have much of a choice, do I?


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
I personally think of a male to female transsexual, typically Bernadette from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert or the cross-dresser in Cabaret whose name I can't remember. As for my general opinion of them, I'm fine with them. I haven't met any myself (closest I've ever gotten is being complimented by a drag queen), but if it makes them feel more comftorable as themselves all the better to them.

As for whether or not I'd date someone who was a transsexual, I'm unsure as of yet. I doubt I'd be creeped out by the fact that I was dating someone who used to be a different gender (I'm bisexual anyway, so genders don't bug me), but I've never been anywhere near that close to a transsexual before, so I have no way of really knowing how I'd react to even a good friend of mine being transsexual let alone someone I'm in a relationship with.

n00beffect said:
The first one is, and that one got raised between me and a few acting buddies of mine, when we were attending a casting for a M2F trans. role (which I am guessing would've been pretty fun to play), and we were sort of bickering about the difference between 'transsexual' and 'transgender', and if there was any, at all. I argued that a transsexual is a person, who is currently at a certain stage in changing their sexuality, whilst transgender is the completed form. And he was arguing that transsexual is a person who just likes to dress as a woman, and transgender is the person who's changing their, well, gender. And, of course, we were both wrong, probably, I've never looked it up, till now.
'Transgender' is a more general term for cross-dressing, whereas a 'transsexual' is specifically someone who feels more comfortable as a different gender. Transsexualism is part of transgenderism, but transgenderism also covers things like drag queens/ kings, androgynites etc.

I didn't realise there was a difference for years, so it's understandable to make a mistake like that.

And the second one, which I think could be a topic on its own is whether regarding a transsexual person attractive, make you homosexual or something of the sort? But lets take it a step further and say, that if you've slept with a transsexual person, does that make you homosexual, or should it/should it not?
This is kind of like the debate on a transsexual's sexuality. As far as I know, a m-f transwoman is heterosexual if they are attracted to men and homosexual if they are attracted to women, with the opposite being the case for f-m transmen (yes, women who become men do exist, they're just portrayed a lot less in media). Based on that, I'd say a man sleeping with a transwoman wouldn't make them any less heterosexual than if they slept with a person who had been a woman all their life.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
I think of a women who happens to have a penis.
My second thought is my friend who is F2M... but stopped short of getting a penis.

Antwerp Caveman

New member
Jan 19, 2010
Mischa87 said:
Antwerp Caveman said:
I draw the line at transsexual.
I believe that a person who thinks he/she is transsexual has a problem and needs help.
I find myself open, tolerant and transparent. But mutilating your body to look like that of the other gender is insane.

I also find the doctors, psychologists and surgeons, who enable this are very irresponsible.
People should accept who they are. You can be straight, bi or gay, but if you are born as a man, then have your body remodelled to look like a woman and then have sex with men? You're just a gay man with a mutilated body.

I also find it insulting to Gay's, lesbians and bisexuals to use the term LGBT because that puts transsexuals in the same catagory as LG&B people.
Yeah, you're really open and tolerant...*snicker* And who are you to decide what anyone "should" do? Are you in some position to determine logic? Or the very fabric of the universe itself?

Looks like you failed to read some of the earlier posts where some ignorant sod mentioned the same things, and were debunked. Not all transwomen are attracted to men, so your statement there is not only... ignorant beyond words, it's already been mentioned, and shot down, do try to keep up.

And FYI, a lot of transpeople are trying to get the T taken out of LGBTQA, because being transgendered/transsexual has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation.
Who am I?
I'm a member of society. I'm someone with the benefits of a full education, including biology and social studies.
I am someone with a wide social circle who keeps up to date with current affairs and commonly discuss my opinions with friends, family and others.
Determine logic? No such thing, we are not vulcans ;)

If someone else was 'debunked' then he was either wrong, not expressing himself well enough or he wasn't wrong.
What I've written above was my opinion, what the OP clearly asked for. You can't debunk an opinion. I didn't fail to read the posts, I skipped them. And I gave my opinion, in which was 1 example. Ofcourse every person afflicted with this mental condition is different. If they were all the same it would have been far clearer defined and treated completely different.
As for your last point: excellent! Great idea.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I think of the movie boys don't cry.
it is a complex condition
Rayzi said:
A train actually. Then a random person. I don't really think of it often.
I had the image of Thomas the tank engine when I read your comment.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Honestly? I think of transexuals.

But, I may as well explain my reaction to them.

"Good for you. I'm glad you're living your life the way you feel you need to. But I would never date you. I want to date a girl that was born a girl."

And if anyone thinks that's bigoted of me, then everyone is bigoted, because everyone has standards when it comes to what they're physically attracted to.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I think of me! I've recently realised that I'm probably transgendered, though it's more complicated than "Dude wants to be a lady".

If you'll indulge me in a bit of graph work, if we imagine a spectrum of gender, with male at one side, female at the other and androgyneous in the middle. In fact, we don't have to imagine, I'll draw it.


See? That's how I feel, I don't particularly want a gender, but I reckon' that even in a world where there was no gender or gender roles, I would probably do stuff that current society judges as "feminine".

So yeah, that's me. If I could, I'd probably live as a lady, but I'm not sure I want my penis turned into a vagina. While I totally understand why people do that and respect that decision, I really, really don't like the idea of losing part of my body (even if I gain a new bit).