What do you think when you hear the word "transexual?"


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Damien Granz said:
Slippers said:
LeeArac said:
That in no way addresses Damien's point or the parallel with losing a limb... or being born blind or with any other of the myriad potential birth issues the chaos of genetic alchemy can throw up.

It's not 'expecting the universe to roll over'. It's trying to fix something that's broken to the best of your ability and the ability of modern medicine despite the fact that it will inevitably lead to hardship, bigotry and ostracization by a society that doesn't like things that are different. People - in short - like you. It's not entitlement, that is - in fact - 'making the best of what you got'.

I wouldn't do it myself if I felt unhappy with the body I was born with... because I don't feel current procedures are up to the task... and because I'd be scared both of the surgery itself and of society's reaction (given the reaction of supposedly enlightened people in this thread, that seems justified)... but that just shows how very important a transperson must consider the issue that they're willing to overlook such huge drawbacks. And how Goddamn brave they are in my eyes.
That is in no way making the best of it, that's just making extra problems for yourself in the long-term precisely because of the reasons you mentioned.

I don't view them as martyrs, brave or any of that sort. I view them as the sort that tend to shoot themselves in the foot.
No, they're making extra problems to deal with an even larger problem.

Actually they ain't even doing that. You're forcing them to deal with extra problems because you don't like the fact they're dealing with their own problem. Honestly if the question was just "Me changing my identity and maybe getting a cosmetic surgery", then the problem is at best "How do I pay for this surgery.". All the other problems though of are your own design.

It would be like if people went around to every near deaf guy and punched the back of their head every time they tried to get a hearing aid. That doesn't make being punched in the head a 'deafness' problem.

They are trying to make the best of it, so how about stop being an asshole to them and let them, and stop belittling them, or stop fostering an environment where making the best of it means losing their livelihood or life?
Because this is life and not some idealistic cartoon in which I am playing the role of the big bad and defeating me means rainbows and free cake for everyone.


New member
Oct 6, 2011
no, but this is life and not some idealistic cartoon in which you're never going to come across someone transexual, or have a friend who comes out as trans.

it could at least mean rainbows and free cake (well, support and friendship, maybe cake as well) for someone.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
peruvianskys said:

Wow, somebody who is capable of producing evidence, rather than just hyper-defensive hissy-fits, in defence of their viewpoint. Take note: this guy is Doing It Right (tm).

Thanks for the information. It was informative, and in the case of the youtube video, a little disturbing for my tastes.

I'm a little disappointed that a majority of posters in this thread have blatently ignored the OP's request for an open forum where both positive and negative sentiment can be expressed. If there was an implicit "...but opinions deemed incorrect will be punished" then I'm afraid I didn't pick up on it. And if the topic title had read "Transgender Flattery Thread, Ass-Kissers Only Please" then chances are I would have respectfully declined to post in it, thus sparing you all my monstrous bigotry.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Batou667 said:
peruvianskys said:

Wow, somebody who is capable of producing evidence, rather than just hyper-defensive hissy-fits, in defence of their viewpoint. Take note: this guy is Doing It Right (tm).

Thanks for the information. It was informative, and in the case of the youtube video, a little disturbing for my tastes.

I'm a little disappointed that a majority of posters in this thread have blatently ignored the OP's request for an open forum where both positive and negative sentiment can be expressed. If there was an implicit "...but opinions deemed incorrect will be punished" then I'm afraid I didn't pick up on it. And if the topic title had read "Transgender Flattery Thread, Ass-Kissers Only Please" then chances are I would have respectfully declined to post in it, thus sparing you all my monstrous bigotry.
I'm glad you made the effort to read that, but making an effort to correct misconceptions is not punishment. Hell, even calling bigotry what it is is not punishment.

If someone had started a thread entitled 'What do you think of when you think of a black man/gay person?', it wouldn't give people the right to post whatever stereotypes, fallacies or misunderstandings they felt like without being challenged on them.

Je Hones

New member
Dec 9, 2009
This came to mind:

I saw it on Reddit recently, but just found it again on some Tumblr page. I think it's probably more complicated than this diagram implies, but (and I can only say this from an inexperienced point of view, as I'm not transsexual, and don't know anybody that is), I think it goes some way to gracefully forging some kind of tangible understanding for the uninitiated.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I don't really have a "first thing" that comes to mind concerning anything. What generally comes about when someone bring up transsexuals, though, is bit of confusion followed quickly by dismissal.

As a concept, I don't really understand the mentality behind it. And don't bother trying to explain it, I've tried to put it into context before, only to be told I was wrong and it was something else entirely. I just don't get it. I can live with that.

On the individual level, I take people as they come.
-If the first thing I learn about a person, from their own mouth, is that they're transsexual, I'll assume that's all they consider themselves to be (with all the victim-baggage that tends to bring along), and probably not want to have much to do with them.
-If I'm told (from their own mouth, again) that a person I've gotten to know pretty well is transgendered, I may see that as them taking me into their confidence and consider us closer for it. It would depend on the context of the revelation, though.
-If I'm told that someone I'm being introduced to is transsexual, I tend to think less of the person doing the introduction, as that seems to be all they think of the person they're introducing me to. Then I'll wait and see what other impressions I get.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Batou667 said:
Wow, somebody who is capable of producing evidence, rather than just hyper-defensive hissy-fits, in defence of their viewpoint. Take note: this guy is Doing It Right (tm).
The other comment where I called you a big dumb ****** must have been deleted!

Anyway yeah, I don't know. I grew up in and still live in a pretty small town and I won't lie; meeting transgender people is still a little new to me. But much like black people or people with hideous facial deformities, the only negative response is the first little "Hey that's an out of the ordinary person for North Idaho." After that I'll just deal with them normally I guess.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Mischa87 said:
Antwerp Caveman said:
I draw the line at transsexual.
I believe that a person who thinks he/she is transsexual has a problem and needs help.
I find myself open, tolerant and transparent. But mutilating your body to look like that of the other gender is insane.

I also find the doctors, psychologists and surgeons, who enable this are very irresponsible.
People should accept who they are. You can be straight, bi or gay, but if you are born as a man, then have your body remodelled to look like a woman and then have sex with men? You're just a gay man with a mutilated body.

I also find it insulting to Gay's, lesbians and bisexuals to use the term LGBT because that puts transsexuals in the same catagory as LG&B people.
Yeah, you're really open and tolerant...*snicker* And who are you to decide what anyone "should" do? Are you in some position to determine logic? Or the very fabric of the universe itself?

Looks like you failed to read some of the earlier posts where some ignorant sod mentioned the same things, and were debunked. Not all transwomen are attracted to men, so your statement there is not only... ignorant beyond words, it's already been mentioned, and shot down, do try to keep up.

And FYI, a lot of transpeople are trying to get the T taken out of LGBTQA, because being transgendered/transsexual has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation.
seeing as how this person didn't say that they try to stop transsexuals from getting surgery, and how they didn't say that they wished them harm or stated that they discriminate against them, I'd say they are tolerant. Being tolerant means that you put up with people/opinions/subjects that you don't care for/agree with/have interest in. Its not tolerance if you agree with the person, it's tolerance if you put up with the person who you disagree with. So, yes they are tolerant.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
ultrachicken said:
Volf99 said:
ultrachicken said:
Batou667 said:
Ellen of Kitten said:
Transexuality is human wide, not limited to class, wealth, geographical location, etc. Hardly a first world problem. Off the bandwagon you go. :)
Maybe, but I can't remember the last time I heard about Ethiopians campaigning for trans awareness, or an Eskimo in drag, or the Native American Trans community.

Outside of the Western/white world the only other trans issues I've heard of are the trans community in India and Pakistan - which seems to be almost a spiritual thing - and of course Thai ladyboys, which is an overtly sexual subculture.
That's generally because third world countries are incredibly oppressive towards transsexuals, even more so than first world countries. Native Americans, being part of the United States for the most part, don't have "Trans Communities" tailored specifically for their ethnicity. And, even if they did, considering how small a minority they are, said group would be incredibly tiny.
Like Batou66 typed, its first world problems. Last I checked Palestinians were not concerned about the trans community, nor were the Tibetans who were being oppressed by the CCP. Things like food, water and self sovereignty are what come to mind first, not cutting of one's d**k or mutilating one's vagina.
Way to completely disregard everything I said, but I'll play along.

Basic requirements for survival will always come before mental problems, but that doesn't mean the mental problems don't exist, and they take their toll everywhere. Someone who doesn't have food, water, or electricity is clearly going to seek that stuff out before dealing with their internal torments, but that fact doesn't somehow invalidate the person's mental issues.
You just stated that "basic requirements for survival will always come before mental problems" which is why I state the its a first world problem. I think your making the assumption that because I refer to transsexual issues as a first world problem, I'm trying to convey that those issues are not important, which is not the case. Though I don't have those issues, I realize that they are very real and very serious. My only disagreement with you is that you seem to feel that it is wrong to label these issues as a first world problem


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Volf99 said:
seeing as how this person didn't say that they try to stop transsexuals from getting surgery, and how they didn't say that they wished them harm or stated that they discriminate against them, I'd say they are tolerant. Being tolerant means that you put up with people/opinions/subjects that you don't care for/agree with/have interest in. Its not tolerance if you agree with the person, it's tolerance if you put up with the person who you disagree with. So, yes they are tolerant.
No. What he /actually/ did was suggest they were mentally ill. 'Insane'. By inferrence he believes they should /not/ be permitted surgery and should instead be treated for the aforementioned mental illness to cure them of their delusions regarding their gender. He's free to correct me, but I really don't see how that can be read any other way.

Now, admittedly the word 'tolerance' can be somewhat subjective in this modern world of ours... but that's not the word I'd use for that particular stance.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
I think of someone who wants to or has changed their own sex. That's literally all I think about.

It's an interesting phenomenon. Something has clearly gone wrong during development - the brain thinks it should be of a different gender than the body actually is. This results in psychological conflict.

There are two solutions: We can change the brain to fit the body or change the body to fit the brain.

Changing the brain to fit the body has been attempt and it has proved disastrous. Patients will often fake a sense of resolution, but they often go on to commit suicide or become horribly depressed. We simply don't have the technology to change the brain to accept the body. It would require seriously advanced technology in order to alter the brain to truly accept its current gender, and that's technology we don't have. Trust me - I've read about this in quite a few psychology books. Trying to change their mind simply doesn't work. We can't do it. It fails and it fails horribly.

Since there's no point in pursing a treatment that doesn't work, the only option available is changing the body to fit the mind (a much easier task). Of course, we can't perfectly change the body to fit the mind, but we can do it well enough to provide psychological comfort.

It is a disorder. Even transsexual people say that they are "born into the wrong body" - what else is that BUT a disorder? What else do you call such a conflict? If the brain and the body can't agree on what gender they are, isn't that a serious problem? A biological problem? Neurological problem? I would say it is. But I believe in treating people for their disorder, not blaming them for it. I don't find Transsexuals disgusting - I view them as people who have an internal conflict which can be solved or alleviated in part through medical science. Everyone has medical problems at some point in their life - there's nothing to be ashamed about being transsexual or wanting to change your sex/gender. It's simply a medical problem, like Chicken pox or ADHD or Arthritis - a problem to be solved. And solve it we can.

Sex Change operations provide relief and are an effective treatment (in most cases) for this disorder. They work, and work well.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
LeeArac said:
Slippers said:
That is in no way making the best of it, that's just making extra problems for yourself in the long-term precisely because of the reasons you mentioned.

I don't view them as martyrs, brave or any of that sort. I view them as the sort that tend to shoot themselves in the foot.
And this is precisely the same viewpoint that suggests an uncloseted homosexual has only themselves to blame if they get beaten up/denied a job etc... because after all, they can hide it, right? They're only making extra problems for themselves.

It genuinely shocks me that we can have people firmly on board with the homosexual rights movement then turn around and balk at transgenderism. It is completely a personal decision as to whether they feel their subjective difficulty adapting to what they regard as an alien gender is worth the potential difficulties of a bigoted society and imperfect surgery. It meaningfully affects no one else and yet we still have otherwise-sensible people trying to rationalize their own discomfort.

There's a good reason transgenderism gets lumped into the lesbian/bisexual/gay basket. They face precisely the same squick-factor masquerading as meaningful opposition.
Yeah, I know what you mean. But, that's par for the course though.

Marc Chan

New member
Nov 22, 2011
Well I just think of a human being. Transsexuals are technically only present because: 1) They feel more comfortable in a certain type of body, and 2) It is easier to fit within a gender role if you appear like that gender. Don't get me wrong, transvestites are perfectly fine in my book, but the idea would be almost unnecessary if society was a bit more accepting.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2011
Firstly the guy that wears tight leather and heels and hits on all the guys in town. Then I grow up and respect your rights and preferences. And lastly think of the cute traps in anime.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I cant help but be a little weirded out but it even in a way that I dont with gay people.

I think the problem is I can "get" being gay. It computes. I can rationalise it. I can even rationalise cross dressing bizzarly enough, but for some reason I just can put myself in any abstract situation where I could possibly want to do it, therefore its just....Weird.

Bizzarly, open displays by gay men make me feel more uncomfortable than open displays of gay women (none, really), though I have a theory on this based on the fact its far more natural to see women openly displaying affections for each other therefore its not a big leap for they to be greater feelings, while men are traditionally emotionally closed to the outside world especially to each other therefore seeing such a display is more unsettling because it almost never happens.

See, rational.