What do you want to happen to your corpse?


New member
Jun 17, 2011
I would probably donate my organs to help others and afterwards I wanna be burned which is the most ecological way I can think of.

Galaxy Roll

New member
Jul 28, 2011
Just bury me in the garden with damn lion

I'm an organ donor, but other than that, I don't really know/care.


New member
Dec 12, 2009
let them harvest my organs, and then its a viking funeral pyre for me!

or maybe shot into a lake from a catapult...while on fire. gotta keep the fire in there.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
MetaKnight19 said:
To quote Ross Noble;

When I die and get cremated, I want my body to be covered in all sorts of meat like sausages, bacon and steaks, so that when I go into the fire people will just start salivating, thinking 'I really fancy a bacon sandwich'
You could just have your body turned into long bacon, long pork loin, long pork sausages, long pig spare ribs and so on and be served up as the barbecue at your own funeral, along with plenty of beer.

lRookiel said:
Meh, give my Organs to science, sew me back up and then make sure i go out with a bang by launching my corpse by catapult into a random persons window.
jumjalalabash said:
Reanimated as a zombie cyborg with minigun arms hell bent on destroying Congress. What a man can dream can't he?
arkwright said:
After everything that is useful is removed i want my corpse frozen and fired out of a cannon at the house's of parliment. Im gonna take some of those barstards with me.
How about being dropped at Mach 2.5 on a ballistic trajectory that ends right in the centre of the front row of the Republican National Convention?

Those wanting a Viking Funeral, wouldn't it be good to time it for December 21st and isn't this appropriate?

A really good music video for "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden might be amusing too: "I'm coming back. I will return, and I'll possess your bodies and I'll make you burn. I have the fire. I have the force. I have the power to make my evil take its course!"

*pauses to flag 100 Chuck Norris comments as spam*

That idea of being dropped into the deepest piece of ocean possible brings up the interesting question of what's down there [http://maps.google.com/?ll=11.318481,142.77832&spn=7.073188,9.788818&t=h&z=7] and what it would make of the sudden appearance of a human corpse. We know there's life down there [http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/02/0203_050203_deepest.html].


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Donate whatever organs someone can use, put me in my Chucks, my Bad Brains "Banned In DC" shirt, an old pair of jeans, and chuck me in the ground. No casket, and mark the spot with a fairly simple, modest tombstone that'll bear my name, the dates of my birth and death, and the words, "So It Goes." For the record, the reason I'm rejecting being buried in a casket is because I actually want plant life to be able to feed off of my remains, which can't really happen if your remains are locked inside an airtight box. You know, the circle of life and all that.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
By way of rigor mortis, have my middle fingers raised, before having my body catapulted by trebuchet onto the set of the next Jersey Shore series.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
Organs donated, body smelted into ash, I would have my ashes be sent to the moon for future generations of moon dweller to remember, but we ain't goin' to the moon anytime soon, so I guess just- Damn I don't know where I want my ashes to be put. Fuck.

I'm not a big fan of any company or sports team, I probably won't have a family when I die, I won't have a lover, fuck this sucks.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
I want my body stuffed and strapped to the ceiling in someone's guest room, right over the bed, with the stipulation that the only explanation anyone could give as to why they have a dead guy strapped to the ceiling would be something to the effect of "Oh, we'd wondered where he'd gone..." followed by a refusal to move me, because "he just looks so peaceful."

Dutch 924

Making the impossible happen!
Dec 8, 2010
I would like my brain and personality to be put into a cool (and indestructable) robot.