What does fallout 3 do better then fallout new vegas

Sep 14, 2009
Andytizer said:
gmaverick019 said:
i had the same thing happen for the most part, for the life of me i can't remember how i got it working, it took me a solid day of troubleshooting (yes, literally) to get it going, even then it still crashed randomly while new vegas worked from day one of release, so there is that.

apples and oranges for the most part, i find new vegas infinitely better in so many ways, especially in the story/characters department, but that'll differ from person to person, so if you like new vegas so far, just keep chugging at it, if you don't like it so much, maybe try FO3?
Random crash fixes for Fallout 3 can be found here: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_3#Game_Crashes_Randomly
thanks but i did eventually get it working, i beat it a couple times and i didn't really like the game all that much so i doubt i'll be reinstalling it anytime soon, but i'll keep that page in mind if i need any help.
Sep 14, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
Fr said:
anc[is]I personally liked the environments in FO3 better. Yes there were lots of subway tunnels, but to me NV seems... empty. There is just so much wasted space in NV. Compare Freeside to Megaton. Megaton is visually distinct and there is a lot there. Freeside is dull and boring and it really feels like they just went down the checklist and put the minimum requisite buildings in random places.
Actually freeside was meant to be bigger and better, but canned it because of time constraints and Bethesda's slow response to authorizations.

- You could help the beggar ghoul become rich.

- There are more drunks and junkies.

- There was more NCR in freeside, and street wars.

- There were no walls, but had to add them since consoles couldn't handle it.

- Gamblers would actually hire bodyguards to go to the strip.

- You could team up with the NCR and gun down the kings.

- In the silver rush, the opening cut scene was longer, and humorous.

- ACTUAL PICKPOCKETS roamed the streets.

- The mormon fort was to be open, no loading screen between it and freeside.

- There was ambient sound effects of robberies, gunshots, and explosions to give the feel of an anarchistic ghetto.

All of this was still in the files too. There was just as much cut content in the strip.
so did you learn all this from cut files...? or where did you read up on this? i'd like to read it myself if you remember.

and that is the exact reason why i love kotor 2, the restoration patch brought back nearly everything and boy is that a sweet fucking game to plow through when most of the content is there that was originally planned to be. (curious, are they trying to restore that for new vegas at all? some of those would be sweet)


New member
Aug 18, 2008
gmaverick019 said:
so did you learn all this from cut files...? or where did you read up on this? i'd like to read it myself if you remember.

and that is the exact reason why i love kotor 2, the restoration patch brought back nearly everything and boy is that a sweet fucking game to plow through when most of the content is there that was originally planned to be. (curious, are they trying to restore that for new vegas at all? some of those would be sweet)
Regardless of the justification that's going around, the version that was released is the version you were meant to play. There was more planned, but frankly who give a shit? What matters is what is released.

Also, if you read the notes on the restoration project, the people making it said that they were not restoring everything. they were restoring only things that feel like they belong to the game and ignoring stuff that did not fit. If it was a true restoration, everything gets put back in. In other words their vision of KotOR 2 is what you are getting. They did not make the game, they do not get to say what fits.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Nothing really. All Fallout 3 did was disconnect itself from the original series, made a story that was pretty obviously going to end the way it did and pretty much was Oblivion with guns.

The love for Fallout 3 are from people who didn't enjoy the original series. Fallout 3, if anything, was a cash-grab more then a actual attempt to jump-start the series.

nikki191 said:
new vegas is a better fallout game.. fallout 3 is a better devastated city game
And survey agrees with you. Now thanks for playing, the Escapist feud.


The Towel Boy

New member
Nov 16, 2011
Since Fallout 3 came out first, NV just seemed pretty much like a copy of Fallout 3, just with the brand new enviorments, reputation scale, and storyline, but with the same V.A.T.S. and a very different atmosphere from Fallout 3. The DLC is a different story as Old World Blues is one of my alltime favorite DLC's, and NV features some pretty well handled DLC and story. Just Fallout 3 seemed better to me...

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
I like the additional mechanics, crafting and the variety of weapons (and mods) in New Vegas but I liked the Capitol Wasteland in Fallout 3. The ruined city and the Metro tunnels are more atmospheric than the desert.

The story in New Vegas is slightly better too, choosing which faction to back or taking over yourself in NV is better than just choosing to add poison to the purifier or deciding whether to use the orbital strike on the Citadel or the Enclave crawler in Fallout 3.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
For me, Fallout New Vegas was much less stable than Fallout 3. I had frequent (every 20-30 minutes) random loading screen endless loops (that damn roulette wheel would just spin and spin).

Fallout 3 did post-apocalyptic a lot better than FNV. Half the built-in appeal of FNV was the cowboy theme; if you liked Westerns, the setting would probably appeal to you more than FO3's nuked-out feel.

There was also the fact that many of the ways in which FNV tried to improve on FO3 felt hackneyed and unimpressive. I think the biggest example of this was the huge increase in gun calibers, the ammo system, and the gun mods. Why the hell do you need a 10mm pistol, a 9mm pistol, that .45 pistol in the DLC, and a stack of revolvers? It was pointless and distracting.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Ultratwinkie said:
gmaverick019 said:
Ultratwinkie said:
Fr said:
anc[is]I personally liked the environments in FO3 better. Yes there were lots of subway tunnels, but to me NV seems... empty. There is just so much wasted space in NV. Compare Freeside to Megaton. Megaton is visually distinct and there is a lot there. Freeside is dull and boring and it really feels like they just went down the checklist and put the minimum requisite buildings in random places.
Actually freeside was meant to be bigger and better, but canned it because of time constraints and Bethesda's slow response to authorizations.

- You could help the beggar ghoul become rich.

- There are more drunks and junkies.

- There was more NCR in freeside, and street wars.

- There were no walls, but had to add them since consoles couldn't handle it.

- Gamblers would actually hire bodyguards to go to the strip.

- You could team up with the NCR and gun down the kings.

- In the silver rush, the opening cut scene was longer, and humorous.

- ACTUAL PICKPOCKETS roamed the streets.

- The mormon fort was to be open, no loading screen between it and freeside.

- There was ambient sound effects of robberies, gunshots, and explosions to give the feel of an anarchistic ghetto.

All of this was still in the files too. There was just as much cut content in the strip.
so did you learn all this from cut files...? or where did you read up on this? i'd like to read it myself if you remember.

and that is the exact reason why i love kotor 2, the restoration patch brought back nearly everything and boy is that a sweet fucking game to plow through when most of the content is there that was originally planned to be. (curious, are they trying to restore that for new vegas at all? some of those would be sweet)
I learned all this from another restoration project. A modder found leftover files, and voice files.

He turned it into a mod series called "New vegas uncut"


Its amazing what they left in the files. Its a shame they didn't have more time, or it would all be there.

But that's what you get when you rush a game.
Poor Obsidian. Always making awesome games, always having to cut half of it due to asshole publishers.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
For one thing, fallout 3 has a lot less faffing about. A lot of New Vegas quests involve running back and forth and bringing things and talking to people and not leaving town. I also figured out why Fallout 3 had you go into sewers a lot, its because they were good areas to fight enemies


New member
Nov 7, 2010
In my opinion Fallout 3 is the better game. The opening is as good as good can be and it makes a wanderer that's more immersive then NV. It also has a more varied setting which is put together better and has a better story. Then there's the fact that Ive experienced far less bugs in Fallout 3 then I have in NV. The expansion packs are also more substantial and most of them are more interesting then the NV ones

The thing New vegas has going for it is it has better and more fluid gameplay mechanics but the same things can be added to fallout 3 through mods. However I think the setting is much worse. Its basicly fallout Wild west edition and I personally dislike that but for some people that will be more enjoyable.


New member
Jul 24, 2012
I played Fallout 3 a little after it came out. I even bought the special edition that came with a neat art book and the lunchbox. I played that game to death, and I don't remember any big problems with it. I was interested in what I was doing pretty much the whole time. I didn't finish the main storyline or buy any of the DLC, but I was just wandering around and enjoying myself. That's what I did with Oblivion and Skyrim.
The first time I played New Vegas, I temporarily swapped a friend's game with my PS3 Skyrim disk. I only played once or twice. The very first town, Goodsprings I think, was completely boring and it immediately asked me to ask a bunch of people to help out in the town. When I tried talking to the people, most of them wouldn't help because I had to have higher stats in specific things. I couldn't get any help and felt like I'd started the game wrong. I only played for maybe an hour or two.
I bought New Vegas with all the DLC during the steam sale, but I've only played for like 6 hours. I just don't have as much fun with it as I did with Fallout 3. I'm not interested in the different factions, because it feels so inorganic with the popup windows telling me I've lowered my relationship with some people because I blew some of their heads off. Fallout 3 just felt more natural, and like others have said the world was much more interesting. I already live in a desert, I have a shitty saguaro cactus in my backyard. It's not exciting at all.
Also Fallout 3 had a fantastic soundtrack that I listened to even when I wasn't playing for awhile. I'm not a huge fan of the stuff on the radio in New Vegas.


New member
May 24, 2009
Fallout 3 had a vastly better tutorial section than New Vegas (the whole growing up in the Vault section versus going gecko hunting with Sunny Smiles), and exploration feels a lot more more rewarding in Fallout 3, with the random ruins often having more to them than just loot (like the Dunwich Building) and the occasional random settlement that the main story doesn't bring you to (Andale, the Republic of Dave, Oasis, etc). New Vegas does just about everything else better, though, barring its bugs and instability.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
i got both games 75% off(for $15) with all dlc during the summer sale
new vegas crashes once in a while but it works just fine
but i can't get fallout 3 on my computer(windows 7 64bit) to even start a new game with crashing. i tried a fix and it did nothing so i gave up on the game. i uninstalled it and when back to playing new veags

i could try again but i feel the time i used trying to get it to work time is time that could be spent playing new vegas instead

What does fallout 3 do better then fallout new vegas?
and is even worth getting fallout 3 to work?

i already given up and accepted that i wasted my money on fallout 3. if you want to try and help me getting working i am will to try out your idea
I cant honestly give you anything. I enjoyed FO3, but I felt New Vegas was the better game. I watched some playthroughs of Fallout and Fallout 2 and seeing those games in action, it seemed that FO3 was its own thing while NV was still a part of the Fallout universe.

Actually, I think I would say that I might have enjoyed FO3's story more than NV's, simply because it was its own. I would like to see the next Fallout game somewhere on the East coast again, like New York or further south in Atlanta or Miami.

In fact, another thing I enjoyed in FO3 over NV was the urban wasteland of DC. People are saying NV's wasteland was to barren. firstly, thats what wastelands are suppose to be, secondly, FO3's was just as barren. There were at least a few more interesting places in the Mojave. But the urban environments, thats what I loved. I wish that the DC area took up more of the map. I want to see a FO game that takes place entirely inside a large city, with skyscrapers being their own little city-states and such... that would be awesome...

*thinks about that for a little bit...*

Huh? What? What was I saying again?


New member
Jul 9, 2011
I personally think that Fallout: New Vegas is by far the better game. It has a decent story, good characters, improved upon mechanics. It does fail in terms of spectacle versus fallout 3, but FO3 has such an asanine story, plotholes the size of the Megaton crater, and Little Lamplight. I suppose FO3 had a better tutorial section as well, but honestly, the story is so MINDBLOWINGLY STUPID, with stupid imbalancing/bullshit DLC, that I just can't enjoy it.

And because people are going to ask:

First: The story is stupid because the very core of the game completely breaks a stupid amount of laws of physics. You cannot dump enough radioactive particulate into the ocean to even raise it's radioactivity levels past base, I don't care how much you throw in there.

Second: how does Little Lamplight exist?

Third: any asshole with a distiller can get rid of radioactive particles in water. Hell, your damned robot that you get in your house can pull water out of the fucking air to give you pure water.

Fourth: How the FUCK does little lamplight exist?

Fifth: How does any major amounts of radiation still exist, it's been 200 years, which means that the longest lived radioactive fallout from nuclear bombs has still gone through something like 5 half-lives (there's only about 1/32 amount of the stuff from when it originally came through), there should be no dangerous amounts of radiation left.

Sixth: Seriously, can someone tell me how a camp of children- all of whom are under 13- can manage to survive living beside the the PLACE WHERE SUPER MUTANTS ARE COMING FROM.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Fallout 3 played like a Bethesda game, it was streamlined, had great visuals and interesting places to explore. It also had some horrid writing (all of Little Lamplight/Vault is all I remember of the story, and it's not a good thing to remember about the story, wtf moment and plotholes galore) and was linear as hell.

NV wasn't as consistently interesting to explore, although the brilliant places beat out Bethesda's average by a mile. It also had a far more involving story even if it did lag at times.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I kept on getting crashes in New Vegas, and I found the whole story in NV a weaker (though I did prefer the greater diversity in endings it offered). All round I see 3 as the better game, though that's not to say that NV is bad, it's just... I dunno... It just didn't click quite as well with me. Especially the bit with Legate Lanius at the end, where my build basically left me up shit-creek without a paddle, boat, life raft or limbs: I had to drop the difficulty from maximum to minimum and even then relied on 2 consecutive mysterious stranger visits (one for him, one for his surviving goon) after putting about 20 frag mines on a path I knew he would have to take. I remember the good old days where I put about 20 frag mines in front of a supermutant behemoth and watched him fly away like a startled robin... or when I put about 90 in front of Tenpenny and shot him with a BB gun...

In summary, FO3 has a better atmosphere (I feel), a great soundtrack (though they both do, and NV has Peggy Lee and Benny Goodman), a better way of getting in character and a more rational role-play (in my opinion: I saw that chasing after a gang who tried to murder you was a bit weird, whilst trying to find out what the hell was real in your life was a more logical idea), I think a better map, no sodding gambling, more interesting missions (in some parts), more feelings of tension and horror at times, and a better balance (I mean come on: you make a choice in one mission then find it renders an awesome weapon redundant, but you don't find that for hours? or you do what I did and spec logically, to find yourself boned?).
One thing I really did love about NV was that I managed to get into the city without the credit check: it made me feel smug and superior.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Berenzen said:
Sixth: Seriously, can someone tell me how a camp of children- all of whom are under 13- can manage to survive living beside the the PLACE WHERE SUPER MUTANTS ARE COMING FROM.
Well, you cant kill children in FO3 or New Vegas, and save for a mod, you cant do it in Skyrim either (though like with Little Lamplight, we all wish we could...)