What does fallout 3 do better then fallout new vegas


New member
Nov 17, 2008
3 did nothing better in my mind, it was a okay game with some issues that I can't get past. The level scaling being one of them, how you're always okay no matter what area you go to. Mean while in NV if you wander into a bad area you can get mauled. Which makes more sense and adds difficulty and some struggle with your choices.


New member
Jan 4, 2011
IMHO, Fallout 3 had a better world, while Fallout New Vegas had a better story. The Capitol Wasteland was pretty interesting to explore, and if you saw a shadow on the horizon, you knew there'd be something interesting if you went up to it. Compare this to the innumerable ammount of boarded up house in New Vegas. Why even put the house there if I can't do anything with it? However, Fallout 3's story pretty much consisted of bouncing from person to person completing fetch quests before watching a giant robot and a team of super-soldiers complete the final mission for you. At least with New Vegas you got some choice in how things went down and could just say 'Fuck all you guys, I'm burning Nevada to the ground!' if you so pleased.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Once read this before so in simplest terms:

Fallout 3 was more about surviving the wastelands

Fallout New Vegas was more about rebuilding the wastelands

I find this statement quite truth to be honest. Honestly New Vegas aside from having better gameplay mechanics compared to 3, fits the bill quite well. You learn of the state of everything in the Mojave as a whole and how certain actions (from factions) can completely change the playing field.

While in 3 everything seem to be self-contained as people were more per-occupied with their day to day lives than anything on a grand scale (excluding MQ). So the feeling of isolation and vast loneliness was more apparent compared to New Vegas.

I prefer New Vegas compared to 3. While the atmosphere of surviving is mostly gone it opens new possibilities for character interactions, set pieces, and i suppose politics. In New Vegas i wanted to change the wasteland for the better and help those NPCS who i was cool with. In 3 i wanted to create my own little bunker of win.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
I LOVED Fallout 3, everything from the atmosphere to the gameplay worked wonders and really got me immersed into the experience. Exploring the ruined remains of a large city was really awesome and a fairly unique environment to explore, at the time anyway, there were a few problems I had with it but overall it will go down in history as one of my all time favorite games ever.

I picked up New Vegas day one, played it for around about ten hours or so then just...stopped. I think I know why though, for starters my character is too much of a blank slate. I don't usually have a problem with that, pretty much all of the Elder Scrolls start out with a blank slate character, but coming off of Fallout 3 which really gave me a good backstory and excellent motivations it seemed strange and weird, like I'd just jumped in and skipped the opening of the game.

Another is that I don't really get a 'post apocalypse' feel from the game, I mean the Mojave was just a desert, that's all, it's already a wasteland, there's no ruined buildings or destroyed railways to help me feel like there was a civilization before. It just didn't suck me in or make me feel important.

And good lord was the map small, I mean it seemed fucking miniscule in comparison to DC, I remember seeing a picture of the map online before buying the game and the first thought that came to my head was...well that looks small...I sunk over two hundred hours into my very first file of Fallout 3 and still hadn't seen everything, the majority of it yes but not all, while in New Vegas I took two steps out of that boring as shit town you start in and already discovered like half the map, or it at least felt that way. Not to mention I couldn't really enjoy exploring because FUCK CAZADORES!

Bugs are what ruined the experience for me honestly, I didn't get a good forty minutes into the game before I ran into a bug where my character's hand got all stretched out and weird, I looked like Mr. Salad Fingers, and it stayed that way for like a whole hour.

So yeah, loved Fallout three, couldn't stand New Vegas, I'm sure it would be better now if I gave it a try but I just can't really bring myself to do it, my initial impression was terrible.

Freaky Lou

New member
Nov 1, 2011
Isshiresshi said:
Fallout 3 is a lot more "humanity is suffering from nuclear war and everything has gone to hell"-atmosphere and the story too is more focused on it as well, where New Vegas has a "did not get hit near as hard with nukes like everywhere else"-background. The story makes a lot more sense from the start to finish then New Vegas does.

They both play like each other. No different in the graphic or mechanics from the two games.

Fallout 3 has some interesting things as well as New Vegas so I think you should try and make it work so you can try it out!
Past the first sentence, every single part of this post is false.

Fallout 3's story makes absolutely no sense at all. It takes place 200 years after the Great War, but is designed as if it were 20 or so years ago. Pre-war computers still function and pre-war food is still edible. Enemies that were wiped out in FO2 suddenly have legions and legions of soldiers to throw at you from helicopters. Super Mutants are somehow all the way over on the east coast even though the FEV plants only existed in the southwest. There are vampires and organizations dedicated to robot emancipation. People continue to survive even though you'll never see anyone making any effort to--no one scavenges or tries to grow crops or anything.

The Raiders outnumber the settlers, so one wonders who they're raiding. There's a group of children who have survived as a child-only colony since the War, even though they kick all the people who reach breeding age out. And finally, the main point of the story (water purification) is completely undone by high-school science. Suffice it to say that there is no way the water would still be irradiated after all those years.

The mechanics are also quite different; New Vegas features iron sights, takes away that garbage where you take way less damage while in VATS, makes numerous small tweaks to the gunplay and reworked the perks system while changing some skills around and adding hardcore mode.

Don't listen to this guy. What you are missing by not playing Fallout 3 is the utter ruination of the series, but admittedly, it does have some pockets of really cool atmosphere. That's usually undone by the sheer idiocy of the plot and dialogue, however.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
What does 3 do better than NV?
The intro. That's about it.
Story, gameplay, the world and how you interact with the world; everything's pretty much universally better in NV.
Don't believe people who say the story in Fallout 3 is better, because it fucking isn't.
It is so simple and short that it's almost funny. If you only do the main story, you can complete it within an hour.
And the ending is amazingly stupid.
Still, Fallout 3 is a great game that you should play at least once.

Freaky Lou

New member
Nov 1, 2011
Terminate421 said:
Size, I still prefer Fallout 3 due to its size. New Vegas may have disguises but that's just me.
New Vegas is bigger than FO3. More quests at release than FO3 had with every expansion, and way more enemies, weapons and mods to play with.


Dec 1, 2011
OpticalJunction said:
Music is a lot better in fallout 3. I like 3dog as a DJ more than Mr New Vegas too.
I wouldn't say that the music is better, but you did have some variety in in Fallout 3. Fallout 3 gives you two different stations (three if you do Agatha's quest for the violin) with completely different songs while New Vegas gives you basically the same radio station twice but with different DJs.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
Personally lked FNV better because it made the decision had more impact trought personally, yeah FO3 had the whole blow up megaton thing but that was it... NV with all the factions thing left much more choices, and it was closer in athmosphere with 1&2 being made by the same guys


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
New Vegas has more items, crafting, more perks and so on.

Fallout 3 has a game world that actually feels like a post-apocalyptic wasteland instead of a slightly run-down plot in Texas.

Seriously, I just can't bring myself to play New Vegas beyond the first playthrough. The whole game world is just silly, the western theme sticks out like a sore thumb, everything is too civilized and populated. The whole NCR/Legion thing never fit into the whole game for me, and so on.

In Fallout 3, the main spot on the game map was Washington, where the rules changed. You were hiding from mutants in run down old monuments and landmarks, using ghoul-infested subways to get around. In New Vegas, you get to visit a bunch of crummy casinos and meet a gang of Elvis impersonators.

In Fallout 3, the towns were all well protected, walled off, one was an acutal aircraft carrier. This made sense in the context, with human communities defending themselves from the mutants and the raiders. In New Vegas, the towns are just a bunch of houses by the road. That's it. One town hardly any different than the next one.

New Vegas has slightly better mechanics and such, but Fallout 3 has a VASTLY better world with more interesting locations, and in an open world RPG that's what counts.

I did an experiment a few months ago. Having played through Fallout 3 some 3-4 times and New Vegas only once, I tried playing New Vegas. I got past Novac (the town with the the big dinosaur statue :-/ ) before I got bored out of my skull. Then I installed Fallout 3 (which I've played to death already) and got sucked into the game yet again.

Fallout 3 > New Vegas in every way that counts, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
Denamic said:
Don't believe people who say the story in Fallout 3 is better, because it fucking isn't.
It is so simple and short that it's almost funny. If you only do the main story, you can complete it within an hour.
Admit the hyperbole! It'll take you longer than that to beat it.

And I thought it was better. Looking for your run-away Dad after leaving your life behind, working to bring water to the wasteland and protect it from those who would abuse the power that would grant them. Better than "Delivering a package to a guy who wants to control a dump of a city, like 2 other factions, and got stopped. Choose which one you'd like to win".


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Easton Dark said:
Denamic said:
Don't believe people who say the story in Fallout 3 is better, because it fucking isn't.
It is so simple and short that it's almost funny. If you only do the main story, you can complete it within an hour.
Admit the hyperbole! It'll take you longer than that to beat it.

And I thought it was better. Looking for your run-away Dad after leaving your life behind, working to bring water to the wasteland and protect it from those who would abuse the power that would grant them. Better than "Delivering a package to a guy who wants to control a dump of a city, like 2 other factions, and got stopped. Choose which one you'd like to win".
No, it literally took me 50 minutes to beat it, doing only the main quest.
It wasn't even a speed-run, mind.
Skipped Three Dog though.

Also, not even going to begin arguing about the story since you immediately went for a strawman.

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
New Vegas adds a bunch of fun stuff to Fallout 3. The only thign that ruins New Vegas (for me anyway) is the terrible story. I didn't like it. I didn't care much for Fallout 3's story either.

Fallout 3 has Liam Neeson voicing your father :eek:
And if you've seen "Heroes" then you might recognize Malcolm McDowell (Daniel Linderman) voicing the President in Fallout 3 :)


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Run. Fallout 3 runs better than Fallout New Vegas. Honestly I think that's about it, NV improved on every aspect that I can tell.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
nikki191 said:
new vegas is a better fallout game.. fallout 3 is a better devastated city game


really, if fallout 3 wasnt named fallout, it would be flawless haha

tbh New Vegas has better story and companions (boone, raul especially) but it's kinda dull for the most part it's a snore imo.

fo3 is a better game imo. though nv has special ammo and crafting worth sth


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Fallout 3 had a really great atmosphere, it combined the tunes from the various radio stations with the destroyed ruins of a once great civilization to present either a depressing or uppity feel. that, combined with the occasional silliness of the game (which could only be found if one searched for it) lead to a very enjoyable experience for me, one that no game to this very day has been able to achieve.

Fallout: New Vegas seems like it grabbed all of these aspects, but put it together wrong. just placing the things that made 3 great, thinking "WHAT made 3 great?" over "WHY did that make 3 great?"
the world honestly doesn't seem that destroyed when the Las Vegas strip still has power and staffed casinos! also the wasteland itself was just boring. brown desert all day. no "downtown DC" area to loot at lower levels despite the danger. and the invisible walls, my god, they're everywhere! I once tried sneaking past the deathclaw infested mine area as a shortcut to new vegas, only to discover that there was an invisible wall at the very end of it which prevented me from actually getting there! because heaven forbid I remember where to go and can shave off a few hours of the main story like I could in 3! If I know where the villain is, LET ME GO THERE WITHOUT MAKING ME HAVE TO FIND OUT AGAIN!

I also hold a terrible grudge against that game for being poorly optimized as fuck on release and bugging out constantly, such as the time on my very first character when I walked outside of the Doc's office and was instantly murdered by a deathclaw! Talk about bad first impressions!
why was that there??
why won't it leave, despite constant checkpoint reloads? ITS THE FIRST LEVEL DAMN IT!
all that fallout NV taught me was to save every 10 seconds because the game hates me :(
I could honestly go all day about why I feel that it is an inferior game to Fallout 3, but I'm just tired of being flamed because I think that.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
Fallout has been civilized for almost 20 years now (over a century in lore).

Fallout 3 was just stuck in time using bullshit excuses.

A series that never changes anything is just a sports game with guns. That gets boring very quickly.
I'm not going to get into Fallout lore here, but it still has no bearing on what I stated - New Vegas has worse atmosphere and a far less interesting game world, at least to me.

As for changing a series, sure, but not all change is for the better, and I'd say that many of the changes to the overall world design in New Vegas were for the worse (the linear game world being one of the most irritating).