What does Yahtzee want?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Housebroken Lunatic said:
SenseOfTumour said:
I reckon he's like a comedian I just can't bring the name to right now, who said something like 'If you're wanting to know what I really think about big issues, then looking thru my material and interviews isn't going to get you very far'.
Which just goes to show that far from all comedians actually have the ability to be comedic geniouses like Bill Hicks who could actually express his real opinions about big issues and still make it hilarious.
Heh, fair enough comment, and I loved Hick's work, and it's a tragedy he went almost undiscovered in America, but I more meant that just because Yahtzee makes a joke about something, doesn't mean he really hates it, it's just sometimes that it offered itself up as prime material, just as I don't believe someone like Frankie Boyle hates everything, he's just found a style.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Look, as pretty much everybody has said before me, Yahtzee is a humour writer more than he is a serious game reviewer, once you realize that, you'll enjoy his "reviews" a lot more.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
mikespoff said:
And then your entire point went down the drain. Yahtzee hates nostalgia, he has ranted about it a LOT. He likes the games because they're GOOD, not because he played them a while ago. It's like he says, his job is to be a CRITIC. IE, to CRITICISE. He wouldn't be very good at it if he didn't do what he's doing.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
mikespoff said:
I ask this because he literally seems impossible to please. I can't recall a single contemporary game which he actually said anything equivalent to, "This is a great game, you should play it", with the exception of Portal. Sure, he's praised older games like Psychonauts or Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, but generally only as a contrast to illustrate how much the game that he's actually reviewing sucks. In the past year, he barely managed to be positive about Batman: Arkham Asylum or Mass Effect 2, which are both nearly flawless games and garnered pretty universal positive reviews. If it's not rosily-tinted with nostalgia, apparently it just sucks.
Batman Arkham Asylum he liked a lot... Listen to that review again he had difficulty finding part he didnt like... But like he said he isnt paid to praise games


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
He tried being nice during the Psychonauts review and it bombed. He mentions this at the start of the Bioshock Review (basically saying he LOVES Bioshock, but (we) the public wanted him to be mean, so he was then mean after about 20 secs. Pretty much the same with Fallout 3.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
ProfessorLayton said:
Of course it's not a real review... he does comedy videos. And besisdes, before he would actually point out the flaws in games but also add in the good stuff and now he's not even trying to hide the fact that he's trolling. I mean, he said he hasn't seen the Prince of Persia movie but he knows it's crap, he played the first five hours of Final Fantasy XIII but knows the rest of it is crap, he barely played any of Monster Hunter Tri but he knows the rest is crap... obviously he's just making comedy videos at this point and if you take them as actual reviews then you're wasting your time.
the first five hours of a game should be about fun, not about trying to get to a part that will resemble what you recall fun beeing about before you wasted those 5 hours on something that was not fun. ^^

Also i do find his reviews to help me in buying the game, he points out the flaws in the game. By watching his videos you get a good insight of what the game is all about, and what the game could have done better.. saying a game is repetetive for eksample would not mean it's boring to start with, it would mean it gets boring after a while.. There is alot to be learned from ZP reviews if you know what to look for.. ^^


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Zeromaeus said:
He's a critic. He's not paid to like games. He's paid to rip them them apart and bring in the viewers.
Exactly. Yahtzee clearly likes a lot of the games he reviews, but he picks on and exaggerates the little flaws because that's what makes him funny! He said once in a review that a past review where he was nice about a game got slated by comments so he makes it his perogative to hate everything and that makes him entertaining


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
tghm1801 said:
That's a list of his top 5 games.
You can see no. 3 clearly, and I'm pretty sure top one is Portal.
[img_inline caption=See? Look at the pixels, and it's a one word game at the top.]http://i45.tinypic.com/11bsn0z.png[/img_inline]
[HEADING=2]Basically, once we figure out the other 3 games,[/HEADING] [HEADING=1]/thread.[/HEADING]
[HEADING=2]Happy guessing![/HEADING]
[HEADING=2]Oh, and here, a message from Yahtzee:[/HEADING]

No 2 is Silent Hill 2


New member
Aug 2, 2006
As somebody who also has been gaming since the olden days, I think a lot Yahtzee's complaints mirror my own. Basically, when gaming started out, it was more of a craft wherein folk were exploring computer game development as a medium to create something great. Today, gaming is more of a trade wherein folk are basically just producing as much tried-and-true crap (read: clones upon clones upon clones) as possible in order for it to sell. When computer gaming went mainstream, it was perhaps the worst possible thing to happen to any of the original appreciators of them.

It's not that there were never clones, but back then we regarded them as being pathetic attempts to copy the originals, and the only thing that's changed is that they're everywhere now. Well, okay, every once in a great while a clone surpasses the original, but that's a bit like sticking your hand in a pile of used hypodermic syringes and being pleasantly surprised your hand came up with a surprisingly well decorated one sticking out of it: despite bearing the occasional fruit, playing clones of games you're already bored of hoping to discover one that surpassed the original is not something you'd do willingly for a good time.

Considering what a travesty of easy sell outs gaming has become, we end up doing one or more of the following:
  • * Quitting gaming entirely (which is a bit like ripping out a fundamental part of yourself and stomping on it until it stops twitching).
    * Hunting desperately through a pile of cloned crap, being rewarded with a once-in-a-great-while gem (Psychonauts, Prince of Persia: Sands Of Time, Silent Hill 2, Portal) to redeem our hopes for gaming before returning to our endless trek through mediocrity.
    * Rolling our own - trying to create our own game since nobody seems to know how to do it right anymore (not to mention a game you create yourself is most likely to be custom-tailored for your particular tastes).
Very little of the smarmy frustration coming out of Yahtzee need be faked considering this is our situation. If anything, gouging mainstream gaming squarely in the eyes is a cathartic release.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
In one of his earlier reviews (Bioshock, I think) he mentions people don't like it/don't find it funny when he's being nice to a game, so he gets the good stuff out of the way (or adds it later on as a footnot) so the main part of the review is of him tearing a game a new hole every week.

His 5th favourite game is "Fantasy World Dizzy"


New member
Jan 5, 2008
If you pay attention, he actually does suggest playing a number of games even if they are couched in if/then statements. Hell, as much as he ripped into GTA4, he still said it was good and he would play it.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
I think to determine weather he likes a game or not is abit more esoteric than it seems.

He knows when he's making valid, reasonable critism and when he's nitpicking, and if he's nitpicking, it can imply it's a flaw in a game you're likely to overlook which he doesn't expect you to take seriously, and if he's not, then he's telling you about flaws in a game you should be aware of before deciding buying them, and the trick is determining weather or not he's nitpicking.

Essentially, that's sort of why whenever I play a game he reviews, I seem to take it from a similar perspective to his own, if he thinks a game is good or bad, I seem to look back at watching whatever review he's made and make a shocking (or maybe not-so shocking) blow of finding him to be totally, totally right about a game, the only exceptions I found to this were Fable 2 and Soul Calibur 4, both games I played and thought were good.

Being the sort of gamer with no job and rarely getting money, I need to be very careful with what games I want to get as it would be a long while before I can get another game. So I came to rely on Yahtzee's reviews before deciding weather to get a game or not for the reasons above, and he has helped discourage me from getting certain games that I either had my eyes on, or never heard of, such as Demon's Souls, or Haze.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
Yahtzee probably enjoys aspects of all the games he plays.

However, having him say "Well, I liked this" isn't what people are here to see, they're here to see a kinda British guy making fun of every game under the sun and not caring if people like the games or not.


New member
Oct 4, 2009
"-nobody actually likes me when I'm being nice to a game so I'll get the praise out of the way first-"
[sub]Bioshock review[/sub]