What game did you play today?

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
13lackfriday said:
Haha, I'm sure all male players got that feeling at some point or another...whereas if you play female you get a pretty shitty selection.
Really? I didn't know you could do the Bastila romance subplot that way...always thought that was the way to instantly kill it or send her off to the Dark Side as soon as possible.

Seems like the project has kind of run out of steam as the game aged, and people got over the fairly significant holes in its content. Then again, the project's actually not a mod, seeing as how what they're doing is just reinstalling the deleted, unfinished content left on the disk...and there's only so much the dev's left behind or even got started on (i.e., that mythical droid planet I keep hearing about).

Exactly my sentiments...the MMO should be able to reference them as in like the legends of the time, where real events you played back in the KOTOR RPG games are now known only as folklore...but hopefully still, something new (or rather old given the new timeline) might be revealed to players.

It seems lazy, like they don't want to finish the compelling story of the first 2, and pick up on the mystery behind the great, mysterious war both of them left to fight. I think they should wrap up the KOTOR storyline with at least some explanation to their destinies before they go on to expand the genre, in what feels kind of like a cheap, sell-out move to maximize profits.
Well.. you couldn't be too much of a dick to her of course... but it was fun regardless.

But yeah... That's how I feel... like they're just jumping on the MMO bandwagon to make the next big WoW game. It'll probably be a good game, and I may give it a play if I can get past my MMO grudges. But I get the feeling they'll possibly allude to the fact that Revan left to confront this hidden Sith force... some shit happened and the Sith invaded the Republic, or something similar to that. If that's so.. apparently Revan didn't do much when he was out there. But hopefully there will be more to it.

It would be great to see a KOTOR III along with the MMO, but as with the Warcraft fans that want to see a Warcraft 4... it'll most likely be the end of the series franchise and they will just focus on the MMO expansion. Seems to be the trend these days.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Decided to put GTA IV back in the 360 and replay it. Strangely I have missed this game...must be going soft.


New member
May 4, 2009
Today i played, Rainbow six Vegas one on 360 with my m8. L4D TF2 CSS D0D:S CS1.6.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Xbox 360). Unlocked the Silver Surfer yesterday and just bought a few more controllers for 4 players arcade.

Probably play some Magic: The Gathering as well, although it's not a video game it still is technically a game I'm playing today.