What game(s) are you playing/trying to complete now?


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2011
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Mass effect 1 and 2
MW2 and Black Ops on veteran
and Fallout: New Vegas
I got a long way to go.


Dec 3, 2010
Bayonetta - I'm right before the end of the last part, just needed a break from all the disgustingness before I could manage to complete it.

Yakuza 3 - Probably 1/3 completed. Got Alpha Protocol and Cataclysm, so I decided to put it on hold for a while. Got a bit tired of the orphans... expected more action than figuring out why x kid is being bullied, or why y kid has a stomach ache.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Final Fantasy XIII, though I have no fun while playing it. I miss the old FF games.

Just finished Castlevania:LoS. It was ok, nothing hard even on the hardest difficulty, just time the dodge button and keep on mashing attack buttons.

Currently on Bayonetta. I guess I am on the last levels. At least judging by the storyline so far.

And next one in line is Ninja Gaiden II, I want to try this on hardest difficulty possible, just because I heard it is already hard on lower difficulty levels and I just love those "1-hit-and-you-are-dead" games. Challenging!

XBOX360 by the way. I am missing my PS2 :(


New member
May 9, 2008
I am working on several games right now:
-Dragon Age Origins(in preparation for DA2)
-Oblivion(2 achivements left to unlock)
-Baldurs Gate Series(great game and worth many playthroughs)
-Saints Row 2
-Final Fantasy X
-Fallout New Vegas

I like to play several games at once just as I will read several books at once


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Donkey Kong Country Returns and also I'm trying to get my mass effect 1 character to level 60. i've tried with two different characters but i always lose interest about level 57-58 :(


New member
Jun 11, 2010
OFC I have about 15 games installed, but actively playing I am Dead Space 2, front mission evolved and NFS hot pursuit 3 (Yes its the third their problem for letting the number out).


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Quite a few at the minute, seeing as I'm one of those people who plays a game, puts it down, starts another and then gets back to the game I started playing originally.


Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? - I'm really enjoying this, mostly for the challenge. 1000 lives but you're a One Hit Point Wonder dead-soul-reincarted-as-a-penguin wielding dual swords on a quest for a demonic dessert, dood.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Sky - I've just got back to this one, after a little hiatus, and I'm quickly remembering why I put it down in the first place. It's a great game, but I'm being sucked into quest after quest, and some of them are too random or fiddly to be fun.

Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Must. Get. Every. Dude. To. Level. 100.

Persona 3: FES - Life-sim cum demonic slaying story that I've found myself massively engrossed in, for some unknown reason. Also, its taking ages, probably due to having to play through every day of the protagonist's life for about a year.

Final Fantasy XII - Argh, more Final Fantasy. Just gotta keep plowing on, feeling man-love for Basch's awesome ruggedness and Balthier's sheer badassery and smooth I-should-be-James-Bond attitude. Also, I'm busy not listening to Ondore's lies.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Persona 3 Portable and Lost Odyssey. Both are really good games, but Persona 3 has a really bad battle system, and this is coming from the guy who loves turn based combat. It's like eating chocolate pudding, but every 5 minutes or so you're forced to eat cow shit because you can't eat the pudding all at once.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
The only game I'm in the process of trying to beat is Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I haven't been able to play it for two weeks due to being a pussy. The other night, I shut off all the lights, pulled out my headphones, and then put my headphones away again and turned the lights back on. T_T


New member
Apr 3, 2010
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition.

Already had the game and downloaded the Episodes on the 360, but my 360 isn't working and I wanted to try GTA IV on the PS3.

About 3/4 through the main game. Going in order through them.

So far... liking it better then the 360 version. SIXAXIS HELICOPTERS FTW.
If you're messing around with PS3 sandbox games anyway, you may want to give Just Cause 2 a try. Though the PC version is better, thanks to a certain mod.

Once I get a new 360(and HDTV :p) I'm going to finish Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Infinite Undiscovery.
JRPG fan much? I could recommend a few more for you, if you like. Admittedly, a bunch of them would be older than I am. Still good, though.

As for me, I haven't played anything in a few months. Lack of time. First up would probably be Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising, though.