What game(s) have you completely given up on?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption

2 reasons:
1) The Zann faction stuff was stupidly expensive compared to the Rebels or the Empire (easily 10x as expensive)
2) A stack of 100+ of the little proton torpedo frigate that the Rebels get is stupidly hard to counter.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Games I've given up lately would be:

W.E.T - The plot really didn't interest me and combat got boring fast.

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin - I was really enjoying this but I plain suck at any form of RTS, turned based or not. :/

Fallout NV - I've never liked anything by this company so I'm not even sure why I tried.

Also what's with all the people giving up on Shadow of the Collosus? That is an amazing game!


New member
Apr 3, 2011
I ALWAYS try to finish a game. Like, always. Even if I end up finding the gameplay tedious, even if the plot makes me want to hit a wall, I just always finish a game. Just like I try to always finish anything I started. But...

The Witcher - I'm sorry guys, I'm just NOT having FUN. I played through (or maybe i should say reluctantly dragged myself through) half the game and I was dying inside, every second of every minute. Also, I want to punch Geralt in the face everytime he opens his mouth.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
hurfdurp said:
At this rate I'd say Alpha Protocol. It was simply no fun for me, it looked like it should have been on PS2 also. Maybe one day. Doubt it.
I thought so too.
Controls? Shit.
Graphics? Shit for their time.
Story? Confusing.
RPG elements? Annoying.
A game in which I shoot someone in the head with a silenced pistol and they're still alive enough to raise the alarm cannot be fun. Also, I hated the way the sights take like 5 seconds to focus and enable you to shoot accurately when the enemy can shoot you straight away.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Its rare I turn off a game (uncompleted) with no intention of ever playing it again only ones I can think of would be:-

Burnout 3 - On one of the elimination races I got smashed into a wall early on but managed to survive until the last lap by the skin of my teeth, I then shoved the other guy into a wall within sight of the finish line and boosted on only to have him catch me up in 2 seconds without a boost and smash me into oncoming traffic and I never played that game again.

Last Remnant - It was just awful from that beerfest plot twist crap (which it tried to pull off with a straight face no less) to the cringeworthy voice acting, unlikeable characters, broken combat and leveling up system as well as ugly visuals. I stuck with it for a long time got onto disc 2 past that ridiculous hells gate boss fight which was after another long boss fight (with no saves in between) before finally giving up when stuck in some tower surrounded by enemies that take 20 minutes to defeat in every damn room, I was there for 3 hours and I was using a guide to make sure I took the shortest route god knows how long it would take if you got lost.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
An example of a game I've given up on that's actually really, really good is Planescape: Torment. All of my saves corrupted when I got about 10 hours into the game, same thing happened at the almost exact same point again.

Joey Corlett

New member
Aug 11, 2010
Call of Duty WaW, which is riddled with god mode hackers and because the developer's aren't making money of it, they are not willing to patch it.

I used to keep popping back to check just maybe that they had patch it, but now i have just given up.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Oh I just remembered Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I started playing the game, got to the first encounter, and was scared shitless.

I wouldn't say I've given up on the game, but I haven't worked up the balls to go back.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Honestly, Bayonetta. I get that the sex appeal was supposed to be tongue in cheek, but it was just so friggin annoying to me. Also, I hated the fights because it just always seemed like I was getting spammed with enemies, never seeing an end in sight.

All of my other games, I plan to go back to at some point. I take my time with games.

Oh wait...also, American McGee's Alice. The design of everything was neat, but the story and gameplay...yeah, pretty shit.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
White Knight Chronicles. I rage quit at the point where there's FOUR BOSS FIGHTS IN A ROW. After all that careful planning and grinding, it still went down the fucking drain because Cesar, being the douchebag that he is, missed ONCE. I'm getting so pissed of just thinking about it.
Jun 11, 2008
There is only 1 game I have ever given up and never plan to go back and finish/got any enjoyment out of it. This game is Kingdom Under Fire Circle of Doom or something like that. Most boring game I have ever played.

Zorak the Mantis

New member
Oct 17, 2007
Dragon Age 2 and Hellgate: London are the only games I ever quit, mostly because I lost interest quickly. However I try to finish every game I play, even if it takes a while.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Only one: Majora's Mask.
I've tired it like 5 times but it always bones me.
I guess I could find a walkthrough but I'd never be that shallow. *Snark *Snark


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Fallout 3. I could just about cope with the terrible, unintuitive shooting or the game's tendency to crash for no reason all the damn time, but not both. Life's too short.

Dragon Age: Origins. After about 9 hours I realised I wasn't that interested in the story and I absolutely hated the combat.

Final Fantasy 9. An older one this. I'd enjoyed it less than the 7 or 8 but I'd been playing through it all the same, then soon after starting the final disc I realised that at some point I'd completely lost the thread of the story. I had no idea where I was, what I was supposed to be doing or why it mattered. I was just going through the motions, trudging through the locations and fighting monsters until, presumably, the final boss would show up (whomever or whatever that was) So I just stopped and never ever went back to it.


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Resonance of Fate - All in all not a bad game; the battle system was amazing but everything else...bored me to no end(story was bad, characters were bland, music was okay, etc.)


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Most recent was M&B: With Fire and Sword. Thought adding guns to Mount and Blade would be fun. Turns out it isn't.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - I don't know if it's just me being impatient, but the loading times to actually get into an event have really put me off. I've gone back to it a couple of times, but I just don't seem to have fun.

Burnout Paradise - Open world! Minimal loading! But I really don't like not having a menu to just pick events from, especially for the vehicle specific races. I just find myself aimlessly driving around, and when I choose to do a race, end up nowhere near all the other events I wanted to do, so I just play something else.

Sonic Unleashed - I actually don't mind the Werehog, but I just seem to die constantly as normal Sonic through going too fast to keep up or glitching through the environment.


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
Total War, I don't know, something was just absent after Rome, and Empire all but crushed my love for the series. Which is a shame as I spent more hours on Shogun and Medieval in my life than most other games ever.

Wushu Panda

New member
Jul 4, 2011
WoW is the only game I have ever given up on. All others are works in progress I've had to take a break from to collect myself to tackle once more.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
CoD:BlOPs: Just plain bored of it.
Half Life 2: I've started the game about 3 seperate times but never come back to my saves.
Sniper Ghost Warrior: Playing this abomination of technology makes me feel physically ill. This is not a game, it is a torture device.