What game should be re-made and why?


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Wing Commander Series 1-4. I miss the story, and I miss the Kilrathi Empire so badly. Add to that besides Colony Wars there hasn't been a true space flight/fighter sim in 10 years. (Glorified rail shooters need not apply...*cough*Star Fox*cough**Rouge Squadron*cough*)


New member
Sep 14, 2010
I would never wish a game I loved to be re-made, because I am very confident they would find a way to fuck it up.


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Singularly Datarific said:
Mechwarrior 2. That game was the awesome back in the mid-nineties.
It's great, endlessly customizable for your loadout, and actually felt like you're driving this big, complex machine, as opposed to an FPS with robots.
Yeah, FASA was the dev team on that as well... I think they came up with a couple of PC versions although the console adaptation wasn't that bad from what I've heard...

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
You know, this question gets asked so damn much that I'm not going to even bother retyping an answer to it anymore. Time and again, I have said this game needs to be remade, and few people choose to actually listen.

Regardless, I refer to a post I made in the past on this very subject:

Z of the Na said:
Anybody who has a decent taste in 3rd person shooters will agree with me when I say Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. The only reason that game didn't sell very well is due to the fact Halo: Combat Evolved stole all of it's thunder.

If Swingin' Ape studios were to be reformed under a new name, or perhaps with the permission of the original IP creator, that game would sell very fast, and very well. I'll admit I owned the Gamecube version, so I am not sure if there was any online multiplayer component to the PS2 or the Xbox version.

However, an HD remake could bring the possibility of a completely redone multiplayer mode, while still remaining true to the original playstyle that made the game so much fun for me. The soundtrack was kickass as well.

I mean, just listen to this:

Here is also a trailer for the game towards the time of its release date:

Seriously. I want to see this game brought back. Either a sequel or an HD remake, I don't care. It is a gem of the last generation, and a damn shame that it sank into the muck of forgotten memory. Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is something that the gaming world needs at this point. Too many gritty shooters and realism flooding the market.

Bring back Glitch I say!!


New member
Apr 17, 2011
I'd have to say the original Resident Evil. Only enhancements being graphics and voice acting. Holy baby Jesus, the voice acting....


New member
Apr 20, 2009
This is actually a pretty tough one...

Most of the old games that I still play are either just fine with the graphics that they have or just wouldn't translate well into HD...

I guess my top 3 list would be:

Master of Orion I. MoO defined the 4X genre and did so with a straight forward, intuitive system and interface that still holds up. I think that the graphic level in MoOII is perfectly fine, the first one however shows its age.

I'd second TIE fighter. This game really broke new ground both within the space sim genre, and within the Star Wars universe as well. Prior to TIE fighter the imperials were this faceless evil empire that existed for the express purpose of being blown up by X-Wings. TIE Fighter changed that and opened up the universe for people to tell other stories within it.

Might and Magic I and II. Now this is a weird category. I wouldn't want these games to be remade into something modern. If however they could be remade using the engine used for the Isles of Terra and World of Xeen.... Wow. The Wizardry VII engine would work well too. Those were beautiful games.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
I've got to go with Beyond Good and Evil. It's seriously one of the best games I've ever played and I'd love to see it done again by the same team.

I would also REALLY love a re-make of the VS. game for the DS but this time with the DC side of the game. Riiiiiiiiight. I have a better chance at seeing the Beyond Good and Evil remake....


New member
Apr 20, 2009
A highly underrated gem of a tank sim in my opinion. Originally on the PS1, it never made the leap to a next-gen console (Ausf.B was a tired next-gen add on at best with very little in the way of game-play and despicable graphics). I think the pres-gen consoles are screaming out for a polished re-make/sequel. The planned sequel, PANZER FRONT bis (French for 'improved') was shelved when JVC pulled out of the video games race in 2002 (bis, consequently, only being released in Japan).
Overall a very tactical game and pretty well fully customisable. Tanks were authentic looking and apparently handled pretty close to the real things. Gravity effected all of your shots too, which is never bad.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Legend of Zelda: OoT and MM on the same disc, TP style graphics, and the ability to travel from Hyrule to Termina. THE GREATEST GAME EVER!


New member
Apr 18, 2011
I will say, once again YES. Legend of the Dragoon was the best game i ever played on a playstation and it deserves a remake


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Stephen Booher said:
I will say, once again YES. Legend of the Dragoon was the best game i ever played on a playstation and it deserves a remake
Just in, but pretty much this.

The original suffered from bad voice acting and questionably inaccurate translations. However, its combat was a lot more involved than your typical RPG, asides from the advent of Active Time Battle. The story was also pretty amazing.


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2010
Everin said:
What game should be re-made, updated graphics and all that jazz, but keep the same story and the same characters and game mechanics? Such as the example of Pokemon Gold or Castle Wofenstein?
Mine would probably be Lord of the Rings: the Third Age on Gameboy or PS2. A lot of people dissed it and claim they're not very good, but I honestly enjoy them both a lot, and wouldn't mind remakes of them :)
You do know this post has been done a million times before. Any ways i would have to say destroy all humans 1 and 2. It was funny the story was original for a game and the game play was good and imersive. There was also a huge apeal of anal probing ignorant 60s americans. It was also hilarious when they thought you were a comunist and yelled out somthing like "They're trying to destroy our way of life!" or "Die Commy bastard!" I don't think it should be remade yet but later on maybe when the playsation 4 is out or the xbox 720.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
The American version of FFX. That game would really benefit from just a do over of the voice acting and cut scenes.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
SMT 1/2,mostly to work out the general user unfriendliness and have a map system ala Strange Journey.


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
Honestly, I have to go with none. There are plenty of games I love, but I think if we let companies just remake theirs old games for a quick buck, then we'll just have the same games over and over (*cough*Nintendo*cough*). I'd rather see them take good gameplay elements from older games, tweak them and add in new features, a new story and world, and just generally a new game built around the best parts of their old games.

But, gun to my head, I'd say I'd want a remake of FFVII, mainly because it was the game that got me into gaming.


New member
Apr 18, 2011


There aren't too many games that put enough of an emphasis on exploration. Hello, 800 planets...


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Planescape : Torment. The idea of wandering around Sigil, the city of doors, as a man that has a myriad of scars and tattoos all over his body and he just can't seem to die. Every time he wakes up and finally his memories are starting to stick this time.

The game would benefit hugely from updated graphics - FMV sequences would be awesome for the memory scenes, for example - and bringing the game to a more RP friendly D&D 3.5 or dare I sully my post with it, 4th Edition rules. I'd love to actually multi-class for a change. In the game, one of the biggest flaws was that Nameless-One couldn't multi-class as a fighter / thief / mage, despite posessing all of the skills for each of these classes. Seeing a 6'5 guy like him sneaking around is very funny as well.