What if Saints Row 3, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, and MW3 (if you're still into that) turn out to be bad?


New member
Aug 30, 2010
If Uncharted 3 or Batman: Arkham City was terrible (long shot, I know)...

...well, I'd be storming to the Naughty Dog or Rocksteady offices with something heavy.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
One thing, it just MAY cause some ripples in the games industry if every big sequel in a year bombed horribly.

I would be disappointed to see SR3 and Skyrim fail, but Mass Effect 3 does feel like it'll be fairly by the book as a follow on to numbers 1 and 2, and I'm not expecting massive radical changes from MW3, tho if they had any balls at all, they'd follow up the controversial 'airport' level where you infiltrate a group of terrorists and siege a right wing news network, massacring everyone inside purely for laughs.

It'd also save on artists as they could reuse the 'blonde female news anchor' model for every woman presenter on the network.

Seriously, how much free publicity would that get you?

For me, condemnation by FOX is like a 90 on Metacritic, heh. You just know it's going to be a fun game when they're calling a murder simulator for your children.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Brink was a colossal failure, DNF was shit, and Red Faction; Armageddon was mediocre at best. But DX: HR is awesome, so my faith in Gears 3, Arkham City, BF3 and Saints 3 is still unblemished. It would be a miracle if they all turned out superbly.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
triggrhappy94 said:
So I've noticed a bit of trend this year: people getting all hyped for a game that turns out to be bad. Just look at Brink, Homefront, and (arguable, and most recently) the demo for the new Space Marines game. This isn't an entirely new phenomenon amongst games.
Brinks not too bad, it just lacks content... at its core its a great FPS.

Saints Row 3 could disappoint if its too similar to the last. I could get bored of it in a week if that were the case...
I think it would take a long time for me to realize that Skyrim was bad, unless i really wanted to hate it. This is coming from a person who, despite hating both before buying them, has had 7-8 playthroughs of Fable 2 and 3 of Fable 3.

so i think... i think that if they were bad, id still play them for quite a while...


New member
Aug 27, 2010
MW3 won't suck. How do I know? Because it will be exactly the same as the other CoDs.

Mass Effect 3 might have a chance at being bad, but probably not for me as Miranda died in the suicide mission.

If sr3 sucks, I'll just go back to sr2.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
I don't get hyped about games anymore because they always fail to deliver when i do. I sit and pray that they are crap so when they arrive i have such little opinion of them that they cant fail to make me happy.

That said i know full well that space marine will fail for me because i love the board game too much. Nothing allows greater choice of strategy than turn based combat.

Even if Skyrim is just a rehash of Oblivion it will still be a good enough game...they will really have to go out of their way to fuck it up.

Same goes for Saint's row and Modern warfare, 2 games that usually take me a few weeks to finish and not a few hours or days like most.

Mass effect though...thats the million dollar question.

If they all fail though ill laugh and say that 'that's modern games for ya!'


New member
Jul 6, 2009
SillyBear said:
They'll all be very good games and they'll all score above 85 on Metacritic. Wanna bet?
Games don't have to be good to get great scores on Metacritic. Game journalism is just as corrupt if not more then political journalism. All the majorly hyped games get great scores regardless just to get the next big thing sent to them from the publisher. Your game needs to be literally broken to get less then a 70.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
There is no possibly way that everyone can screw up on their major titles all at once.

... I mean, I know the game industry has been known for releasing bombs and outright committing suicide at times, but I'm sure that not every single developer atm has their thumb up their bum and is working on something great.

... Right?

....... Right?


New member
Jul 1, 2011
So you mean to Say that Space Marine(?!) was bad and hence ME3, Skyrim and Saints Row will be Bad?

Holy Emperor will send Adam Jensen to pick you up and drop you off to hell, heretic.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Space Marine is awesomesauce, just saying... Also, BURN HERETIC!!!!

So basically this thread is "what if all the games that come out this year turn out to be shit?" well... then 50% of the gamers will simply play shitty games while the rest enjoy older games.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Getting hyped up about bad games that the corrupt and terribly useless lesser company's make isn't really a good idea.
Another difference is - if they suck we can go back a generation, if MW3 fails, the people who play it can just go back to MW2 - it'll be exactly the same albeit the campaign anyway.
SR3 will be amazing or i go back to SR2 - either way no loss. Same goes for Skyrim.
Basically - if one fails, we got to have a plan B!


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Somehow I have a feeling ME3 is going to be bad. I mean look how the studio does things now (nods at Dragon Age 2). I hope it isn't but Dragon Age 2 wasn't supposed to be bad neither.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Gluzzbung said:
Turigamot said:
Bethesda has a good track record with Open-World RPGs. I am void of doubt.
Did you actually play any of Tes? Utter trash! The visuals are about as appealing as Mars bar coated in Manure, that gameplay was buggy and the quests were just variations on go here, hit this, the dungeons should be included in a dungeon crawler and so are not fit for anyone who doesn't like said games and the overall story (admittedly this a problem for all Bethsda games) has the depth and interest as a brick in a jam jar.
You name one open world RPG that's better and not made by Bethesda.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
Gluzzbung said:
Turigamot said:
Bethesda has a good track record with Open-World RPGs. I am void of doubt.
Did you actually play any of Tes? Utter trash! The visuals are about as appealing as Mars bar coated in Manure, that gameplay was buggy and the quests were just variations on go here, hit this, the dungeons should be included in a dungeon crawler and so are not fit for anyone who doesn't like said games and the overall story (admittedly this a problem for all Bethsda games) has the depth and interest as a brick in a jam jar.
Not sure if trolling, or just retarded. I've played TES since Daggerfall. To say Daggerfall or Morrowind lack any depth is silly. Dungeons are what make the game for me. Visuals evolve over time; Oblivion was pretty great for being one of the first games on the 360, and Skyrim is looking pretty pretty. And you must not have done many quests if you think most of the quests were as you say.

You sound like somebody who played one of the games for 30 mins before giving up.