What if you were the last person on Earth?


New member
Jun 12, 2011
One Seven One said:
Let's say that somehow everyone on the planet just suddenly vanished, the same with all the animals on earth.

What would you do?
How would you react?

Me, I don't really know what I would do, all of a sudden I wouldn't have to care about anything anymore other than learning to farm to feed myself.

I suppose I would start taking stuff apart and seeing what I could make out of all the junk.
If it were me I'd try to find a source of water, then i'd go t town to scavenge, I'd also try to make fire, and I'd pray that maybe life without love, and without all the people who I care about could be worth it. Then I'd survive

pyramid head grape

Feb 4, 2011
First I'd be sadden that no new games will ever be released (oh yea, and my parents and loved ones too, I guess)

But I know crap all about farming so I'll just live of whatevers in my fridge while playing all my off-line games.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
First of all: double check somehow that i really am the last person, i mean, yeah. everyone disapeering except you including animals would be suspect, at least there might be ONE more thing existing out there.

Failing that i would probably hunker down, try to have fun while power lasted, get as many non-parishable foods as possible (yay for canned spam and condensed milk!) Try not to be too paranoid about aliens, sickness, or whatever the hell happened, then after about 6 months when i've read, video gamed, fast carred, waterparked, and whatever the hell else i do into boredom/sadness probably a bullet to the brain (with an OD for good measure...)


New member
Jun 12, 2011
Finally re-awaken Cthulu and go insane.

Or run around the city putting mannequins everywhere, and in shops and stuff. then when I want to get something I'll walk into the shop and say things like "Hey there Bob, haven't seen ya in a while!When's that new CD coming out?"Then go back home to my Mad Max-esque car fort with solar panels and wind turbines.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Sit alone in a room. There's a knock on the door...

Edit: Seriously I'd probably stock up on food, water and guns and travel the world looking for survivors.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
I'd try to come to terms with being the only person left. I don't know how long that would take.

While doing that:
I would raid a bookstore for survival instructions. (also to get my backlog of comic books to keep me busy between adventures)
I would probably run around not wearing clothes. I'd only do that for at most a week 10 hours, because being naked would have some serious downsides.
I would make sure to make a headstone for myself that says under my name "I'm not saying that life was a competition... but I won".
I would move between the mansions of celebrities.
I would steal cars.
I would find weapons and just destroy every structure that I find (that I am not living in or going to live in eventually).
I would try to become a master of all the weaponry that I find.
I would try to find the required gear to go base jumping off of the Empire State Building.
[sub]Porn...in IMAX.[/sub]


New member
Jul 14, 2009
If I were the last person alive I would go out is the streets not seeing anyone and then I would steal a ton of alcohol, food, ect. and just throw parties until I was tired of it. After that I would read TVtropes.org until the internet went out. After that... DnD with myself? I don't know. I'd do something to ward of the boredom while occasionally stealing everyone else's food. I'd probably start to work on a project to clone myself just as the opposite gender. Same DNA=clone so the world would be recolonized by clones of myself.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
write a final message to whatever aliens might visit Earth sometime in the future

shoot myself

why the hell would anyone want to live on an empty Earth?


New member
Oct 9, 2008
im not really the type for suicide. although who's to say that id still be sane in 10, 20 or even 50 years.

Id probably just try to survive, and yeah dick around.

Id probably be paranoid as fuck though, i mean SOMETHING had to get rid of everyone else right?


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Without animals I'd wouldn't live long even if I wanted to. Would be eery and I'd spend the remaining week or so trying to figure out what happened to everyone before making some long audiolog to be found by an alien species far in the future.

If it was just humans that were gone, same as above except I'm become feral and try to see how long the last man left on earth can survive.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
id got to the library read every single little thing about cloning attempt to clone a female and if that doesnt work I'll just live on, hoping for some sort of salvation.

oh, and m********e in inappropriate places. What? It'd be fun :D


New member
May 2, 2011
MordinSolus said:
Alexlion said:
Set myself the task of wanking in every house in the country before i die.
Congrats on being the first one to post something about wanking.
Ironically couldnt help myself, decidedly lowered the tone of conversation but cant have everything. And lets face it though we may not admit it there wont be much else to do.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Well it'd be pretty freaky.
...Am I really alone? Bet there's some crazy demon spying on me then.

Go "obtain" rich and previously not owned items to amuse myself while I can.
Create crazy large artworks in public places and ruin fast-food stores incase people come back, for the lulz.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
NightHawk21 said:
Sorry to disappoint you buddy but if the animals and everyone suddenly disappears your dead within the year.

You'ld need at least animals to have a shot at survival.

If everything did disapper though hell, I finding myself a nice big city (maybe hit up New York) get a gun, find some tobbacco and hopefully find a computer while staying close to a mall with a grocery store.
What the hell is going on with everyone in this thread? Apocalypse 101 CANNED FOOD. I thought gamers would know better. I quoted this feller but he's not the only one making this same point. Canned food literally lasts around ninety years, easily the rest of your lifetime.

OP: The first thing I would do is go to my buddy Cameron's house because his parents are crazy and their house runs on solar power. Next I would get in my car, drive to best buy, load up on games and consoles and whatnot. Next I would go to Dick's and steal all the guns and ammo I could find. Last I would go to Piggly Wiggly and take all the freezable food, canned food, boxed non perishables, and drinking water I could find. This would probably take awhile but I would have time. Than I would go enjoy myself for the remaining years of my life. It's a shame gasoline goes bad.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
I'd drive around, and have fun. Blow stuff up. Do things I never would have had the chance to do before. Then I'd probably settle down and make a farm or something.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I'd kill myself. Human beings are naturally social creatures, even the most antisocial types would become horribly lonely without so much as animal contact. Without the hesitation that comes from worrying about upsetting your loved ones I imagine suicide would be very easy.

I mean if you didn't kill yourself early on you would eventually go insane from loneliness and kill yourself anyway.