What if you were the last person on Earth?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
bakan said:
Android2137 said:
NightHawk21 said:
Sorry to disappoint you buddy but if the animals and everyone suddenly disappears your dead within the year.

You'ld need at least animals to have a shot at survival.

If everything did disapper though hell, I finding myself a nice big city (maybe hit up New York) get a gun, find some tobbacco and hopefully find a computer while staying close to a mall with a grocery store.
A computer won't be of use if everyone's gone. There would be no power. By extension, food in the refrigerated section of the grocery store will quickly go bad, followed by the produce. If that's my future, I'd sooner just kill myself immediately.
Power plants don't just stop working, actually they would go on for a good while on their own.
In the meantime get access to some solar cells and wind power and you won't have any power shortage for a long time.
The only real problem is if all animals vanish too, especially animals like bees which are responsible for pollination - though you would probably die before you witness all effects as you just have to feed yourself for a couple of years.
Exactly. Take away the animals and you completely mess up every ecosystem. Sure you might be able to get a couple of years in (honestly the chances are very slim) unless you scavenge preserved foods and whatnot. Instead of farming which isn't a necessity seeing as their is still ample food laying around, you should do exactly what android said and secure yourself a power source, preferably somewhere wheres its mild year round.

let's rock

New member
Jun 15, 2011
Break a set of glasses and yell "It's not fair!"

Then grab high explosives and blow shit up. Then keep doing this until the us army base near where I live ran out of explosives, then hijac a plane from the nearby airport and crash it into Michal Moor's house.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
SuperMse said:
NightHawk21 said:
Sorry to disappoint you buddy but if the animals and everyone suddenly disappears your dead within the year.

You'ld need at least animals to have a shot at survival.

If everything did disapper though hell, I finding myself a nice big city (maybe hit up New York) get a gun, find some tobbacco and hopefully find a computer while staying close to a mall with a grocery store.
Shit. Someone tell the vegetarians that they'll be dead within a year. And looting canned goods? What's that?!
Good idea. You go get on that, and on your way home maybe pick us a book or two on ecology.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
If you were female you could rush down to the nearest sperm bank near hoover dam. They say that hoover dam could supply energy for 500 years without human interaction. that would keep the sperm cold. impregnate yourself with random sperm. give birth to lets say 5 kids. 2 are girls 3 are boys. Impregnate your kids with some more random sperm. that'll keep the gene-pool fresh. Send the boys out to bring food and facilities to the girls. Hopefully the boys will find a library or something. Soon the boys will know alot about what is needed to keep a civilization running and importantly the dam! Think about it if every female has 5 kids then you could end up with a population of hundreds with different DNA In a few generations with a constant supply of sperm.

Of course I am male so. lets hope the last person on earth is a female who reads this comment


New member
May 25, 2010
lets do this realistically. it would suck but first I would collect all of the perishable goods from my local supermarkets and find a way to preserve them and make sure I ate them before the non-perishables. next I'd collect alot of burnables and make a HUGE fire in an open area in an attempt to get somebodies attention.(note you said that everybody was gone not that I KNEW that absolutely everybody was gone). next I would find a car that had been in use but hadn't crashed when everybody dissapeared and use it to get around. the electricity would still probably be son so I would get on a computer and hack into every website I could think of that would be feasably possible to do so with and replace EVERYTHING with "come to [my location] i'm still alive here" while using a search engine that would allow me to restrict web searches to a specific websites and search for key phrases like "are you still alive" or "is anybody left" and responding to any that I found.

I would do alot more but it would take up quite a few pages and I'm pretty sure that there's a text limit. plus I don't have the time.


Sep 12, 2008
Android2137 said:
NightHawk21 said:
Sorry to disappoint you buddy but if the animals and everyone suddenly disappears your dead within the year.

You'ld need at least animals to have a shot at survival.

If everything did disapper though hell, I finding myself a nice big city (maybe hit up New York) get a gun, find some tobbacco and hopefully find a computer while staying close to a mall with a grocery store.
A computer won't be of use if everyone's gone. There would be no power. By extension, food in the refrigerated section of the grocery store will quickly go bad, followed by the produce. If that's my future, I'd sooner just kill myself immediately.
If you have windmills around, you can learn to run those. It might last you quite a few years, anyways.

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
Eat the last of the good food, play video games(if there is still electricity) and go slowly mad. Then one day them space men will take me away in there flying vehicle and preform experiments on me. I hope people will read the previous sentence in a yokel voice.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Go to the nearest book store and find something to teach me how to grow vegetables, nuts, grains, etc. Basically load up my car with as much surivival-necessary crap as I could manage and try and not die. Once I've got a good system going where I am able to be self-reliant, then I'd probably make little adventures into town to try and get the petrol stations working, or generators and stuff. Eventually I'd probably off myself, once I get too old to do the work properly, or if I run out of food and don't want to starve (which shouldn't be a problem, there are enough things like canned peaches and stuff that has expiration dates in X+3 years that I should be able to get back on my feet before they run out. And I live in Australia, so it isn't like my crops are going to become frozen solid, I'll just need to take care of them really well (maybe find a place with a greenhouse and 'borrow' it).


New member
Nov 24, 2010
NightHawk21 said:
Sorry to disappoint you buddy but if the animals and everyone suddenly disappears your dead within the year.
Within the year!? Do you have any idea of how much food the world has bunkerd up in their homes at this exact moment? One person could travel from town to town and live on pre-made food alone for a lifetime.


Sep 12, 2008
ravensheart18 said:
Atheist. said:
Android2137 said:
NightHawk21 said:
Sorry to disappoint you buddy but if the animals and everyone suddenly disappears your dead within the year.

You'ld need at least animals to have a shot at survival.

If everything did disapper though hell, I finding myself a nice big city (maybe hit up New York) get a gun, find some tobbacco and hopefully find a computer while staying close to a mall with a grocery store.
A computer won't be of use if everyone's gone. There would be no power. By extension, food in the refrigerated section of the grocery store will quickly go bad, followed by the produce. If that's my future, I'd sooner just kill myself immediately.
If you have windmills around, you can learn to run those. It might last you quite a few years, anyways.
Good luck with that.
Haven't you ever read the news story a while back where some random teenager in Africa built a windmill off of pictures in books alone and it produced electricity? He was from a tiny village but had some library there funded by a support group.

Matthew Kjonaas

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Assemble gear weapon (to help get rid of the there is something out there feeling0, backpack to carry other gear, clothes, solar powered lamp for the nights, a book on plants so I know what to eat, tent for nights and weather protection.
turn of nuclear power plants
learn about medicine
plant crops since they are allowed and use the rotten food as fertilizer.
and read books and restore part of the internet.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Last person on Earth? It's like a Dream come true.

I'm going to do whatever I want whenever I want, though I'd adhere to self preservation and avoid doing stuff which is blatantly stupid.


New member
May 24, 2009
wonder "what the #### killed all these people?!?" then try cloning to try and re-populate the world as i see fit (not like i could do it any other way). Although i hate science so more likely leave some marker of human civilization then find a really overly complicated way to kill myself.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
lol, It would mean I achieved what I set out to do!

but anyway ... how the hell do you determine if you're the last person on Earth anyway?
I'd pack a gun and (load a truck with groceries etc) and set out looking for other survivors ... y'know, cuz there always are some.