What is the creepiest and/or scariest thing you have seen/done/heard/read?

Hunter Hyena

New member
Dec 23, 2011
I want to see everything! Pictures, videos, gifs, sounds, or stories, I don't care. If it's creepy, post it. I want to know your fears/scary events that have happened to you! :D


New member
May 14, 2010
Search for 'Scary Thread' in the off topic forum, it's got about 50 pages of scary stuff.

As for me, I found a Korean (I think) web comic that scared the crap out of me. I couldn't understand anything in the comic but it's one of the few things that I've read that really got me.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
My first story is not really "scary" in the ghosts and goblins sort of way, but here it goes.

A few months ago, I was driving my recently purchased car through a rainstorm. It was the second car I'd ever bought, the first being a 1987 Oldsmobile that I drove for six years through high school and college. This car was a brand new 2013 Spark that I adored. Anywho, it was raining like crazy, 11 o'clock at night, and I was going around a turn. I had no idea what was in store for me around the bend.

I suddenly found myself in about three to four feet of water, which was still rising. I've lived in this area for 24.5 of my 25 years, and I've never seen it flood. The engine instantly died, and I was unable to restart the car. I immediately put the windows down, since they were electric, and I didn't want to get trapped if the power went out. I made three calls. First to 911, which didn't go through, then to my dad, who was there in about five minutes, putting through an emergency call through his OnStar, and then to my boss, explaining that I probably wouldn't be in for work that night. (Yes, priorities, I know. My sister still makes fun of me for being a "responsible employee.")

So, about 40 minutes of me sitting on the roof of my car pass, as the interior water level was getting too high. There was no way in Hell I was going out in that water without a lifeline of some sort. The meteorologists on TV are always warning not to do that.I was talking to my dad the whole time, he was a ways off, at the edge of the new lake. Finally the fire department got there, they'd been navigating their way through a labyrinth of downed trees. They hooked me up to a cable, and guided me back to my dad. There had been two Mennonite women there, who had been driving by and decided to stay in the pouring rain with my freaked out dad until I was okay. We all went back to our house, where we had coffee, and let them change in our bathroom.

I learned that night that I can apparently stay calm in a crisis... Although, I'll be the first to admit that sitting on the roof of my car, feeling it start to move a little bit underneath me was pretty unnerving.

Lucky for me, a combination of warranty stuff, insurance, and a bunch of other stuff led me to not pay all that much out of pocket for a new car. It's identical to the one I lost.
Number two is probably more what you're looking for.
This actually happened to my cousin and uncle back before they married into my family.

My uncle, back when he was just some guy that lived near my grandparents, used to come home every day to find his thermostat cranked up to the nineties. In addition to this, my now cousin, who was only about three or four at the time, had an imaginary friend named "Mr. Freeze Cold." He was always telling her to put on sweaters.

He got fed up with the increased heating bills and was one day venting to my grandmother about it (they were neighbors at the time), when she told him about the previous owner of his house. He was an old man named Jerry, or something similar, who had very poor circulation, and was always cold. He always had his thermostat cranked up, and was always wearing sweaters. His 'catchphrase' was, "It's freezincold!" (Hence my cousin's nickname, "Mr. FreezeCold.)

My uncle, being a very direct person, decided not to move, get an exorcism, call Bill Murray, or any of the other traditional ways of dealing with this sort of thing, and decided to handle it himself.

He walked in the door one day after work, to find the thermostat messed with again, and said the following: "Listen, Jerry, I get that you're cold, but I'm the one paying the heating bills now, so you're just going to have to button up, or something..."

The thermostat was never messed with again.

I try to stay skeptical of haunted house claims, but I'm really not sure what to think about this one. My uncle is honest to the point of excess, and I highly doubt he'd make this up.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
There is a website called Saya in Underworld. It is run by a Japanese girl who would translate Japanese ghost and horror stories. Let me tell ya, some of those stories are really disturbing. If you have a good imagination, some of the mental images your mind can create will find falling asleep a bit harder.

I just searched for it and it's still there, anyone interested in some really creepy Japanese ghost stories and folk tales should check it out.

Mid Boss

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2012
It would be the time my bus was going through the Homewood slum of Pittsburgh when two gangs decided to use the bus as cover for their shoot out. Bullets busting through windows. People screaming. The bust driver hit on the gas and we sped the hell out of there. She then threw it into park and quit her job. Just got up and left the bus and us there. No one was hurt and, after we were questioned by the police, another bus showed up and picked us up.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Well, in recent memory, this got to me.

Older relatives say I was scared of
when I was but a wee toddler. I mean it was loud, battery operated, had claws, and stuff. Can't say it bothers me lately, though.

There's a book series that haunted me for a long long time from when I was a youngster. The titles of the books are Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (1981), More Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (1984), and Scary Stories 3 : More Tales To Chill Your Bones (1991).
The stories, and especially the frikking artwork! Yeesh. They stuck with me for a long time.

On a more amusing note, in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, when Tatsu grabs the ooze cannister in the lab, I always jumped no matter how often I watched the movie, and I did watch it a lot.

P.S. the movie Prince of Darkness by John Carpenter, and the Phantasm movies. Phantasm movies mess with me a lot.

P.S.S. I remember a nightmare kinda vividly. I was in a multistory building resembling, roughly, my highschool (which was an overpacked nightmare of 3x the amount of people it was supposed to have), and I was running up the stairs coz a red fog was coming for me. I stopped a moment at the top of a stair well, and saw a woman in red in a doorway. The door closed. I started running more until I hit a dead end, then I whipped out a revolver, looked down the barrel, and pulled the trigger, then a flash of light waking myself up.

Mid Boss

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2012
Rebel_Raven said:
Well, in recent memory, this got to me.
JESUS that scared the living hell out of me!!


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Scariest thing I've seen in a while came to me in my nightmare last night. I don't remember much of it but the part I do remember quite vividly was me running away from a woman who was vomiting hair at me.

Also, as someone already mention, search "The Scary Thread." Huge assortment of creepy stuff there. Also, just google creepypasta. You'll find loads of scary stories. Some of them suck, others are really great.


New member
Oct 13, 2008
Rebel_Raven said:
Well, in recent memory, this got to me.
Ugh, my students make me watch/read stuff like this all of the time, and I absolutely HATE the jump out at you nature of it.

OT: I'm always creeped out by the creepypasta stuff, even though I know it's 100% BS. Not sure why, but it always gets me...


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Rebel_Raven said:
There's a book series that haunted me for a long long time from when I was a youngster. The titles of the books are Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (1981), More Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (1984), and Scary Stories 3 : More Tales To Chill Your Bones (1991).
The stories, and especially the frikking artwork! Yeesh. They stuck with me for a long time.
Oh, I remember that BS. The stories were rather entertaining but dat artwork... FFS, I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a book for kids. WTH were the publishers thinking?
Aug 1, 2010
I was terrified of ol' Slendy for a long time. Then he got famous and totally sold out and he's not scary any more.

Now days?

Just general creepypasta silliness. Like Mokes said, I know it's nonsense, but that doesn't stop it from getting to me.

There's several SCPs that have disturbed my sleep patterns as well. The little old man that hunts humans, puts them in a pocket dimension and tortures them, the dark staircase, that sort of thing.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
Pretty much anything by Junji Ito. I don't scare easily, I've read many books by Lovecraft, King, etc. but this guy just creeps me out... I get this crawling feeling on my skin when I read his manga...

You can read his probably mildest and well-known work here http://openawesome.com/junji-ito-horror-manga/enigmaofamigarafault.html


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Rebel_Raven said:
Well, in recent memory, this got to me.
Holy tits that scared me.

Capcha: Talk to strangers ... ... ... wut.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Creepiest thing I've had happen to me? I dunno I have quite a few odd stories that have happened to me. I did creep myself out while reading The Stand, the part about the Lincoln tunnel while IRL riding in a cab in the Lincoln Tunnel. I've got a damn good imagination and I had to close the book at that point and put it away for a while, nothing freakier than seeing the place you're currently at in an alternate universe that happens to be a horror scene.
Other freaky stuff is hard to explain but I've been through some weird shit in m life.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I was scared shitless by descriptions in The Hot Zone about how the ebola virus makes you barf out your liquified organs and uncontrollably bleed to death through your bodily orifices. For years I was haunted by how sudden and irrevocable the disease was. Finding out I had ebola would be like discovering zombie teeth marks in my arm.

Here's an interesting thing I just found out, a quote from Stephen King about the book. "One of the most horrifying things I've ever read". No shit.

Chaos Incarnate

Swiggity Swag
Jan 31, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
Rebel_Raven said:
Well, in recent memory, this got to me.
Jesus! That nearly made me jump out of my skin.
Thought you guys were exaggerating, jumped right straight out of my chair and woke up my roommate.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I'll think about the scariest and make another post, but in the meantime this is one of the creepiest things I've seen recently.

Basically an encyclopedia of one of the most upsetting and grossest aliens I've ever seen conceptualized. By the time I was done reading about their diet, I decided I'd rather have a face hugger on me then deal with one of these things.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
Arnoxthe1 said:
Rebel_Raven said:
There's a book series that haunted me for a long long time from when I was a youngster. The titles of the books are Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (1981), More Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (1984), and Scary Stories 3 : More Tales To Chill Your Bones (1991).
The stories, and especially the frikking artwork! Yeesh. They stuck with me for a long time.
Oh, I remember that BS. The stories were rather entertaining but dat artwork... FFS, I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a book for kids. WTH were the publishers thinking?
Have you ever read the Goosebumps series from the 90s? That was meant for kids and the artwork and stories were creepy at best, gruesome at worst.

Also, I'm surprised to see so many people still haven't seen the Bongcheon-Dong Ghost. That's a good one. I think there was a follow up around here somewhere about a ghost in a subway... yep, here it is. [http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=30&weekday=tue] Not as scary but it's pretty decent too.

Spambot 3000

New member
Aug 8, 2011
hmmm, it's hard to say really, I played Bioshock recently for the first time (yes, I'm a slowpoke I know) and that wasn't particularly terrifying but the scary atmosphere it created was amazing. On the other hand I found this youtube video some time ago that I found extremely unsettling: