What is The Escapist reading?


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
dalek sec said:
Greyfox105 said:
orangebandguy said:
I myself am reading The Horus Heresy series. I'm currently on Flight of the Eisenstein.
Funnily enough, I am also reading the Horus Heresy series, currently about 40 pages from the end of A Thousand Sons, then I'll have Nemesis to read >.>
They are good books...
"Nemesis" was a good read, you should enjoy it too. :D

As for myself, I'm busying cracking the first book in the "Gaunts Ghost's" series by Dan Abnett and so for I'm loving it.
You'll have read all ten by the end of the month. Dan Abnett is like crack.

I'm reading the Enforcer Omnibus (Warhammer 40k), as I am all caught up on my Horus Heresy and Gaunt's Ghsot.


Gildan Bladeborn said:
orangebandguy said:
I myself am reading The Horus Heresy series. I'm currently on Flight of the Eisenstein.
I was reading that a few weeks back - the Horus Heresy series that is, not Flight of the Eisenstein, as I'm caught up with every Warhammer 40k series without novels currently exclusive to hardcover format (or in other words, I was reading Nemesis). Right now I'm reading Enforcer, the Shira Calpurnia omnibus - which means I'm basically re-reading Crossfire, Legacy, and Blind only this time with some added dossiers at the end of each. Huzzah for the Adeptus Arbites.
You too, eh?

Iwata said:
A funny sidenote: my very favourite story from the Heresy features almost no violence. The superb short story "The Last Church" from the "Tales of Heresy" compilation is one of the best pieces of fiction to ever come out of the Black Library, featuring a theological debate between the Emperor and a priest over a nice glass of wine.
I love you, bro.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
I'm reading Free Radical... it's a novelization of the System Shock games...
[img height= 300]http://www.cannonade.net/pics/games/sshock.jpg[/img]

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
This thread.

Seriously though, I'm in the middle of "Fear the Alien" and "A Thousand Suns", both 40k novels. Next up: Nemesis.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
VikingIncogneto said:
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
I'm reading that too. I had heard great things about it, but unfortunately it's kind of a let-down. I'm a bit past halfway and so far I only dig the Sumerian stuff; the main characters are really one- (or zero-)dimensional, and the plot seems to be basically "katanas! skateboards! explosions! bad-assery abounds!" ... funny, 'cos a lot of the reviews I read had the opposite opinion: that the "mystical" stuff was cheesy and out-of-place, and that the action-packed storyline would be better off without it. I dunno. Still, it's enjoyable enough, and I'm gonna see it through to the end.

(*chuckle*) "Hiro Protagonist"..! (*guffaw*) ..that name is still pretty awesome, regardless.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Xrysthos said:
'The House of Chains', which is book number 4 in Steven Erikson's 'The Malazan Book of the Fallen' series. Very good. Can't decide whether it is better than 'A Song of Ice and Fire' yet, seeing as I'm not even half done with the books that are published so far, but it is still amazing. It can definitely be recommended if you enjoy quality fantasy literature.

Having read all the Malazan Fallen books so far (the 10th and final is due in January), and also all the Ice and Fire bkoos thus far (wish he'd finish Dance of Dragons...), I can say while they are both brilliant series's's's's, I definately think Malazan Fallen wins by a nose. Its just.... fucking awesome, the best books Ive ever reead, and I read a lot for pleasure.

Reading Fall of Angels by L.E Modesett Jr. at the moment, I missed it by accident when reading through tthe Recluce Saga and have had to go back two books lol. Luckily they can be read out of order.

As soon as thats finished, I'm back on Gardens of The Moon by Erikson to get me up to date for January. I really cant wait for The Crippled God..... *drools*


New member
Aug 12, 2008
The Bhagavad-Gita, which - like all holy scripture - needs some explosions and car chases thrown in for good measure. I'm attempting to read up on all religious texts, and have already read the Bible and the Koran. Just for the record I'm not having a crisis of faith or anything, I'm just curious.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Right now I'm finishing up "The Great Gatsby" for my university course. After that I think I'll move on to Mass Effect: Retribution, if I can get my hands on it.