What is The Escapist reading?


Regular Member
Feb 8, 2010
The third book in the Juoppohullun päiväkirja-series "Raskausarpia" by Juha vuorinen, and after this the third Mass Effect book "Retribution" by Drew Karpyshyn, and after that, "Mogworld" by you-know-who.

And after that I don't think I'll be reading any "real books" in a while, just manga.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Iwata said:
GonzoGamer said:
orangebandguy said:
I myself am reading The Horus Heresy series. I'm currently on Flight of the Eisenstein.
How is that? I'm a fan of 40K (and have been since Rogue Trader days) but I've heard mixed reactions about the novelizations of the most intriguing portion of space marine history.
Welcome to the club. I've played since the first release of 2nd edition.

The novels are, in all, pretty damn good. Black Library has its best writers tackling what is, to GW, a very sensitive era. But to us who grew up wondering what the flip happened in those days, it's a godsend. That, and the little things, like seeing established characters (mostly chaotic ones) in the days when the Emperor walked among them. For example, its quite funny to see Kharn, of the betrayer fame, as the voice of reason in the World Eaters legion.

A couple of books feel a bit flat. "Battle for the Abyss" is a collection of clichés, and "Descent of Angels" doesn't even take place during the Heresy except in its final stages. But brilliant books like the first trilogy, "Flight of the Eisenstein", "Legion", or "Tales of Heresy" more than make up for it.

A funny sidenote: my very favourite story from the Heresy features almost no violence. The superb short story "The Last Church" from the "Tales of Heresy" compilation is one of the best pieces of fiction to ever come out of the Black Library, featuring a theological debate between the Emperor and a priest over a nice glass of wine.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've actually got a game tomorrow, and I gotta go pack up my army.
I'll check out the first trilogy then.
My tabletop nemesis has been more interested in playing Borderlands with me lately (not necessarily a bad thing) than pitting his Chaos Marines against my Orks but I still check out the new stuff and even pick up a $9 copy of white dwarf now and then; now that they made the battle reports cool again - though they still need to use more customized armies in them again. I'm surprised I haven't read those books. Now that I think of it, I can see a lot of that 40k universe in my friend's book.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Generic Gamer said:
Iwata said:
My favourites were Fulgrim and Nemesis, it made me happy that my guess of what a Vanus assassin did was bang on and I like the slower stories generally.
Nemesis is sitting in my night table, waiting for me to pick it up. But alas, I've got a tournament this coming Saturday, and my time is being used in putting together my Valkyrie Assault Carrier for my Stormtroopers to jump out of.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Generic Gamer said:
Iwata said:
Generic Gamer said:
Iwata said:
My favourites were Fulgrim and Nemesis, it made me happy that my guess of what a Vanus assassin did was bang on and I like the slower stories generally.
Nemesis is sitting in my night table, waiting for me to pick it up. But alas, I've got a tournament this coming Saturday, and my time is being used in putting together my Valkyrie Assault Carrier for my Stormtroopers to jump out of.
Yeah...as soon as I get back to uni I've got two wave serpents to put together. I hate vehicles, so fiddly.

I won't spoil it but it's an interesting background book, not so good on story but detailed enough to be good fluff.
Eh, all I know is that Constantin Valdor's in it, and his presence makes anything doubly awesome.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
I am currently reading The Girl Who Played With Fire, book 2 in the so called Millennium series by Steig Larson.

I don't think these books are nearly as good as people were leading me to believe.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I just started re-reading "The Wizard of Oz."

SDon't know if I'll stick with it or go on to something new.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
orangebandguy said:
I myself am reading The Horus Heresy series. I'm currently on Flight of the Eisenstein.
I was reading that a few weeks back - the Horus Heresy series that is, not Flight of the Eisenstein, as I'm caught up with every Warhammer 40k series without novels currently exclusive to hardcover format (or in other words, I was reading Nemesis). Right now I'm reading Enforcer, the Shira Calpurnia omnibus - which means I'm basically re-reading Crossfire, Legacy, and Blind only this time with some added dossiers at the end of each. Huzzah for the Adeptus Arbites.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
From Hell With Love by Simon Green.

Probably going to read through the current A Song of Fire and Ice books again...


New member
Jul 30, 2010
sms_117b said:
orangebandguy said:
I myself am reading The Horus Heresy series. I'm currently on Flight of the Eisenstein.
Exactly the same here, got dragon Age and Mass Effect novels for afterwards, times are good.
Not to sound lame but... You are going to have the BEST[/] time ever :)

I'm reading Schindler's Ark, and then onto Gears of War :)


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
dalek sec said:
As for myself, I'm busying cracking the first book in the "Gaunts Ghost's" series by Dan Abnett and so for I'm loving it.
I much prefer the "Last Chancer" novels to be honest.

OT: I am re-reading the Artemis Fowl books on my iPhone, because they are brilliant and I have all 7 books to read at any time (by that I mean all my spare time!).


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Right now I'm reading Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex by Mary Roach and my Parasitology text book by a punch of guys that really enjoy parasites. After I've finished Bonk, I'm going to pick up Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures by Carl Zimmer and Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters by Matt Riddle. If you couldn't tell, I'm on a big science related kick right now and I've also got a huge stack of books I need to read.