What is the weirdest movie you've seen?


New member
Jun 26, 2011
The Holy Mountain. Out of all the movies I seen from the acid craze it was by far the strangest. Heavily symbolic without any clear meaning and little if any actual story-line.

Father's Day. Most insane of the films from Troma, a company known for releasing dark and depraved comedies only appealing to teens and weirdos like myself.

Berserk the Golden Age Arc 3 desrves a mention, mostly because I love the series and it went batshit insane half way through that one.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and it's sequel: Return of the Killer Tomatoes.
It boils down to living tomatoes who kill everything, really weird but I enjoyed both movies nonentheless.


Anton Lavaire

New member
Aug 21, 2010
lets see...

Holy Mountain
Liquid Sky
Forbidden Zone
Curse of the Queerwolf
A Polish Vampire in Burbank

and many others...


New member
Oct 27, 2008
My dad recently got me the David Lynch box set which has the films Blue velevet, Dune, Twin Peaks: Fire walk with me, Eraserhead, Wild at heart and Lost highway, so take your pick really. When all else fails, the original Oldboy is pretty damned trippy you must admit.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Someone already mentioned it, but "Tetsuo: The Iron Man" is so freakin' bizarre (and also creepy) it deserves a big mention. I still have no idea what was going on in that movie.

Also have to mention "Tokyo Gore Police". Seriously, I can't even describe this movie. The plot actually makes sense, but they throw in so much weird and random shit it's hard to even know where to begin. It includes a woman who is a chair who pees on people (seriously), a guy who gets his legs cut off and then rockets through the air by shooting out huge quantities of blood from his stumps (it's hilarious), an advertisement for razor blades specifically designed for cutting yourself, and enough blood to fill the pacific ocean (it's called "Gore police" for a reason).

Also, watching "Dune" without having any familiarity with the book or the Dune Universe is a very weird movie experience.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Twintix said:
Considering I don't watch a ton of movies, I'm going to be super lame and say Café Seagull.
snippety snip
You didn't even mention the bit I found weirdest, where they use Shinto-voodoo to make this sad woman's husband return to her.

I got two more Finnish movies on a similar level of strangeness:

Book of destiny (least I think that's the name) is a low budjet sci-fi fantasy mess spanning several time periods with the titular book as a McGuffin. It makes people float horizontally when they read it. Oh, and tells everything that ever was, is and will be. Or something. The movie is overly ambitious, unintentially hilarious and alas not nearly as original as it thinks it is. Only scene I remember features a far future where the main character is a lone android on a space station. We know he's an android because he has mismatched eyes and blue dreads. Also there was a pair of sadistic leatherclad lesbians somewhere along the way with maybe one minute of screen time total. I get the feeling somebody just really wanted to fit that kink in.

The Jade Warrior has more talent and way more resources. It's a wuxia/contemporary fantasy flipping between modern day Finland and some mythical age in China. The wuxia part is played pretty straight but the modern part gets increasingly surreal. Just picture this scene: the main character finds himself on a small meadow in the woods. He's wearing just a feminine bathrobe and has no idea how he got here. A man in a suit shows up and whips him into the shape he was in his past life...by beating the crap out of him with a handfull of wild flowers. Complete with over the top martial arts physics.


New member
Sep 27, 2014
davidmc1158 said:
Brazil by Terry Gilliam. Take an ordinary man trapped in a bureaucratic job who shunts all of his ambitions into his fanciful dreams and them let him become embroiled in a convoluted plot based ultimately on a typo.
I'd say pretty much anything by Gilliam, period. You definitely have to be in the right mood to really appreciate what happens in his movies. :)

Possibly the weirdest in terms of how I reacted to it would be Battle Royale (the first one; the sequel is craptastic). I sat in front of the TV for a full 5 minutes after it finished before my brain came back online. (Though to be honest, EoE had a pretty similar effect.)

Also, for an out-of-nowhere choice (that surprisingly has some big names in it), Breakfast of Champions. This has to be one of the oddest things I've ever seen Bruce Willis in (apart from 12 Monkeys).



Senior Member
Apr 20, 2011
United States
wickedmonkey said:

Sean Connery in some kind of red bandoleer jockstrap and kneeboots. He's told by a giant floating stone head which vomits guns that guns are good and the penis is evil. He shoots people and invades a hippy commune.
That's what I was going to say, such a weird movie for John Boorman to direct right after Deliverance.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Back in the days when me and my brother first discovered horror films there was this film called "Phantasm" and it sort of all made sense till the end. Horror films usually end bad or good, but this one sort of combined both in a weird way.

blue heartless

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2005
I had wanted to simply write the name of the film and leave the thread but I couldn't. You should be able to find many scenes from the film on YouTube and I believe it is currently on NetFlix if I am not mistaken. It is two and a half hours long, please come prepared for:

Funky Forest: The First Contact.


New member
Oct 13, 2014
This is really easy for me to answer. I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_a_Cyborg,_But_That%27s_OK] is by far the weirdest movie I have ever seen and may possibly be the weirdest movie I will have ever seen in my entire life because I don't really watch movies (I am far more into TV shows, but even those I watch few of). I'm not going to include a synopsis because the Wikipedia link I provided does a much better job of that than I could, but here is what I will say about the movie. Do you think you are a cyborg IRL? If yes, you will enjoy this movie because it portrays your life so very well. If not, well... have fun wasting time and making your brain melt.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
LongAndShort said:
Easy, 'The Holy Mountain.' Seriously, weirdest fucking thing I have ever watched. Absolutely fucking bonkers in a "there is no way in fuck anybody would be able to make this kind of thing now." There's sex and animal cruelty (at one point there's a dogfight that is absolutely disgusting), parts where the cast is genuinely tripping balls, and cheetah breasts (as in, breasts that are the heads of cheetahs spraying milk like fucking fire hoses), not to mention all the midgets missing arms and legs.

Weirdest fucking thing I've ever watched. I would not in any way, shape or form recommend anyone watch this film, but I'll admit it was a goddamn experience.
I'll definitely keep on the lookout for this one. I haven't seen any Jodorowsky, but I've always wanted to. This may be a "watch while the wife isn't home" option because I don't know if I can talk her into this (and if I did, I'd probably feel a tad guilty). Perhaps once she gets deep into A Link Between Worlds.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Artina89 said:
My dad recently got me the David Lynch box set which has the films Blue velevet, Dune, Twin Peaks: Fire walk with me, Eraserhead, Wild at heart and Lost highway, so take your pick really. When all else fails, the original Oldboy is pretty damned trippy you must admit.
Hmm, the only Lynch I'm missing is Lost Highway and the Twin Peaks movie. I attempted that one before I ever watched any of the series, so it was total nonsense. I'm not sure if I'l be able to make heads or tails of it now either.


New member
May 20, 2009
Im not really good at remembering things like this but "filth" is a very strange film. Its originally written by Irvine Welsh (the guy who wrote trainspotting). If you havent seen it, its about a dirty cop played by James McAvoy who suffers from drink and drug addiction and is trying to secure himself a promotion while hiding his inner secrets. Its definitely worth a watch and it has an amazing cast, although its pretty graphic (despite being censored from the book)

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
Flutterguy said:
The Holy Mountain. Out of all the movies I seen from the acid craze it was by far the strangest. Heavily symbolic without any clear meaning and little if any actual story-line.
That's the one, right there.

Warning, though- it does feature animals actually being abused. I'll never watch it again, as I have a very strict policy on animal abuse. I wouldn't have watched it if someone had told me beforehand, but we were drinking and I was unfamiliar with the director.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
The Red Spectacles and "StrayDog: Kerberos Panzer Cops"

You can read summaries of them, and still be confused as hell as you watch them.

Belaam said:
But honestly, Primer probably takes the cake. It's a time travel movie that never bothers to explain half of what is going on or what characters are talking about. I've made a couple attempts at watching it and have still not really gotten it all.
I'd argue that Primer is more confusing than strange or weird.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
"Die Reise ins Glück" (german for "the journey to happiness") a german movie made by Wenzel Storch. He worked for a satire magazine and made the movie with his own money almost ruining himself in the process. And rightfully though. It is horrible in every regard. I say that as someone who greatly enjoyed films like "Braindead" or "Robo Geisha". It's about a guy with a boat that is also a snail fighting some evil king. If you ever get the chance to watch it: don't.
Nov 28, 2007
Hellraiser. Not weird in the sense of "I have no idea what's going on", but my first reaction after seeing it was "That was pretty good. Lived up to the hype." My second thought? "So that's what it's like watching a horror movie on hallucinogens."

If you like horror movies at all, by the way, you really should see Hellraiser. It's a great movie, although the special effects leave some to be desired, and one of the characters has absolutely no presence in the plot at all. I mean, they are there, but contribute nothing.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.

I still don't know what it was about. It made no sense, the characters were rock-fucking-stupid, and it was just a terrible, boring movie overall. Heath Ledger is lucky this isn't the movie people remember him for.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
the December King said:
Flutterguy said:
The Holy Mountain. Out of all the movies I seen from the acid craze it was by far the strangest. Heavily symbolic without any clear meaning and little if any actual story-line.
That's the one, right there.

Warning, though- it does feature animals actually being abused. I'll never watch it again, as I have a very strict policy on animal abuse. I wouldn't have watched it if someone had told me beforehand, but we were drinking and I was unfamiliar with the director.
For what it's worth, I'd recommend watching "Jodorosky's Dune", which is a documentary about that same director who did 'Holy Mountain' trying to make a film version of Frank Herbert's 'Dune'.

The movie is super entertaining, though honestly Jodorosky himself comes across as an insanely pretentious arthouse snob.