What is the worst game you own?


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Tell me the name of the worst game you own and why you don't like it. (Unless you have very few games that your choice wouldn't exactly be something you dislike. In that case, what are you doing here? :mad:) Mine would be the Harvey Birdman: Attourney at Law game for PS2. I know it's a great show, that's why I bought the game, but it wasn't very fun or fuuny at all. I only remember one line I liked. "HAHA! Coarse Grinding!"
Jan 13, 2012
Well at the moment I don't have any games (long story) but as I recall, Operation Flashpoint: Red River. Didn't like anything in that game..... infact the only reason I got it was because of the box art!


New member
Jun 12, 2009
I know I'm beating a dead horse here but...

Hyperdimension Neptunia. Thankfully the sequel was so much better.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
GTA4, i found that game so bad. Driving is wonky and weird. Gunplay is shocking and confusing.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
The Witcher 2: Assas Duke Nukem Forever.

That or the Kayne & Lynch games. (They were 90% off, don't judge me!)


New member
Jan 9, 2010
ME 2, I have never brought a game I disliked more, most of what I liked about the first had been removed and the rest was in a strip down version. The story wasn't interesting with mostly people it found 2-dimensional, there where a few good ones. The plot had a lot of small holes that kept me from enjoying the better moments, and the game made reapers go from Cthulhu level, to bad popcorn flick. It's the worst game I have ever finished, hoping in vain that it would give me just a bit of why I loved the first.


New member
Oct 26, 2010
I used to own a copy of X-Men for the NES.

I do still have the infamous Friday the 13th (NES).

And 8-Eyes (NES), a game that tries so hard to be some kind of Castlevania/Megaman hybrid with the added "joy" of a controllable pet, but just turns into a pile of mush with bad controls.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
I don't own it anymore, but when I was around five or six I actually had a copy of E.T. for Atari 2600. It was as bad as they say.

I actually just got rid of 100+ games I knew I'd probably never play again and a lot of them were games I didn't like so most of the games I have now are good ones. However, I'd say Silent Hill HD Collection is the worst game(s) I own. Of course SH2 and SH3 are both excellent, but the HD versions are terrible.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Probably a toss-up between Deus Ex: Invisible War (PC) and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (X-Box).

Both of which were, in my opinion, spectacular failures even without taking their predecessors into consideration. Taking their predecessors into consideration just makes them that much more depressing to me.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Too fucking Human

Two of my friends loved it and told me to get it in HMV pre-owned for £5. I did. I felt violated, it was so bad.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Crackdown 2 bar none. Nice big city to explore and cause chaos, no plot to make me want to. It's actually the only game I own that I honestly hate and I own Duke Nukem Forever and Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard, two games I rarely hear anything but hate for.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (X-Box).
I never owned it, but I did rent and play it... It's probably the most upset a game has ever made me regarding the treatment of a franchise I've held dear.

Worst game I OWN... (neverminding stuff that came bundled in steam deals)...

Probably Star Wars: Rebel Assault II (1995)... Non canon, "Full Motion Video", rail shooter WIN 95 CDROM.

I think I got it as a gift... I know I didn't seek it out, but I still have it lying around, 17 tears later...

Around the same time, I played a 4x strategy game about asteroid mining colonies called Fragile Allegiance, which I really enjoyed and had some cool ideas, but was a literally broken game in retrospect - you could not win: the victory conditions were unattainable for a whole slew of correlated reasons that only become apparent once you delved in deep. Still fun, mind.

Manhunt 2 on PC is garbage. It delivers on the depraved hideousness that is it's selling point, but mechanically it's just frustrating, dull, buggy and unresponsive.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Mafia II. In a world where even the most down to earth sandbox game, GTA IV, still ended with a mission where you chase down a mobster in a boat, firing rockets at him from a helicopter, Mafia II instead elects to have me clean toilets, bury bodies, sell cigarettes, have me driving around to various gas stations selling stolen stamps, and make me wait in traffic because hit and run or even speeding would just end up making me wait through a ticket or bribe animation. And no, good story does not excuse any of that for me. I have books and movies if I want a good story. I was told that mafia II would be an averagely good game. I was lied to. Cleaning toilets might be someone's ultimate video gaming fantasy, but it sure isn't mine.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
I guess Too Human would fit the category, but I actually can enjoy the game. I dunno, I guess I have the ability to tune out internet hate and enjoy less than average games for what their worth. So yes, I'm 1 out of 1.5 million people that likes the game.

nope, my shitty game is Call of Duty Modern Warfare......on the DS. WHY DO I OWN THIS!?!?!?!? I DONT REMEMBER EVEN GETTING IT!!!! Maybe, vaguely, its all a blur to me. I played through it once, I mean, its passable for a DS shooter (not when compared to Metroid Prime Hunters which is the first game on the DS I owned) but it feels so cheap. Like, worse than N64 graphics.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Grygor said:
And 8-Eyes (NES), a game that tries so hard to be some kind of Castlevania/Megaman hybrid with the added "joy" of a controllable pet, but just turns into a pile of mush with bad controls.
Oh my!
That game is so frustrating, I have no idea how I was able to play that with my brother for hours, we memorized every single part of every single level we went through and we still were unable to beat it, so frustrating.

OT: Well I do have Shadow the Hedgehog, but that's not mine, so uh... well I did at one point own a really crappy Lego Bionicle game for the gamecube, but not anymore, so I guess Custom Robo it is, which is weird because the only part I would consider bad is the story, everything else is great, but the story is so bad that it makes me want to smash my head into the wall until I die.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I picked up Damnation in the GAME sale for a couple of quid because I though it looked interesting but never brought it at full price.

Thank God I didn't buy it at full price, I would probably have cried. The graphics are sub PS2 and they look even worse on a HD tv. The aiming is crap and the guns have little to no impact on their intended target. The voices are simply crap and your computer controlled AI partners have the self preservation instinct of a retarded fly.

I honestly don't know whether to sell it on or destroy it so the evil cannot harm another person.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Maybe... Ghost Recon, Advanced Warfighter 2? Not that it was a bad game, but with how little games I get a year, it definitely is one of the worst.

Basically half the appeal of the game, commanding a squad, sort of fell on it's ass when all three of your teammates were bound to one button. That coupled with the fact that they literally would not move unless you told them to sort fucked it up. It was like controlling a bunch of morons who had about one brain cell between them.

There was no tactics in the battles, so it essentially just became another third person shooter. Wasted potential.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
As a collector, I have tons of bad games! They are awesome pieces of video game history and cheesiness!

Shaq-Fu (MegaDrive)
Bart vs. The World (NES)
Used to have Charlies Angels (PS2)
Ghostbusters (Atari 130XE)
King Arthur (PS2)
And a bunch of C64, C128 and Atari 130XE games.