What is the worst way you've woken up?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Woke up with my pillow covered in my own vomit, once. Covered in own nose blood another, but I think someone already mentioned that. But, although it wasn't really a scary sitouation, the mindfuckery of this one just takes the crown for me:

So I'm at the country, sleeping merrily like a log (guess it's the clean air or something) and dreaming of seeing my girl, whom I hadn't seen in several weeks at that point. My mind, thoughtful chum as he is, decides to give me the full treatment, a happy reunion, romantic date, and a suitable cap for a perfect evening. Now for some reason, that last part took place at the country too (in my dream, that is), so I had basically dreamed of me and my girl going hot and heavy before blissfully falling asleep in the very bed I was actually sleeping in. So my dreamworld and reality still mixed a bit, I woke up, rolling to my side to kiss my girl... Only to see my drunk as fuck grandmother snoring by my side and drooling on the pillow.

I don't think describing my shock is necessary, sufficient to say never has a boner fled me in such sheer terror...

P.S. Just to clarify, I't wasn't a custom for me to sleep with my grandmother (in any way you might imagine), I guess she just drunkenly stumbled into my bed and dosed off...


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Woke up some years ago with my hand down the pants of my (now) ex. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Well, her mom woke me up. :x Was in high school, mind you, so neither of us had our own house.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
You ever gone to sleep with a slight headache, only to wake up in the middle of the night with "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHY IS THIS SO PAINFUL!?" level of pain coursing through your skull? It was three in the morning, so all I could really do was just lie there, and sometimes roll around in agony.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
I dislike waking up by charlie horse pain, which happens to me from time to time, but a friend told me a trick, to ease the pain, which helps.

Worst one though, was when I had drunk too much one night, threw up and blacked out. I woke up later and noticed that someone had destroyed one of the bathrooms by puking. That was apparently me, but I guess it's good that it was only the bathroom.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
About 5/6 years ago, when my drunk brother began to choke himself with his vomit... I hate being the one who has to clean that shit up in the middle of the night.

The second one was some months ago, when our heating system crushed, and we nearly flooded everyone in the building we live with my girlfriend.

The third was when I woke up as a 10 year old to find a MOTHERFUCKING BEAR staring at me through a window while being on a schooltrip.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Well, a bit over a year ago my mother grabbed me by the foot and threw me to the floor, telling me (or screamed rather) that the was going to throw my ass out onto the street in three days' time. (she went ahead with her plan the next evening though. Institutionalized my sorry ass.)


New member
Apr 11, 2011
I woke under a seat in the cargo section of the ship and banged my head on the seat i was sleeping under. Did i mention i was 5 and in a musuem? the pyramid was full so i had to sleep on the ship.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Many years ago, it was about 3AM and it was all, "Wake up and get dressed; we need to evacuate."

Sure it's not pain sickness or anything, but the Atlantic ocean was going to swallow my part of town in a few hours, so we opted to high tail it out of there. That's not the best way to wake up, not the worse, but it's my worse.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
I have the smallest mattress in my house and my bloodhound insist on forcing open my bedroom door and climbing up with me. She's not a puppy anymore and let's just say falling face first onto hard wood is not a way to wake up.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Nothing special, but seeing as I was enjoying this thread so much I thought I better contribute with what I could think of.

In my first year of university in halls I awoke to someone standing at the end of my bed, staring at me... I said "Hi?" to no response. Closed my eyes for less than a minute, open them, and see the person still there. They then left and shut the door. Odd.

That was one of the few times I left my room door unlocked, another time I got caught head banging to some music, was totally zoned out and didn't notice the people and the camera filming it. Could have got caught doing worse...


New member
Sep 16, 2009
being suddenly frenched by a dog, my husky when she used to sleep in my house, I left my door cracked and she thought "time to wake up!"

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
Wake up, suddenly black-out (i was just standing), came to my senses on the ground with pain everywhere on the right side of my body >.>

And on a seperate occasion, actually waking up after falling out of bed while asleep.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
I always keep a drink next to my bed because I get dehydrated as all hell while I sleep. One morning I woke up and instinctively reached for a can of Fanta but I clearly wasn't firing on all cylinders because I picked it up and poured it over my head instead of sitting up to take a drink.

Oh, then there was the morning I discovered that my bedroom in the new flat was also a wasps nest, so I awoke to the sound of five or six of the lal shites buzzing right above my face. I shot out the bottom of the bed like a Polaris missile and slept on the living room floor for the rest of Summer.

Blue Hero

New member
Aug 6, 2011
Spent the night at a friend's place a few weeks back. Woke up with an entire deck of cards glued to my face. Not the easy to wash off craft glue though. Super glue. They were all overlapping each other too. Kinda like roofing shingles.

Never again will I sleep at that friend's house.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
In a tent next to my brother at 4am, pissing myself to hell because of medication I was taking. Surprisingly, I struggled to get back to sleep half naked and on a pee stained mattress.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Oh, that's an easy one. Ahem...


You see, there is this kind of thunderstorm that flashes reeeaaal quiet for...a good while. And then, without warning, it gives you a blast so loud that you figure the Air Force decided to buzz you at Mach 3. Thaaat's not a pleasant waking experience.