What is your biggest gaming weakness?


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Tartarga said:
I guess mine would be all fighting games, in that I can't remember combo's to save my life. I could spend hours in practice mode trying to execute a combo but would constantly have to pause and look at the combo list to remember how it's done then just repeat that process fifteen thousand times.

That's one of the main reasons I don't enjoy fighting games very much.
Mine would be similar, but rather than having difficulty memorizing, I can't seem to get the timing right. and I fumble the combo and I have to start over too any times.
Maybe I haven't found one with my timing or something.

I have gotten a few basic combos out of Taokaka in blazblue though.


New member
Apr 11, 2013
Aiming with an analog stick in shooters...seriously, how do those 5 year olds do it on Xbox live... This is honestly the main reason I haven't paid for Xbox live in over 3 years.


Dec 1, 2011
I am hopelessly lazy at completing open world games. The bigger it is and the more it has to do that isn't the story the less likely I am to do the story. In Skyrim, for example, still haven't actually retrieved the horn that you're supposed to get and yet I've put hundreds of hours into the game.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
If I started panicking, I may as well just hit the respawn button. Seriously, I cannot do anything as soon as I panic, which incidentally means I can't play horror games because I'll panic and get killed and eventually give up.
I also have a problem staying on track resulting in me trekking to the other side of the world in open world games following a rabbit when I'm supposed to be saving the world.
Finally, there is no kill like overkill. If a game gives me the ability to get completely over-levelled or over-equipped, even if that means wasting hours building extra stuff, I'll do it. Taken to extreme levels on RTSes.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
recently i have been playing assassins creed revelations, and that dam strategy minigame is just hard... so i suppose i falter when they put strategy in a game where it should not be. particularly if its hard to control.... and turn based JRPG's, things start out great then it gets so 'i have to and grind. and no, there is other game i can play.

i have limited skill when it comes RTS game's.. unless i dedicate myself to one and play alot, but again there is other games that i could be playing.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
If I get stuck for more than 20 minutes and can't figure out what I should be doing, I tend to just quit the game entirely.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Stealth......when you are shuffling towards the enemy, and the enemy walking forward faster than your shuffling. Its like the slowest annoying race ever. Eventually i worry....will he turn round? An end up stabbing him and setting off alarms.

Escort missions......yeah, you all know the pain they cause.

Infected zombies in Dead Island......just i suck at killing them. You do that jump kick to know them down. But still doesnt stop others kicking your ass in seconds (I played it single player so maybe thats why).

Quick time events. My brain goes blank. If you asked me where the XYAB buttons are, i could tell you. But in a QTE my brain goes blank every time.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
FPS: I can't use anything beyond a pistol or something with enormous splash damage. My accuracy in frantic environments, particularly with non-sniper riffles, is appalling.

RTS: While I'm certainly capable of putting together strategies, I usually lack the comfort in attacking anyone unless I am certain that I have an overwhelming advantage. I prefer massive defensive setups, which doesn't always work so well in some games.

RPG: My favorite genre, but I have a hard time playing an evil character, no matter how well written it might be.


New member
Jun 24, 2013
I absolutely can't play FPSs with anything else than keyboard and mouse. I tried playing Halo on the xbox and could not hit anything whatsoever. Always tend to end up with a shotgun, running up to enemies, shooting them right in the chest, very close range.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I can't complete a big, turn-based "Empire" building game to save my life, either fantasy or space ones. Games like Fallen Enchantress, Endless Space, Warlock, Master of Magic, etc.

I love the genre and I'm not bad at them, but once I have about 20 cities (or planets) to manage it all just becomes too much of a pain to take care of and keep track of and I just quit caring. For some reason, the only exception to this is the Total War games, which I can always handle.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Grid-based, turn-based strategy, along the likes of Disgaea and Fire Emblem. Somehow I just can't grasp exactly how they work and I just seem to suck horribly at them. They are still pretty good mind you all, but somehow my skill with them is non-existent.

Also, I am a little lacking in fighting games. Combos are not my forte.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
I'm terrible at any stealth game that isn't MGS. I've tried Hitman, Splinter Cell and Dishonored but couldn't get into them. I just suck.

Also, I can never finish any sandbox game. I just get too bored and give up a few hours in. Even if they're fun in short bursts, I always lose sight of the ultimate goal and it ends up just being a meaningless time waster for me. I personally prefer more linear games with a tighter focus so I guess sandbox games just aren't for me. Could never get into Skyrim, GTA, Just Cause 2 etc.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
I'm a sucker for customization RPGs, and games that allow you to play as creatures that are not human.

Probably explains why I have a weakness for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. I just can't resist the temptation of being an adorable charmander.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Save/Reloading, aka "save scumming". And I'm perfectly happy with it.
I'm surprised no one has listed this one yet.

I will save/reload a game of Crusader Kings 2 10-20 times to make sure all my children have the 'Genius' trait, then I'll save/reload 10-20 times more to make sure they all have brilliant education events.

I'll save/reload to make sure I get the stealth XP bonus in Far Cry 3 for every flag.

I'll save/reload in Bethesda games to minimize stimpack/potion usage.

I'll save/reload in Bioware RPGs to minimize fixed-resource usage (medigel-which is XP!, potions, xp, etc).
I'll also save/reload before conversations so I can see all the options without having to replay the whole game.


grey_space said:
I'm a terrible min/maxer in RPGs.

I spent an hour rolling stats in Baldur's Gate Enhanced until I got the 'perfect' stats for my elven fighter mage. I kept leveling characters in Skrim and Fallout until I felt I had the right 'balance' (ie; OP) for endgame. it always makes any endgame confrontation an anticlimax for me but I just can't help myself.
Every single open-world game I play, I always max the levels out and discover every location/finish every side quest on the map before starting the main quests.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Destructible environments. The more and more dynamic the better.

I once played every level of Goldeneye with cheats on destroying ANYTHING that could be affected by bullets/explosives.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Hoarding. i may be rewarded a rocket launcher for some sidequest and never use it for simply hoarding it "just in case". in fact there were plenty of games where i never used my strongest weapons jut for that reason and ended up completing the games on weak stuff.
now that we come to completion, got to colelct them all. remember those diamonds in far cry 2. i spent hours collecting them all even though i aboslutely despised the game, yet i kept playing it because i have to collect them you know.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Spectrum_Prez said:
Save/Reloading, aka "save scumming". And I'm perfectly happy with it.
I'm surprised no one has listed this one yet.


I'll save/reload to make sure I get the stealth XP bonus in Far Cry 3 for every flag.

I'll save/reload in Bethesda games to minimize stimpack/potion usage.

I'll save/reload in Bioware RPGs to minimize fixed-resource usage (medigel-which is XP!, potions, xp, etc).
I'll also save/reload before conversations so I can see all the options without having to replay the whole game.
Same here. But I'm not too happy with it. Especially nowadays, when many of the games have no saves, just some lame checkpoint system, or something similar. A real torture, I'm telling you.